2,282 research outputs found

    Colored backgrounds and perceptual sensitivity

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    Red Affects Reaction Times and Hit Rates in a 2AFC Classification Task

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    We measured reaction times and hit rates in a 2AFC orientation discrimination task. Gabor patches at different spatial frequencies and two levels of contrast (0.15 and 0.6) were presented surrounded by red, blue, or grey isoluminant backgrounds.. Results revealed lower accuracy and slower reaction times when the gabors were surrounded by red in comparison to blue or grey backgrounds. We interpret these results as evidence that i) exposure to long-wavelength light interferes with both magnocellular and parvocellular processing; but ii) long-wavelength light causes greater relative inhibition of magnocellular processing. These findings are relevant to the interpretation of studies that use red backgrounds to selectively isolate magnocellular contributions, and may have implications for the interpretation of studies of the effect of red contexts on diverse perceptual and cognitive tasks

    Selfie-Takers Prefer Left Cheeks: Converging Evidence from the (Extended) selfiecity Database

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    According to previous reports, selfie takers in widely different cultural contexts prefer poses showing the left cheek more than the right cheek. This posing bias may be interpreted as evidence for a right-hemispheric specialization for the expression of facial emotions. However, earlier studies analyzed selfie poses as categorized by human raters, which raises methodological issues in relation to the distinction between frontal and three-quarter poses. Here, we provide converging evidence by analyzing the (extended) selfiecity database which includes automatic assessments of head rotation and of emotional expression. We confirm a culture- and sex-independent left-cheek bias and report stronger expression of negative emotions in selfies showing the left cheek. These results are generally consistent with a psychobiological account of a left cheek bias in self-portraits but reveal possible unexpected facts concerning the relation between side bias and lateralization of emotional expression

    Leveraging three-dimensional chromatin architecture for effective reconstruction of enhancer-target gene regulatory interactions

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    A growing amount of evidence in literature suggests that germline sequence variants and somatic mutations in non-coding distal regulatory elements may be crucial for defining disease risk and prognostic stratification of patients, in genetic disorders as well as in cancer. Their functional interpretation is challenging because genome-wide enhancer-target gene (ETG) pairing is an open problem in genomics. The solutions proposed so far do not account for the hierarchy of structural domains which define chromatin three-dimensional (3D) architecture. Here we introduce a change of perspective based on the definition of multi-scale structural chromatin domains, integrated in a statistical framework to define ETG pairs. In this work (i) we develop a computational and statistical framework to reconstruct a comprehensive map of ETG pairs leveraging functional genomics data; (ii) we demonstrate that the incorporation of chromatin 3D architecture information improves ETG pairing accuracy and (iii) we use multiple experimental datasets to extensively benchmark our method against previous solutions for the genome-wide reconstruction of ETG pairs. This solution will facilitate the annotation and interpretation of sequence variants in distal non-coding regulatory elements. We expect this to be especially helpful in clinically oriented applications of whole genome sequencing in cancer and undiagnosed genetic diseases research.A growing amount of evidence in literature suggests that germline sequence variants and somatic mutations in non-coding distal regulatory elements may be crucial for defining disease risk and prognostic stratification of patients, in genetic disorders as well as in cancer. Their functional interpretation is challenging because genome-wide enhancer–target gene (ETG) pairing is an open problem in genomics. The solutions proposed so far do not account for the hierarchy of structural domains which define chromatin three-dimensional (3D) architecture. Here we introduce a change of perspective based on the definition of multi-scale structural chromatin domains, integrated in a statistical framework to define ETG pairs. In this work (i) we develop a computational and statistical framework to reconstruct a comprehensive map of ETG pairs leveraging functional genomics data; (ii) we demonstrate that the incorporation of chromatin 3D architecture information improves ETG pairing accuracy and (iii) we use multiple experimental datasets to extensively benchmark our method against previous solutions for the genome-wide reconstruction of ETG pairs. This solution will facilitate the annotation and interpretation of sequence variants in distal non-coding regulatory elements. We expect this to be especially helpful in clinically oriented applications of whole genome sequencing in cancer and undiagnosed genetic diseases research

    A interdisciplinaridade como instrumento de inclusão social: desvelando realidades violentas

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    A violência contra crianças e adolescentes é um fenômeno social que atravessa as fronteiras de classe, credo, raça ou cultura e tem sido objeto de estudo de vários profissionais e instituições que trabalham com esta temática. A Universidade Estadual de Londrina, através dos Departamentos de Serviço Social, Direito, Comunicação Social e Psicologia Social e Institucional, vem realizando um trabalho em parceria com os três Conselhos Tutelares do Município a fim de atender os casos de violência praticada contra a criança e o adolescente. A violência não é um mero retrato de uma realidade externa, isolada e impenetrável, mas revela uma relação que atinge violentador e violentado, explicitando as conseqüências de tais práticas. As ações envolvendo diferentes áreas do conhecimento permitem ampliar a compreensão do fenômeno, bem como o delineamento de estratégias de intervenção no âmbito da prevenção, disseminando informações que sensibilizem os diferentes segmentos da sociedade civil organizada. A integração de saberes na forma de Grupo de Trabalho Interdisciplinar redimensiona o fenômeno da violência na sua extensão e complexidade instalando o compromisso político e a responsabilidade social em todos os seus integrante

    Sistema de análisis instrumentado de la marcha, de bajo costo, para Centro de Rehabilitación

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    Dentro de las actividades que desarrolla la UIDET UNITEC son de gran importancia los proyectos de extensión nacidos a partir de la requisitoria de parte de la sociedad. A partir de las necesidades expuestas por profesionales de la salud, médicos fisiatras, que prestan servicios en APRILP La Plata (Asociación Pro Rehabilitación Infantil La Plata) se decidió realizar el desarrollo, diseño y construcción de un Laboratorio de marcha en sus instalaciones, para atención de personas con discapacidad neurolocomotora de bajos recursos, no mutualizada y con derivación desde hospitales de toda la provincia de Buenos Aires. En la República Argentina no existe- un Laboratorio de estas características en ningún ente de salud estatal ni en organizaciones no gubernamentales como APRILP. El Laboratorio de marcha para análisis de movimiento de bajo costo con fines asistenciales es un proyecto que ha sido acreditado y subsidiado alternativamente por la Universidad Nacional de La Plata, la facultad de Ingeniería de la UNLP, Programa de Voluntariado Universitario y el Proyecto del Programa Consejo de la Demanda de Actores Sociales (PROCODAS). Se pretende describir brevemente la importancia del análisis instrumentado de la marcha, su aplicación en la Clínica médica y el desarrollo ingenieril del sistema.Facultad de Ingenierí

    O nascimento de um bebê prematuro ou deficiente: questões de bioética na comunicação do diagnóstico

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    La naissance d'un enfant prématuré ou porteur d'une anomalie congénitale représente pour les parents un choc envers leurs attentes d'avoir un enfant sain. Ce travail propose un relevé concernant la bioéthique de la solidariété à  propos de l'intervention dans la santé en tant que mécanisme d'humanisation de la communication du diagnostic aux parents, de la naissance d'un bébé prématuré ou handicapé. La recherche qualitative fut réalisée dans une maternité publique de l'état de São Paulo où eurent lieu des entrevues avec douze mères et deux couples qui vécurent la naissance d'un enfant prématuré ou handicapé, et aussi de quinze médecins spécialisés en néonatalogie. Les données obtenues montrent que communiquer le diagnostic d'un handicap ou d'une naissance prématurée n'est simple pour aucune des parties concernées. La solidarité amène à  réfléchir sur les deux aspects importants révélés par cette recherche: l'accueil aux parents et la possibilité de création de réseaux d'aides sociales d'appui.The premature birth of a child or accompanied of some congenital anomaly represents for the parents an impact on the expectations of have a healthy son. This work did a cutting on bioethic referential of the solidarity, in the intervention in health like diagnosis communication humanization mechanism to the parents on the birth of a premature or deficient baby. The qualitative research was going accomplished in a São Paulo's State public maternity where were going interviewed twelve mothers and two couples that lived the birth of a premature or deficient child, besides fifteen medical neobornlogistes. The obtained data show that communicate the deficiency or prematureness diagnosis isn't simple task for both the parts involved in the process. The solidarity allows to build a reflection space of two found important aspects in this research: the reception to the parents and the support social nets construction possibility.El nacimiento prematuro de un niño o acompañado de alguna anomalía congénita representa para los Padres un impacto sobre las expectativas de tener un hijo sano. Esta investigación hace un análisis focalizado en el referencial bioético de la solidaridad, en la intervención en salud como forma de humanización en la comunicación del diagnóstico a los Padres por el nacimiento de un bebé prematuro o con discapacidad. La investigación cualitativa fue realizada en una maternidad pública del Estado de San Pablo entrevistando doce madres y dos parejas que tuvieron la experiencia del nacimiento de un hijo prematuro o discapacitado, además de quince médicos neonatólogos. Los datos obtenidos muestran que comunicar el diagnóstico no es una tarea fácil para ninguna de las partes involucradas en el proceso. La solidaridad permite construir un espacio de reflexión de dos aspectos importantes encontrados en esta investigación: La acogida a los padres y la posibilidad de construcción de redes sociales de apoyo.O nascimento prematuro de uma criança ou acompanhado de alguma anomalia congênita representa para os pais um impacto sobre as expectativas de ter um filho saudável. Este trabalho fez um recorte sobre o referencial bioético da solidariedade, na intervenção em saúde como mecanismo de humanização da comunicação do diagnóstico aos pais sobre o nascimento de um bebê prematuro ou deficiente. A pesquisa qualitativa foi realizada numa maternidade pública do Estado de São Paulo onde foram entrevistadas doze mães e dois casais que vivenciaram o nascimento de uma criança prematura ou deficiente, além de quinze médicos neonatologistas. Os dados obtidos mostram que comunicar o diagnóstico de deficiência ou prematuridade nãoé tarefa simples para ambas as partes envolvidas no processo. A solidariedade permite construir um espaço de reflexão de dois aspectos importantes encontrados nesta pesquisa: o acolhimento aos pais e a possibilidade de construção de redes sociais de apoio

    Anadara kagoshimensis (Mollusca: Bivalvia: Arcidae) in Adriatic Sea: morphological analysis, molecular taxonomy, spatial distribution, and prediction

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    Morphological analysis, molecular characterization, and information on distribution and density of Anadara kagoshimensis (Tokunaga, 1906) specimens collected in the Adriatic Sea were here carried out as based on various material and data from five surveys conducted from 2010 to 2014, for a total of 329 bottom trawl hauls. The morphological and molecular analyses allowed to clarify the confused taxonomy regarding the biggest ark clam alien species invading the Italian waters and the Mediterranean Sea. The analysis on distribution and density revealed that A. kagoshimensis mostly occurs along the Italian coast at depths from 8 to 50 m, with a catch frequency of more than 98% in all hauls performed on silty-clay sediment at 8-30 m depth. The hotspot map clearly shows a reduction of its distribution area from 2010 to 2012