192 research outputs found


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    Este trabajo se propone abordar la obra de Theodor W.Adorno, su significación frente a los debates intelectuales de laizquierda, la institución del sujeto moderno y los contrastes dela Ilustración con la violencia de la razón instrumental y la ideade progreso. La tarea conduce al tratamiento de múltiplestemas: marxismo, psicoanálisis, educación, entre otros. Tiene alos conceptos de Michel Foucault como referente o condición deproducción. Para no exceder en demasía su extensión, esteartículo no plantea un análisis exhaustivo de la herencia deAdorno en la obra de Foucault, sino que intenta comparar lanoción de sujeto del último Foucault con la perspectivaadorniana de la subjetividad crítica como ética política

    The structure of the class of maximum tsallis-havrda-chavat entropy copulas

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    A maximum entropy copula is the copula associated with the joint distribution, with prescribed marginal distributions on [0, 1], which maximizes the Tsallis-Havrda-Chavat entropy with q = 2. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for each maximum entropy copula to be a copula in the class introduced in Rodriguez-Lallena and Ubeda-Flores (2004), and we also show that each copula in that class is a maximum entropy copula.A maximum entropy copula is the copula associated with the joint distribution, with prescribed marginal distributions on [0, 1], which maximizes the Tsallis-Havrda-Chavat entropy with q = 2. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for each maximum entropy copula to be a copula in the class introduced in Rodriguez-Lallena and Ubeda-Flores (2004), and we also show that each copula in that class is a maximum entropy copula.18

    Food habits, selectivity, and foraging modes of the school shark Galeorhinus galeus

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    The foraging ecology of the school shark Galeorhinus galeus was studied in Anegada Bay, Argentina, during the seasonal occurrence of this species in Argentinean waters (October to April) from 1998 to 2001. Of the 408 individuals examined, 168 (41.2%) had food remains in their stomachs. The proportion of individuals with food remains was negatively correlated with total length. In general, the diet was composed mainly of teleosts (98.5% IRI [index of relative importance]), with invertebrates and chondrichthyans as minor prey. The diet varied ontogenetically and seasonally. Juveniles and adults differed in their consumption of invertebrates, with juveniles preying more on benthic invertebrates, mainly the octopus Octopus tehuelchus, and adults on squid. From December to February, adults preyed mainly on benthic teleosts (almost exclusively the Atlantic midshipman Porichthys porosissimus), while from March to April the consumption of squid increased. A comparison of numbers of prey in stomachs with abundance of prey in the environment in March and April showed that, in these months, juveniles selected invertebrates and demersal teleosts and avoided pelagic teleosts and chondricthyan prey, and adults selected squid and avoided pelagic teleosts. This indicates that, during this period, G. galeus is not an opportunistic predator. The mean size of prey increased with increasing shark length, but even large sharks consumed small prey. All shark sizes consumed prey fragments that were significantly larger than other prey consumed whole. This indicates that G. galeus is able to overcome gape limitation by mutilating prey, and that the ontogenetic diet shift was not due to a change in the ability to seize prey.Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Muse

    Gene therapy for progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3 in a clinically relevant mouse model

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    Progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis type 3 (PFIC3) is a rare monogenic disease caused by mutations in the ABCB4 gene, resulting in a reduction in biliary phosphatidylcholine. Reduced biliary phosphatidylcholine cannot counteract the detergent effects of bile salts, leading to cholestasis, cholangitis, cirrhosis and ultimately liver failure. Here, we report results from treating two- or five-week-old Abcb4-/- mice with an AAV vector expressing human ABCB4, resulting in significant decreases of PFIC3 disease biomarkers. All male mice achieved a sustained therapeutic effect up through 12 weeks, but the effect was achieved in only 50% of females. However, two-week-old females receiving a second inoculation three weeks later maintained the therapeutic effect. Upon sacrifice, markers of PFIC3 disease such as, hepatosplenomegaly, biliary phosphatidylcholine and liver histology were significantly improved. Thus, AAV-mediated gene therapy successfully prevented PFIC3 symptoms in a clinically relevant mouse model, representing a step forward in improving potential therapy options for PFIC3 patients

    Struvite precipitation in wastewater treatment plants anaerobic digestion supernatants using a magnesium oxide by-product

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    Struvite precipitation is a well-known technology to recover and upcycle phosphorus from municipal wastewater as a slow-release fertiliser. However, the economic and environmental costs of struvite precipitation are constrained by using technical-grade reagents as a magnesium source. This research evaluates the feasibility of using a low-grade magnesium oxide (LG-MgO) by-product from the calcination of magnesite as a magnesium source to precipitate struvite from anaerobic digestion supernatants in wastewater treatment plants. Three distinct LG-MgOs were used in this research to capture the inherent variability of this by-product. The MgO content of the LG-MgOs varied from 42 % to 56 %, which governed the reactivity of the by-product. Experimental results showed that dosing LG-MgO at P:Mg molar ratio close to stoichiometry (i.e. 1:1 and 1:2) favoured struvite precipitation, whereas higher molar ratios (i.e. 1:4, 1:6 and 1:8) favoured calcium phosphate precipitation due to the higher calcium concentration and pH. At a P:Mg molar ratio of 1:1 and 1:2, the percentage of phosphate precipitated was 53-72 % and 89-97 %, respectively, depending on the LG-MgO reactivity. A final experiment was performed to examine the composition and morphology of the precipitate obtained under the most favourable conditions, which showed that (i) struvite was the mineral phase with the highest peaks intensity and (ii) struvite was present in two different shapes: hopper and polyhedral. Overall, this research has demonstrated that LG-MgO is an efficient source of magnesium for struvite precipitation, which fits the circular economy principles by valorising an industrial by-product, reducing the pressure on natural resources, and developing a more sustainable technology for phosphorus recovery

    NSD2 contributes to oncogenic RAS-driven transcription in lung cancer cells through long-range epigenetic activation

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    The histone methyltransferase NSD2/WHSC1/MMSET is overexpressed in a number of solid tumors but its contribution to the biology of these tumors is not well understood. Here, we describe that NSD2 contributes to the proliferation of a subset of lung cancer cell lines by supporting oncogenic RAS transcriptional responses. NSD2 knock down combined with MEK or BRD4 inhibitors causes co-operative inhibitory responses on cell growth. However, while MEK and BRD4 inhibitors converge in the downregulation of genes associated with cancer-acquired super-enhancers, NSD2 inhibition affects the expression of clusters of genes embedded in megabase-scale regions marked with H3K36me2 and that contribute to the RAS transcription program. Thus, combinatorial therapies using MEK or BRD4 inhibitors together with NSD2 inhibition are likely to be needed to ensure a more comprehensive inhibition of oncogenic RAS-driven transcription programs in lung cancers with NSD2 overexpression.This work was supported by Eli Lilly and Company. We would like to thank the Genomics and Flow Cytometry units at the CNIO for technical help, C. Pantoja and the CNIO-Lilly Cell Signaling Therapies Laboratory for sharing protocols and reagents.S

    Comparative Proteomics Unveils LRRFIP1 as a New Player in the DAPK1 Interactome of Neurons Exposed to Oxygen and Glucose Deprivation

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    Altres ajuts: The group has received funding from 'la Caixa Foundation' CI15-00009, from the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT) PoC-2016-SPAIN-04, which receives support from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation program, and from the 'Fundación para la Innovación y la Prospectiva en Salud en España (FIPSE)' program 3594-18.Death-associated protein kinase 1 (DAPK1) is a pleiotropic hub of a number of networked distributed intracellular processes. Among them, DAPK1 is known to interact with the excitotoxicity driver NMDA receptor (NMDAR), and in sudden pathophysiological conditions of the brain, e.g., stroke, several lines of evidence link DAPK1 with the transduction of glutamate-induced events that determine neuronal fate. In turn, DAPK1 expression and activity are known to be affected by the redox status of the cell. To delineate specific and differential neuronal DAPK1 interactors in stroke-like conditions in vitro, we exposed primary cultures of rat cortical neurons to oxygen/glucose deprivation (OGD), a condition that increases reactive oxygen species (ROS) and lipid peroxides. OGD or control samples were co-immunoprecipitated separately, trypsin-digested, and proteins in the interactome identified by high-resolution LC-MS/MS. Data were processed and curated using bioinformatics tools. OGD increased total DAPK1 protein levels, cleavage into shorter isoforms, and dephosphorylation to render the active DAPK1 form. The DAPK1 interactome comprises some 600 proteins, mostly involving binding, catalytic and structural molecular functions. OGD up-regulated 190 and down-regulated 192 candidate DAPK1-interacting proteins. Some differentially up-regulated interactors related to NMDAR were validated by WB. In addition, a novel differential DAPK1 partner, LRRFIP1, was further confirmed by reverse Co-IP. Furthermore, LRRFIP1 levels were increased by pro-oxidant conditions such as ODG or the ferroptosis inducer erastin. The present study identifies novel partners of DAPK1, such as LRRFIP1, which are suitable as targets for neuroprotection

    Pre- and post-natal melatonin administration partially regulates brain oxidative stress but does not improve cognitive or histological alterations in the Ts65Dn mouse model of Down syndrome

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    Melatonin administered during adulthood induces beneficial effects on cognition and neuroprotection in the Ts65Dn (TS) mouse model of Down syndrome. Here, we investigated the effects of pre- and post-natal melatonin treatment on behavioral and cognitive abnormalities and on several neuromorphological alterations (hypocellularity, neurogenesis impairment and increased oxidative stress) that appear during the early developmental stages in TS mice. Pregnant TS females were orally treated with melatonin or vehicle from the time of conception until the weaning of the offspring, and the pups continued to receive the treatment from weaning until the age of 5 months. Melatonin administered during the pre- and post-natal periods did not improve the cognitive impairment of TS mice as measured by the Morris Water maze or fear conditioning tests. Histological alterations, such as decreased proliferation (Ki67+ cells) and hippocampal hypocellularity (DAPI+ cells), which are typical in TS mice, were not prevented by melatonin. However, melatonin partially regulated brain oxidative stress by modulating the activity of the primary antioxidant enzymes (superoxide dismutase in the cortex and catalase in the cortex and hippocampus) and slightly decreasing the levels of lipid peroxidation in the hippocampus of TS mice. These results show the inability of melatonin to prevent cognitive impairment in TS mice when it is administered at pre- and post-natal stages. Additionally, our findings suggest that to induce pro-cognitive effects in TS mice during the early stages of development, in addition to attenuating oxidative stress, therapies should aim to improve other altered processes, such as hippocampal neurogenesis and/or hypocellularity.This work was supported by the Jérôme Lejeune Foundation, the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (PSI2016-76194-R) and by a grant from CNPq/Brazil (proc. 2606/14-13)

    Starch Biodegradable Films Produced by Electrospraying

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    The use of particles obtained from biopolymers is of interest in fields such as bioengineering and nanotechnology, with applications in drug encapsulation, tissue engineering, and edible biofilms. A method used to obtain these particles is electrohydrodynamic atomization (EHDA), which can generate different structures depending on the process conditions and raw materials used, opening a wide range of research in the biopolymers field, where starch is considered an excellent material to produce edible and biodegradable films. This chapter is a compilation and analysis of the newest studies of this technique, using starch with or without modifications to prepare films or membranes and their potential applications. A systematic literature review, focused on starch, and EHDA was carried out, finding 158 articles that match these criteria. From these results, a search inside them, using the words edible and biodegradable was conducted, showing 93 articles with these key words. The information was analyzed observing the preference to use corn, potato, rice, and cassava starches, obtaining mainly scaffolds and fibers and, in much less proportion, films or capsules. This review shows a window of opportunity for the study of starchy materials by EHDA to produce films, coatings, and capsules at micro or nano levels

    Global Diversity Hotspots and Conservation Priorities for Sharks

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    Sharks are one of the most threatened groups of marine animals, as high exploitation rates coupled with low resilience to fishing pressure have resulted in population declines worldwide. Designing conservation strategies for this group depends on basic knowledge of the geographic distribution and diversity of known species. So far, this information has been fragmented and incomplete. Here, we have synthesized the first global shark diversity pattern from a new database of published sources, including all 507 species described at present, and have identified hotspots of shark species richness, functional diversity and endemicity from these data. We have evaluated the congruence of these diversity measures and demonstrate their potential use in setting priority areas for shark conservation. Our results show that shark diversity across all species peaks on the continental shelves and at mid-latitudes (30–40 degrees N and S). Global hotspots of species richness, functional diversity and endemicity were found off Japan, Taiwan, the East and West coasts of Australia, Southeast Africa, Southeast Brazil and Southeast USA. Moreover, some areas with low to moderate species richness such as Southern Australia, Angola, North Chile and Western Continental Europe stood out as places of high functional diversity. Finally, species affected by shark finning showed different patterns of diversity, with peaks closer to the Equator and a more oceanic distribution overall. Our results show that the global pattern of shark diversity is uniquely different from land, and other well-studied marine taxa, and may provide guidance for spatial approaches to shark conservation. However, similar to terrestrial ecosystems, protected areas based on hotspots of diversity and endemism alone would provide insufficient means for safeguarding the diverse functional roles that sharks play in marine ecosystems