1,312 research outputs found

    Review of hyperuricemia as new marker for metabolic syndrome

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    Hyperuricemia has long been established as the major etiologic factor in gout. In recent years, a large body of evidence has accumulated that suggests that hyperuricemia may play a role in the development and pathogenesis of a number of metabolic, hemodynamic, and systemic pathologic diseases, including metabolic syndrome, hypertension, stroke, and atherosclerosis. A number of epidemiologic studies have linked hyperuricemia with each of these disorders. In some studies, therapies that lower uric acid may prevent or improve certain components of the metabolic syndrome. There is an association between uric acid and the development of systemic lupus erythematosus; the connection between other rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis is less clear. The mechanism for the role of uric acid in disorders other than gout is not well established but recent investigations point towards systemic inflammation induced by urate, as the major pathophysiological event common to systemic diseases, including atherosclerosis

    Propuesta de un sistema de control para temperatura y presión en el proceso de hidrolizado de plumas mediante el estudio y análisis de las estrategias de control en la empresa Aprinor S.A.C de la ciudad de Trujillo

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    El presente trabajo de investigación consta de ocho capítulos, los cuales son descritos a continuación: En el primer capítulo, se hace una introducción a la problemática encontrada en el proceso de elaboración de harina de plumas de la empresa APRINOR S.A.C. exponiendo además el objetivo general, objetivos específicos, hipótesis y la justificación del estudio. En el segundo capítulo, se realiza una descripción de los conceptos relacionados al trabajo de investigación. En el tercer capítulo se hace el resumen de los materiales y métodos utilizados en el presente trabajo, también se realiza los procedimientos para desarrollar una propuesta de control de temperatura y presión en el proceso de hidrolizado de plumas. En el cuarto y quinto capítulo se presenta respectivamente los resultados del desarrollo del proyecto y la discusión de los mismos. Finalmente en el sexto, séptimo y octavo capítulo, se expone las conclusiones del trabajo de investigación como recomendaciones a trabajos futuros y las referencias bibliográficas relacionadas al proyecto.This research consists of eight chapters, which are described below: In the first chapter, an introduction to the problems encountered in the process of preparing feather meal company is APRINOR SAC also indicating the general objective, specific objectives, hypotheses and justification of the study. In the second chapter, a description of the concepts related to the research work is done. In the third chapter the summary of the materials and methods used in this work is done, the procedures were also performed to develop a proposal to control temperature and pressure in the process of hydrolyzed feather. In the fourth and fifth chapter the results of project development and discussion of them is presented respectively. Finally in the sixth, seventh and eighth, the conclusions of the research and recommendations for future work and references related to the project exposed

    Citizen meets social science : Predicting volunteer involvement in a global freshwater monitoring experiment

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    FreshWater Watch is a global citizen science project that seeks to advance the understanding and stewardship of freshwater ecosystems across the globe through analysis of their physical and chemical properties by volunteers. To date, literature concerning citizen science has mainly focused on its potential to generate unprecedented volumes of data. In this paper, we focus instead on the data relating to the volunteer experience and ask key questions about volunteer engagement with the project. For example, we ask what factors influence: a) volunteer data submission following a training event and b) the number of water quality samples volunteers subsequently submit. We used a binomial model to identify the factors that influence the retention of volunteers after training. In addition, we used a generalized linear model (GLM) to examine the factors that affected the number of samples each citizen scientist submitted. In line with other citizen science projects, most people trained did not submit any data, and 1% of participants contributed 47% of the data. We found that the statistically significant factors associated with submission of data after training were: whether training was given on how to upload data, the number of volunteers that attended the training, whether the volunteer was assigned to a research team, the outside temperature, and the average engagement of others in the training group. The statistically significant factors associated with the quantity of data submitted were: the length of time volunteers were active in the project, whether training took place as part of a paid work day, the difficulty of the sampling procedure, how socially involved volunteers were in the project, average sampling group size, and engagement with online learning modules. Based on our results, we suggest that intrinsic motivation may be important for predicting volunteer retention after training and the number of samples collected subsequently. We suggest that, to maximize the contribution of citizen science to our understanding of the world around us, there is an urgent need to better understand the factors that drive volunteer retention and engagement

    Análisis integral de riesgos para la mitigación ante inundaciones en zonas urbanas

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    La presente investigación titulada “Análisis integral de riesgo para la mitigación ante inundación en zonas urbanas” se desarrolló en la 3 etapa del distrito de Cieneguilla, cuyo objetivo principal es analizar el riesgo de inundación mediante herramientas geomáticas para prevenir desbordes del río Lurín. Para ello, se utilizó tecnología geomática para ayudar al análisis y obtención de resultados; de los cuales, se obtuvo la precipitación máxima en un periodo de retorno de 500 años con un caudal en diferentes escenarios empleando el método SCS; asimismo, se calcula el área de inundación en ambos márgenes del río Lurín, empleando el software HEC-RAS. La metodología aplicada a la presente tesis es deductiva y descriptiva, con orientación aplicada, de nivel descriptivo, con un diseño observacional y un enfoque cualitativo y prolectivo. Se evalúa el nivel de riesgo haciendo uso del Manual para la evaluación de riesgos originados por fenómenos naturales (02 versión – 2014) del CENEPRED, recopilando información de tipo social, económica y ambiental. La determinación del nivel de riesgo se obtuvo de acuerdo con el peligro y la vulnerabilidad a la que se encuentra expuesta la zona de estudio, obteniéndose un nivel Alto en ambos casos; posteriormente se obtiene un nivel de riesgo Alto aplicando el método simplificado para la estimación del nivel de riesgo. Con los resultados, se concluye que la presente investigación se encuentra ubicada geográficamente en un área propensa a una alta vulnerabilidad y riesgo por causa de las inundaciones en época de máximas avenidas

    Degradation of the Disease-Associated Prion Protein by a Serine Protease from Lichens

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    The disease-associated prion protein (PrPTSE), the probable etiological agent of the transmissible spongiform encephalopathies (TSEs), is resistant to degradation and can persist in the environment. Lichens, mutualistic symbioses containing fungi, algae, bacteria and occasionally cyanobacteria, are ubiquitous in the environment and have evolved unique biological activities allowing their survival in challenging ecological niches. We investigated PrPTSE inactivation by lichens and found acetone extracts of three lichen species (Parmelia sulcata, Cladonia rangiferina and Lobaria pulmonaria) have the ability to degrade prion protein (PrP) from TSE-infected hamsters, mice and deer. Immunoblots measuring PrP levels and protein misfolding cyclic amplification indicated at least two logs of reductions in PrPTSE. Degradative activity was not found in closely related lichen species or in algae or a cyanobacterium that inhabit lichens. Degradation was blocked by Pefabloc SC, a serine protease inhibitor, but not inhibitors of other proteases or enzymes. Additionally, we found that PrP levels in PrPTSE-enriched preps or infected brain homogenates are also reduced following exposure to freshly-collected P. sulcata or an aqueous extract of the lichen. Our findings indicate that these lichen extracts efficiently degrade PrPTSE and suggest that some lichens could have potential to inactivate TSE infectivity on the landscape or be a source for agents to degrade prions. Further work to clone and characterize the protease, assess its effect on TSE infectivity and determine which organism or organisms present in lichens produce or influence the protease activity is warranted

    Generation of three-dimensional multiple spheroid model of olfactory ensheathing cells using floating liquid marbles

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    We describe a novel protocol for three-dimensional culturing of olfactory ensheathing cells (OECs), which can be used to understand how OECs interact with other cells in three dimensions. Transplantation of OECs is being trialled for repair of the paralysed spinal cord, with promising but variable results and thus the therapy needs improving. To date, studies of OEC behaviour in a multicellular environment have been hampered by the lack of suitable three-dimensional cell culture models. Here, we exploit the floating liquid marble, a liquid droplet coated with hydrophobic powder and placed on a liquid bath. The presence of the liquid bath increases the humidity and minimises the effect of evaporation. Floating liquid marbles allow the OECs to freely associate and interact to produce OEC spheroids with uniform shapes and sizes. In contrast, a sessile liquid marble on a solid surface suffers from evaporation and the cells aggregate with irregular shapes. We used floating liquid marbles to co-culture OECs with Schwann cells and astrocytes which formed natural structures without the confines of gels or bounding layers. This protocol can be used to determine how OECs and other cell types associate and interact while forming complex cell structuresJSJ was funded by a grant from the Perry Cross Spinal Research Foundation; NTN was funded from Griffith University through a start-up grant and a grant from the Griffith University Research Infrastructure Program; JAK was funded by an Australian Research Council Discovery Grant DP150104495; JT was funded by an Eskitis Institute scholarship; CO was funded by a Griffith Sciences scholarship; RV was funded by a Griffith University International Postgraduate Research Scholarshi

    Prevalence of zoonotic trematodes in fish from a Vietnamese fish-farming community

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    The prevalence of fish-borne zoonotic trematode (FZT) metacercariae was investigated in fish farmed by rural households in Nghe An Province, located in northern Vietnam. In total, 716 fish, including tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) and 6 carp species, i.e., grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon idellus), bighead carp (Aristichthys nobilis), mrigal (Cirrhinus mrigala), common carp (Cyprinus carpio), silver carp (Hypophthalmychthys molitrix), and roha (Labeo rohita), collected from 53 fish farms were examined. The overall prevalence of FZT metacercariae was 44.6%, ranging from 12.5% to 61.0% in fish species collected from grow-out ponds, which are the production system for growing fish from fingerling size to market size. The overall prevalence was 43.6% in fingerlings cultured in nurseries, ranging from 7.4% to 62.8% for different fish species. The FZT species recovered were heterophyids and echinostomatids and included Haplorchis pumilio, H. taichui, H. yokogawai, Centrocestus formosanus, Stellantchasmus falcatus, and Echinochasmus japonicus, all of which are intestinal flukes in humans, other mammals, and birds. This is the first report of H. yokogawai and E. japonicus in fish in Vietnam, and the first record for S. falcatus in northern Vietnam. Although a previous cross-sectional survey of the people living in these fish farm households revealed a very low prevalence of FZTs (<1%), our results demonstrate that intestinal flukes are common in farmed fish in this area, suggesting that reservoir hosts such as dogs, cats, and pigs are more important in sustaining the life cycles of these flukes in fish farms than human hosts. This has implications for the effectiveness of control programs focused mainly on treatment of humans

    Notch4 activation aggravates NF-κB-mediated inflammation in HIV-1-associated nephropathy

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    A grant from the One-University Open Access Fund at the University of Kansas was used to defray the author's publication fees in this Open Access journal. The Open Access Fund, administered by librarians from the KU, KU Law, and KUMC libraries, is made possible by contributions from the offices of KU Provost, KU Vice Chancellor for Research & Graduate Studies, and KUMC Vice Chancellor for Research. For more information about the Open Access Fund, please see http://library.kumc.edu/authors-fund.xml.Notch pathway activation plays a central role in the pathogenesis of many glomerular diseases. We have previously shown that Notch4 expression was upregulated in various renal cells in human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-associated nephropathy (HIVAN) patients and rodent models of HIVAN. In this study, we examined whether the Notch pathway can be distinctly activated by HIV-1 gene products and whether Notch4, in particular, can influence disease progression. Using luciferase reporter assays, we did not observe activation of the NOTCH4 promoter with the HIV protein Nef in podocytes. Further, we observed upregulated expression of a gamma secretase complex protein, presenilin 1, but not Notch4, in podocytes infected with an HIV-1 expression construct. To assess the effects of Notch4 on HIVAN disease progression, we engineered Tg26 mice with global deletion of the Notch4 intracellular domain (Notch4dl), which is required for signaling function. These mice (Notch4d1/Tg26+) showed a significant improvement in renal function and a significant decrease in mortality compared to Tg26 mice. Histological examination of kidneys showed that Notch4d1/Tg26+ mice had overall glomerular, tubulointerstitial injury and a marked decrease in interstitial inflammation. A significant decrease in the proliferating cells was observed in the tubulointerstitial compartments of Notch4d1/Tg26+ mice. Consistent with the diminished inflammation, kidneys from Notch4d1/Tg26+ mice also showed a significant decrease in expression of the inflammatory cytokine transcripts Il-6 and Ccl2, as well as the master inflammatory transcription factor NF-κB (Nfkb1 transcripts and p65 protein). These data identify Notch4 as an important mediator of tubulointerstitial injury and inflammation in HIVAN and a potential therapeutic target.National Institutes of Health (R01DK108433 awarded to M.S.