666 research outputs found

    La RAE y la violencia de género: reflexiones en torno al debate lingüístico sobre el título de una ley

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    The argument over the appropriateness and correction of the term «violencia de género» [gender violence] in me Spanish language gathered new momentum with the Spanish government’s legislative project to regulate this phenomenon, Ley orgánica integral de medidas contra la violencia de género [Integral Organic Law of Measures Against Gender Violence]. This article surveys me range of opinions for and against the use of the term, as well as the number of new terms suggested to substitute it. A quantitative analysis of the appearance of me various terms in El País and El Mundo newspapers is conducted to conclude that, following the Law’s approval in the Parliament with the aforementioned title, the general use of the expression has become more widespread in what could be considered an institutional coinage to meet the needs of a changing and dynamic society.Con motivo del informe emitido por la RAE en el que se afirmaba que la palabra «género» en español no significa «sexo», en relación con la corrección de !a expresión «violencia de género» empleada en e! título del proyecto de Ley orgánica integral de medidas contra !a violencia de género, se avivó la polémica sobre la idoneidad de ese término para designar tal fenómeno social. En el artículo se recoge una muestra de los argumentos a favor y en contra de su utilización, para terminar con un estudio cuantitativo de la extensión de la secuencia en dos periódicos de ámbito nacional, El País y El Mundo. Como conclusión se puede destacar que, a partir de la aprobación definitiva del proyecto de ley con el mencionado título, la expresión ha aumentado su uso, con la consiguiente popularización del término

    Entre dientes: fijación de una unidad fraseológica

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    Novenes Jornades de Foment de la Investigació de la FCHS (Any 2003-2004

    Fundamentos teológicos de la actuación pública de Bartolomé Herrera (1808-1864)

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    Análisis de las recuperaciones de Gaviota Tridáctila (Rissa tridactyla) en la Península Ibérica

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    S'estudien les recuperacions de gavineta de tres dits a la península Ibèrica a partir de l'anàlisi de les dades d'Espanya i Portugal. Un percentatge important de les recuperacions 60,9% (n=41) es produeixen al golf de Biscaia; la majoria de les recuperacions són d'ocells juvenils i es produeixen en el període novembre-gener. En aquesta àrea una part dels ocells moren a causa de les xarxes de pesca i caça. Al llarg de la costa atlàntica 11 recuperacions indicaren dispersió més enllà del golf de Biscaia, mentre que a la costa mediterrània només s'han produït quatre recuperacions. Al voltant d'un 80% de les recuperacions són d'ocells britànics amb un nombre important de gavines procedents de la colònia de les illes Farne

    Evaluation of survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis, in canine urinary bladder tissues

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    The entire dissertation/thesis text is included in the research.pdf file; the official abstract appears in the short.pdf file (which also appears in the research.pdf); a non-technical general description, or public abstract, appears in the public.pdf file."August 2008"Thesis (M.S.) University of Missouri-Columbia 2008Introduction: Survivin, an inhibitor of apoptosis, is overexpressed in human urinary bladder transitional cell carcinoma (TCC). The objectives of this study were to evaluate expression of survivin in canine TCC, cystitis, and normal urinary bladder, and correlate expression with cell proliferation index. The hypothesis was that survivin is overexpressed in canine urinary bladder TCC. Materials and Methods: Immunohistochemistry (IHC) with an anti-survivin antibody was performed on archival canine TCC, cystitis, and normal urinary bladder tissues. Reversetranscriptase polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on fresh-frozen tissues (when available). Ki-67, a marker for cell proliferation, was also evaluated by IHC. Results: Nuclear survivin was present in 27/41 TCC, 12/24 cystitis, and 0/46 normal bladders. Differences between TCC versus normal and cystitis versus normal were significant. Cytoplasmic survivin was present in 7/41 TCC, 2/24 cystitis and 17/46 normal tissues; differences between normal and cystitis were significant. Six of 6 TCC samples, 4/7 cystitis, and 11/22 normal bladder tissues were positive for mRNA, but levels were not significantly different. Tissues with nuclear survivin had a significantly higher Ki-67 score than those without. Conclusions: As in human tissues, survivin is present in canine TCC. While the presence of survivin in cystitis and normal bladder demonstrates that this is unlikely to be a biomarker for cancer, nuclear survivin is present in TCC and cystitis tissues, but not normal bladder. Nuclear survivin may to play a role in cell proliferation and therefore, may be a target for therapy and prognostic tool for canine bladder tumors.Includes bibliographical reference

    Benefits and costs of parental care

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    This chapter summarizes important advances in the understanding of the mechanisms underlying the costs and benefits of parental care. It starts by analysing the nature of parental resources, addressing also the possibility of cost-free resources. It then reviews short and long-term benefits of parental care and how parents adjust offspring phenotypes to attain such benefits. Similarly, it reviews physiological and non-physiological costs of parental care and the current support for a link with fitness. It concludes that, despite important recent advances, the integration of proximate mechanisms into ultimate explanations is still far from successful.Peer Reviewe

    Population modelling of European shags ("Phalacrocorax aristotelis") at their southern limit: conservation implications

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    The European shag ("Phalacrocorax aristotelis") population at Cíes Islands (the most important breeding area in its southern limit) increased rapidly from 1986 to 1992, and afterwards the population suffered a slight decline. This study analyzed population data obtained from ringing recoveries and reproductive monitoring between 1993 and 1997. The reproductive success was highly variable and associated with adverse weather events. Adult survival rate was very low compared with other colonies, probably due to high accidental capture in gill-nets. In recent years, the fishing effort with gill-nets increased in the study area. Sensitivity analysis of parameters showed that the population is more affected by changes in adult survival than in reproductive success. When dynamic simulations were run with an increase in shag mortality of 5% above the present level, population extinction occurred in all simulations. In contrast, when a reduction of mortality of 5% was introduced in the simulations, the population increased in all cases. The main lines of action to study and protect this population should be: (1) ringing schemes to obtain better estimates of survival variability; (2) studies on the interaction of feeding areas and fishing vessels; (3) regulations on gill-netting; and (4) the incorporation of population models as an adaptive management tool to synthesize assessment work and management scenario

    Pirfenidona, un nuevo fármaco para el tratamiento de la fibrosis pulmonar idiopática

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    Pirfenidona es un fármaco antifibrótico, con propiedades antiinflamatorias. Recientemente se ha demostrado que reduce el declive de la función pulmonar en los pacientes con Fibrosis Pulmonar Idiopática (FPI) y retarda la progresión de la enfermedad. Aunque no se conoce bien el mecanismo de acción en humanos, más de 40 publicaciones preclínicas describen el mecanismo de acción antifibrótico y antiinflamatorio de Pirfenidona, y en modelos animales se ha demostrado que reduce la fibrosis enpulmón, hígado, corazón y riñón. Dicha actividad antifibrótica en estos modelos animales proporcionó la base preclínica para investigar su eficacia clínica en la FPI y para realizar estudios adicionales en otras enfermedades con un significativo componente fibrótico. La eficacia clínica de Pirfenidona se comprobó en tres principales estudios de Fase III, multicéntricos, aleatorizados, doble ciego, comparativos con placebo realizados en pacientes con FPI. Dos de los cuales fueron realizados por InterMune en EE.UU., UE y Australia, llamados 004 (CAPACITY 2) y 006 (CAPACITY 1)

    Sobre puntos de la gramática particularmente resistentes al cambio: cuatro (largos) siglos en la evolución de las relativas oblicuas de lugar. Un análisis variacionista

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    Mediante la utilización del paradigma variacionista y el empleo de un corpus integrado por textos de inmediatez comunicativa, mayoritariamente de carácter epistolar, en esta investigación se analiza un caso de la sintaxis particularmente resistente al cambio: la alternancia entre soluciones pronominales (que y, en menor medida, cual) y adverbiales (donde) en las relativas oblicuas locativas desde el siglo XVI hasta la primera mitad del XX. De los tres análisis de regresión independientes realizados, uno por cada periodo (siglos XVI, XVIII y XX), se deriva un avance paulatino, aunque moderado, de las formas pronominales a lo largo de los siglos y la progresiva disminución del adverbio donde. Con todo, algunos factores lingüísticos se revelan especialmente persistentes en la explicación de la variabilidad (semántica, función sintáctica y categoría del antecedente, junto al priming estructural y la sintaxis de la cláusula regente), lo que dificulta la progresión del cambio. Con respecto a los factores extralingüísticos, la frecuencia de los relativos pronominales en los contextos comunicativos más distantes, así como su uso preferente por parte de las élites sociales y las generaciones adultas, muestra que estas formas se han adscrito a lo largo de la historia a los registros más formales y prestigiosos.Based on the principles and methods of variationism in a corpus composed by ego-documents, this study analyses a case of syntax variation that has proved to be particularly resistant to change in Spanish: the alternation between pronouns (que/el cual) and adverbs (donde) in oblique relatives. Of the three independent mixed-effect regression analyses performed, one for each of the periods considered (16th, 18th and 20th centuries), a moderate progression of the pronominal forms throughout the centuries has been observed. However, some linguistic factors are especially pervasive in explaining the variability (i.e. semantics, syntactic function and the category of antecedent, along with structural priming and the syntax of the regent clause), which hinders the progression of the change. As regards the extra-linguistic axis, the frequency of the pronominal relatives in the more distant communicative contexts, as well as the recurrent preferential use of them by social elites and the adult generations, shows that these forms have been mainly ascribed in almost every period to the most formal and prestigious contexts