1,102 research outputs found

    Orthosymplectic Jordan superalgebras and the Wedderburn principal theorem (WPT)

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    An analogue of the Wedderbur principal theorem (WPT) is considered for finite dimensional Jordan superalgebras A with solvable radical N, such that N^2=0 and A/N is isomorphic to Josp_n|2m(F), where F is an algebraicallly closed field of characteristic zero. Let's we prove that the WPT is valid under some restrictions over the irreducible Josp_n|2m(F)-bimodules contained in N, and it is shown with counter-examples that these restrictions can not be weakened.Comment: 13 page

    The current status of dental education and the dental profession in Chile

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    Indexación: Scopus.Objective: To describe the current situation of the dental profession in Chile, including training and workforce issues. Material and Methods: Data were collected from different national institutions, which included information regarding number of current registered dentists, university of graduation, geographical distribution, professional position, additional specialty certifications obtained, the number and characteristics of dental surgeons who work in the public and private sectors, the traditional character of the university, the accreditation status of the undergraduate dental programs and the general population number. Results: Currently there are 32 schools of Dentistry in Chile, of which 21 have their quality certified. There are 19,100 Chilean dentists and 1,727 foreign dentists registered. The number of graduates from private universities has increased significantly. Currently, 2,164 dentists work for MINSAL. Less than a third hold a specialty certification. Forty-five percent of the dental specialists obtained their certification from universities. The current professional ratio is 104 dentists per 100,000 habitants. Conclusion: The number of dentists in Chile has increased progressively during the last years, mainly associated with the opening of new dental schools. Only 28% of the Chilean dental schools have certified their quality for the total duration of the undergraduate program. Regarding the workforce, there is a public/private and geographical inequities in dentists’ distribution.http://revista.uepb.edu.br/index.php/pboci/article/view/3875/pd

    Zastosowanie programu gwarancji dla zdrowia jamy ustnej w opiece nad kobietą w ciąży w rodzinnym centrum zdrowia w Concepción, Chile, w latach 2014–2015

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    Indexación: Scopus.Background. Oral health plays a crucial role in general health, quality of life and well-being of pregnant women and their newborns. In Chile, pregnant women have dental care guaranteed by law. However, due to the lack of previous epidemiological studies on the benefits of this guarantee, it is necessary to describe this situation and evaluate the need to change the methods of providing dental services. Objectives. The objective of this study was to describe the pattern of providing dental benefits resulting from the Explicit Health Guarantee – Integral Oral Health in Pregnant Women (GES-SOIE) program to pregnant women attending the Juan Soto Fernández Family Health Center, Concepción, Chile, in 2014–2015. Material and methods. A cross-sectional study of the electronic dental records of patients admitted to GES-SOIE was conducted. The variables studied were sociodemographic data, dental chair hours, non-attendance, treatment completion, and the type of referral to secondary healthcare (SHC). Results. Of 233 pregnant women, 65.2% were registered for non-attendance, 21.2% required referral to SHC and 76.4% completed their treatment. When performing logistic regression, it was found that for each non-attendance the chance of not completing the treatment increased 1.4 times. Conclusions. The level of non-attendance and opting out of the treatment in pregnant women is high, which hinders the proper functioning and effectiveness of GES-SOIE. © 2018 by Wroclaw Medical University and Polish Dental Society.http://www.dmp.umed.wroc.pl/en/article/2018/55/2/179

    Psychosocial impact of type 1 diabetes mellitus in children, adolescents and their families. Literature review

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    Indexación: Scopus; Scielo.La diabetes mellitus tipo 1 es la patología endocrina crónica más común en niños. El tratamiento incluye dieta, actividad física, medicación con insulina y un autocontrol adecuado. Este autocontrol puede ser dificultoso, provocando que niños, adolescentes y sus familias sufran diversas complica ciones psicosociales. Existe una relación inversa entre autocontrol y presencia de complicaciones psicosociales, siendo los principales problemas ansiedad y depresión, donde los adolescentes llegan a ser 2,3 veces más propensos a presentar problemas de salud mental. Las familias se ven afectadas inicialmente en el período de debut por un estado de shock, con sentimientos de angustia e ira. Los necesarios cambios de hábitos y estilos de vida pueden generar problemas psicosociales entre los que destacan trastornos ansiosos, depresivos y alimenticios. Posteriormente, el niño o adolescente y su grupo familiar pueden transitar a un nuevo equilibrio caracterizado por un buen autocontrol y adherencia al tratamiento o profundizar los trastornos individuales y grupales, trastornos que pue den reaparecer, especialmente en la adolescencia. El tratamiento integral de la diabetes mellitus tipo 1 requiere atender estos aspectos mediante equipos multidisciplinarios que incluyen profesionales médicos y del ámbito psicosocial. En esta revisión se analizan los principales aspectos relacionados al impacto psicosocial en niños y adolescentes con diabetes mellitus tipo 1 y sus familias.Type 1 diabetes mellitus is the most common chronic endocrine pathology among children. Treatment includes diet, physical activity, insulin medication, and proper self-control. This self-control may be difficult, resulting in children, adolescents and their families suffering diverse psychosocial complications. There is an inverse relationship between self-control and psychosocial complications, the main problems being anxiety and depression, where adolescents are 2.3 times more likely to have mental health problems. Families are initially affected, in the debut period by a state of shock, with feelings of distress and anger. The necesary changes in habits and lifestyles can lead to psychosocial problems, including anxiety, depression and eating disorders. Subsequently, the child or adolescent and his or her family group may move into new balance characterized by good self-control and adherence to tratment, or deepen individual and group disorders which may reappear, especially in adolescence. The comprehensive treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus requires addressing these aspects through multidisciplinary teams which include medical and phychosocial professionals. This review analyses the main aspects related to the psychosocial impact of diabetes mellitus type 1 among children, adolescents and their families.https://scielo.conicyt.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0370-41062018005000507&lng=en&nrm=iso&tlng=e

    Biocontrol of root and crown rot in tomatoes under greenhouse conditions using Trichoderma harzianum and Paenibacillus lentimorbus. Additional effect of solarization

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    Indexación: ScieloTrichoderma harzianum 650 (Th650) and Paenebacillus lentimorbus 629 (Pl629) selected earlier for their ability to control Rhizoctonia solani, Fusarium solani and F. oxysporum in vitro, were applied alone or combined with solarization (summer assay) and/or with methyl bromide (MeBr) (summer and winter assays) to a soil with a high inoculum level, for the control of tomato root rot caused by the complex F. oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici - Pyrenochaeta lycopersici - Rhizoctonia solani. Evaluations were also performed independently for root damage caused by P. lycopersici, and also for R. solani in the summer assay. MeBr decreased tomato root damage caused by the complex from 88.7% to 21.2% and from 78.4% to 35.7% in the summer and in the winter assay, respectively. None of the bio-controllers could replace MeBr in the winter assay, but Th650 and Pl629 reduced root damage caused by this complex in the summer assay. Treatments with bio-controllers were improved by their combination with solarization in this season. Independent evaluations showed that the positive control of Th650 towards R. solani and the lack of effect on P. lycopersici correlates well with the endochitinase pattern expressed by Th650 in response to these phytopathogens. Root damage caused by R. solani can be controlled at a similar level as it does MeBr in summer assays, thus representing an alternative to the use of this chemical fungicide for the control of this phytopathogen.Financial support: Fondecyt 1990785

    Estimación de los parámetros del modelo no lineal de promedios móviles usando la metaheuristica de-PSO.

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    La extensión teórica de los modelos lineales de promedios móviles al caso no lineal es directa y sencilla. Sin embargo, el uso práctico de los modelos no lineales de promedios móviles es limitado debido a la complejidad del espacio de parámetros y la imposibilidad de las establecer derivadas analíticas de la función de estimación. En este artículo, se evalúa el uso del algoritmo híbrido Evolución Diferencial-Optimización del Enjambre de Partículas para calcular los parámetros óptimos del modelo no lineal de promedios móviles. Los resultados obtenidos muestran que la técnica meta-heurística utilizada es capaz de calcular con mayor precisión los valores de los parámetros del modelo en comparación con los algoritmos tradicionales. Este hallazgo nos alienta a explorar el uso de las meta-heurísticas en la estimación de los parámetros de otros modelos no lineales de promedios móviles