114 research outputs found

    Collective bargaining

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    VEJSADA, Daniel. Kolektivní vyjednávání. Praha, 2012. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Právnická fakulta. Vedoucí práce doc., JUDr. Jan Pichrt, Ph.D. Cílem práce je zejména poukázat na úroveň pokrytí kolektivními smlouvami v ČR a provést analýzu dopadů kolektivního vyjednávání na zaměstnance a zaměstnavatele s využitím dostupných statistických dat. Hodnocením průběhu kolektivního vyjednávání a rozebráním jeho jednotlivých institutů hledám ideální způsob vedení kolektivního vyjednávání tak, aby bylo prospěšné pro obě zúčastněné strany, a snažím se představit moderní způsob fungování odborové organizace a její interakce se zaměstnavatelem, odlišný od běžné praxe dnešních odborových organizací. Poukazuji rovněž na nutnost správné analýzy situace před zahájením kolektivního vyjednávání a způsob volby strategie pro vyjednávání. Dané téma jsem zvolil zejména na základě osobní zkušenosti se zastoupením zaměstnanců a vedením kolektivního vyjednávání a také na základě zkušenosti s účastí v evropské radě zaměstnanců.VEJSADA, Daniel. Collective bargaining. Praha, 2012. Diplomová práce. Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Právnická fakulta. Vedoucí práce doc., JUDr. Jan Pichrt, Ph.D. The aim of the thesis is mainly to highlight the level of coverage by collective agreements in the CR and to analyze the impact of collective bargaining for employees and employers using available statistical data. By the evaluation of the processes of collective bargaining and focusing on its individual institutes I am looking for the perfect method of handling the collective bargaining so as to be beneficial for both parties involved, and try to present the method how the modern trade union should work in its interaction with the employer, different from the common practice of today's trade unions. I also point out the need for proper analysis of the situation prior to collective bargaining and the method of selecting strategy for negotiations. I chose the topic based on my personal experience with the representation of employees and involvement in the collective bargaining and also on the experience of participation in the EWC.Department of Labor Law and Social Security LawKatedra pracovního práva a práva sociálního zabezpečeníFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult

    Neurotrophin-3-enhanced nerve regeneration selectively improves recovery of muscle fibers expressing myosin heavy chains 2b

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    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of neurotrophin 3 (NT-3) enhanced nerve regeneration on the reinnervation of a target muscle. Muscle fibers can be classified according to their mechanical properties and myosin heavy chain (MHC) isoform composition. MHC1 containing slow-type and MHC2a or 2b fast-type fibers are normally distributed in a mosaic pattern, their phenotype dictated by motor innervation. After denervation, all fibers switch to fast-type MHC2b expression and also undergo atrophy resulting in loss of muscle mass. After regeneration, discrimination between fast and slow fibers returns, but the distribution and fiber size change according to the level of reinnervation. In this study, rat gastrocnemius muscles (ipsilateral and contralateral to the side of nerve injury) were collected up to 8 mo after nerve repair, with or without local delivery of NT-3. The phenotype changes of MHC1, 2a, and 2b were analyzed by immunohistochemistry, and fiber type proportion, diameter, and grouping were assessed by computerized image analysis. At 8 mo, the local delivery of NT-3 resulted in significant improvement in gastrocnemius muscle weight compared with controls (NT-3 group 47%, controls 39% weight of contralateral normal muscle; P < 0.05). NT-3 delivery resulted in a significant increase in the proportion (NT-3 43.3%, controls 35.7%; P < 0.05) and diameter (NT-3 87.8 μm, controls 70.8 μm; P < 0.05) of fast type 2b fibers after reinnervation. This effect was specific to type 2b fibers; no normalization was seen in other fiber types. This study indicates that NT-3–enhanced axonal regeneration has a beneficial effect on the motor target organ. Also, NT-3 may be specifically affecting a subset of motoneurons that determine type 2b muscle fiber phenotype. As NT-3 was topically applied to cut nerves, our data suggest a discriminating effect of the neurotrophin on neuro–muscular interaction. These results would imply that muscle fibers may be differentially responsive to other neurotrophic factors and indicate the potential clinical role of NT-3 in the prevention of muscle atrophy after nerve injury

    Restoration of full mass in nerve-intact muscle grafts after delayed reinnervation

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    A rat muscle freely grafted with the motor nerve intact becomes restored to full mass and contractile function, in contrast to the reduced weight of a standard free graft. By crushing the nerve to a nerve-intact graft and delaying reinnervation, full mass is still restored. One can conclude that earlier reinnervation is not the reason for the success of nerve-intact grafts, but that it is rather due to reinnervation along preserved Schwann cell channels.Peer Reviewedhttp://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/42762/1/18_2005_Article_BF01958882.pd

    Early alterations in the electrophysiological properties of rat spinal motoneurones following neonatal axotomy

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    Early in development, motoneurones are critically dependent on their target muscles for survival and differentiation. Previous studies have shown that neonatal axotomy causes massive motoneurone death and abnormal function in the surviving motoneurones. We have investigated the electrophysiological and morphological properties of motoneurones innervating the flexor tibialis anterior (TA) muscle during the first week after a neonatal axotomy, at a time when the motoneurones would be either in the process of degeneration or attempting to reinnervate their target muscles. We found that a large number (∼75%) of TA motoneurones died within 3 weeks after neonatal axotomy. Intracellular recordings revealed a marked increase in motoneurone excitability, as indicated by changes in passive and active membrane electrical properties. These changes were associated with a shift in the motoneurone firing pattern from a predominantly phasic pattern to a tonic pattern. Morphologically, the dendritic tree of the physiologically characterized axotomized cells was significantly reduced compared with age-matched normal motoneurones. These data demonstrate that motoneurone electrical properties are profoundly altered shortly after neonatal axotomy. In a subpopulation of the axotomized cells, abnormally high motoneurone excitability (input resistance significantly higher compared with control cells) was associated with a severe truncation of the dendritic arbor, suggesting that this excitability may represent an early electrophysiological correlate of motoneurone degeneration

    Benefits of construction of railway corridor Prague - Liberec

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    Hlavním cílem této práce je analyzovat přínosy uvažovaného pátého železničního koridoru z Prahy do Liberce a dopady na dálkovou železniční osobní dopravu v této relaci. Práce analyzuje aktuální počet dálkových spojů mezi hlavním městem Prahou a vybranými městy ležící na ostatních tranzitních koridorech, zejména hledá spojitosti mezi přepravní dobou a počtem obyvatel jednotlivých měst. Díky stávající analýze spojení mezi Prahou a těmito relacemi sestavuje regresní model, ve kterém se snaží vysvětlit počet dálkových spojů na těchto relacích. Na základě plánovaných objednávek základní dopravní obslužnosti Ministerstva dopravy pro GVD 2016/2017 provádí analýzu vybraných relací, ze které odhaduje počet dálkových spojů mezi Prahou a Libercem v případě výstavby železničního koridoru. Dále se zabývá stávajícími přepravními možnostmi z Prahy do Liberci na modelovém příkladu.The main objective of this work is to analyze the benefits of the considered fifth rail corridor from Prague to Liberec and the impacts of the long-distance passenger transportation supply in this transport session. The thesis analyzes the current number of long distance connections between the capital Prague and selected cities at the other corridors, in particular the link between transport time and the population of the city. Due to analysis of the existing range of connections on existing corridors estimates the number of connections with the inclusion of commercial transportation with the help of the regression model. On the basis of planned orders basic transport services of the Ministry of Transport for GVD 2016/2017 analyzes the number of connections on selected sessions. Whence is evaluated the benefit of future orders for the long distances, assuming the construction of the railway in the session. It also deals with existing transport services in Prague to Liberec on a model example and the existing railway between Prague and selected regional cities

    The principle of entrepreneurial judgement

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    The topic of this thesis is the Business Judgment Rule. It can be defined as a doctrine that protects officers and directors from personal liability if they fulfilled certain conditions when adopting a business decision. The rule promotes making even very risky decisions that can turn out to be harmful to the corporation. This doctrine was originally developed by the courts in the United States of America, most important being the courts in the State of Delaware. However, the Business Judgment Rule has recently been adopted by many different states worldwide and it will probably be enacted in the Czech Republic as well. This thesis explains and examines the Business Judgment Rule, how the rule has developed over time and the situation in the Czech Republic. I mostly work with articles written by American authors and with decisions of the courts of the State of Delaware. Chapter One defines the duties of directors of a company. It describes the standard of care which director must apply under the Czech law. Then it shortly deals with fiduciary duties (duty of care and duty of liability; questionably duty of good faith) as applied in the United States. Chapter Two analyzes the Business Judgment Rule and its different forms. There are two main conceptions of the rule - it can be seen as an abstention..

    The principle of entrepreneurial judgement

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    Závěr Pravidlo podnikatelského úsudku je velice inspirativní doktrínou, která se ze Spojených států amerických rozšířila do řady dalších států. Příčina je přitom jednoduchá. Pravidlo pouze formuluje to, co je na první pohled logické. Jestliže v obchodní společnosti jsou jejím spravováním pověřeni ředitelé, měli by společníci zásadně respektovat jejich rozhodnutí a nepokoušet se ho zpochybnit v rámci soudního řízení. Žádný ředitel nemá křišťálovou kouli a není schopen přesně předvídat budoucí vývoj. Může se pouze pokusit sled budoucích událostí odhadnout a podle toho konat. Každý ředitel se přitom může ve svém úsudku splést a jeho omyl může způsobit společnosti újmu. Nebylo by ani efektivní ani spravedlivé činit ho za tuto škodu vždy odpovědným a požadovat po něm její náhradu. Nutné je ovšem vyjasnit, jaké předpoklady rozhodnutí ředitele musí splňovat, aby se mu dostalo ochrany. Úvodní kapitola měla za cíl vsadit projednávanou problematiku do širšího rámce. Její zpracování bylo nezbytné, jelikož v dalším textu se na řadě míst operuje s pojmy povinnost péče, loajalita, dobrá víra. V další části byly popsány dvě základní koncepce pravidla, které se vyvinuly v americkém právu. Jedna z nich předpokládá správnost rozhodnutí a postupu ředitelů, druhá naopak požaduje, aby ředitelé dokazovali, že jednali řádně. Obě...The topic of this thesis is the Business Judgment Rule. It can be defined as a doctrine that protects officers and directors from personal liability if they fulfilled certain conditions when adopting a business decision. The rule promotes making even very risky decisions that can turn out to be harmful to the corporation. This doctrine was originally developed by the courts in the United States of America, most important being the courts in the State of Delaware. However, the Business Judgment Rule has recently been adopted by many different states worldwide and it will probably be enacted in the Czech Republic as well. This thesis explains and examines the Business Judgment Rule, how the rule has developed over time and the situation in the Czech Republic. I mostly work with articles written by American authors and with decisions of the courts of the State of Delaware. Chapter One defines the duties of directors of a company. It describes the standard of care which director must apply under the Czech law. Then it shortly deals with fiduciary duties (duty of care and duty of liability; questionably duty of good faith) as applied in the United States. Chapter Two analyzes the Business Judgment Rule and its different forms. There are two main conceptions of the rule - it can be seen as an abstention...Department of Business LawKatedra obchodního právaFaculty of LawPrávnická fakult