166 research outputs found

    Guía para el modelo BIM del viario urbanio y estudio de tráfico. Interoperabilidad Civil 3D y Autodesk Vehicle Tracking

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    En este Trabajo de Fin de Grado, se realiza una Guía para el modelado BIM de obras de urbanización. Se abarca la tercera dimensión de la metodología, que consiste en la elaboración de un modelo de información geométrica unificado, fruto del trabajo colaborativo entre las diferentes disciplinas que participan. Se comienza realizando un análisis exhaustivo sobre la información disponible a cerca de la metodología BIM. Se pretende conocer el nivel de desarrollo de la misma, y verificar que el estudio realizado no interfiere con algun otro estudio de carácter similar. Para ello, se revisan diferentes tipos de fuentes de información, como Trabajos de Fin de Grado y Máster, artículos científicos y normativa. Tras ello se desarrollan los conceptos fundamentales que definen la metodología BIM, su grado de desarrollo a nivel nacional, europeo e internacional, y las principales ventajas de su aplicación. Una vez comprendida la metodología, se procede a elaborar la guía para el modelado BIM. Se diseña el Entorno Común de Datos, donde se volcará y compartirá la información con el resto de disciplinas, se definen los LAS herramienta (software) BIM utilizadas (licencias educativas de Autodesk) con los que se realizará el modelado y, por último, se explican y desarrollan los flujos de trabajo para modelar los distintos elementos que componen la obra de urbanización, ofreciendo diferentes alternativas y elaborando un modelo práctico, con el objeto de arrojar claridad y comprensibilidad a los procesos desarrollados. Tras generar el módelo, se realizará una simulación de tráfico utilizando el módulo VEHICLE TRACKING de Autodesk, cuya aplicación permitirá comprobar el diseño del trazado de la red viaria. Para finalizar el proyecto, se exponen las conclusiones, así como posibles futuras líneas de investigación que hayan surgido a lo largo de la elaboración del proyecto, y cuyo estudio complementaría lo mencionado en este trabajo.In this Final Degree proyect, a guide for BIM modeling of urban developement Works will be released. It would cover the Third Bim dimension, consisting on the elaboration of a Unified Geometric Information model, made by the collaborative workflows between the different disciplines involved in the proyect. The Degree proyect will start by making an exhaustive analisis on the available information relied with the BIM methodology, with the goal of understanding the level of developement and verifing that the study does not enter in conflict with other proyects of the same field. For achieving that, several information sources will be analised, as others Final Degree Proyects, scientific articles and legislation. After that, the fundamental concepts defining the BIM technology will be explained. Once the methods have being asimilated, the Guide for the BIM modeling will be done, by designing the Common Data Environment, where the information will be uploaded and shared, defining the Autodesk Software used for modeling and explaining the workflows followed to modelate the elements composing the infraestructure. After generating the model, a traffic simulation will be excecuted by the Autodesk Vehicle Tracking module, with the goal of checking the design of the road layout. In closing, the conclusion, as further investigations lines whose study would complete every statement treated in this proyect, will be done.Universidad de Sevilla. Grado en Ingeniería Civi

    Feasibility and safety of an immersive virtual reality-based vestibular rehabilitation programme in people with multiple sclerosis experiencing vestibular impairment: a protocol for a pilot randomised controlled trial

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    Introduction: Vestibular system damage in patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) may have a central and/or peripheral origin. Subsequent vestibular impairments may contribute to dizziness, balance disorders and fatigue in this population. Vestibular rehabilitation targeting vestibular impairments may improve these symptoms. Furthermore, as a successful tool in neurological rehabilitation, immersive virtual reality (VRi) could also be implemented within a vestibular rehabilitation intervention. Methods and analysis: This protocol describes a parallel-arm, pilot randomised controlled trial, with blinded assessments, in 30 patients with MS with vestibular impairment (Dizziness Handicap Inventory ≥16). The experimental group will receive a VRi vestibular rehabilitation intervention based on the conventional Cawthorne-Cooksey protocol; the control group will perform the conventional protocol. The duration of the intervention in both groups will be 7 weeks (20 sessions, 3 sessions/week). The primary outcomes are the feasibility and safety of the vestibular VRi intervention in patients with MS. Secondary outcome measures are dizziness symptoms, balance performance, fatigue and quality of life. Quantitative assessment will be carried out at baseline (T0), immediately after intervention (T1), and after a follow-up period of 3 and 6 months (T2 and T3). Additionally, in order to further examine the feasibility of the intervention, a qualitative assessment will be performed at T1. Ethics and dissemination: The study was approved by the Andalusian Review Board and Ethics Committee, Virgen Macarena-Virgen del Rocio Hospitals (ID 2148-N-19, 25 March 2020). Informed consent will be collected from participants who wish to participate in the research. The results of this research will be disseminated by publication in peer-reviewed scientific journals

    Escuela y comunidad: Una experiencia de desarrollo comunitario

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    Nuestra comunicación presenta la experiencia que se está desarrollando en dos barrios periféricos con la participación de cuatro centros educativos: dos de educación Infantil y Primaria (CEIP) y dos Institutos de Educación Secundaria (IES). Partiendo de la cultura como manifestación social, reflexionamos sobre la cultura escolar y su relación con el fracaso escolar, y analizamos las posibilidades del desarrollo comunitario como vía para afrontarlo. En esta experiencia, el proceso de desarrollo comunitario está en su fase inicial y se ha consolidado la coordinación de los diferentes servicios y recursos públicos y privados que inciden en la zona. El trabajo de prevención y promoción que se está realizando en las calles gracias al proceso “El Patio”, se complementa con la participación de los centros educativos, además del uso comunitario de sus instalaciones. Actualmente estamos realizando un diagnóstico comunitario en el que hemos finalizado la recopilación de datos objetivos y estadísticos así como el proceso de audición para la parte subjetiva. Con la síntesis de estos datos se iniciará un proceso de discusión con toda la población para la búsqueda comunitaria de alternativas

    Stimuli Characteristics and Psychophysical Requirements for Visual Training in Amblyopia: A Narrative Review

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    Active vision therapy using perceptual learning and/or dichoptic or binocular environments has shown its potential effectiveness in amblyopia, but some doubts remain about the type of stimuli and the mode and sequence of presentation that should be used. A search was performed in PubMed, obtaining 143 articles with information related to the stimuli used in amblyopia rehabilitation, as well as to the neural mechanisms implied in such therapeutic process. Visual deficits in amblyopia and their neural mechanisms associated are revised, including visual acuity loss, contrast sensitivity reduction and stereopsis impairment. Likewise, the most appropriate stimuli according to the literature that should be used for an efficient rehabilitation of the amblyopic eye are described in detail, including optotypes, Gabor’s patches, random-dot stimuli and Vernier’s stimuli. Finally, the properties of these stimuli that can be modified during the visual training are discussed, as well as the psychophysical method of their presentation and the type of environment used (perceptual learning, dichoptic stimulation or virtual reality). Vision therapy using all these revised concepts can be an effective option for treating amblyopia or accelerating the treatment period when combining with patching. It is essential to adapt the stimuli to the patient’s individual features in both monocular and binocular training.The authors C.J.H.-R., D.P.P., A.M.-M., D.d.F., L.L.-V., M.B.C.-M. have been funded by CDTI (Centro para el Desarrollo Tecnológico Industrial, Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness of Spain) and FEDER (Fondos Europeos de Desarrollo Regional) funds by means of the program PID (“Proyectos de Investigación y Desarrollo”) in the context of the Project NEIVATECH (“Neuroplasticity through virtual reality for amblyopia”, application number 111705). The author León Morales-Quezada is supported by funding from the Spaulding Research Catalyst award. The author David P Piñero has been also supported by the Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness of Spain within the program Ramón y Cajal, RYC-2016-20471

    Fast exact variable order affine projection algorithm

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    Variable order affine projection algorithms have been recently presented to be used when not only the convergence speed of the algorithm has to be adjusted but also its computational cost and its final residual error. These kind of affine projection (AP) algorithms improve the standard AP algorithm performance at steady state by reducing the residual mean square error. Furthermore these algorithms optimize computational cost by dynamically adjusting their projection order to convergence speed requirements. The main cost of the standard AP algorithm is due to the matrix inversion that appears in the coefficient update equation. Most efforts to decrease the computational cost of these algorithms have focused on the optimization of this matrix inversion. This paper deals with optimization of the computational cost of variable order AP algorithms by recursive calculation of the inverse signal matrix. Thus, a fast exact variable order AP algorithm is proposed. Exact iterative expressions to calculate the inverse matrix when the algorithm projection order either increases or decreases are incorporated into a variable order AP algorithm leading to a reduced complexity implementation. The simulation results show the proposed algorithm performs similarly to the variable order AP algorithms and it has a lower computational complexity. © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.Partially supported by TEC2009-13741, PROMETEO 2009/0013, GV/ 2010/027, ACOMP/2010/006 and UPV PAID-06-09.Ferrer Contreras, M.; Gonzalez, A.; Diego Antón, MD.; Piñero Sipán, MG. (2012). Fast exact variable order affine projection algorithm. Signal Processing. 92(9):2308-2314. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sigpro.2012.03.007S2308231492

    Fecal Metabolome and Bacterial Composition in Severe Obesity:Impact of Diet and Bariatric Surgery

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    The aim of this study was to monitor the impact of a preoperative low-calorie diet and bariatric surgery on the bacterial gut microbiota composition and functionality in severe obesity and to compare sleeve gastrectomy (SG) versus Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB). The study also aimed to incorporate big data analysis for the omics results and machine learning by a Lasso-based analysis to detect the potential markers for excess weight loss. Forty patients who underwent bariatric surgery were recruited (14 underwent SG, and 26 underwent RYGB). Each participant contributed 4 fecal samples (baseline, post-diet, 1 month after surgery and 3 months after surgery). The bacterial composition was determined by 16S rDNA massive sequencing using MiSeq (Illumina). Metabolic signatures associated to fecal concentrations of short-chain fatty acids, amino acids, biogenic amines, gamma-aminobutyric acid and ammonium were determined by gas and liquid chromatography. Orange 3 software was employed to correlate the variables, and a Lasso analysis was employed to predict the weight loss at the baseline samples. A correlation between Bacillota (formerly Firmicutes) abundance and excess weight was observed only for the highest body mass indexes. The low-calorie diet had little impact on composition and targeted metabolic activity. RYGB had a deeper impact on bacterial composition and putrefactive metabolism than SG, although the excess weight loss was comparable in the two groups. Significantly higher ammonium concentrations were detected in the feces of the RYGB group. We detected individual signatures of composition and functionality, rather than a gut microbiota characteristic of severe obesity, with opposing tendencies for almost all measured variables in the two surgical approaches. The gut microbiota of the baseline samples was not useful for predicting excess weight loss after the bariatric process

    Impacto de la cirugía bariátrica en la microbiota intestinal y el metaboloma fecal

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    Resumen del trabajo presentado a la 14ª Reunión de la Red Española de Bacterias Lácticas (RedBAl), celebrada de forma telemática del 8 al 10 de Septiembre de 2021.Introducción: El tratamiento de la obesidad severa mediante cirugía bariátrica presenta la mejor relación efectividad/coste, siendo el sleeve gástrico (SG) y el bypass gástrico (BPG) las técnicas laparoscópicas más utilizadas. El BPG está recomendado en pacientes con mayor exceso de peso (IMC>50). Aunque se han descrito alteraciones en la microbiota intestinal (MI) en relación con la obesidad, existen pocos estudios en obesidad severa en los que se haya caracterizado este ecosistema y el metaboloma fecal. Objetivos: Evaluar el impacto de la dieta pre-operatoria y la técnica de cirugía bariátrica sobre la MI y el metaboloma fecal en obesidad severa. Sujetos y métodos: Se incluyeron 40 pacientes de cirugía bariátrica (14 SG y 26 BPG), se recogió información clínica de interés, así como muestras de heces a cuatro tiempos: 1)-basal, 2)-tras dieta preoperatoria, 3)-al mes y 4)- a los tres meses de la cirugía. Se determinó la composición de la MI mediante secuenciación del gen ARNr 16S y la concentración fecal de varios metabolitos (ácidos grasos de cadena corta-AGCC, aminoácidos y aminas biógenas-AB) mediante cromatografía de gases y líquida. Resultados: Se han detectado diferencias significativas en la composición de la MI de la muestra basal de los pacientes de BPG y de SG y cambios estadísticamente significativos en la composición de la MI y en el metaboloma fecal entre las cuatro muestras, existiendo un mayor impacto en el BPG. En el caso del patrón fecal de AGCC, ambas cirugías disminuyeron la concentración de los AGCC mayoritarios, aunque no hubo diferencias significativas entre ambas. La concentración fecal de aminoácidos transcurridos tres meses desde la operación fue en general inferior en el grupo de pacientes sometidos a BPG, mientras que la concentración de AB fue superior en comparación con los individuos operados mediante SG. Conclusiones: Los pacientes con obesidad severa e IMC>50 tienen una MI diferente, con mayor abundancia de Firmicutes. La cirugía bariátrica y la dieta preoperatoria asociada modifican la composición de la MI y el perfil de metabolitos fecales, siendo estos cambios más profundos cuando se utiliza la técnica de BPG, probablemente por la alteración anatómica del tránsito intestinal

    A body weight loss- and health-promoting gut microbiota is established after bariatric surgery in individuals with severe obesity

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    Obesity has reached an epidemic level worldwide, and bariatric surgery (BS) has been proven to be the most efficient therapy to reduce severe obesity-related comorbidities. Given that the gut microbiota plays a causal role in obesity development and that surgery may alter the gut environment, investigating the impact of BS on the microbiota in the context of severe obesity is important. Although, alterations at the level of total gut bacteria, total gene content and total metabolite content have started to be disentangled, a clear deficit exists regarding the analysis of the active fraction of the microbiota, which is the fraction that is most reactive to the BS. Here, active gut microbiota and associated metabolic functions were evaluated using shotgun proteomics and metabolomics in 40 severely obese volunteers. Samples from each volunteer were obtained under basal conditions, after a short high protein and calorie-restricted diet, and 1 and 3 months after BS, including laparoscopic surgery through Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass or Sleeve Gastrectomy. The results revealed for the first time the most active microbes and metabolic flux distribution pre- and post-surgery and deciphered main differences in the way sugars and short-fatty acids are metabolized, demonstrating that less energy-generating and anaerobic metabolism and detoxification mechanisms are promoted post-surgery. A comparison with non-obese proteome data further signified different ways to metabolize sugars and produce short chain fatty acids and deficiencies in proteins involved in iron transport and metabolism in severely obese individuals compared to lean individuals.This work was funded by grants SAF2015-65878-R, BIO2017-85522-R, PID2019-105969GB-I00 and RTI2018-095166-B-I00 from the Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, by the Ministry of Science and Innovation, by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (projects PIE14/00045 and AC17/00022), Fundación Agencia Española contra el Cáncer and Instituto de Salud Carlos III(projects ERA NET TRANSCAN-2 AC17/00022 and AECC 2017-1485), Generalitat Valenciana (project Prometeo/2018/A/133) and co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The proteomic analysis was performed in the Proteomics Facility of The Spanish National Center for Biotechnology (CNB-CSIC) that belongs to ProteoRed, PRB3-ISCIII, supported by grant PT17/0019.Peer reviewe

    Mediterranean Diet and its Effects on Silent Brain Infarcts in a Cohort of Patients With Atrial Fibrillation

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    [Background and Aims] The benefits of Mediterranean Diet (MeDiet) in prevention of cardiovascular diseases (CVD) in general and ischemic stroke (IS) have been extensively studied and reported. We hypothesize that the consumption of nutrients typical of MeDiet would also reduce the rate of silent brain infarcts (SBI) among AF patients.[Methods and Results] Patients with a history of AF who scored 0 to 1 in the CHADS2 score, ⩾50 years and with absence of neurological symptoms were selected from Seville urban area using the Andalusian electronic healthcare database. A 3T brain MRI was performed to all participants. Demographic and clinical data and food-frequency questionnaire (FFQ) were collected. Of the 443 scanned patients, 66 presented SBI. Of them 52 accepted to be scheduled for a clinical visit and were included in the diet sub study and 41 controls were matched per age and sex. There were no statistically significant differences in baseline characteristics. After logistic regression analysis, we found that a higher consumption of fiber from fruit was independently associated with a lower risk of SBI, while a higher consumption of high glycemic load (GL) foods was associated with a higher risk of SBI in a population with AF[Conclusion] Our findings support that MeDiet could be suggested as a prevention strategy for SBI in patients with AF.The author(s) disclosed receipt of the following financial support for the research, authorship, and/or publication of this article: The Spanish Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (grant RTC-2016 5300-1), the Junta de Andalucía (grant PIN-0144-2016) and Neuroprotección Avanzada Reposicionando Drogas y Nutraceúticos para el Ictus en Andalucía: Proyecto NARDNIA (PE-0527-2019), the European Project ITRIBIS (registration number REGPOT-2013-1), and Cooperative Cerebrovascular Disease Research Network (INVICTUS+, RD16/0019/0015) supported the study. The Fundación Cajasol also contributed to the study.Peer reviewe