740 research outputs found

    Human violence. What have we learned?

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    Artículos especiales[ES] El presente trabajo pretende aportar algunas reflexiones que permitan aproximarse al gran interrogante de por qué existen las guerras y siguen existiendo en el mundo de nuestros días. A través del concepto de cratotropismo, basado en la concepción de afán de dominio de Alfred Adler. Y de la traída: competencia ideológica o cultural, presión-resistencia económica, conflicto armado como último recurso, como modos de los enfrentamientos crato-eleuterotrópicos, basada en la concepción de la función moduladora del saber por los poderes sociales de Michel Foucault y en concepto marxista de propiedad.[EN] The present work aims at inducing reflections upon how to approach the big question as why wars exist, and continue to exist, in the world we live in today. We proceed via the concept of cratotropism, based on Alfred Adler´s conception of the thirst for power. And on the triad: ideological or cultural competition, financial pressure/resistance, and armed conflict as a last resource, as a means of confronting problems of a crato-eleuterotropic nature, and based on the conception of the modulating function of human knowledge in respect of Michel Foucault´s “social powers” and the Marxist concept of property.N

    Predicted photoreflectance signatures on QD selective contacts for hot carrier solar cells

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    The CO2 emission of our present energy transformation processes, based mainly on burning fossil fuels, is possibly the main cause of global climatic change. The photovoltaic conversion of solar energy is a clean way of producing which for sustainability should (and most probably will) become a major source of electricity. The sun is a huge resource but relatively diluted and it is reasonable to expect that only high efficiency extraction can be cost effective for mass exploitation. New concepts are neccessary such as hot carrier solar cells

    Phase equilibria and critical behavior of square‐well fluids of variable width by Gibbs ensemble Monte Carlo simulation

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    The vapor–liquid phase equilibria of square†well systems with hard†sphere diameters σ, well†depths ε, and ranges λ=1.25, 1.375, 1.5, 1.75, and 2 are determined by Monte Carlo simulation. The two bulk phases in coexistence are simulated simultaneously using the Gibbs ensemble technique. Vapor–liquid coexistence curves are obtained for a series of reduced temperatures between about Tr=T/Tc=0.8 and 1, where Tc is the critical temperature. The radial pair distribution functions g(r) of the two phases are calculated during the simulation, and the results extrapolated to give the appropriate contact values g(σ), g(λσ−), and g(λσ+). These are used to calculate the vapor†pressure curves of each system and to test for equality of pressure in the coexisting vapor and liquid phases. The critical points of the square†well fluids are determined by analyzing the density†temperature coexistence data using the first term of a Wegner expansion. The dependence of the reduced critical temperature T* c=kTc/ε, pressure P* c=Pcσ3/ε, number density Ï * c=Ï cσ3, and compressibility factor Z=P/(Ï kT), on the potential range λ, is established. These results are compared with existing data obtained from perturbation theories. The shapes of the coexistence curves and the approach to criticality are described in terms of an apparent critical exponent β. The curves for the square†well systems with λ=1.25, 1.375, 1.5, and 1.75 are very nearly cubic in shape corresponding to near†universal values of β (β≊0.325). This is not the case for the system with a longer potential range; when λ=2, the coexistence curve is closer to quadratic in shape with a near†classical value of β (β≊0.5). These results seem to confirm the view that the departure of β from a mean†field or classical value for temperatures well below critical is unrelated to long†range, near†critical fluctuations

    Aplicaciones de los S.I.G al territorio y casco urbano de Écija (Sevilla)(Proyecto AStigis)

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    Se ofrece en este artículo una panorámica sobre los trabajos que con metodología S.LG. desarrolla este equipo de investigación tanto sobre el casco urbano de Écija como sobre su territorio histórico, atendiendo a la evolución de los procesos de territorialización en él desarrol1ados desde época romana en adelante

    Encondromatosis múltiple o Enfermedad de Ollier. Presentación de caso.

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    ResumenLa Encondromatosis múltiple es una enfermedad rara en la que aparecen numerosos tumores cartilaginosos, tanto en los huesos tubulares pequeños y grandes como en los planos. Está producida por el fracaso de la osificación encondral normal. Su verdadera frecuencia de presentación no está bien definida, debido a que los pocos casos reportados en la literatura son aislados. Nuestro objetivo es presentar un caso tratado en nuestro hospital. Se presenta una paciente atendida en el Hospital Pediátrico Centro Habana con antecedentes de claudicación a la marcha. En las radiografías de pelvis ósea se encuentran lesiones osteolíticas en la cadera derecha. Se ingresa y se estudia con complementarios de laboratorio, survey óseo y ultrasonido abdominal. Se trata de una paciente femenina de 3 años de edad, con lesiones osteolíticas en metáfisis de húmero, cúbito, radio, metacarpianos, cadera, fémur y metatarsianos, todas en el hemicuerpo derecho, no alteraciones vasculares en la piel, ni antecedentes familiares.  Se realiza biopsia incisional, se informa Encondromatosis múltiple. También conocida como enfermedad de Ollier, enfermedad que se caracteriza por lesiones tumorales de origen cartilaginoso, poco frecuentes y que su diagnóstico es por hallazgo radiológico generalmente.Palabras claves: Encondromatosis, Ollier, lesiones osteolíticas, lesiones tumorales de origen cartilaginoso. SummaryThe multiple enchondromatosis is a rare disease with some cartilaginous tumors in the short tubular bones, long tubular bones and flat bones.                                                               It is result from a failure in the enchondral bone formation. The true incidence is not good defined due to there is few cases report in medical literature. We present a patient who was treated in Centro Habana Pediatric Hospital with gait problem. Anteroposterior radiograph of the pelvis showing osteolitic lesions in the right hip. The patient was hospitalized and make labs examans, bone survey and abdomial ultrasonogram. We report a case of 3 years old female with osteolitc lesions in the metaphyses of humerus, radio, cubitus, metacarpals, hip, femur and metatarsals, all lessions are in the right side of the body without vascular hemangiomas. There was no family history of similar illness. Two lessions were biopsied and reported as enchondromatosis. Ollier's disease characterized by multiple skeletal enchondroma is a rare disease of unknown etiology and the diagnosis is based on radiographs generally. Key words: enchondromatosis, Ollier disease, cartilaginous tumors. 

    Optical filters with fractal transmission spectra based on diffractive optics

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    The duality between the axial irradiance distribution originated by any circularly symmetric diffracting aperture under monochromatic illumination and its diffracted spectral intensity at a fixed on-axis point under broadband illumination is highlighted and experimentally investigated. Two applications are derived from this basic result. On the one hand, we suggest the use of a broadband source and a spectrometer for a single-shot measurement of the axial response of pupil filters. Second, we implement a spectral filter having a transmission spectrum with a fractal structure of frequencies. Experimental results and potential applications in synthetic spectra designs are provide

    Diseño de un recurso educativo digital para fomentar el uso racional de la energía eléctrica en comunidades rurales

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    This paper presents the development of a Digital Educational Resource, RED, to promote the Rationalz use of Electric Power, UREE, in rural communities. The study population corresponded to 39 students and 3 teachers from a rural educational institution. The contents of the RED were created from the difculties identifed in the initial test, while the presentation formats were prepared based on the interest of the students. Regarding the design of the RED, 87.17% of the students consider it as excellent, because it has a nice and striking appearance, allowing an easy location of the contents and activities. The teachers indicated that the material is adapted to the requirements of the technology area and could even be used in natural sciences, since it deals with a current and interdisciplinary problem. It is concluded that the developed RED has the technical and pedagogical characteristics for UREE learning, providing a didactic alternative for students to explore the subject under the guidance of the teacher.Este trabajo presenta el desarrollo de un Recurso Educativo Digital, RED, para fomentar el Uso Racional de la Energía Eléctrica, UREE, en comunidades rurales. La población objeto de estudio correspondió a 39 estudiantes y 3 docentes, de una institución educativa rural. Los contenidos del RED se crearon a partir de las difcultades identifcadas en la prueba inicial, mientras que los formatos de presentación se elaboraron con base en el interés de los estudiantes. En cuanto al diseño del RED, el 87,17% de los estudiantes lo considera excelente, debido a que tiene una apariencia agradable y llamativa, permitiendo una fácil ubicación de los contenidos y actividades. Los docentes indicaron que el material se adapta a los requerimientos del área de tecnología e incluso podría ser utilizado en ciencias naturales, ya que trata una problemática actual e interdisciplinaria. Se concluye que el RED desarrollado cuenta con las características técnicas y pedagógicas para el aprendizaje del UREE, brindando una alternativa didáctica para que los estudiantes exploren la temática bajo la orientación del docente

    Thin Film intermediate band chalcopyrite solar cells: Theoretical Analysis of device performance and prospects for their realisation

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    The feasibility of implementing the intermediate-band (IB) concept into a relevant thin-film technology has been assessed. Compounds belonging to the group of I-III-VI2 chalcopyrites, currently used as absorbers in the leading thin-film technology, appear as promising candidates for the realization of IB-devices. In this paper we first analyze the expected performance of such a thin-film intermediate band solar cell (TF-IBSC) by considering different levels of idealization. In the second part of the paper some issues relevant for the practical realization of IBs in chalcopyrites are discussed and impurities acting as potential IB-precursors in the chalcopyrite sulfide host identified