16 research outputs found

    Effect of metallurgical structure and properties on adhesion and friction behavior of cobalt alloys

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    The metallurgical structure and some of the mechanical properties of two cobalt alloys, cobalt-50% iron and cobalt-25% molybdenum-10% chromium, were determined under various heat treated conditions. The mechanical properties of the bcc disordered Co-50Fe alloy, which was found to be very brittle, indicated an exceedingly low fracture strength, low hardness, and very weak grain boundary strength. Ordering by suitable heat treatment only produced a more brittle material with a lower fracture strength and a slightly higher hardness value. Work hardening was found to produce a finer grain structure and a greater grain boundary strength. Tensile properties were examined. It was found that the Co-25Mo-10Cr alloy was difficult to place in the alpha Co solid solution condition, which limited the ability to use precipitation as a hardening reaction. Over two hundred adhesion cycles from zero contact load, to maximum load, to fracture were conducted between couples for each of the above alloys in an ultrahigh vacuum system which would permit the sample surfaces to be cleaned of all contaminant layers. In the Co-50Fe case, the calculated fracture stress from the adhesion tests showed values in the range of 80 to 150 k.s.i., which is about ten times greater than the values from tension tests


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    Technology advancement has taken a new shape in leading the world into digital civilization, remarkably in e-commerce, communication, and financial sectors.  Taking advantage of the technology, criminals have also digitalized their modus operandi targeting the digital society with fraud and cybercrimes, hence contributing illicit funds. To disguise the money trail to the illegal activities, illicit funds sourced from unlawful and fraudulent activities transformed into legal funds via a money-laundering scheme. Money laundering is perceived as a global threat where funds reverted to the criminal and enter a legitimate economy. To enable the criminals, maintain anonymity, and non-visible to the detection of law enforcement, money mules are positioned in the money laundering chain between actual criminal and illicit funds. Money mules are characters recruited by criminal networks to perform fund transfers by utilizing their accounts. Recruitment is done by offering a job with simple recruitment criteria and attractive income and rewards. This study will examine money mule recruitment and development of a model with related variables to establish the relationship between the aspect of job criteria awareness and the ability of the victims to detect the hidden criminal elements and exposure to law enforcement and derive into the decision to accept the job offer. In this research, both quantitative and qualitative approaches will be employed with surveys and interviews


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    The pandemic has changed the way of doing things in the entire world. To survive in situations, we need change. All the organizations are trying their level best to implement change successfully, however, all of them are facing severe issues. The purpose of this study is to identify the major hurdles in implementing change and identifying a way out to cope with the situation based on available literature on SMEs and change management. This study follows a synthesized literature review methodology and is a kind of review paper. In this research, literature that has been written on crisis management and especially over the COVID 19 has been reviewed. In this review analysis, previous studies regarding change management and the importance of SMEs in economic sustainability have been discussed. The paper is a review of existing literature and will identify how the organizations can survive through implementing change successfully. The study is significant for SMEs in the entire world. The study is useful for understanding the issues that are related to managing and implementing change in small and medium enterprises especially while facing contingencies. Finally, in this research, future researchers are guided to empirically test the factors identified in the findings of the study


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    Covid-19 (also known as Coronavirus) was detected initially at Wuhan, China has spread to over 200 countries across the globe. This deadly virus is a threat to mankind as it has killed more than 300,000 and infected more than 5 million people globally. Declared as a pandemic by the World Health Organisation (WHO), momentum is accelerating to speed the development of coronavirus vaccines. Research indicated that this virus is airborne; a person on close contact may get infected from the droplets produced from the infected person during sneezing or coughing. As the virus is given medical attention to cure the infection, equal attention is given to the social aspect to break the chain of COVID. Prevention measures become crucial where many countries have taken unprecedented measures to stop the spreading of the virus by implementing lockdown and social distancing. Lockdown and social distancing are out of norm social conducts, thus adapting them instantaneously and adhering to them at all times are indeed incredible. This study explores social conformity, social compliance and social obedience of responsive citizen in Malaysian context to win the war against COVID.&nbsp


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    Money laundering is perceived as a global threat with funds sourced from illegal and fraudulent activities. Money mules are recruited by criminal networks in money laundering chain, positioned between actual criminal and the illicit funds, enabling the criminals to be anonymous and non-visible to the detection of law enforcement. Job vacancy with various positions are offered with attractive financial rewards and work flexibility and the criminal elements are hidden behind the job criteria. Awareness on job criteria and the hidden criminal elements is a crucial factor in job acceptance. This study examines recruitment anatomy of students as money mules and job acceptance decisioning from awareness perspective. Library research methodology was employed in this research by reviewing existing research works on money mule recruitment to identify the underlying reasons and lapses in money mule recruitment and statistical analysis on the reported money mule cases. Based on the examination, students are captivated to attractive job packages and accept the offer without being aware of the criminal activity at the background and directly expose them to enforcement actions. Incrementing statistics sets the scene of scarcity in the perspective of awareness on job criteria among students and crucial for students to assess and consciously decide on the acceptance and avoid victimized by the criminal networks