2,626 research outputs found

    El mito de la bipolaridad en la infancia

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    El artículo cuestiona la validez del mal llamado Trastorno Bipolar en la Infancia tomando material publicado en medios masivos y también de la propia clínica.This article makes a huge question of the Child´s Bipolar Disorder focusing over media notes and from the author´s own clinical practice.Fil: Vasen, Juan

    Participación pública en ciencia y tecnología: elementos conceptuales para su debate

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    El manejo político de la ciencia y la tecnología es un tema complejo y aquí no podremos más que reseñar uno de sus posibles abordajes siguiendo las siguientes dos preguntas: la primera ¿quiénes deben decidir?, la segunda ¿cómo pueden hacerlo? • La complejidad asociada a la primera reside en la diversidad de los actores interesados: Científicos, tecnólogos, las corporaciones, el Estado, las ONGs, y las personas implicadas. • La complejidad asociada a la segunda reside en que tal diversidad de intereses articula discursos y valores diferentes sobre el propio modo de concebir la relación ciencia-tecnología-sociedad, y en definitiva a la sociedad misma. Sería fácil renunciar a este problema esgrimiendo la dificultad real de tal complejidad. Sin embargo, el continuo y cada vez más rápido avance de la tecnología nos obliga a preguntarnos por estas cuestiones y, a nuestro entender, de modo urgente. En este trabajo esbozaremos caminos posibles para una evaluación integral (interna - externa) de nuevas tecnologías En primer lugar expondremos los presupuestos teóricos que permiten fundamentar mecanismos participativos de deliberación y evaluación de prácticas científico-tecnológicos, proponiendo el contexto de implicación como plataforma conceptual que posibilite la deliberación y búsqueda de consenso mínimos como parámetros generales de políticas de l+D+i En segundo término, señalaremos la perspectiva de la evaluación de alternativas tecnológicas (Technology Assesment) como una forma posible de poner en práctica las discusiOnes propias del contexto de implicación

    Energieverbruik bij het bewaren van bijzondere bolgewassen : Allium, Muscari, Zantedeschia en Fritillaria

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    De gewasgroep bijzondere bolgewassen bestaat uit vele tientallen soorten, onder te verdelen in zomer- en voorjaarsbloeiers, en staat qua areaal na tulp en lelie in de boembollensector op de derde plaats. Uit de analyse van het energieverbruik per hectare van de deelnemers aan de MJA-e in de periode 1995-2006 bleek vooral het gasverbruik bij deze gewasgroep erg hoog. Het verdient daarom aanbeveling om met telers van bijzondere bolgewassen te achterhalen wat de achtergronden van de hoge ventilatiedebieten zijn: wat wil men er mee bereiken, welk bewaarklimaat wil men realiseren, welke bewaarziekten of andere problemen wil men voorkomen, etc. Mogelijk leidt dit tot nieuwe inzichten, bv. een ventilatiesturing op basis van RV bij bolgewassen die niet op ethyleen reageren, waardoor de bollensector meer energie kan besparen

    Reply: Evaluation of management of desmoid tumours associated with familial adenomatous polyposis in Dutch patients

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    Cellular mechanisms in basic and clinical gastroenterology and hepatolog

    Entre oportunidad y riesgo: regulación, expectativas y políticas CTI para células madre en Argentina

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    En Argentina las células madre son identificadas por científicos y funcionarios de Ciencia, Tecnología e Innovación (CTI) como una prioridad estratégica. Esta definición de políticas se ve traducida en el creciente esfuerzo estatal para promover la construcción de capacidades en esta tecnología a través de programas, financiamiento y debates para generar un marco regulatorio específico. Este trabajo explora la forma en que se han configurado localmente los procesos de desarrollo de terapias con células madre. Se analiza la tensión entre la construcción de capacidades, expectativas de ingreso económico, esperanzas por sus potenciales aplicaciones terapéuticas y los riesgos que esta tecnología trae aparejados. Se muestra cómo los intentos de generar una normativa específica, impulsada por actores ligados a las políticas de CTI, busca mediar entre el riesgo y las expectativas moldeando la investigación y los productos desarrollados localmente para el posicionamiento nacional como referente internacional en esta tecnología emergente

    Micropropagation enhances in vitro establishment and multiplication of new cultures from field grown plants of ‘Adesoto 101’ (Prunus insititia) rootstock

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    ISHS Acta Horticulturae 658: I International Symposium on Rootstocks for Deciduous Fruit Tree Species. 6 Pag., 2 Fig. The definitive version is available at: http://www.actahort.org/The establishment of new in vitro cultures is often a difficult task due to low growth of initial explants. The explant has to adapt to the new nutritional and environmental conditions, in addition to the surface-disinfection process. Since the explant origin plays an important role, in this work, the effect of the origin of the explants (micropropagated or conventionally propagated plants) in both establishment and multiplication of the in vitro cultures has been studied. While Adesoto 101 (Prunus insititia) shows interesting features as a rootstock, it has a poor rooting ability by cuttings, what makes micropropagation the method of choice. Explants (axillary buds), taken from plants previously micropropagated, were compared to those from conventionally propagated plants. Field-grown and framegrown plants were used as explant source. Three culture media, widely used for fruit trees, were compared for both establishment and multiplication of the cultures: Murashige y Skoog (1962), Woody Plant Medium (Lloyd and McCown, 1981) and Quoirin and Lepoivre (1977). These media were supplemented with sucrose (3%) and Difco-Bacto Agar (0.7 %). Best results during establishment were obtained with explants from micropropagated plants grown either in the frame or in the field. Plants were severely pruned to form hedges, however field growing affected negatively the establishment of new in vitro cultures compared to frame growing. The multiplication rate of new cultures was positively affected by previous in vitro micropropagation of mother plants, while the multiplication rate of cultures originated from plants propagated by cuttings decreased noticeably. Culture medium composition had a different effect depending on the micropropagation phase. While WP gave the best results during establishment, MS, with a higher mineral salts concentration, induced the highest multiplication rate.This work has been funded in part by grants AGF98-0277-C4-01 and AGL2001- 2414-C04-01 both from CICYT, and CONSI+D-DGA P012/2001Peer reviewe

    Shaping stem cell therapies in Argentina: regulation, risk management and innovation policies

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    This paper aims to analyze innovation pathways for stem cell technology in Argentina. Firstly, we present a theoretical perspective on the co-construction of regulation and technology development, positing four main tensions that underlie regulatory building and the shaping of national strategies for regenerative medicine. Regulation is understood as a negotiated process among interests, values, benefits, rewards, and different understandings of safety, efficacy, access and availability. The framework is useful to explore how actors and their visions of desired futures shape the creation of standards and, in turn, how they configure the way these emerging technologies are produced, accessed and used. Secondly, we discuss in detail the Argentine case. We focus on (a) the deployment of state actions on capacity and regulatory building, (b) the creation of new businesses in response to patient expectations, particularly umbilical cord stem cell banks and the supply of experimental treatments, and (c) state-led actions to build a specific regulatory framework (still in the making). Ambiguities and gaps in the current legislation as well as scarce enforcement capabilities configure a legal “grey area” for for-profit experimental treatments. Building a specific regulatory framework is understood to be a part of Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) state agencies’ struggle to govern technology development in terms of national envisaged innovation strategies. Lastly, we show how STI authorities and scientists managed to align a broad coalition of actors that encourage international harmonization strategies, following the pharmaceutical model of drug evaluation based on the multi-phase trial system

    Global Diversification in Medicine Regulation: Insights from Regenerative Stem Cell Medicine

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    This is the final version. Available on open access from Taylor & Francis via the DOI in this record. Data Access Statement: The research data supporting this publication are provided within this paper.Medicine regulation worldwide has undergone a process of regulatory diversification. The evidence-based medicine (EBM) paradigm, centered on multi-phase randomized controlled trials, is increasingly contested and replaced by new models of clinical validation. To explain these changes, STS research has cited just a few factors, e.g. growing pressure form health consumers; the role of pharmaceutical companies to lobby for fast, affordable drug development; the influence of neoliberal ideas and libertarian advocacy of deregulation; and the agency of national governments to enable domestic innovation opportunities in the context of global competition and inequalities. Those factors individually cannot account for the increasing variation in medicine regulation at both national and global levels. Instead it is helpful to integrate elements of existing explanations into a framework with four pairs of conflicting regulatory choices, which play a central role in the formation of medicine regulation. We use this framework to compare regulatory changes in the USA, European Union, China, India, Argentina, and Japan. Across these jurisdictions, the case studies illustrate four dynamics of diversification. Key regulatory concepts such as evidence, risk, safety, efficacy, responsibility and accountability acquire different meanings, reshaping medicine innovation in far-reaching and often contradictory ways. The boundaries between medical research and healthcare provision, commerce and humanitarian service, as well as state control and medical self-regulation are re-defined.Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)European Research CouncilUniversidad Nacional de Quilme