143 research outputs found

    Organizing models of thinking: a research about moral reasoning with transgressor adolescents

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    This article has the aim to expand the perspective of research in the field of morality. We present a proposal of morality study of outlaw teenagers according to Thinking Organizer Models Theory. Through the idea of complexity we search to understand the cognitive process in the elaboration of moral reasoning inside situations of conflict. With this perspective, we developed a research that aimed to identify which organizer models were applied by 20 outlaw male teenagers who abide by social punishment to solve the hypothetical moral conflicts. Through interviews we told them a situation of moral conflict that involved friendship relation, physical aggression and steal. We could identified several models which were joined in three categories. Such models reflected the diversity and regularity that are present inside the elaborated reasoning to solve the conflicts shown by us. We conclude that the diversity of organizer models identified shows the importance of the contents in the construction of moral reasoning.Este artigo tem como propósito ampliar as perspectivas de investigação no campo da moralidade. Mais especificamente, apresentamos uma proposta para o estudo da moralidade de adolescentes autores de infração, utilizando o referencial teórico=metodológico da Teoria dos Modelos Organizadores do Pensamento. Buscamos, através da idéia de complexidade, compreender o funcionamento cognitivo na elaboração de raciocínios morais diante de situações de conflito. Com essa perspectiva, fizemos uma investigação que teve por objetivo identificar os modelos organizadores aplicados na resolução de conflitos morais hipotéticos por 20 adolescentes masculinos autores de infração que cumprem medida socioeducativa. Através de entrevistas, narramos uma situação de conflito moral envolvendo uma relação de amizade, agressão física e roubo. Foram identificados 10 modelos organizadores, os quais foram agrupados em 3 categorias. Tais modelos refletiram a diversidade e as regularidades presentes nos raciocínios elaborados para resolver os conflitos apresentados. Concluiu-se que a variedade dos modelos organizadores identificados evidencia a importância dos conteúdos na construção dos raciocínios morais.475

    Impacts of IoT adoption on NPD processes: optimization and control

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    Purpose – The Internet of Things (IoT) real-time data collection can help to more efficiently optimize andcontrol companies’ internal processes. Prior research analyzed IoT benefits and potential applications.Nevertheless, there is little empirical evidence and theoretical understanding of how IoT impacts new productdevelopment (NPD). This article aims at narrowing this gap.Design/methodology/approach – In total, 54 case studies were selected from an IoT database – IoT ONE.IoT ONE has a section on NPD. NPD was divided into three phases: discovery, development andcommercialization. The adopted IoT technology maturity level was also analyzed. A content analysis wascarried out to identify the impacts of IoT in NPD.Findings – This study’s findings capture the emerging patterns of IoT adoption and its impact on NPD. Of thetotal, 33 IoT adoption cases in the sample were in the machinery and equipment sector. Adopted technologieswere at least two years old in 85% of the sample. Only 15% adopted cutting edge technologies (less than 2 yearsold). Key actors (e.g. vendors) facilitate IoT adoption. By a small margin, the larger impacts of IoT were in thecommercialization phase, where it was primarily applied to improve and optimize production processes, tobetter execute and synchronize new products launching, and to increase the factories’ productive capacity. Inthe discovery phase, IoT was mainly used to identify new opportunities in the market and to collect customerdata, to generate a better customer experience. In the development phase, IoT allows greater integration acrossdepartments, increasing internal collaboration and allowing more flexible NPD.Originality/value – Many articles studied the impact of information technologies in NPD. Few address theimpact of IoT in NPD. IT tells about the impact of better communications with relevant people. IoT tells aboutmachine acquired information and knowledge. This is new, much broader and deals with quite differentimpacts on NPD


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    This work aims to recognize the Museums of science as a major impetus with regard to scientific dissemination, a social role that is indispensable for the dissemination of knowledge that is produced within the academy. That said, this study was concerned to undertake a concise historical reconstruction of biogeographic thought, highlighting the importance of science museums as a complementary bibliography for studies and lessons fields. Thus, we exemplify with Museu de História Natural e Jardim Botânico da UFMG (MHNJB/UFMG), Museu de Ciências Naturais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica (MCN/PUC-MG) and Espaço do Conhecimento UFMG (ECU) as important spaces for Science dissemination. Finally, we propose that museums are used as places of work camps, whether by schools or colleges, not only encouraging research by students, but also encouraging them to get to know new cultural spaces.Este trabalho tem o objetivo de reconhecer os Museus de ciência como um dos principais estímulos no que diz respeito a divulgação cientifica, um papel social que se faz imprescindível para disseminação do conhecimento que é produzido dentro da academia. Posto isso, esse estudo preocupou-se em realizar uma concisa reconstrução histórica do pensamento biogeográfico ao longo do tempo, comprovando a importância de museus de ciência como bibliografia complementar para estudos e aulas de campos. Desse modo, exemplificamos com o Museu de História Natural e Jardim Botânico da UFMG (MHNJB/UFMG), Museu de Ciências Naturais da Pontifícia Universidade Católica (MCN/PUC-MG) e o Espaço do Conhecimento UFMG (ECU) como importantes espaços de divulgação científica. Por fim, propomos aqui que os museus sejam utilizados como locais de trabalhos de campos, sejam eles por escolas ou faculdades, incentivando não só a pesquisa pelos alunos, mas também instigando-os a conhecerem novos espaços culturais

    The evolution of project portfolio selection methods: from incremental to radical innovation

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    Abstract Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to identify how project portfolio selection (PPS) methods have evolved and which approaches are more suitable for radical innovation projects. This paper addressed the following research question: how have the selection approaches evolved to better fit within radical innovation conditions? The current literature offers a number of selection approaches with different and, in some cases, conflicting nature. Therefore, there is a lack of understanding regarding when and how to use these approaches in order to select a specific type of innovation projects ( from incremental to more radical ones). Design/methodology/approach – Given the nature of the research question, the authors perform a systematic literature review method and analyze 48 portfolio selection approaches. The authors then classified and characterized these articles in order to identify techniques, tools, required data and types of examined projects, among other aspects. Findings – The authors identify four key features related to the selection of radical innovation projects: dynamism, interdependency management, uncertainty treatment and required input data. Based on the content analysis, the authors identified that approaches based on different sources and nature of data are more appropriated for uncertain conditions, such as behavioral methods, information gap theory, real options and integrated approaches. Originality/value – The research provides a comprehensive framework about PPS methods and how they have been evolving over time. This portfolio selection framework considers the particular aspects of incremental and radical innovation projects. The authors hope that the framework contributes to reinvigorating the literature on selection approaches for innovation projects


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    The objective of this study is to analyze the plant formations observed in the Parque do Rio Doce – PERD. It is important to highlight the remarkable biodiversity in the region, serving, such as the basis for research and monitoring of aquatic fauna. Also it is interesting to highlight a wealth and diversity of flora, since it refers to one of the largest green areas preserved in a vegetation type of the Atlantic Forest. Because of such wealth, the Park has a herbarium that allows the study and identification of local species. Thus, we analyze here the vegetation types and apply a statistical methodology to measure the floristic similarity in different vegetation types present in the park. Configure the data produced here in an attempt to establish an overview of vegetative stratification of the region in question, providing, in such a way, a database that can assist new comparative studies. Finally, we emphasize the importance of protected areas in the broader context of environmental conservation in Brazilian territory, since we are in a pessimistic scenario areas, leaving only small islands of vegetation, which, in other words, just defending ourselves from ourselves.O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar as formações vegetais observadas no Parque Estadual do Rio Doce – PERD.  A área de estudo está inserida na Reserva da Biosfera da Serra do Espinhaço – RBSE, criada em 2005 através do programa de Reservas da Biosfera da Organização das Nações Unidas para a Educação, a Ciência e a Cultura – UNESCO. O PERD possui um notável sistema lacustre, o qual é composto por quarenta lagos naturais, sendo importante destacar a notória biodiversidade na região, servindo, de tal modo, como base para pesquisas e monitoramento da fauna aquática. Também se faz interessante ressaltar uma enorme riqueza e diversidade da flora, uma vez que refere-se a uma das maiores áreas verdes preservadas em uma fitofisionomia de Mata Atlântica. Em função de tal riqueza, o Parque conta com um herbário que possibilita o estudo e identificação de espécies locais. Dessa forma, analisamos aqui as formações vegetais e aplicamos uma metodologia estatística para mensurar a similaridade florística em diferentes tipos vegetacionais presentes no parque. Os dados aqui produzidos configuram-se em uma tentativa de estabelecer um panorama geral da estratificação vegetativa da região em questão, proporcionando, de tal modo, um banco de dados que possa auxiliar novos estudos comparativos. Por fim, ressalta-se a importância das áreas protegidas em um contexto mais amplo de conservação ambiental em território brasileiro, uma vez que nos encontramos em um cenário pessimista, restando apenas pequenas ilhas de vegetação, onde, em outras palavras, acabamos nos defendendo de nós mesmos

    Nutraceutical effects of organic Selenium and vitamin E supplementation on performance, antioxidant protection and egg quality of Japanese quails (Coturnix japonica)

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    This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic Selenium and vitamin E supplementation on performance, egg quality and antioxidant protection of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic Selenium. Significant differences were found in α-Tocopherol deposition, enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and oxidative bioindicator malondialdehyde (MDA) in egg yolk with vitamin E supplementation. We concluded that supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic Selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life. Highlights: This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic selenium and vitamin E supplementation on egg quality of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic selenium. Supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life.This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic Selenium and vitamin E supplementation on performance, egg quality and antioxidant protection of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic Selenium. Significant differences were found in α-Tocopherol deposition, enzymatic activity of glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) and oxidative bioindicator malondialdehyde (MDA) in egg yolk with vitamin E supplementation. We concluded that supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic Selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life. Highlights: This study evaluated the nutraceutical effects of organic selenium and vitamin E supplementation on egg quality of Japanese quails. Forty-two posture cages with six birds each were randomly set in seven treatments. Each treatment consisted of the addition of 200 IU of vitamin E/kg of feed and increasing levels of organic selenium. Supplementing 200mg of vitamin E and 0.30 ppm organic selenium did not affect bird performance, but improved egg quality and shelf life

    Integração de parâmetros morfométricos e imagem Aster para a delimitação das fitofisionomias da Serra da Canastra, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, MG

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo delimitar as fitofisionomias utilizando parâmetros morfométricos e imagens do sensor ASTER na Serra da Canastra, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, MG. Foram identificadas fitofisionomias através das observações de campo: ambientes rupestres (Campo Rupestre + Cerrado Rupestre), Campo Limpo, Campo Sujo, Cerrado Sentido Restrito, Mata de Galeria + áreas de drenagem. Os parâmetros morfométricos, obtidos do Modelo Digital de Terreno (MDT), foram dispostos em gráficos de dispersão tridimensional com o Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) e com o Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). Estes gráficos evidenciaram cinco conjuntos de dados, representando as fitofisionomis encontradas em campo. Foi observada uma variação espectral correspondente aos membros finais: Vegetação Fotossintéticamente Ativa (VFA) e Vegetação Não Fotossintéticamente Ativa (VNFA). Das fitofisionomias agrupadas o Campo Limpo foi a mais abrangente (60,45%) e a única que faz limite com todas as demais, seguido por ambientes rupestres (21,02%), Campo Sujo (12,40%), Mata de Galeria e Campo Úmido (4%), e Cerrado Sentido Restrito (1,90%). Os perfis topográficos obtidos a partir da integração da classificação espectral e do MDT permitiram evidenciar a distribuição da vegetação em relação ao relevo. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThis work aimed to delimit the phytophysiognomies using morphometric patterns and images acquired by ASTER sensor in the Serra da Canastra, Serra da Canastra National Park, MG. The phytophysiognomies were identified in the field observations: outcrops environments (Campo Rupestre + Cerrado Rupestre), Campo Limpo, Campo Sujo, Cerrado Sentido Restrito, Vege-tação Hidromórfica (Mata de Galeria+Áreas de Drenagem). The morphometric patterns, obtained from the Digital Terrain Model (DTM), were disposed in 3D scatter plot with the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) and the Normalized Difference Water Index (NDWI). This scatter evidenced five data groups, representing the phytophysiognomies found in field observation. A spectral variation was observed, corresponding to the endmembers: Active Photosynthetic Vegetation (VFA)and Non Active Photosynthetic Vegetation (VNFA). The Campo Limpo (60.45%) was the most common and the only that make frontier with all phytophysiognomies, followed by the Ambiente Rupestre (21.02%), Campo Sujo (12.40%), and Mata de Galeria and Campo Úmido (4%), and Cerrado Sentido Restrito (1.90%). Topographic profiles obtained from the integration of the phytophysiognomies and the DTM evidenced the vegetation distribution through the relief

    Consolidação do diálogo entre Arquivologia, Biblioteconomia, Museologia e Ciência da Informação: a contribuição brasileira.

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    Objective. To present the contributions of the research group based at the School of Information Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais, named “Approaches and possible dialogues between Information Science and the areas of Archival Science, Library Science and Museum Studies” to consolidate the problem. Design/Methodology/Approach. We present the discussions made from the productions of the members of this group, showing the elements capable of supporting an epistemological view and the processes of an interdisciplinary dialogue. Results/Discusion. There are several historical, institutional and theoretical elements that have the potential for dialogue, such as concepts, themes, professional and educational challenges in each of them. Conclusions. There is some immaturity in the conditions of dialogue between the three areas, and even more so with the information science. The idea that the foundation is in belonging to the field of social sciences seems to point the way to the realization of possibilities. Originality/Value. The text points to the construction of a reflective space beyond the specificity of each one of the areas, demonstrating the possible dialogues and convergences between them

    Inventário das espécies vegetais na Serra da Canastra, Parque Nacional da Serra da Canastra, Minas Gerais, Brasil

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    O Bioma Cerrado está dentro das áreas prioritárias para a conservação da biodiversidade do planeta, devido a alta diversidade florística existente entre as savanas mundiais, e pela ameaça de devastação pela mudança do uso da terra. O levantamento das espécies arbóreas, arbustivas, gramíneas, ervas e trepadeiras foi realizado na Serrada Canastra, no Parque Nacional da Serra Canastra (MG), em pontos de amostragem de 2 em 2 Km. As espécies vegetais amostradas somaram-se em 269, sendo 84 espécies arbóreas, 66 arbustivas, 45 ervas, 70 gramíneas e quatro trepadeiras, distribuídas em 43 famílias botânicas. As espécies que tiveram maior densidade por hectares, segundo sua forma de vida foram: A) Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze., arbórea; B) Dasiphyllum brasiliense (Spreng.) Cabrera, trepadeira; C) Clibadium armanii (Balbis) Sch. Bip. exBaker, arbustiva; D) Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth., gramínea; e E) Thelypterispatens (Sw.) Small, erva. __________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACTThe “Cerrado” Biome was into priority areas to world biodiversity conservation by high floristic diversity existent between the world savannas, and by threat of devastation result of the land-use change. The survey of the tree, shrub,grass, herb and forb species was sampled in “Serra da Canastra”, at the “Serra daCanastra” National Park (MG), in sampled points of each 2 km. The plant speciess ampled sum in total 269, being 84 tree species, 66 shrub species, 45 herb species, 70 grass species and four forb species, distributed in 43 botanical families. The speciesthat had high density by hectare, referent its life form were: A) Cariniana legalis (Mart.) Kuntze., tree; B) Dasiphyllum brasiliense (Spreng.) Cabrera, forb; C) Clibadium armanii (Balbis) Sch. Bip. ex Baker, shrub; D) Ichnanthus pallens (Sw.) Munro ex Benth., grass; and E) Thelypteris patens (Sw.) Small, herb

    Dimensionamento sísmico de um edifício de betão armado segundo os eurocódigos: verificação segundo o eurocódigo 8 parte 3

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    Trabalho de Dissertação de Natureza Científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia CivilO primeiro regulamento a ter em conta o efeito da ação sísmica foi o Regulamento da Segurança das Construções contra os Sismos (RSCCS, 1958). Apenas na última década do século passado é que foram criados os Eurocódigos, que correspondem a um conjunto de normas para projetos de obras de engenharia civil, comuns aos países pertencentes ao CEN (Comité Europeu da Normalização). O dimensionamento de estruturas em Portugal encontra-se atualmente numa fase de transição da regulamentação antiga (nomeadamente, o Regulamento de Segurança e Acções (RSA) e o Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-esforçado (REBAP)) para a nova (Eurocódigos), prevendo-se que num futuro próximo os Eurocódigos entrem em vigor em território nacional. Na presente dissertação aplica-se o EC8-Parte 3, que se refere à Avaliação e Reforço de Edifícios, na verificação da segurança de um edifício dimensionado segundo Eurocódigos. Este estudo é divido em duas partes, na primeira parte é feito o dimensionamento do edifício segundo os Eurocódigos EC0, EC1, EC2 e EC8-Parte 1, verificando-se os estados limites preconizados nestas normas para pilares, vigas e lajes da estrutura. Na segunda parte verificam-se os critérios de segurança presentes no EC8-Parte 3, analisando as capacidades e as exigências do edifício dimensionado na primeira parte. Para o dimensionamento do edifício utiliza-se um programa de cálculo automático tridimensional de estruturas, visto atualmente constituírem uma ferramenta fundamental para a análise e dimensionamento de estruturas. O programa de cálculo automático utilizado foi o SAP2000, versão 15.2.1.Abstract: The first regulation to take into account the effect of seismic load was the “Regulamento da Segurança das Construções contra os Sismos” (RSCCS, 1958). Only in the last decade of the past century were created the Eurocodes, which correspond to a set of standards for of civil engineering projects, common to the countries belonging to the CEN (European Committee for Standardization). The structural design in Portugal is currently in a transition phase from the old regulation (such as the “Regulamento de Segurança e Acções” (RSA) and the“Regulamento de Estruturas de Betão Armado e Pré-esforçado”)(REBAP)) to the new ones (Eurocodes), being expected that in the near future Eurocodes take effect nationally. In this dissertation, EC8-Part 3, which addresses to the Assessment and Retrofitting of Buildings, is applied to the safety verification of a building designed with Eurocodes. This study is divided in two parts, in the first part the building design is accomplish according to the Eurocodes EC0, EC1, EC2 and EC8-Part 1, verifying the recommended Limit States for columns, beams and slabs of the structure. In the second part the safety criteria’s presented in EC8- Part 3 are verified, analyzing the capacities and the demand of the building designed in the first part. A 3D software is used for the building design, as the use of this type of software currently constitutes a fundamental tool for the analysis and design of structures. The structures software used was SAP2000, version 15.2.1