359 research outputs found

    Extracting datums to reconstruct CSG models from 2D engineering sketches of polyhedral shapes

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    Our goal is to automatically generate CAD 3D models from 2D sketches as part of a design chain where models should be procedural, containing features arranged in a model tree and linked to suitable datums. Current procedural models capture much about the design intent and are easy to edit, but must be created from scratch during the detailed design state—given conceptual sketches as used by designers in the early part of the design process, current sketch-based modeling approaches only output explicit models. Thus, we describe an approach to extract high-level information directly from 2D engineering wireframe sketches and use it to complete a CSG feature tree, which serves as a model tree for a procedural 3D CAD model. Our method extracts procedural model information directly from 2D sketches in the form of a set of features, plus a set of datums and relationships between these features. We detect and analyze features of 2D sketches in isolation, and define the CSG feature tree by the parent–child relationships between features, and combine this information to obtain a complete and consistent CSG feature tree that can be transferred to a 3D modeler, which reconstructs the model. This paper focuses on how to extract the feature datums and the extrusion operation from an input 2D sketch.Funding for open access charge: CRUE-Universitat Jaume

    Perceiving ribs in single-view wireframe sketches of polyhedral shapes

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    As part of a strategy for creating 3D models of engineering objects from sketched input, we attempt to identify design features, geometrical structures within objects with a functional meaning. Our input is a 2D B-Rep derived from a single view sketch of a polyhedral shape. In this paper, we show how to use suitable cues to identify algorithmically two additive engineering design features, angular and linear ribs

    Síndrome de burnout em treinadores brasileiros de voleibol de alto rendimento

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    O estudo investigou os fatores que podem causar a síndrome de burnout e suas manifestações e efeitos em treinadores de voleibol de alto rendimento. Foram realizadas quinze entrevistas com os treinadores da Superliga Brasileira de Voleibol Masculino 2010/2011. Os dados foram submetidos à análise de conteúdo, sendo, identificadas três categorias: "Fatores que podem causar a síndrome de burnout", "As manifestações do burnout" e "Os efeitos do burnout". Os resultados indicaram que os treinadores possuem fatores que geram estresse em sua profissão. Foram observadas evidências das três dimensões da síndrome de burnout: exaustão física e emocional, reduzido senso de realização esportiva e desvalorização esportiva. Concluímos que estes treinadores apresentaram vulnerabilidade para a manifestação dos sintomas relacionados à síndrome de burnout.El estudio investigó los factores que pueden causar el burnout, así como sus manifestaciones y sus efectos en entrenadores de voleibol de alto rendimiento. Se realizaron quince entrevistas con los entrenadores de la Superliga Brasileña de Voleibol Masculino 2010/2011. Los datos fueron evaluados por medio del análisis de contenido. Se identificaron tres categorías: "Los factores que podrían causar que el síndrome de burnout"; "Las manifestaciones de burnout" y "Los efectos de burnout". Se observaron las tres dimensiones del burnout: agotamiento físico y emocional, reducida sensación de logro deportivo y devaluación deportiva. Los resultados indican que los entrenadores tienen factores que generan estrés en su profesión. Se concluyó que estos entrenadores mostraron vulnerabilidad a la aparición de los síntomas relacionados con el burnout.This study investigated the factors that can cause burnout syndrome, as well as its occurrence and effects in high-performance volleyball coaches. Fifteen interviews were conducted with coaches of the Brazilian Volleyball Male Super League 2010/2011. The data were subjected to content analysis. Three categories were identified: "Factors that could cause burnout syndrome"; "The manifestations of burnout", and "The effects of burnout." Results indicate that coaches have factors that generate stress in their profession. Evidence was observed of the three dimensions of burnout syndrome: physical and emotional exhaustion, a reduced sense of sport accomplishment, and sport devaluation. We concluded that these coaches showed vulnerability to the onset of symptoms related to burnout

    Frontal geometry from sketches of engineering objects: is line labelling necessary?

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    A tool which can quickly interpret line drawings (with hidden lines removed) of engineering objects as boundary representation CAD models would be of significant benefit in the process of engineering design. Inflation of the drawing to produce a frontal geometry, a geometric realisation of that part of the object visible in the drawing, is an important stage of this process. Previous methods of producing frontal geometries have relied on the technique of line labelling (labelling edges as convex, concave or occluding). Although restricted subsets of the line-labelling problem have known solutions, reliable methods have not been found for the general line-labelling problem, and traditional methods, when adapted to drawings with non-trihedral junctions, are unacceptably slow. Many other papers assume that line labelling is an essential step. Here, we show this is not necessarily true, and that comparable results can be obtained by a novel alternative approach. Firstly, we consider what outputs from line labelling are essential to the production of frontal geometry. Secondly, we investigate by what other means these outputs can be produced. Our work indicates that the only essential output from line labelling for frontal geometry is the determination of which T-junctions in a drawing are occluding and which are non-occluding. This information is required for inflation, and also for detection of symmetry and for constructing hidden topology. Thus, we propose and analyse a new method which, in the absence of line labels, simultaneously inflates a drawing to produce the frontal geometry and attempts to determine whether each T-junction is occluding or not. For drawings of objects with holes or pockets, and for cases where line labelling is particularly unreliable, our new method can provide a better alternative

    Interpreting line drawings of objects with K-vertices

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    As part of the goal of automatic creation of B-rep models of engineering objects from freehand sketches, we seek to take a single line drawing (with hidden lines removed), and from it deduce an initial 3D geometric realisation of the visible part of the drawn object. Junction and line labels, and provisional depth coordinates, are key parts of this frontal geometry. Many methods for producing frontal geometry only work correctly for drawings of trihedral objects. However, nontrihedral k-vertices commonly occur in engineering objects. We analyse the performance of a line-labelling method applied to k-vertices, and show why methods ignoring geometric considerations are inadequate. We give a new approach which produces both junction labels and provisional depth coordinates without any prior knowledge. Our results show that even a naive implementation outperforms previous methods

    Penetrating facial injury from angle grinder use: management and prevention

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    Injuries resulting from the use of angle grinders are numerous. The most common sites injured are the head and face. The high speed disc of angle grinders does not respect anatomical boundaries or structures and thus the injuries produced can be disfiguring, permanently disabling or even fatal. However, aesthetically pleasing results can be achieved with thorough debridement, resection of wound edges and careful layered functional closure after reduction and fixation of facial bone injuries. A series of penetrating facial wounds associated with angle grinder use are presented and the management and prevention of these injuries discussed


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    This study aims to present the different approaches about creativity and its correlations with sport. The mystical, pragmatic, psychodynamic, cognitive, psychometric, and social view of creativity as well as your main concepts and visions are presented systematically aiming to correlate them with the sport phenomenon. The new trends about the paradigms that involve the present study of creativity are approached also.Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar os diferentes pensamentos e visões sobre criatividade, bem como relacioná-los com o esporte de uma forma geral. A visão mística, pragmática, cognitiva, psicométrica e social da criatividade, bem como seus principais conceitos e linhas de pensamentos, são apresentados de forma sistemática e sucinta ao relacioná-los com o fenômeno esportivo. Apresentam-se ainda novas perspectivas sobre os paradigmas que envolvem o estudo da criatividade na atualidade. This study aims to present the different approaches about creativity and its correlations with sport. The mystical, pragmatic, psychodynamic, cognitive, psychometric, and social view of creativity as well as your main concepts and visions are presented systematically aiming to correlate them with the sport phenomenon. The new trends about the paradigms that involve the present study of creativity are approached also

    Yin and yang, or peas in a pod? Individual-sport versus team-sport athletes and altitude training

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    The question of whether altitude training can enhance subsequent sea-level performance has been well investigated over many decades. However, research on this topic has focused on athletes from individual or endurance sports, with scant number of studies on team-sport athletes. Questions that need to be answered include whether this type of training may enhance team-sport athlete performance, when success in team-sport is often more based on technical and tactical ability rather than physical capacity per se. This review will contrast and compare athletes from two sports representative of endurance (cycling) and team-sports (soccer). Specifically, we draw on the respective competition schedules, physiological capacities, activity profiles and energetics of each sport to compare the similarities between athletes from these sports and discuss the relative merits of altitude training for these athletes. The application of conventional live-high, train-high; live-high, train-low; and intermittent hypoxic training for team-sport athletes in the context of the above will be presented. When the above points are considered, we will conclude that dependent on resources and training objectives, altitude training can be seen as an attractive proposition to enhance the physical performance of team-sport athletes without the need for an obvious increase in training load

    A Lightweight Network for Real-Time Rain Streaks and Rain Accumulation Removal from Single Images Captured by AVs

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    In autonomous driving, object detection is considered a base step to many subsequent processes. However, object detection is challenged by loss in visibility caused by rain. Rainfall occurs in two main forms, which are streaks and streaks accumulations. Each degradation type imposes different effect on the captured videos; therefore, they cannot be mitigated in the same way. We propose a lightweight network which mitigates both types of rain degradation in real-time, without negatively affecting the object-detection task. The proposed network consists of two different modules which are used progressively. The first one is a progressive ResNet for rain streaks removal, while the second one is a transmission-guided lightweight network for rain streak accumulation removal. The network has been tested on synthetic and real rainy datasets and has been compared with state-of-the-art (SOTA) networks. Additionally, time performance evaluation has been performed to ensure real-time performance. Finally, the effect of the developed deraining network has been tested on YOLO object-detection network. The proposed network exceeded SOTA by 1.12 dB in PSNR on the average result of multiple synthetic datasets with 2.29× speedup. Finally, it can be observed that the inclusion of different lightweight stages works favorably for real-time applications and could be updated to mitigate different degradation factors such as snow and sun blare