2,168 research outputs found

    Lucía Orsanic, La mujer-serpiente en los libros de caballerías castellanos. Forma y arquetipo de lo monstruoso femenino, Madrid, La Ergástula, 2014, 174 pp.

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    Lucía Orsanic, La mujer-serpiente en los libros de caballeríascastellanos. Forma y arquetipo de lo monstruoso femenino,Madrid, La Ergástula, 2014, 174 pp

    A Multi-Criteria Vertical Coordination Framework for a Reliable Aid Distribution

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    Purpose: This study proposes a methodology that translates multiple humanitarian supply chain stakeholders’ preferences from qualitative to quantitative values, enabling these preferences to be integrated into optimization models to ensure their balanced and simultaneous implementation during the decision-making process. Design/methodology/approach: An extensive literature review is used to justify the importance of developing a strategy that minimizes the impact of a lack of coordination on humanitarian logistics decisions. A methodology for a multi-criteria framework is presented that allows humanitarian stakeholders’ interests to be integrated into the humanitarian decisionmaking process. Findings: The findings suggest that integrating stakeholders’ interests into the humanitarian decision-making process will improve its reliability. Research limitations/implications: To further validate the weights of each stakeholder’s interests obtained from the literature review requires interviews with the corresponding organizations. However, the literature review supports the statements in this paper. Practical implications: The cost of a lack of coordination between stakeholders in humanitarian logistics has been increasing during the last decade. These coordination costs can be minimized if humanitarian logistics’ decision-makers measure and simultaneously consider multiple stakeholders’ preferences. Social implications: When stakeholders’ goals are aligned, the humanitarian logistics response becomes more efficient, increasing the quality of delivered aid and providing timely assistance to the affected population in order to minimize their suffering. Originality/value: This study provides a methodology that translates humanitarian supply chain stakeholders’ interests into quantitative values, enabling them to be integrated into mathematical models to ensure relief distribution based on the stakeholders’ preferences.Peer Reviewe

    Modelo “plural integral” de cuidados primários para a saúde e satisfação dos usuário

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    Purpose. The purpose of this work is to propose the implementation of a plural-comprehensive model of primary healthcare in Mexico that would streamline the admission of people to these services and guarantee user satisfaction. Methods. A review and critical analysis of the bibliography on the topic was carried out in order to improve the proposal. Findings. In various countries where healthcare systems oriented to primary care are being implemented, better results are being obtained as regards the health of their population and improved efficiency. Conclusions. To improve the quality of primary health care in Mexico, the author proposes implementing a plural comprehensive model that would allow for free selection of the physician or of a system of care chosen by the patient or his family, which has public or combined funding, as applicable, and which has a guarantee of certified technical quality.Propósito. El presente trabajo tiene como finalidad proponer la implementación de un Modelo Plural-integral de Atención Primaria a la Salud en México, que agilice el ingreso de las personas a estos servicios y garantice la satisfacción de los usuarios. Métodos. Se llevó a cabo una revisión y análisis crítico de bibliografía sobre el tema para mejorar la propuesta. Hallazgos. En diversos países se están implementando sistemas de atención a la salud orientados a la Atención Primaria y están obteniendo mejores resultados sobre la salud de su población y son más eficientes. Conclusiones. Para mejorar la calidad de la Atención Primaria a la Salud (APS) en México, se propone la implementación de un Modelo Plural-integral que permita la libre elección del médico o sistema de atención que el paciente o su familia decida, que cuente con financiamiento público o mixto, según el caso, y una garantía de calidad técnica certificadaFinalidade. O presente trabalho tem como finalidade propor a implementação de um Modelo Plural integral de Cuidados Primários para a Saúde no México a fim de agilizar o acesso das pessoas a esses serviços e garantir a satisfação dos usuários. Métodos. foram realizadas uma revisão e uma análise crítica de bibliografia sobre o tema a fim de melhorar a proposta. Descobertas. em diversos países estão sendo implementados sistemas de cuidados de saúde orientados para os Cuidados Primários que estão obtendo melhores resultados sobre a saúde de sua população e estão sendo mais eficientes. Conclusões. para melhorar a qualidade dos Cuidados Primários de Saúde (CPS) no México, é proposta a implementação de um Modelo Plural integral que permita a livre escolha do médico ou sistema de cuidados de saúde que o paciente ou sua família decidam, que conte com um financiamento público ou misto segundo o caso, e que conte com uma garantia de qualidade técnica certificada

    Nuevos registros de Castilleja (Orobanchaceae) en Veracruz, México

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    Background and Aims: Castilleja nervata and C. tenuiflora var. xylorrhiza were reported for 11 and five states of Mexico, respectively. The aim of this study was to determine the morphological characters of C. nervata in order to differentiate it from C. arvensis, to identify C. tenuiflora var. xylorrhiza as part of the C. tenuiflora complex and separate the latter from C. integrifolia var. integrifolia, as well as showing the geographic distribution and documenting the morphological similitude of these taxa.Methods: Herbaria specimens were revised and the taxa were collected, in addition to measuring and characterizing the morphological structures of the specimens found in the National Park “Cañón del Río Blanco”, which were determined based on literature.Key results: Two taxa of the genus Castilleja unreported previously for the flora of the state of Veracruz, Mexico were identified. Two comparative tables for the identification of the taxa corresponding to the C. tenuiflora complex and for distinguishing between C. arvensis y C. nervata are presented. Photographs and a map of distribution of the new records are also provided.Conclusions: These taxa belong to the 10 species and eight varieties of the genus Castilleja present in Veracruz. Additionally, we recommend to revise the genus in other Mexican states and to continue the botanical exploration of the National Park “Canón del Río Blanco”.Antecedentes y Objetivos: Castilleja nervata y C. tenuiflora var. xylorrhiza estaban reportadas para 11 y cinco estados de México, respectivamente. El objetivo de este estudio fue determinar los caracteres morfológicos de C. nervata para diferenciarla de C. arvensis, identificar a C. tenuiflora var. xylorrhiza dentro del complejo C. tenuiflora y separar este último de C. integrifolia var. integrifolia, así como mostrar la distribución geográfica y documentar la similitud morfológica de los taxones.Métodos: Se revisaron ejemplares de herbario y se colectaron los taxones, además de que se tomaron medidas y se caracterizaron las estructuras morfológicas de los especímenes encontrados en el Parque Nacional Cañón del Río Blanco, mismos que fueron determinados con base en la literatura.Resultados clave: Se determinaron dos taxones del género Castilleja que no estaban reportados con anterioridad para la flora del estado de Veracruz, México. Se proporcionan dos cuadros comparativos para la identificación de los taxones correspondientes al complejo C. tenuiflora y para diferenciar entre C. arvensis y C. nervata, así como fotografías y un mapa de distribución de los nuevos registros.Conclusiones: Estos taxones forman parte de las 10 especies y ocho variedades del género Castilleja presentes en Veracruz. Además, se recomienda revisar el género en otros estados de México y continuar con la exploración botánica del Parque Nacional Cañón del Río Blanco

    Mechanical and tribological behavior of red clay ceramic tiles coated with fly ash powders by thermal spraying technique

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    ABSTRACT: The mechanical and tribological performance of red clay ceramic tiles uncoated and coated by oxy-fuel thermal spraying process from fly ash powders was evaluated. The ceramic tile substrates were manufactured by uniaxial pressing at 26.17 bar pressure, and sintered at 1100 °C. The coating thickness was determined based on the number of projection-cycles oxyacetylene flame over substrate. Coal fly ash coatings were deposited, with average thickness of 56.18±12.18 μm, 180.42±20.32 μm, and 258.26±25.88μm. The mechanical resistance to bending and wear by abrasion deep, were studied using ISO 10545-4 standards and ISO 10545-6 respectively; adhesion was measured using Elcometer equipment Type III according to ASTM D-4541-02 and the average roughness (Ra) was found according to ASTM standard D7127-13, using the profilometer Mitutoyo SJ 201. The surface morphology presented the heterogeneous molten or semi molten splats with average size of 35.262±3.48 micrometers with good adhesion, justifying increased mechanical resistance to bending by 5%, as well as wear by abrasion deep. These results contribute to the development of ceramic products with added value, to be used in various technological applications

    Estado de la gestión con enfoque en responsabilidad social empresarial en las empresas del sector floricultor en Colombia

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    La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo describir el estado de gestión con enfoque en Responsabilidad Social Empresarial (RSE) en las empresas del Sector Floricultor en Colombia, utilizando como herramienta de evaluación los Indicadores Ethos para Negocios Sustentables y Responsables (Instituto Argentino de Responsabilidad Social Empresaria [IARSE], 2013); la cual permitió identificar el estado de gestión específico en las siguientes dimensiones: (a) visión y estrategia, (b) gobierno corporativo y gestión, (c) social, y (d) ambiental. La presente investigación tuvo un enfoque cuantitativo, de alcance descriptivo, de carácter no experimental, y exploratorio-transeccional; y se realizó a una muestra de 13 empresas floricultoras ubicadas en la Sabana de Bogotá debido a que esta zona geográfica representa el 88% de la zona productora del país (Cárdenas & Rodríguez, 2011) y a su vez, representa el 80% de las exportaciones de flores del país (González, 2014). A través de la presente investigación y de la aplicación de dichos indicadores Ethos, se determinó que el Sector Floricultor en Colombia es maduro con una calificación medio-alta en cuanto a la RSE. Los resultados permiten ver que el Sector ha realizado una importante gestión en torno a los aspectos sociales y ambientales, a su vez la muestra permitió inferir que el 69% de las empresas encuestadas se encontraron en el estadio 3, caracterizadas por la existencia de políticas orientadas hacia la estrategia de desarrollo sostenible; además, cuentan con procedimientos y sistemas de gestión con enfoque en RSE generados por el programa FlorVerde. Por otro lado, el 31% de las empresas restantes evidenciaron un nivel de mayor gestión, definidas como estadio 4, categorizadas como más eficientes en todos los temas tratados. La dimensión ambiental fue la de mayor calificación con 68.62%, seguida por la dimensión visión y estrategia con 68.17%. Las más rezagadas fueron la dimensión gobierno corporativo y gestión con 67.25% y la dimensión social con 66.82%. Aunque el Sector cumple con los requisitos legales en cuanto a los aspectos laborales, existen investigaciones que evidencian aún falencias en prácticas laborales y relacionamiento sindical. Existen también oportunidades de fortalecimiento en las prácticas de logística reversa, en la dimensión ambiental. Una manera de evaluar de nuevo el Sector y revisar a profundidad la evolución de las acciones tomadas, es aplicando en futuras investigaciones los Indicadores Ethos para Negocios Sustentables y Responsables mediante la categoría comprensiva. En general los indicadores de mejor desempeño (i.e., calificación) en las diferentes dimensiones fueron de 70%This research had as objective describe the State of Management with Focus on Social Responsibility Corporative (CSR), in the companies of the flowers sector in Colombia, for this purpose it used as evaluation tool the Ethos Indicator for Sustainable and Responsible Business (IARSE, 2013), this instrument identified the specific state of management in the following dimensions: (a) vision and strategy, (b) corporate governance and management, (c) social, and (d) environmental. This research was a kind non-experimental, exploratory-transeccion, it had a quantitative approach and descriptive scope. It made in a sample of 13 flowers companies, these was located in the Sabana de Bogotá because this geographical area represents the 88% of the producing area of the country (Cárdenas & Rodríguez, 2011), and in turn, it represents the 80% of the exportations of flowers in the country (González, 2014). Through of this research and the application of Ethos indicator, it was determined that the Floricultor sector in Colombia is a mature sector, it has a middle-high terms in CSR rating. The results lets see that this sector has made a significant management around the social and environmental aspects; the sample allowed to infer that the 69% of the interviewed companies there was in the third stage, characterized by there has a polices orientated by the sustainable strategies development; also, there has management systems and procedures with focus in CSR generated by the FlorVerde program. In turn, the 31% of the remaining companies showed a high level of the management, defined as four stage, there are more efficient in all evaluate topics. The environmental dimension has a highest score of 68.62%, it was followed by vision and strategic dimension, it has a 68.17%. The worst dimensions were the corporate governance and management (it has 67.25%) and the social dimension, it has 66.82%. Although the sector meets the legal laboral requirement, there are many researches that it shows that the sector still it has shortcomings in labor practices and labor union; plus, it has a opportunities for improve in reverse logistics practices, in the environmental dimension. One manner to evaluate again the sector and can review the results and could see the effectiveness of the actions taken this days, should be do a new research and it will apply the Ethos Indicator in the compressive category. In general the best behavior indicators in the different dimensions was of 70%.Tesi

    Risk factors for reamputation in patients with diabetic foot: A case-control study

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    Background: Reamputation as a complication of diabetic foot ulcers presents a high economic burden and represents a therapeutic failure. It is paramount to identify as early as possible patients in whom a minor amputation may not be the best option. The purpose of this investigation was to do a case-controlled study to determine risk factors associated with re-amputation in patients with DFU (diabetic foot ulcers) at two University Hospitals. Methods: Multicentric, observational, retrospective, case-control study from clinical records of 2 university hospitals. Our study included 420 patients, with 171 cases (re-amputations), and 249 controls. We performed a multivariate logistic regression analysis and time-to-event survival analysis to identify re-amputation risk factors. Results: Statistically significant risk factors were artery history of tobacco use (p = 0.001); male sex (p = 0.048); arterial occlusion in Doppler ultrasound (p = 0.001); percentage of stenosis in arterial ultrasound >50 % (p = 0.053); requirement of vascular intervention (p = 0.01); and microvascular involvement in photoplethysmography (p = 0.033). The most parsimonious regression model suggests that history of tobacco use, male sex, arterial occlusion in ultrasound, and percentage of stenosis in arterial ultrasound >50 % remained statistically significant. The survival analysis identified earlier amputations in patients with larger occlusion in arterial ultrasound, high leukocyte count, and elevated ESR. Conclusion: Direct and surrogate outcomes in patients with diabetic foot ulcers identify vascular involvement as an important risk factor for reamputation

    Causas de retratamiento endodontal.

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    Todo tratamiento odontológico está sujeto a complicaciones. En la endodoncia estas pueden ocurrir principalmente por una iatrogenia del operador o por falta de un procedimiento restaurador definitivo. Al presentarse está indicado realizar un retratamiento endodontal. El objetivo del estudio fue identificar la causa más común de retratamiento endodontal dentro de la clínica de pregrado de la Facultad de Odontología.Se realizó un estudio descriptivo donde se seleccionaron de manera aleatoria 50 expedientes clínicos de pacientes que recibieron retratamiento durante el periodo enero 2013 a enero 2015 en una hoja de captura de datos. Se capturaron las principales causas de retratamiento: filtración coronal, subobturación, tratamiento inconcluso y sobreobturación.Se encontró como principal causa la filtración coronal con un 70%, seguido de las piezas dentales  con una subobturación 18%, tratamiento inconcluso con 10% y por último como menos frecuente fue la sobreobturación de piezas tratadas endodonticamente con 2%.Se concluyó que la causa más frecuente de retratamiento endodontal fue la filtración coronal

    The transcriptional and mutational landscapes of lipid metabolism-related genes in colon cancer

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    Metabolic alterations encountered in tumors are well recognized and considered as a hallmark of cancer. In addition to Warburg Effect, epidemiological and experimental studies support the crucial role of lipid metabolism in colorectal cancer (CRC). The overexpression of four lipid metabolism-related genes (ABCA1, ACSL1, AGPAT1 and SCD genes) has been proposed as prognostic marker of stage II CRC (ColoLipidGene signature). In order to explore in depth the transcriptomic and genomic scenarios of ABCA1, ACSL1, AGPAT1 and SCD genes, we performed a transcriptomic meta-analysis in more than one thousand CRC individuals. Additionally we analyzed their genomic coding sequence in 95 patients, to find variants that could orchestrate CRC prognosis. We found that genetic variant rs3071, located on SCD gene, defines a 9.77% of stage II CRC patients with high risk of death. Moreover, individuals with upregulation of ABCA1 and AGPAT1 expression have an increased risk of CRC recurrence, independently of tumor stage. ABCA1 emerges as one of the main contributors to signature's prognostic effect. Indeed, both high ABCA1 expression and presence of tumoral genetic variants located in ABCA1 coding region, seem to be associated with CRC risk of death. In addition the non-synonymous polymorphism rs2230808, located on ABCA1, is associated with gene expression. Patients carrying at least one copy of minor allele showed higher levels of ABCA1 expression than patients carrying homozygous major allele. This study broaden the prognostic value of ABCA1, ACSL1, AGPAT1 and SCD genes, independently of CRC tumor stage, leading to future precision medicine approaches and "omics"-guided therapiesMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad del Gobierno de España (MINECO, Plan Nacional I+D+i AGL2016-76736-C3), Gobierno regional de la Comunidad de Madrid (P2013/ABI-2728, ALIBIRD-CM) and EU Structural Fund