59 research outputs found

    Guía Didáctica. La construcción de la Soberanía Alimentaria

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    9 páginas. 2 ficheros (PDF y ODT)La construcción de la Soberanía Alimentaria requiere una contextualización histórica de la realidad agraria y un análisis crítico de los escenarios desde los cuales parte la necesidad de generar vías alternativas a las existentes para garantizar el derecho a la alimentación y a una producción sostenible de alimentos. Estos contextos y análisis así como las herramientas y metodologías para abordar la Soberanía Alimentaría han ido siendo desarrollados, desde una perspectiva agroecológica, a lo largo de las diferentes asignaturas del curso. Partiendo de estos análisis queda el trabajo de identificar y abordar los diferentes elementos para dar una respuesta social y tecnológica a las maneras de construir las diferentes propuestas en torno a la Soberanía Alimentaria. La mayoría de las propuestas están emergiendo de multitud de experiencias y redes sociales (de productores/as y consumidores/as) que están impulsando sistemas agroalimentarios y políticas públicas que trabajan la cuestión de la alimentación desde la soberanía alimentaria. Destacan la integralidad y complejidad de algunas de estas propuestas. Los elementos principales de cimentación de sistemas agroalimentarios sostenibles se enmarcan dentro de premisas de desarrollo endógeno, sostenibilidad ecológica y participación social y se dirigen hacia la autonomía y la reproducción de los sistemas agrarios y de las comunidades. El abanico de elementos abordables para la construcción de la Soberanía Alimentaria puede ser muy amplio. Algunos de estos elementos nos llegan de una tradición reinvidicativa campesina, como la reforma agraria y el acceso a los recursos; otros son propuestas novedosas en respuesta a unos marcos restrictivos de acción, como son los Sistemas Participativos de Garantía; otros recuperan consciencia del funcionamiento del sistema agroalimentario imperante, como el Consumo Responsable, y los Canales Cortos de Comercialización; algunos se plantean la autonomía productiva, como la Agricultura Urbana y los sistemas de reconstrucción de la biodiversidad cultivada; y otros se adentran en la articulación de redes participativas, la innovación social y extensión agroecológica (Movimientos sociales, redes alimentarias y políticas públicas). Con la intención de profundizar en estos y otros elementos constructivos y en generar aportes reflexivos teórico-prácticos sobre la Soberanía Alimentaria y sus diversas propuestas concretas, desarrollamos esta asignatura

    The process of adopting the milan urban food policy Pact in Cordoba

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    Ayuntamientos de todo el mundo están desarrollando políticas alimentarias que pretenden integrar a los distintos sectores y actores implicados en la consecución de resultados en materia de sostenibilidad y seguridad alimentaria fomentando cambios en los procesos de elaboración de políticas. Sin embargo, la coproducción de políticas públicas se enfrenta a múltiples inconvenientes para establecer nuevas formas de gobernanza que generen una mayor legitimidad de las instituciones, una mayor eficiencia, una cohesión social más estrecha y una democratización más profunda. Este investigación retratar los procesos de coproducción de políticas alimentarias junto con el proceso de adopción del Pacto de Políticas Alimentarias Urbanas de Milán en el municipio de Córdoba(Andalucía) analizando el papel cambiante de los agentes, identificando los factores clave y las herramientas que sustentan los procesos de coproducción así como las barreras. los resultados ilustran el papel cambiante de los actores clave en las políticas coproductivas, junto con la necesidad de reconocer la diversidad de conocimientos, capacidades e intereses dentro del sector público y las organizaciones de la sociedad civil para diseñar políticas eficaces. Esto incluye la creación de espacios de gobernanza formales e informales que sustenten el proceso fluido y en constante evolución de elaboración de políticas alimentarias. Así pues, esta investigación contribuye a avanzar en los debates conceptuales y prácticos sobre la coproducción, aportando nuevas perspectivas que sirvan de base para el desarrollo de futuras políticas alimentarias urbanas

    Aproximación al manejo de los recursos fitogenéticos en nuevas cooperativas autogestionadas de alimentación y agricultura : Una perspectiva agroecológica, una mirada desdela democracia radical. Estudio de caso : Cooperativa "Bajo el asfalto está la huerta"

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    Tesis dirigida por Ángel Calle Collado. El presente trabajo es un intento de aproximación al manejo de los recursos fitogenéticos de cooperativas de producción, distribución y consumo directo, analizando la evolución del mismo a lo largo del tiempo y los diferentes elementos que han intervenido. Se encuadra en un marco teórico con tres pilares: la democracia radical, la agroecología y la semilla desde el cual se anlaizarán experiencias autogestionarias de recuperación de biodiversidad. Se trata de entresacar las soluciones que proponen dentro de un contexto autogestionario y reticular. La importancia de acercarse al estudio de estas propuestas radica en visibilizar cómo gestionan estas cooperativas los componentes desfavorables relacionados con el mantenimiento de la biodiversidad cultivada ya que nos pueden dar algunos indicios de como facilitar o mejorar los procesos de recuperación de variedades, integrando las funcionalidades de producción y consumo. Este escrito pretende ser una colaboración a la reflexión y el debate de las alternativas para incrementar la diversidad en nuestros campos y en nuestras cocinas. El objetivo principal de esta investigación es analizar y describir el manejo de los recursos fitogenéticos hortícolas en las nuevas cooperativas agroecológicas de producción, distribución y consumo. Y se desarrolla al hilo de una hipótesis: las nuevas cooperativas agroecológicas, como espacios construidos desde la democracia radical, son sustrato para la creación de propuestas de recuperación de la biodiversidad cultivada


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    The genesis of conservation and use of landrace seeds linked to some (social) organization in the Northeast of Brazil, dates from the 1970s in rural areas of inland municipalities with the support of social and community actions by the Catholic church. This study aimed to identify and describe the main innovations that have occurred within the scope of the landrace seed’s movement in the region during the last 8 years (2015-2022). Research was carried out using semi-structured interviews and participant observation techniques, resulting in the and identification of 13 main innovations that were grouped into 5 perspectives, being innovations in social, legal, organizational-productive, technical, and methodological relationships. The innovations found out show the increase and evolution of the landrace seed’s movement in the Brazilian Northeastern region, which has guided important social practices and reflections about agroecological autonomy, about the future of agriculture and agrobiodiversity and on the quality and type of food produced to feed human societies.La génesis del trabajo de conservación y uso de semillas nativas vinculado a alguna perspectiva organizativa en el Nordeste de Brasil se remonta a la década de 1970 en zonas rurales de municipios del interior con el apoyo de acciones sociales y comunitarias de la Iglesia Católica. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo identificar y describir las principales innovaciones ocurridas en el ámbito del movimiento semillero criollo en el Nordeste brasileño en los últimos 8 años (2015-2022). La investigación se realizó mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas y métodos de observación participante e identificó 13 innovaciones principales que se agruparon en 5 perspectivas, a saber, innovaciones en las relaciones sociales, jurídicas, organizacional-productivas, técnicas y metodológicas. Las innovaciones encontradas muestran el crecimiento y evolución del movimiento semillero criollo en el Nordeste brasileño, que ha guiado a la sociedad en importantes prácticas y reflexiones hacia la autonomía agroecológica, sobre el futuro de la agricultura y la agrobiodiversidad y la calidad y el tipo de alimentos producidos para alimentar a las sociedades humanas. .A gênese dos trabalhos de conservação e uso de sementes crioulas vinculados com alguma perspectiva de organização no Nordeste do Brasil, está datado a partir da década de 1970 nas zonas rurais de municípios do interior com apoio de ações sociais e comunitárias por parte da Igreja Católica. Esse estudo teve como objetivo identificar e descrever as principais inovações ocorridas no âmbito do movimento de sementes crioulas do Nordeste Brasileiro nos últimos 8 anos (2015-2022). A pesquisa foi realizada com os métodos de entrevista semi-estruturada e observação participante e identificou 13 principais inovações que foram agrupadas em 5 perspectivas, sendo elas inovações nas relações sociais, jurídicas, organizativas-produtivas, técnicas e metodológicas. As inovações encontradas mostram o crescimento e evolução do movimento de sementes crioulas do Nordeste Brasileiro, que tem pautado na sociedade práticas e reflexões importantes no sentido da autonomia agroecológica, sobre o futuro da agricultura e da agrobiodiversidade e da qualidade e tipo de alimentos produzidos para alimentar as sociedades humanas

    Manejo de la inmunosupresión en pacientes trasplantados de riñón con COVID19. Estudio multicéntrico nacional derivado del registro COVID de la Sociedad Española de Nefrología

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    Introduction: SARS CoV2 infection has had a major impact on renal transplant patients with a high mortality in the first months of the pandemic. Intentional reduction of immunosuppressive therapy has been postulated as one of the cornerstone in the management of the infection in the absence of targeted antiviral treatment. This has been modified according to the patient`s clinical situation and its effect on renal function or anti-HLA antibodies in the medium term has not been evaluated.Objectives: Evaluate the management of immunosuppressive therapy made during SARS-CoV2 infection, as well as renal function and anti-HLA antibodies in kidney transplant patients 6 months after COVID19 diagnosis.Material and methods: Retrospective, national multicentre, retrospective study (30 centres) of kidney transplant recipients with COVID19 from 01/02/20 to 31/12/20. Clinical variables were collected from medical records and included in an anonymised database. SPSS statistical software was used for data analysis.Results: renal transplant recipients with COVID19 were included (62.6% male), with a mean age of 57.5 years. The predominant immunosuppressive treatment prior to COVID19 was triple therapy with prednisone, tacrolimus and mycophenolic acid (54.6%) followed by m-TOR inhibitor regimens (18.6%). After diagnosis of infection, mycophenolic acid was discontinued in 73.8% of patients, m-TOR inhibitor in 41.4%, tacrolimus in 10.5% and cyclosporin A in 10%. In turn, 26.9% received dexamethasone and 50.9% were started on or had their baseline prednisone dose increased. Mean creatinine before diagnosis of COVID19, at diagnosis and at 6 months was: 1.7 +/- 0.8, 2.1 +/- 1.2 and 1.8 +/- 1 mg/dl respectively (p < 0.001). 56.9% of the patients (N = 350) were monitored for anti-HLA antibodies. 94% (N = 329) had no anti-HLA changes, while 6% (N = 21) had positive anti-HLA antibodies. Among the patients with donor-specific antibodies post-COVID19 (N = 9), 7 patients (3.1%) had one immunosuppressant discontinued (5 patients had mycophenolic acid and 2 had tacrolimus), 1 patient had both immunosuppressants discontinued (3.4%) and 1 patient had no change in immunosuppression (1.1%), these differences were not significant.Conclusions: The management of immunosuppressive therapy after diagnosis of COVID19 was primarily based on discontinuation of mycophenolic acid with very discrete reductions or discontinuations of calcineurin inhibitors. This immunosuppression management did not influence renal function or changes in anti-HLA antibodies 6 months after diagnosis

    Multicentre, randomised, single-blind, parallel group trial to compare the effectiveness of a Holter for Parkinson's symptoms against other clinical monitoring methods: study protocol

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    Introduction In recent years, multiple studies have aimed to develop and validate portable technological devices capable of monitoring the motor complications of Parkinson's disease patients (Parkinson's Holter). The effectiveness of these monitoring devices for improving clinical control is not known. Methods and analysis This is a single-blind, cluster-randomised controlled clinical trial. Neurologists from Spanish health centres will be randomly assigned to one of three study arms (1:1:1): (a) therapeutic adjustment using information from a Parkinson?s Holter that will be worn by their patients for 7 days, (b) therapeutic adjustment using information from a diary of motor fluctuations that will be completed by their patients for 7 days and (c) therapeutic adjustment using clinical information collected during consultation. It is expected that 162 consecutive patients will be included over a period of 6 months. The primary outcome is the efficiency of the Parkinson?s Holter compared with traditional clinical practice in terms of Off time reduction with respect to the baseline (recorded through a diary of motor fluctuations, which will be completed by all patients). As secondary outcomes, changes in variables related to other motor complications (dyskinesia and freezing of gait), quality of life, autonomy in activities of daily living, adherence to the monitoring system and number of doctor?patient contacts will be analysed. The noninferiority of the Parkinson's Holter against the diary of motor fluctuations in terms of Off time reduction will be studied as the exploratory objective. Ethics and dissemination approval for this study has been obtained from the Hospital Universitari de Bellvitge Ethics Committee. The results of this study will inform the practical utility of the objective information provided by a Parkinson's Holter and, therefore, the convenience of adopting this technology in clinical practice and in future clinical trials. We expect public dissemination of the results in 2022.Funding This work is supported by AbbVie S.L.U, the Instituto de Salud Carlos III [DTS17/00195] and the European Fund for Regional Development, 'A way to make Europe'

    Staging Parkinson’s Disease According to the MNCD (Motor/Non-motor/Cognition/Dependency) Classification Correlates with Disease Severity and Quality of Life

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    Background: Recently, a novel simple classification called MNCD, based on 4 axes (Motor; Non-motor; Cognition; Dependency) and 5 stages, has been proposed to classify Parkinson's disease (PD). Objective: Our aim was to apply the MNCD classification in a cohort of PD patients for the first time and also to analyze the correlation with quality of life (QoL) and disease severity. Methods: Data from the baseline visit of PD patients recruited from 35 centers in Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016 to November 2017 were used to apply the MNCD classification. Three instruments were used to assess QoL: 1) the 39-item Parkinson's disease Questionnaire [PDQ-39]); PQ-10; the EUROHIS-QOL 8-item index (EUROHIS-QOL8). Results: Four hundred and thirty-nine PD patients (62.05 +/- 7.84 years old; 59% males) were included. MNCD stage was: stage 1, 8.4% (N = 37); stage 2, 62% (N = 272); stage 3, 28.2% (N = 124); stage 4-5, 1.4% (N = 6). A more advanced MNCD stage was associated with a higher score on the PDQ39SI (p < 0.0001) and a lower score on the PQ-10 (p < 0.0001) and EUROHIS-QOL8 (p < 0.0001). In many other aspects of the disease, such as disease duration, levodopa equivalent daily dose, motor symptoms, non-motor symptoms, and autonomy for activities of daily living, an association between the stage and severity was observed, with data indicating a progressive worsening related to disease progression throughout the proposed stages. Conclusion: Staging PD according to the MNCD classification correlated with QoL and disease severity. The MNCD could be a proper tool to monitor the progression of PD

    Predictors of Global Non-Motor Symptoms Burden Progression in Parkinson’s Disease. Results from the COPPADIS Cohort at 2-Year Follow-Up

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    Background and Objective: Non-motor symptoms (NMS) progress in different ways between Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. The aim of the present study was to (1) analyze the change in global NMS burden in a PD cohort after a 2-year follow-up, (2) to compare the changes with a control group, and (3) to identify predictors of global NMS burden progression in the PD group. Material and Methods: PD patients and controls, recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort from January 2016 to November 2017, were followed-up with after 2 years. The Non-Motor Symptoms Scale (NMSS) was administered at baseline (V0) and at 24 months ± 1 month (V2). Linear regression models were used for determining predictive factors of global NMS burden progression (NMSS total score change from V0 to V2 as dependent variable). Results: After the 2-year follow-up, the mean NMS burden (NMSS total score) significantly increased in PD patients by 18.8% (from 45.08 ± 37.62 to 53.55 ± 42.28; p < 0.0001; N = 501; 60.2% males, mean age 62.59 ± 8.91) compared to no change observed in controls (from 14.74 ± 18.72 to 14.65 ± 21.82; p = 0.428; N = 122; 49.5% males, mean age 60.99 ± 8.32) (p < 0.0001). NMSS total score at baseline (β = -0.52), change from V0 to V2 in PDSS (Parkinson's Disease Sleep Scale) (β = -0.34), and change from V0 to V2 in NPI (Neuropsychiatric Inventory) (β = 0.25) provided the highest contributions to the model (adjusted R-squared 0.41; Durbin-Watson test = 1.865). Conclusions: Global NMS burden demonstrates short-term progression in PD patients but not in controls and identifies worsening sleep problems and neuropsychiatric symptoms as significant independent predictors of this NMS progression

    Predictors of Loss of Functional Independence in Parkinson’s Disease: Results from the COPPADIS Cohort at 2-Year Follow-Up and Comparison with a Control Group

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    COPPADIS Study Group.[Background and objective] The aim of this study was to compare the progression of independence in activities of daily living (ADL) in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients versus a control group, as well as to identify predictors of disability progression and functional dependency (FD).[Patients and Methods] PD patients and control subjects, who were recruited from 35 centers of Spain from the COPPADIS cohort between January 2016 and November 2017 (V0), were included. Patients and subjects were then evaluated again at the 2-year follow-up (V2). Disability was assessed with the Schwab & England Activities of Daily Living Scale (S&E-ADLS) at V0 and V2. FD was defined as an S&E-ADLS score less than 80%.[Results] In the PD group, a significant decrease in the S&E-ADLS score from V0 to V2 (N = 507; from 88.58 ± 10.19 to 84.26 ± 13.38; p < 0.0001; Cohen’s effect size = −0.519) was observed but not in controls (N = 124; from 98.87 ± 6.52 to 99.52 ± 2.15; p = 0.238). When only patients considered functional independent at baseline were included, 55 out of 463 (11.9%) converted to functional dependent at V2. To be a female (OR = 2.908; p = 0.009), have longer disease duration (OR = 1.152; p = 0.002), have a non-tremoric motor phenotype at baseline (OR = 3.574; p = 0.004), have a higher score at baseline in FOGQ (OR = 1.244; p < 0.0001) and BDI-II (OR = 1.080; p = 0.008), have a lower score at baseline in PD-CRS (OR = 0.963; p = 0.008), and have a greater increase in the score from V0 to V2 in UPDRS-IV (OR = 1.168; p = 0.0.29), FOGQ (OR = 1.348; p < 0.0001) and VAFS-Mental (OR = 1.177; p = 0.013) (adjusted R-squared 0.52; Hosmer and Lemeshow test = 0.94) were all found to be independent predictors of FD at V2.[Conclusions] In conclusion, autonomy for ADL worsens in PD patients compared to controls. Cognitive impairment, gait problems, fatigue, depressive symptoms, more advanced disease, and a non-tremor phenotype are independent predictors of FD in the short-term.Fundación Curemos el Parkinson (www.curemoselparkinson.org).Peer reviewe