402 research outputs found

    Redesain Interior Fasilitas Pelayanan Administrasi Umum Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) Berkonsep Modern Natural dengan Penerapan Nilai-Nilai Kristiani

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    Universitas Kristen Indonesia (UKI) sebagai salah satu perguruan tinggi swasta Kristen dalam eksistensinya sebagai lembaga institusi pendidikan selalu menjaga kualitas dan pelayanan bagi mahasiswa, calon mahasiswa, para orangtua, hingga masyarakat umum. Salah satu alasan calon mahasiswa dalam memilih kampus yaitu faktor fisik bangunan serta fasilitas sarana dan prasarananya. Fenomena ini menjadi dasar bagi UKI untuk mendesain ulang interior pada sarana dan prasarana fasilitas pelayanan administasi umum, untuk menunjang aktifitas sivitas akademik. Desain interior pada pelayanan administrasi umum, meliputi tiga ruang terpilih, yaitu lobi utama, ruang seminar, serta information office. Konsep desain interior yang dapat menyelaraskan visi dan misi UKI, dengan menerapkan nilai-nilai kristiani dalam langgam modern natural. Konsep desain diperoleh berdasarkan metodologi desain yang meliputi tahapan pengumpulan data, observasi lapangan, wawancara, dan pembuatan desain. Nilai-nilai kristiani muncul dalam filosofi melayani dan menunjang kegiatan sivitas akademik UKI. Simbol-simbol kristiani yang digunakan adalah simbol salib dan burung merpati, juga menggunakan kutipan-kutipan rohani yang dapat memotivasi pembacanya. Nilai-nilai dan simbol-simbol kristiani diterapkan dalam desain yang dapat dinikmati oleh semua kalangan di sivitas akademik UKI, yang terdiri dari multikultural, agama dan suku. Konsep yang digunakan adalah transformasi bentuk. Transformasi bentuk diatas diterapkan pada elemen lantai, dinding, plafon, furnitur dan elemen estetis. Transformasi bentuk nilai dan simbol kristiani memberikan tampilan desain yang modern, dan dapat selaras dengan langgam natural. Sehingga tercapai suasana interior yang ramah, hangat, dan nyaman. Suasana tersebut diharapkan mampu memberikan rasa senang dan motivasi dalam belajar dan beraktifitas di lingkungan Kampus UKI

    The Urgency of Carbon Accounting Based on Willingness to Pay Carbon Tax

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    The research aims to understand human behavior that plays an important role in reducing CO2 emissions through the concept of WTP which is based on psychological factors, that cover self-esteem, mortality salience, and health consciousness along with demographic factors including income level, knowledge, education, and gender. This study used a survey method, where data was collected through questionnaires that were distributed online to respondents with ages over 17 years. This study collected 150 respondents and data were analyzed using PLS-SEM. The results of the study show that the urgency to legitimize carbon taxes is seen as important by respondents. The average additional burden that respondents are willing to pay is Rp.25.000,- per month. Besides that, all psychological and demographic factors are proven can influence respondents willingness to pay carbon taxes except for the relationship between income-WTP and self-esteem-health consciousness-WTP. The results of this analysis provide insight into the strong will of individuals that can encourage individuals to pay for losses due to carbon emissions based on TMT which will help the regulator to legitimize the implementation of carbon accounting followed by formulating the carbon tax regulations comprehensively as part of global climate governance. Moreover, regulators can focus on the principles of improving the quality of human life rather than just technical issues. This research helps to understand the WTP taxes associated with a psychological perspective within the TMT framework

    Konstruksi Realitas Sosial Peran dan Fungsi Jurnalisme Sains di Indonesia: Studi Kasus di Kompas.com

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    Jurnalis memiliki peran penting untuk memberikan informasi kepada publik yang mengonsumsi berita. Hal-hal yang diterbitkan dalam surat kabar, majalah, dan disiarkan harus melalui tahap pengumpulan, penulisan, penafsiran, bahkan diproses terlebih dahulu sebelum disebarkan. Jurnalis juga memiliki peran yang penting dalam kanal sains, di mana jurnalis harus berperan sebagai knowledge broker atau perantara pengetahuan. Pada tahun 2018, Yanovitzky dan Weber merumuskan lima fungsi di mana jurnalis harus menjalankan tugasnya sebagai knowledge broker atau perantara pengetahuan yang berlaku juga untuk jurnalisme sains. Artikel tersebut menjelaskan fungsi-fungsi knowledge broker yaitu kesadaran, aksesibilitas, keterlibatan, keterkaitan, dan mobilisasi yang dihubungkan dengan pengaruh pemberitaan terhadap proses pembentukan kebijakan publik. Bila kita melihat dari sisi Indonesia yang memiliki jurnalisme sains, ada fungsi-fungsi knowledge broker yang digunakan dalam proses jurnalisme sains. Oleh karena itu, peneliti ingin mencari tahu fungsi-fungsi yang diterapkan oleh jurnalis sains di Indonesia dalam menjalankan pekerjaannya dan rumusan fungsi knowledge broker langsung dari jurnalis-jurnalis sains yang bertugas. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis deskriptif kualitatif dengan metode studi kasus di Kompas.com. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa jurnalisme sains di Kompas.com berperan sebagai perantara yang mengawamkan transfer informasi dari ahli di bidang sains ke masyarakat. Hal tersebut dilakukan dengan cara memperkaya informasi sebagai jurnalis sains dan menumpangi tren yang viral di masyarakat dengan ulasan sains

    Laporan Kerja Magang Alur Kerja Reporter Entertainment di IDNTIMES.COM

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    Teknologi terus berkembang dan membuat masyarakat harus terus beradaptasi dengan perubahan yang ada. Munculnya internet juga membuat masyarakat terus bergeser dari satu platform ke platform lainnya dan membuat media konvensional seperti televisi, radio, dan cetak harus memenuhi kebutuhan tersebut dengan mulai muncul di platform-platform digital. Dalam perkembangan jurnalistik, ada yang dikenal sebagai jurnalisme hiburan (entertainment journalism), yaitu genre jurnalistik yang fokus pada informasi dunia hiburan, khususnya seni, selebritas, dan artis. Walaupun memiliki gaya penulisan yang lebih ringan, berita hiburan juga memenuhi kebutuhan masyarakat dalam memperoleh informasi. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penulis memilih dan diterima sebagai Reporter Entertainment Intern di salah satu media digital di Indonesia yang ikut mengedepankan berita hiburan yaitu IDN Times. Dengan kanal Hype-nya, IDN Times tampil dengan jenis berita listicle yang memberikan pembahasan yang ditulis berdasarkan ide-ide pokok (sub judul) dan didukung dengan gambar yang menarik sesuai dengan sub judul yang dibahas. Selama lebih dari 60 hari, penulis menjalani alur kerja dan berproses sebagai Reporter Entertainment secara profesional di IDN Times

    Peran Mediasi Brand Awareness pada Pengaruh Content Quality dan Electronic Word of Mouth terhadap Purchase Intention Produk Dear Me Beauty

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran mediasi brand awareness pada pengaruh content quality dan electronic word of mouth dalam memengaruhi purchase intention produk Dear Me Beauty. Sampel pada penelitian ini sebanyak 232 responden dengan teknik pengambilan sampel menggunkan purposive sampling. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dengan menggunakan analisis Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) diolah dengan software AMOS menunjukkan bahwa : (1) Content Quality berpengaruh positif terhadap Brand Awareness (2) Electronic word of mouth tidak berpengaruh terhadap Brand Awareness (3) Brand Awareness tidak berpengaruh terhadap Purchase Intention (4) Content Quality berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention (5) Electronic Word of Mouth berpengaruh positif terhadap Purchase Intention (6) Brand Awareness dapat memediasi Content Quality terhadap Purchase Intention secara parsial (7) Brand Awareness dapat memediasi Electronic Word of Mouth terhadap Purchase Intention secara parsia

    Similarity in the difference : the fraternal function in groups of Narcotics Anonymous

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    Orientadores: João José Rodrigues Lima de Almeida, Carolina Cantarino RodriguesDissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Faculdade de Ciências AplicadasResumo: A adicção por drogas é, sem dúvida, um fenômeno complexo e multifacetado, como o comprovam os debates atuais sobre políticas públicas de saúde, segurança e assistência social voltados para o problema. Essa questão não pode tampouco ser compreendida senão dentro da cultura contemporânea, considerando os imperativos de consumo e as diferentes maneiras de o sujeito se relacionar com as drogas em determinados contextos. O próprio conceito de adiccção é guiado por diferentes paradigmas, seja pelo modelo da adicção como doença cerebral (BDMA) comumente adotado pela medicina, sejam pelas definições filosóficas e psicológicas que colocam a adicção no âmbito da fraqueza da vontade ou dos comportamentos habituais. Some-se a isso diferentes modelos de tratamento para a demanda de adictos como, por exemplo, o CAPSad, a Política de Redução de Danos e as Comunidades Terapêuticas. Nosso trabalho, entretanto, pretende se localizar fora do âmbito das políticas públicas de saúde ofertadas pelo Estado, ou, mais diretamente, pretende discorrer sobre os grupos anônimos de ajuda mútua, mais conhecidos como Narcóticos Anônimos (NA), considerando toda a complexidade e variedade do fenômeno da adicção por drogas. O NA caracteriza-se como uma irmandade sem fins lucrativos direcionada a pessoas para quem as drogas se tornaram um problema maior. Seus membros se autodenominam "adictos em recuperação" e se reúnem regularmente para partilhar suas experiências e ajudarem uns aos outros a sustentar a abstinência de drogas. Com o objetivo de conhecer como os sujeitos que frequentam Narcóticos Anônimos enfrentam a sua adicção por drogas, a presente pesquisa apropriou-se do método clínico-qualitativo proposto por Egberto Turato, tendo como instrumentos um roteiro de entrevista semiestruturada e um gravador de voz, bem como registros em diários de campo durante a participação nas reuniões dos grupos de NA. Recorrendo às contribuições da psicanálise no estudo dos grupos e das instituições, buscamos valorizar o saber que o sujeito tem acerca da sua própria vida e a cultura participativa. Após conhecer e analisar a dinâmica institucional do NA, resgatamos a importância da função fraterna, relegada a segundo plano pela psicanálise, reconhecendo a necessidade da participação de um semelhante para a (re)constituição da subjetividadeAbstract: Drug addiction is undoubtedly a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, as evidenced by the innumerable debates on public health, safety, and social assistance policies that address the problem. As it seems, this question can only be understood within the contemporary culture, considering the imperatives of consumption, and the different ways individuals establish their relation with drugs in the different contexts. Even the concept of addiction itself is guided by different paradigms, sometimes by the model of addiction as brain disease (BDMA), commonly adopted in the medicine, or, alternatively, by philosophical and psychological definitions that assume addiction is in the scope of the weakness of the will or habitual behaviours. Additionally, there are some treatment models like the Psychosocial Treatment Center for Alcohol and Drugs (PTCad¿s), Harm Reduction Policy, and Therapeutic Communities, that also deal with the problem with distinct methodologies. Our work, however, will not deal with the public health policies offered by the State, or, more directly, our concern will be the anonymous groups of mutual help better known as Narcotics Anonymous (NA). NA is a non-profit organization directed to people for whom drugs have become a major problem. Its members call themselves "recovering addicts", and get together to share their experiences as well as to help each other to maintain drug abstinence. With the objective of knowing how NA members face their addction problems, our research begin by the clinical-qualitative method proposed by Egberto Turato, having as instrument a semi-structured research script and a voice recorder, as well as records in time intervals during participation in NA group meetings. Applying the Psychoanalysis of Institutions and Groups, we tried to evaluate the knowledge the subject has about his own life within a participatory culture. We have rescued the relevance of the fraternal function for that matter, commonly relegated to a second plan by the official psychoanalysis, taking into account the participation of an equal to the (re)constitution of subjectivityMestradoModernidade e Políticas PúblicasMestra em Ciências Humanas e Sociais Aplicada

    Imagens manchadas: a responsabilidade civil do atleta e de terceiros por doping no âmbito do contrato de patrocínio: problemas de imputação

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 347.51:796.06(81) S237

    L’inhumation des immatures in ecclesia à l’époque moderne : l’exemple de la nef de Saint-André-le-Haut (Vienne, Isère, France)

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    Fondée au VIe siècle, l’abbaye bénédictine féminine de Saint-André-le-Haut (Vienne, Isère) est l’une des plus anciennes fondations monastiques de la ville. À la fin du XVIe siècle, l’église abbatiale devient paroissiale et les paroissiens investissent le sous-sol de la nef comme lieu d’inhumation. Depuis 2003, la nef de Saint-André-le-Haut a été fouillée aux deux tiers et a livré 317 sépultures datées de l’époque moderne, parmi lesquelles 102 sont celles d’individus immatures, dont 30 sont décédés avant l’âge d’un an. La présence de ces derniers au sein de la communauté paroissiale, à plus forte raison dans l’église, semble signifier une intégration à part entière au monde chrétien. Deux rassemblements d’individus immatures se distinguent, le premier autour d’un pilier vers l’entrée de l’église, le second contre le mur gouttereau nord. Il est possible que la présence d’aménagements liturgiques particuliers à ces deux endroits soit en rapport avec le regroupement de ces immatures.The Abbey of Saint-André-le-Haut (Vienne, Isère, France), founded by Benedictine nuns in the 6th century, is one of the city’s oldest monastic buildings. In the 16th century, the abbey church became a parish church and the parishioners consecrated the floor of its nave as a burial site. Since 2003, two-thirds of the nave of Saint-André-le-Haut have been excavated, revealing 317 burials from the early modern period. Of these, 102 are of immature individuals, including 30 in the [0] class. The presence of these individuals within the parish community, particularly inside the church, points to full integration into the Christian world. Two groups of small children stand out: the first around a pillar at the church entrance, the second beside the north lateral wall. It is possible that the presence of distinctive liturgical details in these two places is related to these groups of small children

    Using soil water to control ammonia emission from acid soils with and without chicken litter biochar

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    Although urea use in agriculture is on the increase, increase in pH at soil microsite due to urea hydrolysis which causes ammonia emission can reduce N use efficiency. Among the interventions used to mitigate ammonia loss include urease inhibitors, clinoptilolite zeolite, coated urea, and biochar but with little attention to the use of soil water levels to control ammonia volatilization. The objective of this study was to determine the effects of soil water levels on ammonia volatilization from soils with and without chicken litter biochar. Dry soils with and without chicken litter biochar were subjected to 0%, 25% 50%, 75%, 100%, and 125% soil water. There was no urea hydrolysis in the soil without water. Chicken litter biochar as soil amendment effectively mitigated ammonia loss at 1% to 32% and 80% to 115% field capacity. However, urea used on soil only showed lower ammonia loss at 33% to 79% and 116% to 125% field capacity compared with the soils with chicken litter biochar. At 50% field capacity ammonia loss was high in soils with and without chicken litter biochar. Although chicken litter biochar is reputed for improving soil chemical properties, water levels in this present study affected soil chemical properties differently. Fifty percent field capacity, significantly reduced soil chemical properties. These findings suggest that timely application of urea at the right field capacity can mitigate ammonia emission. Therefore, whether soils are amended with or without chicken litter biochar, urea application should be avoided at 50% field capacity especially in irrigated crops