1,284 research outputs found

    Special Geometry and Twisted Moduli in Orbifold Theories with Continuous Wilson Lines

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    Target space duality symmetries, which acts on K\"ahler and continuous Wilson line moduli, of a ZN{\bf Z}_N (N2N\not=2) 2-dimensional subspace of the moduli space of orbifold compactification are modified to include twisted moduli. These spaces described by the cosets SU(n,1)SU(n)×U(1)SU(n,1)\over SU(n)\times U(1) are specialspecial K\"ahler, a fact which is exploited in deriving the extension of tree level duality transformation to include higher orders of the twisted moduli. Also, restrictions on these higher order terms are derived.Comment: 13 page

    Static and Dynamical, Fractional Uncertainty Principles

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    We study the process of dispersion of low-regularity solutions to the Schrödinger equation using fractional weights (observables). We give another proof of the uncertainty principle for fractional weights and use it to get a lower bound for the concentration of mass. We consider also the evolution when the initial datum is the Dirac comb in R\mathbb{R}. In this case we find fluctuations that concentrate at rational times and that resemble a realization of a Lévy process. Furthermore, the evolution exhibits multifractality

    The Frisch–Parisi formalism for fluctuations of the Schrödinger equation

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    We consider the solution of the Schrödinger equation uu in R\mathbb{R} when the initial datum tends to the Dirac comb. Let hp,δ(t)h_{\text{p}, \delta}(t) be the fluctuations in time of x2δu(x,t)2dx\int\lvert x \rvert^{2\delta}\lvert u(x,t) \rvert^2\,dx, for 0<δ<10 < \delta < 1, after removing a smooth background. We prove that the Frisch--Parisi formalism holds for Hδ(t)=[0,t]hp,δ(2s)dsH_\delta(t) = \int_{[0,t]}h_{\text{p}, \delta}(2s)\,ds, which is morally a simplification of the Riemann's non-differentiable curve RR. Our motivation is to understand the evolution of the vortex filament equation of polygonal filaments, which are related to RR.BERC 2022-2025, FJC2019-039804-I, RYC2018-025477-I, Ikerbasque, PGC2018-094522-B-I0

    Neutrino mixing with revamped A(4) flavor symmetry

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    We suggest a minimal extension of the simplest A(4) flavor model that can induce a nonzero theta(13) value, as required by recent neutrino oscillation data from reactors and accelerators. The predicted correlation between the atmospheric mixing angle theta(23) and the magnitude of theta(13) leads to an allowed region substantially smaller than indicated by neutrino-oscillation global fits. Moreover, the scheme correlates CP violation in neutrino oscillations with the octant of the atmospheric mixing parameter theta(23) in such a way that, for example, maximal mixing necessarily violates CP. We briefly comment on other phenomenological features of the model

    Clothoid-Based Three-Dimensional Curve for Attitude Planning

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    Interest in flying robots, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has grown during last years in both military and civil fields [1, 2]. The same happens to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) [3]. These vehicles, UAVs and AUVs, offer a wide variety of possible applications and challenges, such as control, guidance or navigation [2, 3]. In this sense, heading and attitude control in UAVs is very important [4], particularly relevant in airplanes (fixed-wing flying vehicles), because they are strongly non-linear, coupled, and tend to be underactuated systems with non-holonomic constraints. Hence, designing a good attitude controller is a difficult task [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], where stability must be taken into account by the controller [10]. Indeed, if the reference is too demanding for the controller or non-achievable because its dynamics is too fast, the vehicle might become unstable. In order to address this issue, autonomous navigation systems usually include a high-level path planner to generate smooth reference trajectories to be followed by the vehicle using a low-level controller. Usually a set of waypoints is given in GPS coordinates, normally from a map, in order to apply a smooth point-to-point control trajectory [11, 12]

    Plantas arom?ticas que vivifican mi ser, la yerbabuena, limoncillo, cidr?n, or?gano y manzanilla

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    63 P?ginasRecurso Electr?nicoLa sociedad actual frecuentemente se desvincula de los conocimientos te?rico-pr?cticos referentes al empleo de las plantas arom?ticas, olvidando los beneficios en los ?mbitos educativos, familiar y social; como objetivo central se definen estrategias pedag?gicas que favorezcan el reconocimiento y comprensi?n del beneficio con la utilizaci?n de cinco plantas arom?ticas: yerba buena, limoncillo, cidr?n, or?gano y manzanilla, en los estudiantes del CER Socorro de Sabanas del Municipio de Santa Fe de Antioquia y de la I.E. Atanasio Girardot del Municipio de Bello; con Metodolog?a de Investigaci?n Acci?n (IA) considerando los intereses del colectivo frente a la utilizaci?n y beneficios de las plantas arom?ticas, sus efectos curativos, y su empleo en emplastos, bebidas, ba?os, laxantes, entre otros usos. Se cumple con el perfil de la Licenciatura en Educaci?n B?sica establecido por la Universidad del Tolima; se aprecian hallazgos referidos a un grado de concientizaci?n respecto al empleo y uso de las plantas arom?ticas. Result? gratificante para la poblaci?n beneficiaria la adquisici?n de las nociones impartidas, la distribuci?n de macetas y el disfrute de tisanas en cada encuentro para la recolecci?n de informaci?n y socializaci?n final de los resultados. Es gratificante, como evidencia del trabajo y para afianzar los saberes tradicionales, enriquecidos con el enfoque te?rico-pr?ctico de la propuesta, la elaboraci?n y distribuci?n del M?dulo Sembramos la salud. Amerita resaltar la recuperaci?n del patrimonio generado a trav?s de los conversatorios con la comunidad adulta y los educadores de ambas instituciones educativas vinculadas.ABSTRACT. Today's society often split with the theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the use of herbs , forgetting the benefits in education , family and social spheres; like the central objective of teaching strategies that encourage the recognition and understanding of the benefit with the use of five aromatic plants: good grass, lemongrass, Cidr?n , oregano and chamomile in CER students Relief Sheets Municipality of Santa Fe de Antioquia and EI Atanasio Girardot Municipality of Bello ; Research Methodology in Action ( IA ) considering the interests of the collective over the use and benefits of herbs , their healing effects , and their use in plasters, drinks, bathrooms, laxatives, among other uses. It complies with the profile of the Bachelor of Primary Education established by the University of Tolima; findings related to a degree of awareness regarding the employment and use of aromatic plants are appreciated. Gratifying for the acquisition target population received notions, the distribution of pots and enjoys teas at each meeting for the collection of information and socialization of end results. It is gratifying, as evidence of the work and to strengthen traditional knowledge, enriched with theoretical and practical approach of the proposal, development and distribution of sow health module. Amerita highlight the recovery of assets generated through community conversations with adult educators and educational institutions both linked.INTRODUCCI?N 15 1. ANTECEDENTES DEL PROBLEMA 16 1.1. T?TULO DEL TRABAJO 16 2. JUSTIFICACI?N 19 3. FORMULACION DEL PROBLEMA 20 3.1 PREGUNTA MOVILIZADORA 20 3.2 PROBLEMA 20 4. OBJETIVOS 22 4.1 OBJETIVO GENERAL 22 4.2 OBJETIVOS ESPEC?FICOS 22 5. MARCO GENERAL 23 5.2 MARCO CONTEXTUAL 24 5.2.1 Contexto comunitario 24 5.3 COMPONENTE PEDAG?GICO 27 5.3.1 Categor?as generales cultura 27 5.4 COMPONENTE ESPEC?FICO DE ESTUDIO 29 5.4.1 Categor?as espec?ficas 29 5.4.2 Plantas arom?ticas 29 5.4.3 Formas de uso 31 5.4.4 Beneficios 32 5.5 CONSOLIDADO DE LAS PLANTAS OBJETO DE ESTUDIO 32 6. DISE?O METODOL?GICO DEL PROCESO INVESTIGATIVO 40 6.1 POBLACI?N BENEFICIARIA 40 6.2 METODOLOG?A DE TRABAJO 41 6.3 UNIVERSO Y MUESTRA 41 6.4 TIPO DE ESTUDIO 41 6.5 ?REA DE ESTUDIO 42 6.6 PROCEDIMIENTOS DEL DISE?O METODOL?GICO 43 6.7 ESTRATEGIAS DE TRABAJO 43 6.8 INSTRUMENTOS PARA LA RECOLECCI?N DE LA INFORMACI?N 44 7. AN?LISIS DE LA INFORMACI?N 45 7.1 ACTIVIDADES POR DESARROLLAR 45 7.1.1 Etapa inicial 45 7.1.2 Etapa de ejecuci?n 46 7.1.3 Etapa de finalizaci?n 46 8. CRONOGRAMA 47 9. PRESUPUESTO GLOBAL DE LA PROPUESTA 50 10. RECURSOS 53 11. CONCLUSIONES 54 RECOMENDACIONES 55 REFERENCIAS 5