Clothoid-Based Three-Dimensional Curve for Attitude Planning


Interest in flying robots, also known as unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), has grown during last years in both military and civil fields [1, 2]. The same happens to autonomous underwater vehicles (AUVs) [3]. These vehicles, UAVs and AUVs, offer a wide variety of possible applications and challenges, such as control, guidance or navigation [2, 3]. In this sense, heading and attitude control in UAVs is very important [4], particularly relevant in airplanes (fixed-wing flying vehicles), because they are strongly non-linear, coupled, and tend to be underactuated systems with non-holonomic constraints. Hence, designing a good attitude controller is a difficult task [5, 6, 7, 8, 9], where stability must be taken into account by the controller [10]. Indeed, if the reference is too demanding for the controller or non-achievable because its dynamics is too fast, the vehicle might become unstable. In order to address this issue, autonomous navigation systems usually include a high-level path planner to generate smooth reference trajectories to be followed by the vehicle using a low-level controller. Usually a set of waypoints is given in GPS coordinates, normally from a map, in order to apply a smooth point-to-point control trajectory [11, 12]

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