76 research outputs found

    Impact of Gradient Number and Voxel Size on Diffusion Tensor Imaging Tractography for Resective Brain Surgery

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    OBJECTIVE: To explore quantitatively and qualitatively how the number of gradient directions (NGD) and spatial resolution (SR) affect diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) tractography in patients planned for brain tumor surgery, using routine clinical magnetic resonance imaging protocols. METHODS: Of 67 patients with intracerebral lesions who had 2 different DTI scans, 3 DTI series were reconstructed to compare the effects of NGD and SR. Tractographies for 4 clinically relevant tracts (corticospinal tract, superior longitudinal fasciculus, optic radiation, and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus) were constructed with a probabilistic tracking algorithm and automated region of interest placement and compared for 3 quantitative measurements: tract volume, median fiber density, and mean fractional anisotropy, using linear mixed-effects models. The mean tractography volume and intersubject reliability were visually compared across scanning protocols, to assess the clinical relevance of the quantitative differences. RESULTS: Both NGD and SR significantly influenced tract volume, median fiber density, and mean fractional anisotropy, but not to the same extent. In particular, higher NGD increased tract volume and median fiber density. More importantly, these effects further increased when tracts were affected by disease. The effects were tract specific, but not dependent on threshold. The superior longitudinal fasciculus and inferior fronto-occipital fasciculus showed the most significant differences. Qualitative assessment showed larger tract volumes given a fixed confidence level, and better intersubject reliability for the higher NGD protocol. SR in the range we considered seemed less relevant than NGD. CONCLUSIONS: This study indicates that, under time constraints of clinical imaging, a higher number of diffusion gradients is more important than spatial resolution for superior DTI probabilistic tractography in patients undergoing brain tumor surgery

    Improved detection of diffuse glioma infiltration with imaging combinations: a diagnostic accuracy study

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    Background Surgical resection and irradiation of diffuse glioma are guided by standard MRI: T2/FLAIR-weighted MRI for non-enhancing and T1-weighted gadolinium-enhanced (T1G) MRI for enhancing gliomas. Amino acid PET has been suggested as new standard. Imaging combinations may improve standard MRI and amino acid PET. The aim of the study was to determine the accuracy of imaging combinations to detect glioma infiltration. Methods We included 20 consecutive adults with newly-diagnosed non-enhancing (seven diffuse astrocytomas, IDH-mutant; one oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and1p/19q-codeleted; one glioblastoma IDH-wildtype) or enhancing glioma (glioblastoma, nine IDH-wildtype and two IDH-mutant). Standardized pre-operative imaging (T1-, T2-, FLAIR-weighted and T1G MRI, perfusion and diffusion MRI, MR spectroscopy and O-(2-[18F]-fluoroethyl)-L-tyrosine ([18F]FET) PET) was co-localized with multi-region stereotactic biopsies preceding resection. Tumor presence in the biopsies was assessed by two neuropathologists. Diagnostic accuracy was determined using receiver operating characteristic analysis. Results A total of 174 biopsies were obtained (63 from nine non-enhancing and 111 from 11 enhancing gliomas), of which 129 contained tumor (50 from non-enhancing and 79 from enhancing gliomas). In enhancing gliomas, the combination of Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) with [18F]FET PET (AUC, 95%CI: 0.89,0.79-0.99) detected tumor better than T1G MRI (0.56,0.39-0.72;P<.001) and [18F]FET PET (0.76,0.66-0.86;P=0.001). In non-enhancing gliomas, no imaging combination detected tumor significantly better than standard MRI. FLAIR-weighted MRI had an AUC of 0.81 (0.65-0.98) compared to 0.69 (0.56-0.81;P=0.019) for [18F]FET PET. Conclusion and relevance Combining ADC and [18F]FET PET detects glioma infiltration better than standard MRI and [18F]FET PET in enhancing gliomas, potentially enabling better guidance of local therapy

    Spatial concordance of DNA methylation classification in diffuse glioma

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    BACKGROUND: Intratumoral heterogeneity is a hallmark of diffuse gliomas. DNA methylation profiling is an emerging approach in the clinical classification of brain tumors. The goal of this study is to investigate the effects of intratumoral heterogeneity on classification confidence. METHODS: We used neuronavigation to acquire 133 image-guided and spatially separated stereotactic biopsy samples from 16 adult patients with a diffuse glioma (7 IDH-wildtype and 2 IDH-mutant glioblastoma, 6 diffuse astrocytoma, IDH-mutant and 1 oligodendroglioma, IDH-mutant and 1p19q codeleted), which we characterized using DNA methylation arrays. Samples were obtained from regions with and without abnormalities on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted and fluid-attenuated inversion recovery MRI. Methylation profiles were analyzed to devise a 3-dimensional reconstruction of (epi)genetic heterogeneity. Tumor purity was assessed from clonal methylation sites. RESULTS: Molecular aberrations indicated that tumor was found outside imaging abnormalities, underlining the infiltrative nature of this tumor and the limitations of current routine imaging modalities. We demonstrate that tumor purity is highly variable between samples and explains a substantial part of apparent epigenetic spatial heterogeneity. We observed that DNA methylation subtypes are often, but not always, conserved in space taking tumor purity and prediction accuracy into account. CONCLUSION: Our results underscore the infiltrative nature of diffuse gliomas and suggest that DNA methylation subtypes are relatively concordant in this tumor type, although some heterogeneity exists

    Direct comparison of [11C] choline and [18F] FET PET to detect glioma infiltration: a diagnostic accuracy study in eight patients

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    Background Positron emission tomography (PET) is increasingly used to guide local treatment in glioma. The purpose of this study was a direct comparison of two potential tracers for detecting glioma infiltration, O-(2-[18F]-fluoroethyl)-l-tyrosine ([18F] FET) and [11C] choline. Methods Eight consecutive patients with newly diagnosed diffuse glioma underwent dynamic [11C] choline and [18F] FET PET scans. Preceding craniotomy, multiple stereotactic biopsies were obtained from regions inside and outside PET abnormalities. Biopsies were assessed independently for tumour presence by two neuropathologists. Imaging measurements were derived at the biopsy locations from 10 to 40 min [11C] choline and 20–40, 40–60 and 60–90 min [18F] FET intervals, as standardized uptake value (SUV) and tumour-to-brain ratio (TBR). Diagnostic accuracies of both tracers were compared using receiver operating characteristic analysis and generalized linear mixed modelling with consensus histopathological assessment as reference. Results Of the 74 biopsies, 54 (73%) contained tumour. [11C] choline SUV and [18F] FET SUV and TBR at all intervals were higher in tumour than in normal samples. For [18F] FET, the diagnostic accuracy of TBR was higher than that of SUV for intervals 40–60 min (area under the curve: 0.88 versus 0.81, p = 0.026) and 60–90 min (0.90 versus 0.81, p = 0.047). The diagnostic accuracy of [18F] FET TBR 60–90 min was higher than that of [11C] choline SUV 20–40 min (0.87 versus 0.67, p = 0.005). Conclusions [18F] FET was more accurate than [11C] choline for detecting glioma infiltration. Highest accuracy was found for [18F] FET TBR for the interval 60–90 min post-injection

    Timing of glioblastoma surgery and patient outcomes: a multicenter cohort study.

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    BACKGROUND: The impact of time-to-surgery on clinical outcome for patients with glioblastoma has not been determined. Any delay in treatment is perceived as detrimental, but guidelines do not specify acceptable timings. In this study, we relate the time to glioblastoma surgery with the extent of resection and residual tumor volume, performance change, and survival, and we explore the identification of patients for urgent surgery. METHODS: Adults with first-time surgery in 2012–2013 treated by 12 neuro-oncological teams were included in this study. We defined time-to-surgery as the number of days between the diagnostic MR scan and surgery. The relation between time-to-surgery and patient and tumor characteristics was explored in time-to-event analysis and proportional hazard models. Outcome according to time-to-surgery was analyzed by volumetric measurements, changes in performance status, and survival analysis with patient and tumor characteristics as modifiers. RESULTS: Included were 1033 patients of whom 729 had a resection and 304 a biopsy. The overall median time-to-surgery was 13 days. Surgery was within 3 days for 235 (23%) patients, and within a month for 889 (86%). The median volumetric doubling time was 22 days. Lower performance status (hazard ratio [HR] 0.942, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.893–0.994) and larger tumor volume (HR 1.012, 95% CI 1.010–1.014) were independently associated with a shorter time-to-surgery. Extent of resection, residual tumor volume, postoperative performance change, and overall survival were not associated with time-to-surgery. CONCLUSIONS: With current decision-making for urgent surgery in selected patients with glioblastoma and surgery typically within 1 month, we found equal extent of resection, residual tumor volume, performance status, and survival after longer times-to-surgery

    Comparing Glioblastoma Surgery Decisions Between Teams Using Brain Maps of Tumor Locations, Biopsies, and Resections

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    PURPOSE: The aim of glioblastoma surgery is to maximize the extent of resection while preserving functional integrity, which depends on the location within the brain. A standard to compare these decisions is lacking. We present a volumetric voxel-wise method for direct comparison between two multidisciplinary teams of glioblastoma surgery decisions throughout the brain. METHODS: Adults undergoing first-time glioblastoma surgery from 2012 to 2013 performed by two neuro-oncologic teams were included. Patients had had a diagnostic biopsy or resection. Preoperative tumors and postoperative residues were segmented on magnetic resonance imaging in three dimensions and registered to standard brain space. Voxel-wise probability maps of tumor location, biopsy, and resection were constructed for each team to compare patient referral bias, indication variation, and treatment variation. To evaluate the quality of care, subgroups of differentially resected brain regions were analyzed for survival and functional outcome. RESULTS: One team included 101 patients, and the other included 174; 91 tumors were biopsied, and 181 were resected. Patient characteristics were largely comparable between teams. Distributions of tumor locations were dissimilar, suggesting referral bias. Distributions of biopsies were similar, suggesting absence of indication variation. Differentially resected regions were identified in the anterior limb of the right internal capsule and the right caudate nucleus, indicating treatment variation. Patients with (n = 12) and without (n = 6) surgical removal in these regions had similar overall survival and similar permanent neurologic deficits. CONCLUSION: Probability maps of tumor location, biopsy, and resection provide additional information that can inform surgical decision making across multidisciplinary teams for patients with glioblastoma

    The clinical features of the piriformis syndrome: a systematic review

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    Piriformis syndrome, sciatica caused by compression of the sciatic nerve by the piriformis muscle, has been described for over 70 years; yet, it remains controversial. The literature consists mainly of case series and narrative reviews. The objectives of the study were: first, to make the best use of existing evidence to estimate the frequencies of clinical features in patients reported to have PS; second, to identify future research questions. A systematic review was conducted of any study type that reported extractable data relevant to diagnosis. The search included all studies up to 1 March 2008 in four databases: AMED, CINAHL, Embase and Medline. Screening, data extraction and analysis were all performed independently by two reviewers. A total of 55 studies were included: 51 individual and 3 aggregated data studies, and 1 combined study. The most common features found were: buttock pain, external tenderness over the greater sciatic notch, aggravation of the pain through sitting and augmentation of the pain with manoeuvres that increase piriformis muscle tension. Future research could start with comparing the frequencies of these features in sciatica patients with and without disc herniation or spinal stenosis

    Development of the SIOPE DIPG network, registry and imaging repository : a collaborative effort to optimize research into a rare and lethal disease

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    Diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma (DIPG) is a rare and deadly childhood malignancy. After 40 years of mostly single-center, often non-randomized trials with variable patient inclusions, there has been no improvement in survival. It is therefore time for international collaboration in DIPG research, to provide new hope for children, parents and medical professionals fighting DIPG. In a first step towards collaboration, in 2011, a network of biologists and clinicians working in the field of DIPG was established within the European Society for Paediatric Oncology (SIOPE) Brain Tumour Group: the SIOPE DIPG Network. By bringing together biomedical professionals and parents as patient representatives, several collaborative DIPG-related projects have been realized. With help from experts in the fields of information technology, and legal advisors, an international, web-based comprehensive database was developed, The SIOPE DIPG Registry and Imaging Repository, to centrally collect data of DIPG patients. As for April 2016, clinical data as well as MR-scans of 694 patients have been entered into the SIOPE DIPG Registry/Imaging Repository. The median progression free survival is 6.0 months (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 5.6-6.4 months) and the median overall survival is 11.0 months (95% CI 10.5-11.5 months). At two and five years post-diagnosis, 10 and 2% of patients are alive, respectively. The establishment of the SIOPE DIPG Network and SIOPE DIPG Registry means a paradigm shift towards collaborative research into DIPG. This is seen as an essential first step towards understanding the disease, improving care and (ultimately) cure for children with DIPG.Peer reviewe
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