85 research outputs found

    Особливості урбаністичного хронотопу в поезіях літугруповання “Бу-Ба-Бу”

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    Стаття присвячена дослідженню особливостей урбаністичного хронотопу в поезіях Ю. Андруховича, О. Ірванця, В. Неборака. Встановлено, що характерними модифікаціями урбаністичного хронотопу у творчості Ю. Андруховича є топографічний хронотоп із домінантами Львова й Станіслава та карнавалізоване Місто; у поезіях В. Неборака варіації урбаністичного хронотопу створюються за допомогою використання традиційних атрибутів міста, а також власне міських прошарків населення; урбаністичний хронотоп у поезіях О. Ірванця є найменше матеріалізованим і тяжіє до психологічно-метафізичного. Ключові слова: часопростір, хронотоп, топос, урбанізм, карнавалізація.Статья посвящена изучению особенностей урбанистического хронотопа в поэзиях Ю. Андруховича, А. Ирванца, В. Неборака. Так, в творчестве Ю. Андруховича были выявлены такие модификации урбанистического хронотопа, как топографический с доминантами Львова и Станислава и карнавальный Город; в поэзиях В. Неборака вариации урбанистического хронотопа осуществляются при помощи использования традиционных атрибутов города, а также собственно городских слоев населения; урбанистический хронотоп поэзий А. Ирванца наименее материализован и тяготеет к психологически-метафизическому. Ключевые слова: пространственно-временное единство, хронотоп, топос, урбанистичность, карнавальность.The article is dedicated to the study of the urbanism chronotope’s particularities in Yu. Andruhovicha, A. Irvanca, V. Neboraka poetry. So in Yu. Andruhovich’s work. Such modification urbanism chronotope as topographical one with the Livov and Stanislav’s dominant and the carnival one. In V. Neboraka’s variations of urbanism chronotope are realized using the traditional city attributes and town population layers as well. A. Irvanc’s poetry urbanism chronotope is less materialired and strongly attracted by psychological-metaphysical one. Keywords: space-time unity, chronotope, urbanism, carnivalization

    Recent surface mass balance from Syowa Station to Dome F, East Antarctica: comparison of field observations, atmospheric reanalyses, and a regional atmospheric climate model

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    Stake measurements at 2 km intervals are used to determine the spatial and temporal surface mass balance (SMB) in recent decades along the Japanese Antarctic Research Expedition traverse route from Syowa Station to Dome F. To determine SMB variability at regional scales, this traverse route is divided into four regions, i.e., coastal, lower katabatic, upper katabatic and inland plateau. We also perform a regional evaluation of large scale SMB simulated by the regional atmospheric climate model versions 2.1 and 2.3 (RACMO2.1 and RACMO2.3), and the four more recent global reanalyses. Large-scale spatial variability in the multi-year averaged SMB reveals robust relationships with continentality and surface elevation. In the katabatic regions, SMB variability is also highly associated with surface slope, which in turn is affected by bedrock topography. Stake observation records show large inter-annual variability in SMB, but did not indicate any significant trends over both the last 40 years for the coastal and lower katabatic regions, and the last 20 years record for the upper katabatic and inland plateau regions. The four reanalyses and the regional climate model reproduce the macro-scale spatial pattern well for the multi-year averaged SMB, but fail to capture the mesoscale SMB increase at the distance interval ~300 to ~400 km from Syowa station. Thanks to the updated scheme in the cloud microphysics, RACMO2.3 shows the best spatial agreement with stake measurements over the inland plateau region. ERA-interim, JRA-55 and MERRA exhibit high agreement with the inter-annual variability of observed SMB in the coastal, upper katabatic and inland plateau regions, and moderate agreement in the lower katabatic region, while NCEP2 and RACMO2.1 inter-annual variability shows no significant correlation with the observations for the inland plateau region

    A comparison of Antarctic ice sheet surface mass balance from atmospheric climate models and in situ observations

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    In this study, 3265 multiyear averaged in situ observations and 29 observational records at annual time scale are used to examine the performance of recent reanalysis and regional atmospheric climate model products [ERA-Interim, JRA-55, MERRA, the Polar version of MM5 (PMM5), RACMO2.1, and RACMO2.3] for their spatial and interannual variability of Antarctic surface mass balance (SMB), respectively. Simulated precipitation seasonality is also evaluated using three in situ observations and model intercomparison. All products qualitatively capture the macroscale spatial variability of observed SMB, but it is not possible to rank their relative performance because of the sparse observations at coastal regions with an elevation range from 200 to 1000 m. In terms of the absolute amount of observed snow accumulation in interior Antarctica, RACMO2.3 fits best, while the other models either underestimate (JRA-55, MERRA, ERA-Interim, and RACMO2.1) or overestimate (PMM5) the accumulation. Despite underestimated precipitation by the three reanalyses and RACMO2.1, this feature is clearly improved in JRA-55. However, because of changes in the observing system, especially the dramatically increased satellite observations for data assimilation, JRA-55 presents a marked jump in snow accumulation around 1979 and a large increase after the late 1990s. Although precipitation seasonality over the whole ice sheet is common for all products, ERA-Interim provides an unrealistic estimate of precipitation seasonality on the East Antarctic plateau, with high precipitation strongly peaking in summer. ERA-Interim shows a significant correlation with interannual variability of observed snow accumulation measurements at 28 of 29 locations, whereas fewer than 20 site observations significantly correlate with simulations by the other models. This suggests that ERA-Interim exhibits the highest performance of interannual variability in the observed precipitatio

    A multi-disciplinary perspective on climate model evaluation for Antarctica

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    A workshop was organized by Antarctic Climate 21 (AntClim21), with the topic 'evaluation of climate models' representation of Antarctic climate from the perspective of long-term twenty-first-century climate change.' The suggested approach for evaluating whether climate models over- or underestimate the effects of ozone depletion is to diagnose simulated historical trends in lower-stratospheric temperature and compare these to observational estimates. With regard to more regional changes over Antarctica, such as West Antarctic warming, the simulation of teleconnection patterns to the tropical Pacific was highlighted. To improve the evaluation of low-frequency variability and trends in climate models, the use and development of approaches to emulate ice-core proxies in models was recommended. It is recommended that effort be put into improving datasets of ice thickness, motion, and composition to allow for a more complete evaluation of sea ice in climate models. One process that was highlighted in particular is the representation of Antarctic clouds and resulting precipitation. It is recommended that increased effort be put into observations of clouds over Antarctica, such as the use of instruments that can detect cloud-base height or the use of remote sensing resources

    Regional Antarctic snow accumulation over the past 1000 years

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    Here we present Antarctic snow accumulation variability at the regional scale over the past 1000 years. A total of 79 ice core snow accumulation records were gathered and assigned to seven geographical regions, separating the high-accumulation coastal zones below 2000 m of elevation from the dry central Antarctic Plateau. The regional composites of annual snow accumulation were evaluated against modelled surface mass balance (SMB) from RACMO2.3p2 and precipitation from ERA-Interim reanalysis. With the exception of the Weddell Sea coast, the low-elevation composites capture the regional precipitation and SMB variability as defined by the models. The central Antarctic sites lack coherency and either do not represent regional precipitation or indicate the model inability to capture relevant precipitation processes in the cold, dry central plateau. Our results show that SMB for the total Antarctic Ice Sheet (including ice shelves) has increased at a rate of 7 ± 0.13 Gt decadeg 1 since 1800 AD, representing a net reduction in sea level of â\u88¼ 0.02 mm decadeg 1 since 1800 and â\u88¼ 0.04 mm decadeg 1 since 1900 AD. The largest contribution is from the Antarctic Peninsula (â\u88¼ 75 %) where the annual average SMB during the most recent decade (2001-2010) is 123 ± 44 Gt yrg 1 higher than the annual average during the first decade of the 19th century. Only four ice core records cover the full 1000 years, and they suggest a decrease in snow accumulation during this period. However, our study emphasizes the importance of low-elevation coastal zones, which have been under-represented in previous investigations of temporal snow accumulation

    Future sea level change from Antarctica's Lambert-Amery glacial system

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    Future global mean sea level (GMSL) change is dependent on the complex response of the Antarctic ice sheet to ongoing changes and feedbacks in the climate system. The Lambert-Amery glacial system has been observed to be stable over the recent period yet is potentially at risk of rapid grounding line retreat and ice discharge given that a significant volume of its ice is grounded below sea level, making its future contribution to GMSL uncertain. Using a regional ice sheet model of the Lambert-Amery system, we find that under a range of future warming and extreme scenarios, the simulated grounding line remains stable and does not trigger rapid mass loss from grounding line retreat. This allows for increased future accumulation to exceed the mass loss from ice dynamical changes. We suggest that the Lambert-Amery glacial system will remain stable or gain ice mass and mitigate a portion of potential future sea level rise over the next 500 years, with a range of +3.6 to −117.5 mm GMSL equivalent