151 research outputs found

    Діагностика банкрутства в системі антикризового управління

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    Розглянуто питання відповідності і значимості діагностики фінансового стану кожної стадії антикризового управління. Діагностику банкрутства визначено як ретроспективне, оперативне і перспективне дослідження господарської діяльності та процесу управління підприємством, направлене на виявлення параметрів кризового розвитку за допомогою реалізації комплексу дослідницьких процедур, виявлення слабких ланок і "вузьких місць".Рассмотрены вопросы соответствия и значимости диагностики каждой стадии антикризисного управления. Диагностика банкротства определена как ретроспективное, оперативное и перспективное исследование хозяйственной деятельности и процесса управления предприятием, направленное на выявление параметров кризисного развития с помощью реализации комплекса исследовательских процедур, выявления слабых зон и «узких мест».The article analyzes issues of adequacy and role of diagnostics in all stage of anti-crisis management. The diagnostics of bankruptcy is defined as a retrospective, operative and prospective study of enterprise’s economic activity and management process that is directed to identification of parameters of crisis development by using comprehensive researches and to finding weak spots and "bottlenecks"

    Consideration of the bioavailability of metal/metalloid species in freshwaters: experiences regarding the implementation of biotic ligand model-based approaches in risk assessment frameworks

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    After the scientific development of Biotic Ligand Models (BLMs) in recent decades these models are now considered suitable for implementation in regulatory risk assessment of metals in freshwater bodies. The approach has been developed over several years and has been described in many peer-reviewed publications. The original complex BLMs have been applied in prospective risk assessment reports for metals and metal compounds and are also recommended as suitable concepts for the evaluation of monitoring data in the context of the European Water Framework Directive. Currently, several user-friendly BLM-based bioavailability software tools are available for assessing the aquatic toxicity of a limited number of metals (mainly copper, nickel, and zinc). These tools need only a basic set of water parameters as input (e.g., pH, hardness, dissolved organic matter and dissolved metal concentration). Such tools seem appropriate to foster the implementation in routine water quality assessments. This work aims to review the existing bioavailability-based regulatory approaches and the application of available BLM-based bioavailability tools for this purpose. Advantages and possible drawbacks of these tools (e.g., feasibility, boundaries of validity) are discussed, and recommendations for further implementation are given

    Heat shock protein expression analysis in canine osteosarcoma reveals HSP60 as a potentially relevant therapeutic target

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    Heat shock proteins (HSP) are highly conserved across eukaryotic and prokaryotic species. These proteins play a role in response to cellular stressors, protecting cells from damage and facilitating recovery. In tumor cells, HSPs can have cytoprotective effects and interfere with apoptotic cascades. This study was performed to assess the prognostic and predictive values of the gene expression of HSP family members in canine osteosarcoma (OS) and their potential for targeted therapy. Gene expressions for HSP were assessed using quantitative PCR (qPCR) on 58 snap-frozen primary canine OS tumors and related to clinic-pathological parameters. A significant increased expression of HSP60 was found in relation to shorter overall survival and an osteoblastic phenotype. Therefore, the function of HSP60 was investigated in more detail. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed heterogeneous staining for HSP60 in tumors. The highest immunoreactivity was found in tumors of short surviving dogs. Next HSP expression was shown in a variety of canine and human OS cell lines by qPCR and Western blot. In two highly metastatic cell lines HSP60 expression was silenced using siRNA resulting in decreased cell proliferation and induction of apoptosis in both cell lines. It is concluded that overexpression of HSP60 is associated with a poor prognosis of OS and should be evaluated as a new target for therapy

    Sub MeV Particles Detection and Identification in the MUNU detector ((1)ISN, IN2P3/CNRS-UJF, Grenoble, France, (2)Institut de Physique, Neuch\^atel, Switzerland, (3) INFN, Padova Italy, (4) Physik-Institut, Z\"{u}rich, Switzerland)

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    We report on the performance of a 1 m3^{3} TPC filled with CF4_{4} at 3 bar, immersed in liquid scintillator and viewed by photomultipliers. Particle detection, event identification and localization achieved by measuring both the current signal and the scintillation light are presented. Particular features of α\alpha particle detection are also discussed. Finally, the 54{54}Mn photopeak, reconstructed from the Compton scattering and recoil angle is shown.Comment: Latex, 19 pages, 20 figure

    Circulating MicroRNAs as Non-invasive Biomarkers for Canine Cushing's Syndrome

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    Canine Cushing's syndrome (hypercortisolism) can be caused by a pituitary tumor (pituitary-dependent hypercortisolism; PDH) or a cortisol-secreting adrenocortical tumor (csACT). For both cases, non-invasive biomarkers that could pre-operatively predict the risk of recurrence after surgery would greatly impact clinical decision making. The aim of this study was to determine whether circulating microRNAs (miRNAs) can be used as diagnostic (presence of PDH or csACT) and/or prognostic (disease recurrence, histological grade) non-invasive biomarkers for canine Cushing's syndrome. After a pilot study with 40 miRNAs in blood samples of healthy dogs (n = 3), dogs with PDH (n = 3) and dogs with a csACT (n = 4), we selected a total of 20 miRNAs for the definitive study. In the definitive study, these 20 miRNAs were analyzed in blood samples of healthy dogs (n = 6), dogs with PDH (n = 19, pre- and post-operative samples) and dogs with a csACT (n = 26, pre-operative samples). In dogs with PDH, six miRNAs (miR-122-5p, miR-126-5p, miR-141-3p, miR-222-3p, miR-375-3p and miR-483-3p) were differentially expressed compared to healthy dogs. Of one miRNA, miR-122-5p, the expression levels did not overlap between healthy dogs and dogs with PDH (p = 2.9x10−4), significantly decreased after hypophysectomy (p = 0.013), and were significantly higher (p = 0.017) in dogs with recurrence (n = 3) than in dogs without recurrence for at least one year after hypophysectomy (n = 7). In dogs with csACTs, two miRNAs (miR-483-3p and miR-223-3p) were differentially expressed compared to healthy dogs. Additionally, miR-141-3p was expressed significantly lower (p = 0.009) in dogs with csACTs that had a histopathological Utrecht score of ≥ 11 compared to those with a score of <11. These results indicate that circulating miRNAs have the potential to be non-invasive biomarkers in dogs with Cushing's syndrome that may contribute to clinical decision making

    Unwinding of a cholesteric liquid crystal and bidirectional surface anchoring

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    We examine the influence of bidirectional anchoring on the unwinding of a planar cholesteric liquid crystal induced by the application of a magnetic field. We consider a liquid crystal layer confined between two plates with the helical axis perpendicular to the substrates. We fixed the director twist on one boundary and allow for bidirectional anchoring on the other by introducing a high-order surface potential. By minimizing the total free energy for the system, we investigate the untwisting of the cholesteric helix as the liquid crystal attempts to align with the magnetic field. The transitions between metastable states occur as a series of pitchjumps as the helix expels quarter or half-turn twists, depending on the relative sizes of the strength of the surface potential and the bidirectional anchoring. We show that secondary easy axis directions can play a significant role in the unwinding of the cholesteric in its transition towards a nematic, especially when the surface anchoring strength is large

    Distinct alterations in probabilistic reversal learning across at-risk mental state, first episode psychosis and persistent schizophrenia

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    We used a probabilistic reversal learning task to examine prediction error-driven belief updating in three clinical groups with psychosis or psychosis-like symptoms. Study 1 compared people with at-risk mental state and first episode psychosis (FEP) to matched controls. Study 2 compared people diagnosed with treatment-resistant schizophrenia (TRS) to matched controls. The design replicated our previous work showing ketamine-related perturbations in how meta-level confidence maintained behavioural policy. We applied the same computational modelling analysis here, in order to compare the pharmacological model to three groups at different stages of psychosis. Accuracy was reduced in FEP, reflecting increased tendencies to shift strategy following probabilistic errors. The TRS group also showed a greater tendency to shift choice strategies though accuracy levels were not significantly reduced. Applying the previously-used computational modelling approach, we observed that only the TRS group showed altered confidence-based modulation of responding, previously observed under ketamine administration. Overall, our behavioural findings demonstrated resemblance between clinical groups (FEP and TRS) and ketamine in terms of a reduction in stabilisation of responding in a noisy environment. The computational analysis suggested that TRS, but not FEP, replicates ketamine effects but we consider the computational findings preliminary given limitations in performance of the model

    Whole transcriptome analysis of canine pheochromocytoma and paraganglioma

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    Pheochromocytomas and paragangliomas (PPGLs) are neuroendocrine tumors arising from the chromaffin cells in the adrenal medulla and extra-adrenal paraganglia, respectively. Local invasion, concurrent disorders, and metastases prevent surgical removal, which is the most effective treatment to date. Given the current lack of effective medical treatment, there is a need for novel therapeutic strategies. To identify druggable pathways driving PPGL development, we performed RNA sequencing on PPGLs (n = 19) and normal adrenal medullas (NAMs; n = 10) of dogs. Principal component analysis (PCA) revealed that PPGLs clearly clustered apart from NAMs. In total, 4,218 genes were differentially expressed between PPGLs and NAMs. Of these, 232 had a log2 fold change of >3 or < −3, of which 149 were upregulated in PPGLs, and 83 were downregulated. Compared with NAMs, PPGLs had increased expression of genes related to the cell cycle, tumor development, progression and metastasis, hypoxia and angiogenesis, and the Wnt signaling pathway, and decreased expression of genes related to adrenal steroidogenesis. Our data revealed several overexpressed genes that could provide targets for novel therapeutics, such as Ret Proto-Oncogene (RET), Dopamine Receptor D2 (DRD2), and Secreted Frizzled Related Protein 2 (SFRP2). Based on the PCA, PPGLs were classified into 2 groups, of which group 1 had significantly higher Ki67 scores (p = 0.035) and shorter survival times (p = 0.04) than group 2. Increased expression of 1 of the differentially expressed genes between group 1 and 2, pleiotrophin (PTN), appeared to correlate with a more aggressive tumor phenotype. This study has shed light on the transcriptomic profile of canine PPGL, yielding new insights into the pathogenesis of these tumors in dogs, and revealed potential novel targets for therapy. In addition, we identified 2 transcriptionally distinct groups of PPGLs that had significantly different survival times