12 research outputs found

    Improvement of the motivation system in Valentis Pharma“ Ltd

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    Baigiamojo darbo tikslas - pateikti konkrečius sprendimus motyvavimo sistemai gerinti UAB „Valentis Pharma“. Teorinėje darbo dalyje remiantis literatūros šaltiniais, analizuojama teorinė motyvacijos samprata, apžvelgiamos motyvacijos teorijos ir rūšys, išdėstomos motyvavimo priemonės ir motyvavimo sistemos dalys. Analitinėje baigiamojo darbo dalyje pateikiami ir analizuojami rezultatai tyrimo, atlikto UAB „Valentis Pharma“ įmonėje anketavimo būdu. Projektinėje darbo dalyje suformuluoti tokie sprendimai: pasirenkant rekomenduojamą vertinimo procedūrą, numatyti motyvavimo priemones už gerus darbo rezultatus; taikyti įmokų į darbuotojų pensijų, sveikatos, gyvybės draudimo fondus sistemą.The aim of this MA thesis - To form the concrete proposals for the improvement of motivation system in “Valentis Pharma“ Ltd. The theoretical part of this thesis is based on literary sources. Theoretical purpose of motivation essence is analysed. Theories and sorts of motivation are presented. Measures and parts of motivation system are stated. The analytical part of this MA thesis consists of the research results presentation and analysis of these results. The research was based on questionnaire form and done in “Valentis Pharma” Ltd. In the projected part of the thesis the following solutions are developed: to provide motivation measures for the good work results; to apply instalments to staff‘s pension, health, life insurance funds.Vytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Music education methods applied in an inclusive classroom at an early adolescence period/thesis, music education

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    Darbo autorei dirbant vienoje iš Vilniaus gimnazijų, kurioje kartu mokosi sveikieji ir specialiuosius ugdymosi poreikius turintys mokiniai, dažnai susiduriama su ugdymo problemomis, susijusiomis dėl mokinių skirtybių ir ugdomųjų sėkmės potyrio per muzikos pamokas. Kadangi kiekvienoje klasėje kartu mokosi labai skirtingi vaikai, labai svarbu numatyti, kokius metodus taikyti, kaip organizuoti ugdymo procesą, kad kiekvienas mokinys jaustųsi svarbus, kad jis patirtų nors minimalią sėkmę per muzikos pamoką ir kitą ugdomąją veiklą mokykloje. Šiame magistro darbe siekiama ištirti, kokie muzikinio ugdymo metodai taikytini įtraukiojoje klasėje ankstyvosios paauglystės laikotarpiu. Darbo tyrimo objektas – muzikinio ugdymo metodai įtraukiojoje klasėje. Vieni iš svarbiausių darbo uždavinių yra išsiaiškinti, kokia yra įtraukiojo ugdymo samprata ir patirtis Lietuvoje ir užsienyje, kokius metodus mokytojai taiko per muzikos pamokas dirbdami įtraukiosiose klasėse su ankstyvosios paauglystės laikotarpio mokiniais, ištirti, per pamokas išbandyti ir aprašyti inovatyvių muzikos metodų taikymo galimybes. Išanalizavus mokslinę literatūrą, atlikus tyrimą ir išnagrinėjus ekspertų nuomonę, galima išskirti šiuos svarbiausius muzikinio įtraukiujų klasių ankstyvosios paauglystės laikotarpio mokinių ugdymo būdus ir metodus: • Dirbant su mokiniais, turinčiais fizinę negalią, svarbu palaikyti raumenų tonusą plojimais, lingavimais pagal muzikinį ritmą, lavinti ritmo pojūtį, rašto užduotis atlikinėti kompiuteriu. • Dirbant su regos negalią turinčiais mokiniais, pradiniame etape geriausia mokyti iš klausos, lavinti lytėjimo, garso lokacijos nustatymo įgūdžius. • Dirbant su mokiniais, turinčiais intelekto negalią, pravartu taikyti spalvų muzikos metodą, kuris padėtų bent minimaliai įvaldyti muzikinį raštą. Taikant spalvų sistemą sutrikusio intelekto mokiniai galėtų puikiai groti pianinu, sintezatoriumi, ksilofonu, metalofonu ir kitais instrumentais. • Dirbant su mokiniais, turinčiais emocinių arba elgesio sutrikimų, reikia būti pasirengusiam iškęsti daug nemalonumų ir atstūmimų, tačiau nuo tokių mokinių neatsiriboti ir nereaguoti agresyviai. Dirbant su tokiais mokiniais, labai tinkama E. Žako-Dalkrozo muzikinio ugdymo sistema, kai pasitelkus muzikinio plastinio ritmo jausmą siekiama lavinti nervų sistemą ir raumenų aparatą. Galėtų būti efektyvus ir euritmikos taikymas, kai mokiniai, turintys emocijų ir elgesio sutrikimų, garsą paverčia judesiu, o judesį − garsu. Šiems mokiniams per pamoką turėtų būti organizuojamos kelios darbo formos, kad jie kuo ilgiau išlaikytų dėmesį, koncentraciją. • Ugdant mokinius, kurie mokosi ne gimtąja kalba ar gyvena kitoje kalbinėje aplinkoje, svarbiausia siekti lygybės ir teisingumo. Kai įtraukiojoje klasėje dirbama su įvairių gebėjimų ir raidos išsivystymo mokiniais, pamokose taikytinas JAV labai paplitęs universalaus mokymo dizaino metodas. Tyrimo metu nustatyta, kad specialiųjų poreikių mokiniai tą pačią mokymo medžiagą geriau įsisavina ją pateikiant keliais mokymo būdais: spalvų muzikos metodu ir abipusio mokymo metodu.The author of the thesis works in one of Vilnius gymnasiums where typically developed children study together with children who have special educational needs. While working in this school, the teacher often faces the educational problems connected with pupils’ differences and their experience of success during music lessons. As very different children are learning in each classroom, it is very important to foresee which methods should be used, as well as how to organize the educational process in order every child to feel important and experience at least minimum of success in music lessons and other educational activities at school. The aim of this thesis is to investigate which music education methods should be applied in an inclusive classroom at an early adolescence period. The object of the research is the music education methods used in an inclusive classroom. The main tasks of this work is to find out about the concept and experience of inclusive education in Lithuania and abroad as well as what methods teachers use in their music lessons while working in inclusive classrooms with pupils at an early adolescence period. In addition, the task was also to test methodology in the classroom and describe the possibilities of innovative musical approach appliance. After the scientific literature had been analyzed, the investigation accomplished and experts’ opinions studied, it was possible to outline the most important educational approaches and methods applied in inclusive classrooms during music lessons for pupils of an early adolescence period: • Working with children, who have physical disabilities, it is important to maintain muscle tones by clapping hands under the sway of musical rhythm, to cultivate the feeling of rhythm and do writing assignments on the computer. • Working with visually impaired pupils, the best way in an initial stage is to teach them by ear, developing tactile and setting sound location (pitch) skills. • Working with pupils with intellectual disabilities, it is worthwhile using the color music method and minimally mastering the musical script. Applying the color system, the pupils with mental disabilities could perfectly well play the piano, synthesizer, xylophone, glockenspiel and other musical instruments. • Working with pupils with emotional and behavioral disorders, you need to be prepared to endure a lot of trouble and rejection; however, you are not to isolate them, neither to react aggressively. A very suitable system while working with children, as mentioned above, is Jacques Dalcroseau music training system when using plastic musical sense of rhythm, it is sought to develop the nervous system and muscle apparatus. The application of eurhythmics could be effective when pupils with emotional and behavioral disorders convert the sound to movement and the movement to sound. Several forms of work should be organized for them during lessons in order to maintain their attention and concentration. • Educating pupils, whose mother tongue is different or who live in different linguistic environment, it is the most important to seek for equality and justice. To conclude, when teachers work in an inclusive class with pupils of different abilities and evolution of development, the universal instructional design method, widespread in the USA, is applied. Nevertheless, during the research it was ascertained that pupils with special needs perceive teaching material better while applying different ways of education, such as color music and mutual teaching methods.Švietimo akademijaVytauto Didžiojo universiteta

    Analysis and assessment of heavy metals concentrations in Nemunas river bottom sediments at Alytus city territory

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    Concentrations and spatial distribution of heavy metals on the left and right banks of the river Nemunas bottom sediments are analyzed in this article. The research methodology of X-ray fluorescence spectrometry for bottom sediments and operating principles of XL2 spectrometer used for analysis are overviewed. The results of analysis are presented and compared with LAND 20-2005 requirements as well as studies that were carried out previously. The influence of Alytus city for Nemunas river sediments quality is assessed. Dischargers formed additional samples which were taken and included to the list of ordinary samples. The trend of heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Cr) concentrations showed the growth of pollution downstream the urban area. The estimated Zd (total pollution) values clearly indicated higher contamination by heavy metals on the left bank of Nemunas River. Extensive surveys of river sediments allow assessing the extent of anthropogenic impact, which can be harmful to the river ecosystem and human health. First published online: 28 Jan 201

    Assessment of heavy metals bioconcentration factor (BCF) and genotoxicity response induced by metal mixture in Salmo salar tissues

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate metals bioconcentration factor (BCF) in gills, liver, kidneys and muscle in relation with genotoxicity effects of metal mixture in peripheral blood, kidneys, gills and liver erythrocytes of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar). Fish were exposed to maximum-permissible waterborne concentrations of Zn – 0.1, Cu – 0.01, Ni – 0.01, Cr – 0.01, Pb – 0.005 and Cd – 0.005 mg/L, respectively for 7 and 14 days. Genotoxicity was studied using the micronucleus test. In addition, erythrocyte nuclear abnormalities (ENAs) were analysed. Our study indicates that metal BCF in Atlantic salmon is tissue-dependent. Based on the BCF classification scale, the relatively low values of metals bioconcentration were assessed, except for Zn (gills) and Cu (liver) (359.6 and 594.0, respectively). Zn intensively concentrated in fish tissues, while Pb – least of all. Overall, metals were concentrated mostly in the liver, least – in the muscle. Significant differences among BCF values of Pb in gills and muscle and Cd in gills were measured between 7 and 14 d exposure groups. Treatment with metal mixture significantly increased micronucleus frequencies after 7 d of exposure in liver and peripheral blood erythrocytes. Significant genotoxicity response was not observed after 14 d treatment. The erythrocytic nuclei abnormalities determined in S. salar blood were nuclear bud on filament (NBf), nuclear bud (NB), blebbed (BL), kidney shaped, vacuolated (VacNuc), 8-shaped nuclei and fragmented-apoptotic (FA) erythrocytes. Significant elevation in total ENAs level was detected in kidneys and liver erythrocytes after 7 d treatment, while after 14 d – in gills and kidneys erythrocytes. No significant differences among analysed responses were measured between 7 and 14 d exposure groups, except total ENAs level in liver erythrocytes

    Cytogenetic damage in native Baltic Sea fish species: environmental risks associated with chemical munition dumping in the Gotland Basin of the Baltic Sea

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    This study represents the first attempt to assess genotoxicity and cytotoxicity effects in herring (Clupea harengus membras), flounder (Platichthys flesus), and cod (Gadus morhua callarias) caught at 47 study stations, located close to chemical munition dumpsites in the Gotland Basin, the Baltic Sea. Herring sampled from stations located in the center of chemical munition dumpsites exhibited the highest levels of micronuclei (MN) and total genotoxicity (ΣGentox), which is defined as the sum of frequencies of such nuclear abnormalities as micronuclei, nuclear buds, nuclear buds on the filament, and bi-nucleated erythrocytes with nucleoplasmic bridges. Exceptionally high and high ΣGentox risks were determined for flounder (89.47%), herring (79.31%), and cod (50%) caught at the stations located close to the chemical munition dumpsites

    Airborne pollen and fungi indoors: evidence from primary schools in Lithuania

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    The number of children suffering from respiratory allergies and asthma has been increasing worldwide and, hence, it is crucial to understand the burden of inhalant biological particles present in school facilities, where children spend one third of their life. From the perspective of indoor air quality, while there are numerous studies on outdoor bioaerosol exposure, there are still uncertainties regarding the diversity and deposition of airborne pollen and fungi indoors. When it comes to schools, there is limited research as to the potential bioaerosol exposure. Here we studied the indoor environment of public schools aiming to reveal whether primary schools of different sizes and at localities of different levels of urbanization may exhibit a variability in the biodiversity and abundance of particles of biological origin, which could pose a risk to child health. To achieve this, 11 schools were selected, located in a variety of environments, from downtown, to city centre-periphery, and to the suburbs. Fungal and pollen samples were collected from various surfaces in school classrooms and corridors, using passive air sampling and swab sampling. We demonstrated that fungi and pollen are detected in school premises during and after the vegetation season. The highest diversity of bioaerosols was found on the top of cabinets and windowsills, with Penicillium, Cladosporium and Acremonium being the most abundant indoors. The levels of fungi were higher in schools with more students. The diversity and amount of pollen in the spring were significantly higher than in samples collected in autumn. Our findings complemented existing evidence that bioaerosol measurements in schools (including kindergartens or informal education facilities) are vital. Hence, we here suggest that, in addition to monitoring air quality and bacterial levels indoors, fungi and pollen measurements have to be integrated in the existing regular biomonitoring campaigns so as to prevent exposure, increase awareness and manage efficiently allergic symptomatology