23 research outputs found

    La interpretaci贸n de los j贸venes ante sus pr谩cticas tecnol贸gicas

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    Partiendo de las narraciones que los j贸venes realizaron de sus pr谩cticas de ocio mediadas por las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n (TIC), y de su valoraci贸n sobre los usos y apropiaciones que hac铆an de ellas en cibercaf茅s de la ciudad de Barcelona, en este art铆culo se reflexiona acerca de c贸mo los j贸venes significaban la tecnolog铆a y cu谩les eran sus propios discursos en torno a la misma. En este sentido, se presenta aqu铆 a los j贸venes interpretando c贸mo las tecnolog铆as mediaban en sus pr谩cticas de ocio.By using the narratives that young people provided regarding their ICT-mediated leisure habits and their assesment of the uses and appropiations they made of ICTs at the coffee bar at the city of Barcelona, in this paper reflects on how young people meant the technology and which were their own discourses about of ICTs. In this sense, presents here the young people interpreting how the technologies took part in theirs leisure habits.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicaci贸n Socia

    La interpretaci贸n de los j贸venes ante sus pr谩cticas tecnol贸gicas

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    Partiendo de las narraciones que los j贸venes realizaron de sus pr谩cticas de ocio mediadas por las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n (TIC), y de su valoraci贸n sobre los usos y apropiaciones que hac铆an de ellas en cibercaf茅s de la ciudad de Barcelona, en este art铆culo se reflexiona acerca de c贸mo los j贸venes significaban la tecnolog铆a y cu谩les eran sus propios discursos en torno a la misma. En este sentido, se presenta aqu铆 a los j贸venes interpretando c贸mo las tecnolog铆as mediaban en sus pr谩cticas de ocio.By using the narratives that young people provided regarding their ICT-mediated leisure habits and their assesment of the uses and appropiations they made of ICTs at the coffee bar at the city of Barcelona, in this paper reflects on how young people meant the technology and which were their own discourses about of ICTs. In this sense, presents here the young people interpreting how the technologies took part in theirs leisure habits.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicaci贸n Socia

    La interpretaci贸n de los j贸venes ante sus pr谩cticas tecnol贸gicas

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    Partiendo de las narraciones que los j贸venes realizaron de sus pr谩cticas de ocio mediadas por las tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n (TIC), y de su valoraci贸n sobre los usos y apropiaciones que hac铆an de ellas en cibercaf茅s de la ciudad de Barcelona, en este art铆culo se reflexiona acerca de c贸mo los j贸venes significaban la tecnolog铆a y cu谩les eran sus propios discursos en torno a la misma. En este sentido, se presenta aqu铆 a los j贸venes interpretando c贸mo las tecnolog铆as mediaban en sus pr谩cticas de ocio.By using the narratives that young people provided regarding their ICT-mediated leisure habits and their assesment of the uses and appropiations they made of ICTs at the coffee bar at the city of Barcelona, in this paper reflects on how young people meant the technology and which were their own discourses about of ICTs. In this sense, presents here the young people interpreting how the technologies took part in theirs leisure habits.Facultad de Periodismo y Comunicaci贸n Socia

    Underlying dimensions in attitude towards technology in a sample of Spanish, German and Indian women

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    Background: the underrepresentation of women in the field of technology, their progressive disappearance from scientific and technological careers, as well as the disaffection towards technology by women continues to prevail despite, the efforts that are being made. This article is an analysis of the early results of a study on women's attitudes towards technology. Method: we prepared a questionnaire about attitudes towards technology building on previous investigations. By means of a convenience sampling, followed by a snowball sampling strategy, we presented a questionnaire to 497 women (Spanish, German and Indian). Results: By means of a Principal Components Analysis, we have identified two dimensions: 1) attitude related to the experience with technology entrenched in gender stereotypes; 2) attitude to the ability to teach and learn ICT. Conclusions: similarities have been shown among the groups of women of different nationalities, in terms of the interpretation of these dimensions, but not for the set of items summarized in each one of them. In addition, a third dimension was obtained in the group of women from India: attitude related to the role of gender in relation to technologyBackground: the underrepresentation of women in the field of technology, their progressive disappearance from scientific and technological careers, as well as the disaffection towards technology by women continues to prevail despite, the efforts that are being made. This article is an analysis of the early results of a study on women's attitudes towards technology. Method: we prepared a questionnaire about attitudes towards technology building on previous investigations. By means of a convenience sampling, followed by a snowball sampling strategy, we presented a questionnaire to 497 women (Spanish, German and Indian). Results: By means of a Principal Components Analysis, we have identified two dimensions: 1) attitude related to the experience with technology entrenched in gender stereotypes; 2) attitude to the ability to teach and learn ICT. Conclusions: similarities have been shown among the groups of women of different nationalities, in terms of the interpretation of these dimensions, but not for the set of items summarized in each one of them. In addition, a third dimension was obtained in the group of women from India: attitude related to the role of gender in relation to technology

    Brecha digital de g茅nero : una revisi贸n y una propuesta

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    En este art铆culo ofrecemos una revisi贸n de los estudios sobre la brecha digital de g茅nero a nivel nacional e internacional, centr谩ndonos concretamente en las investigaciones sobre la infrarrepresentaci贸n de las mujeres en el 谩mbito formativo y profesional de las nuevas tecnolog铆as de la informaci贸n y la comunicaci贸n (TIC). Asimismo, caracterizamos brevemente las intervenciones e iniciativas desarrolladas en ese 谩mbito cuyo objetivo ha sido contrarrestar esta situaci贸n. Despu茅s, evaluamos cr铆ticamente los supuestos te贸ricos de esas investigaciones e intervenciones, demasiado centradas en considerar la cuesti贸n un problema "de las mujeres", para, finalmente, ofrecer recomendaciones que vayan en la direcci贸n de articular una perspectiva de g茅nero que nos permita avanzar en el conocimiento de las causas concretas y las posibles soluciones de la brecha digital de g茅nero sin esencializar ni el g茅nero ni la tecnolog铆aIn this article we offer a review of national and international studies of the gender digital divide, centering specifically in the research on women underrepresentation in the educational and professional field of new information and communication technologies (ICT). We also briefly characterize the interventions and actions developed in this field whose aim has been to counter this situation. Afterwards, we evaluate critically the theoretical assumptions of the reviewed investigations and undertaken actions, too centered in considering this question "a women's problem". Finally, we offer some recommendations to articulate a gendered perspective, which would allow us to progress in the knowledge of the concrete causes and the possible solutions of the gender digital divide without essentializing neither gender nor technolog

    Romper la brecha digital de g茅nero. Factores implicados en la opci贸n por una carrera tecnol贸gica

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    En Espa帽a, solo el 17% de estudiantes de inform谩tica son mujeres, una tasa dram谩ticamente similar a la del resto de pa铆ses occidentales. El presente estudioanalizamos c贸mo algunas chicas superan la brecha digital de g茅nero y se adentran activamente en un mundo particularmente masculinizado. Analizamos las historias de vida tecnol贸gica de tres chicas estudiantes de inform谩tica, y se identifican las pr谩cticas sociales que rodean sus trayectorias vitales con la tecnolog铆a. Se observa que estas chicas poseen un alto sentimiento de competencia tecnol贸gica; utilizan estrategias de autoaprendizaje, desde帽ando la educaci贸n formal en TIC; y presentan un acentuado gusto por las matem谩ticas y los procesos l贸gicos. Estos factores podr铆an proceder de un entorno familiar favorable a las tecnolog铆as, en el que destaca la ausencia de hermanos varones que competir铆an por el uso de ordenadores y consolas; y de su afici贸n a los videojuegos, que constituyen una puerta de entrada a las TIC, y que incrementa sus oportunidades educativas y profesionales. Adem谩s, se evidencia que si existe un entorno familiar protecnol贸gico, los procesos de educaci贸n formal pueden generar efectos contraproducentes en comparaci贸n con la capacidad del aprendizaje informal en desarrollar vocaciones.In Spain, only 17% of computer science students are women, a dramatically low tax, yet similar to the ones in the other western countries. This research analyses how some girls manage to overcome the gender digital divide, participating actively in a strongly masculinized world. To understand this process three young computer students girls technological life stories are analyzed. This research method allowed identifying the social practices surrounding the exceptional technological trajectories of these women. The results indicate that these girls have a high sense of technological competence; use self-learning strategies, scorning ICT formal education; and, have a developed taste for mathematics and logical processes. These factors may come from: a) a favorable family environment, in which the absence of brothers which could compete for computers and consoles use appears as a one striking factor; and, b) a fondness for videogames, that are, as literature signals, an important gateway to new technologies, which increase educational and professional opportunities. Finally, the research puts in evidence that, if a family environment favorable to technology exists, formal education processes can generate counteractive effects when comparing to fostering vocations capacity of informal learning

    Subjetividades emergentes del proceso de auto-aprendizaje en el Pr谩cticum de Psicolog铆a

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    El Pr谩cticum acontece un hito en el desarrollo formativo de los estudiantes, ya que les permite posicionarse como futuros profesionales de su campo de actuaci贸n. Dada la relevancia que toma este per铆odo formativo, el objetivo de la presente investigaci贸n es aproximarnos a las narrativas sobre la experiencia del Pr谩cticum del estudiantado del grado de Psicolog铆a de la Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC). Para ello, se dise帽贸 un cuestionario que recog铆a las experiencias en el Pr谩cticum en tres momentos temporales distintos. La muestra est谩 compuesta por 85 estudiantes que han cursado el Pr谩cticum en alguno de los 谩mbitos establecidos por el grado. Los resultados subrayan que, en su mayor铆a, existe coherencia entre los contenidos te贸ricos y las competencias puestas en juego en el Pr谩cticum, que este per铆odo permite la identificaci贸n con el rol del psic贸logo y que facilita la elecci贸n vocacional-profesional posterior. Finalmente, se discuten propuestas de mejora de la asignatura

    El feedback a la UOC

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    Guia dirigida al professorat de la UOC amb orientacions sobre com plantejar un bon feedback a les seves assignatures.Gu铆a dirigida al profesorado de la UOC con orientaciones sobre como plantear un buen feedback a sus asignaturas.Guide to the UOC teaching staff with guidelines on how to propose good feedback to their subjects

    Annual Report of 2010-2011 academic year : we are reorganising all our postgraduate training

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    V铆deo resum de la mem貌ria del curs 2010-2011.V铆deo resumen de la memoria del curso 2010-2011.Video summary of the annual report of the 2010-2011 academic year

    El disseny per compet猫ncies

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    Xerrada de Montse Vall-llovera, directora adjunta de l'Institut Internacional de Postgrau (IIP), imparteix una sessi贸 que forma part del pla de formaci贸 sobre l'EEES celebrada a l'INEF de Barcelona, el 7 de juliol del 2007.Charla de Montse Vall-llovera, directora adjunta del Instituto Internacional de Posgrado (IIP), imparte una sesi贸n que forma parte del plan de formaci贸n sobre el EEES celebrada en el INEF de Barcelona, el 7 de julio de 2007.Montse Vall-llovera, deputy director of the International Graduate Institute, giving a talk which is part of EHEA training plan held in the INEF, Barcelona, on 7th of July of 2007