114 research outputs found

    Experimental infection of encapsulated and free larvae of Anisakis larvae type I in Wistar rats

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    En este trabajo se realiza un estudio sobre el papel patógeno de las larvas de Anisakis encapsuladas en las vísceras del pez y las que se encuentran libres en la cavidad corporal del mismo, mediante la estimación de las lesiones causadas en el tracto digestivo de ratas Wistar. Los resultados muestran que el porcentaje de lesiones fue mayor (92,9%) en las ratas infectadas con larvas libres que en aquellas a las cuales se les administraron las larvas encapsuladas (35,7%), además, ninguna de ellas se encontró en la cavidad corporal del animal.In this study we performed a research on the pathogenic role of encapsulated Anisakis larvae in the viscera of the fish and free larvae in the body cavity of the fish, through the evaluation of the lesions induced in the digestive tract of Wistar rats. The results show that the percentage of lesions was higher (92.9%) in rats infected with free larvae than in those receiving encapsulated larvae (35.7%), besides, none of the larvae was found in the body cavity of the animals.Trabajo financiado por el proyecto: P07-CVI-0324

    Differentiation of Trichuris species eggs from non-human primates by geometric morphometric analysis

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    Human trichuriasis is a neglected tropical disease which affects millions of people worldwide, mostly living in low socio-economic conditions. Numerous studies have been conducted over the past 10 years to compare the different techniques for T. trichiura eggs detection. Our study provides the first geometric morphometric analysis for the specific detection of eggs of Trichuris sp. isolated from stools of macaque (M. sylvanus), colobus (C. g. kikuyensis), grivets (C. aethiops) and the Brazza's monkey (C. neglectus) from zoos in Spain. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) arises as an efficient method to determine Trichuris spp. eggs. The selected measurements to be included in the PCA were proposed for the first time in the present work, as far as we know, as we could not find previous studies reporting standardized parameters.Ministry of Economy, Industry and Competitiveness (CGL2017-83057), which included FEDER fundsJunta de Andalucía (BIO-338)V Plan Propio de Investigacion of the University of Sevill

    Estudio cariológico en machos de Oesophagostomum c o I umbianum (Nematoda)

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    Se realiza un estudio de la meiosis en machos de Oesophagostomum columbianum parásito de Capra hircus (L), El número cromosómico diploide es 2n = 11, Y el mecanismo del terminismo del sexo XX/XO.Male meiosis in Oesophagostomum columbianum, parasite of Capra hircus (L.)_ Is analysed. Diploid chromosome number is 2n 11 in males, and sex-determining mechanism for the species is XX/XO

    Evaluation and Accreditation System of External Internship Tutors - SEATPE

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    [ES] La Universidad de Valencia ha implementado desde 2012 un Sistema de Evaluación y Acreditación de Tutores de Pasantías Externas (SEATPE) a través de su Fundación Universidad-Empresa, ADEIT, bajo la dirección del Vicerrector de Empleo y Programas Formativos. Los objetivos principales de este sistema son mejorar la calidad de la tutoría de pasantías externas implementando mecanismos para reconocer el buen trabajo de los tutores y aumentar el compromiso de las empresas y entidades con la capacitación práctica de nuestros estudiantes. Está dirigido a los dos perfiles de tutores: académicos y empresas. Los tutores que acceden al SEATPE obtienen una "Mención de calidad" en el caso del tutor académico y una "Acreditación" en el caso del tutor de la empresa. Hasta ahora hemos realizado cinco llamadas y 500 tutores de pasantías han obtenido su acreditación o mención de calidad.Valero Aleixandre, MA.; Barberá Gregori, MA.; Pérez Boullosa, A.; Montoro Sánchez, Y.; Ridocci Quiles, M. (2020). Evaluation and Accreditation System of External Internship Tutors - SEATPE. En 6th International Conference on Higher Education Advances (HEAd'20). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. (30-05-2020):643-649. https://doi.org/10.4995/HEAd20.2020.11120OCS64364930-05-202

    Fasciola spp: Mapping of the MF6 epitope and antigenic analysis of the MF6p/HDM family of heme-binding proteins

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    MF6p/FhHDM-1 is a small cationic heme-binding protein which is recognized by the monoclonal antibody (mAb) MF6, and abundantly present in parenchymal cells and secreted antigens of Fasciola hepatica. Orthologs of this protein (MF6p/HDMs) also exist in other causal agents of important foodborne trematodiasis, such as Clonorchis sinensis, Opisthorchis viverrini and Paragonimus westermani. Considering that MF6p/FhHDM-1 is relevant for heme homeostasis in Fasciola and was reported to have immunomodulatory properties, this protein is expected to be a useful target for vaccination. Thus, in this study we mapped the epitope recognized by mAb MF6 and evaluated its antigenicity in sheep. The sequence of the MF6p/FhHDM-1 ortholog from F. gigantica (MF6p/FgHDM-1) was also reported. By means of ELISA inhibitions with overlapping synthetic peptides, we determined that the epitope recognized by mAb MF6 is located within the C-terminal moiety of MF6p/FhHDM-1, which is the most conserved region of MF6p/HDMs. By immunoblotting analysis of parasite extracts and ELISA inhibitions with synthetic peptides we also determined that mAb MF6 reacted with the same intensity with F. hepatica and F. gigantica, and in decreasing order of intensity with C. sinensis, O.viverrini and P. westermani orthologs. On the contrary, mAb MF6 showed no reactivity against Dicrocoelium dendriticum and Schistosoma mansoni. The study of the recognition of peptides covering different regions of MF6p/FhHDM-1 by sera from immunized sheep revealed that the C-terminal moiety is the most antigenic, thus being of potential interest for vaccination. We also demonstrated that the production of antibodies to MF6p/FhHDM-1 in sheep infected by F. hepatica occurs relatively early and follows the same pattern as those produced against L-cathepsins.This work was funded by the Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, Spain (Grants AGL2011-30563-C03-01, AGL2011-30563-C03-02 and AGL2011-30563-C03-03); Xunta de Galicia, Spain (Grants GPC 2014/058 and ED431B 2017/18); Network of Biomedical Research on Tropical Diseases (RICET), Spain (Grant RD12/0018/0013) and the European Fund for Regional Development (FEDER). VMS holds a predoctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte (Programa de Formación del Profesorado Universitario). The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.S

    Interpreting the uncertainty of model-based and design-based estimation in downscaling estimates from NFI data: a case-study in Extremadura (Spain)

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    [EN] Remotely sensed data are increasingly used together with National Forest Inventory (NFI) data to improve the spatial precision of forest variable estimates. In this study, we combined data from the 4th Spanish National Forest Inventory (SNFI-4) and from the 2nd nationwide Airborne Laser Scanning (ALS) survey to develop predictive forest inventory variables (total over bark volume (V), basal area (G), and annual increase in total volume (IAVC)) and aboveground biomass (AGB) models for the eight major forest strata in the region of Extremadura that are included in the Spanish Forest Map (SFM). We generated maps at 25 m resolution by applying an area‐based approach (ABA) and 758 sample plots measured with good positional accuracy within the SNFI-4 in Extremadura (Spain). Inventory performance is mainly influenced by spatial scale and vegetation structure. Therefore, in this study, we conducted a comparative analysis of statistical inference methods that can characterize forest inventory variables and AGB uncertainty across multiple spatial scales and types of vegetation structure. Predictions at pixel level were used to produce county, provincial, and regional model-based estimates, which were then compared with design-based estimates at different scales for different types of forest. We developed and tested both methods for forested area (cover, 19,744.15 km2), one province (9126.78 km2), and two counties (1594.42 km2 and 2076.76 km2, respectively) in Extremadura. The resulting relative standard error (SE) for regional level forest type-specific model-based estimates of V, G, IAVC, and AGB ranged from 3.34%–14.46%, 3.22%–12.50%, 4.46%–16.67%, and 3.63%–12.58%, respectively. The performance of the model-based approach, as assessed by the relative SE, was similar to that of the design-based approach at regional and provincial levels. However, the precision of SNFI model-based estimates was higher than that of estimates based on only the plot observations in small areas (e.g. at county level). The standard errors (SE) for model-based inferences were stable across the different scales, while SNFI design-based errors were higher due to the small sample sizes available for small areas. The findings indicate that SNFI-model based maps could be used directly to estimate forest inventory variables and AGB in the major forest strata included in the Spanish Forest Map, leading to potentially large economic savings.SIThe authors also thank to Forest Research Centre, a research unit funded by Fundação para a Ciência e aTecnologia I.P. (FCT), Portugal (UIDB/00239/2021). Postdoctoral grant Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad, Gobierno de España PTQ-13-06378 (Ministry of Economy, Industry, and Competitiveness) to Dr Juan Guerra Hernández. Grant number LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-030391, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia PTDC/ASP-SIL/30391/2017. Project “Apoio à Contratação de Recursos Humanos Altamente Qualificados” (NORTE-06-3559-FSE-000045). under the PORTUGAL 2020 Partnership Agreement. ForestWISE - Collaborative Laboratory for Integrated Forest & Fire Management, was recognized as a CoLAB by the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (FCT). This research was supported by the project “Extensión del cuarto inventario forestal nacional mediante técnicas LiDAR para la gestión sostenible de los montes de Extremadura” from the Extremadura Forest Service (FEADER nº 1952SE1FR435

    Estudio de algunos elementos minerales presentes en diversos Cestodes

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    Se han estudiado en Dipylidium canium (hospedador Canis familiaris), Avitellina caninum centripunctata (hospedador Ovis aries), Moniezia expansa (hospedador Ovis aries), Moniezia benedeni (hospedador Bos taurus), Taenia saginata (hospedador Homo sapiens) y Neotaenotenia ctenoides (hospedador Oryctolagus cuniculus), los siguientes elementos minerales: Ca, Mg, Na y K.In this paper the authors hav·e studied in Dipylidium caninum (host Canís familiaris), Avitellina centripunctata (host Ovis aries), Moniezia expansa (host Ovies aries), Moniezia benedeni (host Bos taurus), Taenia saginata (host Hamo sapines) and Neotaenotenia ctenoides (host Oryctolagus cuniculus), the fOllowing elements minerals; Ca, M g, Na and K

    Actas del Workshop sobre Teledetección Próxima Terrestre para Aplicaciones Forestales

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    Este libro contiene las actas del Workshop sobre Teledetección Próxima Terrestre para Aplicaciones Forestales que tuvo lugar los días 1, 2 y 3 de septiembre de 2021 en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería del Campus Terra de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (Lugo, España). Este workshop tuvo como objetivo la puesta en común de resultados científicos y aplicaciones prácticas de estas tecnologías en el ámbito forestal, así como la práctica de aspectos operativos en la toma y análisis de datos. Para ello, constó de jornadas científico-técnicas con formato de congreso (híbrido presencial-telemático), sesiones prácticas de toma de datos en campo y de su posterior análisis y procesado en ordenador mediante la impartición de talleres (presencial), y de una mesa redonda de reflexión sobre el estado del arte de estas tecnologías en todos los ámbitos forestales implicados. Este evento fue organizado conjuntamente por los grupos de investigación GI-1716 Proyectos y Planificación (PROEPLA) y GI-1837 Unidad de Gestión Ambiental y Forestal Sostenible (UXAFORES) de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela. La celebración del workshop fue financiada por la Diputación de Lugo y la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, a través de la Convocatoria de axudas 2021 para a realización de actividades de investigación e/ou transferencia no ámbito do desenvolvemento rural no Campus de Lugo, y por la Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional de la Xunta de Galicia que, mediante el Programa de Consolidación y Estructuración de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas, financia los grupos de referencia competitiva PROEPLA (GRC GI-1716, ED431C 2021/27) y UXAFORES (GRC GI-1837, ED431C 2018/07). Además, el evento fue patrocinado por las empresas ÁLAVA INGENIEROS y GRAFINTA, que han participado como sponsors vinculados a dos de las tecnologías de teledetección próxima terrestre objeto de la actividad: escáner láser terrestre (TLS) y localización simultánea y mapeo (SLAM), respectivamente. En la organización del Workshop sobre Teledetección Próxima Terrestre para Aplicaciones Forestales se contó con la colaboración del Campus Terra y la Escuela Politécnica Superior de Ingeniería de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, que proporcionaron los espacios en los que tuvieron lugar de forma presencial las distintas sesiones y talleres del workshopDiputación de Lugo y Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Convocatoria de axudas 2021 para a realización de actividades de investigación e/ou transferencia no ámbito do desenvolvemento rural no Campus de Lugo. Proyectos y Planificación (PROEPLA) y Unidad de Gestión Ambiental y Forestal Sostenible (UXAFORES) de la Universidade de Santiago de Compostela: Consellería de Educación, Universidade e Formación Profesional de la Xunta de Galicia. Grupos de Referencia Competitiva: PROEPLA (GRC GI-1716, ED431C 2021/27) y UXAFORES (GRC GI-1837, ED431C 2018/07

    FORTLS: An R Package for Processing TLS Data and Estimating Stand Variables in Forest Inventories

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    Terrestrial Laser Scanning (TLS) enables rapid, automatic, and detailed 3D representation of surfaces with an easily handled scanner device. TLS, therefore, shows great potential for use in Forest Inventories (FIs). However, the lack of well-established algorithms for TLS data processing hampers operational use of the scanner for FI purposes. Here, we present FORTLS, which is an R package specifically developed to automate TLS point cloud data processing for forestry purposes. The FORTLS package enables (i) detection of trees and estimation of their diameter at breast height (dbh), (ii) estimation of some stand variables (e.g., density, basal area, mean, and dominant height), (iii) computation of metrics related to important tree attributes estimated in FIs at stand level, and (iv) optimization of plot design for combining TLS data and field measured data. FORTLS can be used with single-scan TLS data, thus, improving data acquisition and shortening the processing time as well as increasing sample size in a cost-efficient manner. The package also includes several features for correcting occlusion problems in order to produce improved estimates of stand variables. These features of the FORTLS package will enable the operational use of TLS in FIs, in combination with inference techniques derived from model-based and model-assisted approachesThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities, AGL2016-76769-C2-2-R. JAMV was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education through the FPU program (FPU16/03057)S