451 research outputs found

    Viajes comerciales de intercambio en el departamento de Antofagasta de la Sierra, Puna meridional argentina : pasado y presente

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    Los viajes hacia valles interserranos a lomo de mula fueron una experiencia compartida por todos en esta región de la puna argentina, hasta hace veinte años. En este trabajo se relacionan los datos obtenidos a través de entrevistas a informantes en el departame nto de Antofagasta de la Sierra, con los surgidos tras la consulta de las Actas del Registro Civil y se arriba a conclusiones respecto de los vínculos de parentesco que unieron a quienes comerciaban e intercambiaban mercaderías producidas en alturas diferentes. También se compara la situación de entonces con la actualidad. En la capital del departamento los viajes de intercambio han desaparecido casi en su totalidad, en cambio en otras poblaciones del mismo departamento se han modificado incluyendo en ellos a las mercaderías obtenidas por compra y utilizando la sal como principal elemento de canje


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    http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509821112The period of germination and the establishment of seedlings is one of the most important factors for the survival of species, mainly in places where availability of water is limited, as in the Caatinga region. In this sense, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of water stress on the germination of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds. Three lots (L1, L2 e L3) were used, corresponding to the production years of 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. Before the germination test, the seeds were submitted to scarification in concentrated sulfur acid for 30 minutes. To induce water deficit, polyethyleneglicol (PEG 6000) was used, in the following osmotic potentials: - 0,3; -0,6; -0,9, -1,2 and -1,5 MPa and water (0 MPa) under the temperatures of 25 and 30 ºC. The features the experiment evaluated were: percentage of germination and of normal seedlings, germination speed index and the dry mass of seedlings. The germinating process of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds is jeopardized from water potentials inferior to -0,6 MPa at 25 and 30 °C; water potentials equivalent or inferior to -1,2 MPa inhibit the formation of normal seedlings in both temperatures; the tolerance to water stress simulated with PEG 6000 is variable among seedling lots and germination temperatures.http://dx.doi.org/10.5902/1980509821112O período de germinação e o estabelecimento de plântulas é um dos fatores mais importantes para a sobrevivência das espécies, principalmente nos locais em que a disponibilidade de água é limitada, como na região da Caatinga. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do estresse hídrico sobre a germinação de sementes de Piptadenia moniliformis Benth. Foram utilizados três lotes (L1, L2 e L3), correspondentes aos anos de produção de 2006, 2007 e 2008, respectivamente. Antes do teste de germinação, as sementes foram escarificadas com ácido sulfúrico concentrado durante 30 minutos. Para induzir o deficit hídrico, foi utilizado o polietileno glicol (PEG 6000), nos seguintes potenciais osmóticos: - 0,3; -0,6; -0,9, -1,2 e -1,5 MPa e a água (0 MPa) sob as temperaturas de 25 e 30ºC. As características avaliadas foram: porcentagem de germinação e de plântulas normais, índice de velocidade de germinação e massa seca de plântulas. O processo germinativo de sementes de Piptadenia moniliformis Benth. é comprometido a partir de potenciais hídricos inferiores a -0,6 MPa a 25 e 30 °C; potenciais hídricos iguais ou inferiores a -1,2 MPa inibem a formação de plântulas normais nas duas temperaturas; a tolerância ao estresse hídrico simulado com PEG 6000 é variável entre lotes de sementes e temperaturas de germinação

    Upregulation of NKG2D ligands impairs hematopoietic stem cell function in Fanconi anemia

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    Cellular immune response; Immunology; Stem cellsRespuesta inmune celular; Inmunología; Células madreResposta immune cel·lular; Immunologia; Cèl·lules mareFanconi anemia (FA) is the most prevalent inherited bone marrow failure (BMF) syndrome. Nevertheless, the pathophysiological mechanisms of BMF in FA have not been fully elucidated. Since FA cells are defective in DNA repair, we hypothesized that FA hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) might express DNA damage–associated stress molecules such as natural killer group 2 member D ligands (NKG2D-Ls). These ligands could then interact with the activating NKG2D receptor expressed in cytotoxic NK or CD8+ T cells, which may result in progressive HSPC depletion. Our results indeed demonstrated upregulated levels of NKG2D-Ls in cultured FA fibroblasts and T cells, and these levels were further exacerbated by mitomycin C or formaldehyde. Notably, a high proportion of BM CD34+ HSPCs from patients with FA also expressed increased levels of NKG2D-Ls, which correlated inversely with the percentage of CD34+ cells in BM. Remarkably, the reduced clonogenic potential characteristic of FA HSPCs was improved by blocking NKG2D–NKG2D-L interactions. Moreover, the in vivo blockage of these interactions in a BMF FA mouse model ameliorated the anemia in these animals. Our study demonstrates the involvement of NKG2D–NKG2D-L interactions in FA HSPC functionality, suggesting an unexpected role of the immune system in the progressive BMF that is characteristic of FA.This work was supported by the “Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Competitividad y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER)” (SAF2015-68073-R, SAF2015-64152-R, and RTI2018-097125-B-I00); Next Generation EU; Plan de Recuperación Transformación y Resilencia (Instituto de Salud Carlos III; TERAV) (RD12/0019/0023); Programs of the European Commission (HEALTHF5-2012-305421 and EUROFANCOLEN); the “Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad” (EC11/060 and EC11/550 “Comunidad de Madrid” (AvanCell, B2017/BMD-3692); and the ICREA-Academia program

    “Alfa”, vega y hortaliza : Riego y siembra en Antofagasta de la Sierra, Puna catamarqueña

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    Se trata de la descripción del sistema de riego actual y de la agricultura resultante en la villa de Antofagasta de la Sierra, ubicada en la zona puneña de la Provincia de Catamarca, registrado en trabajos de campo realizados entre 1995 y 2001. Cultivos prehispánicos como la papa, el maíz y europeos como, especialmente, la alfalfa, habas y algunas hortalizas se logran mediante un sistema de turnos que utiliza tres fuentes de agua. A algunas costumbres, creencias y ritos tradicionales de esta población de pastores, se ha superpuesto la aplicación de la Ley de Aguas de la provincia de Catamarca. Se analizan los conflictos derivados de ello y de la introducción de nuevos cultivos y hábitos recientes.A description of today's irrigation system and resulting agriculture in Antofagasta de la Sierra village is presented. This settlemente is located in the Puna zone within the province of Catamarca, and the data was recorded during fieldwork conducted 1995 to 2001. Prehispanic cultigens such as potatoe, maiz, as well as European plants such as alfalfa, beans and some hortalizas are obtained through a system that uses three sources of water. Some of traditional customs, beliefs and rituals of this herding population were superimposed by the provincial Law of Water use from Catamarca. This paper analyzes the conflicts generated by this, as well as the introduction of new plants and recent habits.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    “Alfa”, vega y hortaliza : Riego y siembra en Antofagasta de la Sierra, Puna catamarqueña

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    Se trata de la descripción del sistema de riego actual y de la agricultura resultante en la villa de Antofagasta de la Sierra, ubicada en la zona puneña de la Provincia de Catamarca, registrado en trabajos de campo realizados entre 1995 y 2001. Cultivos prehispánicos como la papa, el maíz y europeos como, especialmente, la alfalfa, habas y algunas hortalizas se logran mediante un sistema de turnos que utiliza tres fuentes de agua. A algunas costumbres, creencias y ritos tradicionales de esta población de pastores, se ha superpuesto la aplicación de la Ley de Aguas de la provincia de Catamarca. Se analizan los conflictos derivados de ello y de la introducción de nuevos cultivos y hábitos recientes.A description of today's irrigation system and resulting agriculture in Antofagasta de la Sierra village is presented. This settlemente is located in the Puna zone within the province of Catamarca, and the data was recorded during fieldwork conducted 1995 to 2001. Prehispanic cultigens such as potatoe, maiz, as well as European plants such as alfalfa, beans and some hortalizas are obtained through a system that uses three sources of water. Some of traditional customs, beliefs and rituals of this herding population were superimposed by the provincial Law of Water use from Catamarca. This paper analyzes the conflicts generated by this, as well as the introduction of new plants and recent habits.Sociedad Argentina de Antropologí

    GERMINATION OF Piptadenia moniliformis Benth SEEDS UNDER WATER STRESS

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    O per\uedodo de germina\ue7\ue3o e o estabelecimento de pl\ue2ntulas \ue9 um dos fatores mais importantes para a sobreviv\ueancia das esp\ue9cies, principalmente nos locais em que a disponibilidade de \ue1gua \ue9 limitada, como na regi\ue3o da Caatinga. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar o efeito do estresse h\ueddrico sobre a germina\ue7\ue3o de sementes de Piptadenia moniliformis Benth. Foram utilizados tr\ueas lotes (L1, L2 e L3), correspondentes aos anos de produ\ue7\ue3o de 2006, 2007 e 2008, respectivamente. Antes do teste de germina\ue7\ue3o, as sementes foram escarificadas com \ue1cido sulf\ufarico concentrado durante 30 minutos. Para induzir o deficit h\ueddrico, foi utilizado o polietileno glicol (PEG 6000), nos seguintes potenciais osm\uf3ticos: - 0,3; -0,6; -0,9, -1,2 e -1,5 MPa e a \ue1gua (0 MPa) sob as temperaturas de 25 e 30\ubaC. As caracter\uedsticas avaliadas foram: porcentagem de germina\ue7\ue3o e de pl\ue2ntulas normais, \uedndice de velocidade de germina\ue7\ue3o e massa seca de pl\ue2ntulas. O processo germinativo de sementes de Piptadenia moniliformis Benth. \ue9 comprometido a partir de potenciais h\ueddricos inferiores a -0,6 MPa a 25 e 30 \ub0C; potenciais h\ueddricos iguais ou inferiores a -1,2 MPa inibem a forma\ue7\ue3o de pl\ue2ntulas normais nas duas temperaturas; a toler\ue2ncia ao estresse h\ueddrico simulado com PEG 6000 \ue9 vari\ue1vel entre lotes de sementes e temperaturas de germina\ue7\ue3o.The period of germination and the establishment of seedlings are important factors for the survival of species, mainly in places where availability of water is limited, as in the Caatinga region. In this sense, the purpose of this research was to evaluate the effect of water stress on the germination of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds. Three lots (L1, L2 and L3) were used, corresponding to the production years of 2006, 2007 and 2008, respectively. Before the germination test, the seeds were submitted to scarification in concentrated sulfur acid for 30 minutes. To induce water deficit, polyethyleneglicol (PEG 6000) was used, in the following osmotic potentials: - 0,3; -0,6; -0,9, -1,2 and -1,5 MPa and water (0 MPa) under the temperatures of 25 and 30 \ubaC. The features the experiment evaluated were: percentage of germination and of normal seedlings, germination speed index and the dry mass of seedlings. The germinating process of Piptadenia moniliformis Benth seeds is jeopardized from water potentials inferior to -0,6 MPa at 25 and 30 \ub0C; water potentials equivalent or inferior to -1,2 MPa inhibit the formation of normal seedlings in both temperatures; the tolerance to water stress simulated with PEG 6000 is variable among seedling lots and germination temperatures

    Survey of riparian areas and characterization of forestry coverture in a watershed

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    A análise do uso e ocupação do solo em áreas de preservação permanente (APPs) tem sido de grande importância para auxiliar na elaboração de projetos técnicos para implantação de reflorestamentos ciliares. O objetivo principal deste trabalho foi realizar um levantamento do uso e ocupação das APPs da Microbacia Hidrográfica do Córrego do Jaboticabal, bem como localizar e caracterizar os fragmentos de vegetação nativa. Após a elaboração do mapa de uso e ocupação do solo, as visitas in loco foram realizadas para levantar as espécies presentes nos fragmentos e verificar o estado de degradação das áreas e propor o reflorestamento. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que, da área total da APP da Microbacia do Córrego do Jaboticabal, apenas 20,36% está composta com espécies florestais nativas. Para o levantamento das espécies, foram visitados 5 fragmentos, selecionados pelo tamanho e localização, nos quais foram encontradas 82 espécies pertencentes a 33 famílias e, em praticamente todos os fragmentos, o número de espécies encontradas foi semelhante.The study of use and occupation in riparian areas have been very important to help in preparation of technical projects for implementation of reforestation. The main objective of this study was realize a prospect above the use and occupation of riparian areas of watershed Jaboticabal and localize and characterize the forests fragments with native vegetation. For this, the riparians areas were vectorized and the use and occupation was analyzed by remote sensing techniques. After the elaboration of the use and occupation map, the sites visits was realized to raise the species present in the fragments and check the state of degradation and propose areas for reforestation. The results obtained show that the entire riparian areas, within the boundaries of the watershed Jaboticabal, only 25.6% is composed with native species. For the species catalog was visited five fragments, that was selected by your the size and localization, in which were found 82 different species belonging to 33 families, and virtually all the fragments were found the same number of species.El análisis del uso y ocupación del suelo en áreas de preservación permanente (APPs) ha sido de gran importancia para ayudar en la preparación de los proyectos técnicos para la ejecución de la reforestación de ribera. El principal objetivo de este estudio fue examinar el uso y ocupación de APPs de la micro cuenca del lo arroyo del Jaboticabal, así como localizar y caracterizar los fragmentos de vegetación nativa. Después de la creación del mapa de uso y ocupación del suelo, se realizaron las visitas de campo para levantar las especies presentes en los fragmentos y verificar el estado de degradación de áreas y proponer la reforestación. Los resultados mostraron que el área total de la APP de la micro cuenca del lo arroyo del Jaboticabal, sólo el 20,36% se compone de especies forestales nativas. Para la evaluación de las especies se visitaron 5 fragmentos, seleccionados por el tamaño y la ubicación, en el los cuales se encontraron 82 especies pertenecientes a 33 familias y, en prácticamente todos los fragmentos, el número de especies encontradas fue similar

    NKG2D-CAR-transduced natural killer cells efficiently target multiple myeloma

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    CAR-T-cell therapy against MM currently shows promising results, but usually with serious toxicities. CAR-NK cells may exert less toxicity when redirected against resistant myeloma cells. CARs can be designed through the use of receptors, such as NKG2D, which recognizes a wide range of ligands to provide broad target specificity. Here, we test this approach by analyzing the antitumor activity of activated and expanded NK cells (NKAE) and CD45RA− T cells from MM patients that were engineered to express an NKG2D-based CAR. NKAE cells were cultured with irradiated Clone9.mbIL21 cells. Then, cells were transduced with an NKG2D-4-1BB-CD3z-CAR. CAR-NKAE cells exhibited no evidence of genetic abnormalities. Although memory T cells were more stably transduced, CAR-NKAE cells exhibited greater in vitro cytotoxicity against MM cells, while showing minimal activity against healthy cells. In vivo, CAR-NKAE cells mediated highly efficient abrogation of MM growth, and 25% of the treated mice remained disease free. Overall, these results demonstrate that it is feasible to modify autologous NKAE cells from MM patients to safely express a NKG2D-CAR. Additionally, autologous CAR-NKAE cells display enhanced antimyeloma activity demonstrating that they could be an effective strategy against MM supporting the development of NKG2D-CAR-NK-cell therapy for MM.This study was supported by a grant from the Spanish Society for Hematology and Hemotherapy to Alejandra Leivas, the CRIS Foundation to Beat Cancer and the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (PI18/01519)

    Targeted gene therapy and cell reprogramming in Fanconi anemia

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    Altres ajuts: European Regional Development FEDER Funds, Italian Ministry of Health, Fondo de Investigaciones Sanitarias, Dirección General de Investigación de la Comunidad de Madrid S2010/BMD-2420, La Fundació Privada La Marató de TV3 121430/31/32, Marató de TV3 464/C/2012Gene targeting is progressively becoming a realistic therapeutic alternative in clinics. It is unknown, however, whether this technology will be suitable for the treatment of DNA repair deficiency syndromes such as Fanconi anemia (FA), with defects in homology-directed DNA repair. In this study, we used zinc finger nucleases and integrase-defective lentiviral vectors to demonstrate for the first time that FANCA can be efficiently and specifically targeted into the AAVS1 safe harbor locus in fibroblasts from FA-A patients. Strikingly, up to 40% of FA fibroblasts showed gene targeting 42 days after gene editing. Given the low number of hematopoietic precursors in the bone marrow of FA patients, gene-edited FA fibroblasts were then reprogrammed and re-differentiated toward the hematopoietic lineage. Analyses of gene-edited FA-iPSCs confirmed the specific integration of FANCA in the AAVS1 locus in all tested clones. Moreover, the hematopoietic differentiation of these iPSCs efficiently generated disease-free hematopoietic progenitors. Taken together, our results demonstrate for the first time the feasibility of correcting the phenotype of a DNA repair deficiency syndrome using gene-targeting and cell reprogramming strategies