15 research outputs found

    1873-1874, End of a Century?: Time and Space in Valera's Pepita Jiménez, Ros de Olano's Jornadas de retorno, and Alarcón's El sombrero de tres picos and La Alpujarra

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    This article argues for the existence of a literature of the first Spanish Republic in the early 1870s. Valera's Pepita Jimenez makes sense in relation to this literature, rather than in comparison with 'Realism'. The literature of the first republic is distinguished by two facets: an ongoing dialogue with Ros de Olano's experiments in simultaneous compression and extension of form; and a belief that the nineteenth-century revolutionary spirit of the age has reached a critical end point, and needs reinvention that leads to Restoration politics

    Size Doesn't Matter: Towards a More Inclusive Philosophy of Biology

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    notes: As the primary author, O’Malley drafted the paper, and gathered and analysed data (scientific papers and talks). Conceptual analysis was conducted by both authors.publication-status: Publishedtypes: ArticlePhilosophers of biology, along with everyone else, generally perceive life to fall into two broad categories, the microbes and macrobes, and then pay most of their attention to the latter. ‘Macrobe’ is the word we propose for larger life forms, and we use it as part of an argument for microbial equality. We suggest that taking more notice of microbes – the dominant life form on the planet, both now and throughout evolutionary history – will transform some of the philosophy of biology’s standard ideas on ontology, evolution, taxonomy and biodiversity. We set out a number of recent developments in microbiology – including biofilm formation, chemotaxis, quorum sensing and gene transfer – that highlight microbial capacities for cooperation and communication and break down conventional thinking that microbes are solely or primarily single-celled organisms. These insights also bring new perspectives to the levels of selection debate, as well as to discussions of the evolution and nature of multicellularity, and to neo-Darwinian understandings of evolutionary mechanisms. We show how these revisions lead to further complications for microbial classification and the philosophies of systematics and biodiversity. Incorporating microbial insights into the philosophy of biology will challenge many of its assumptions, but also give greater scope and depth to its investigations

    Consequence of a unbalanced diet in horses: preliminary study

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    A study was made of the diet employed on a Spanish horse-breeding farm, 11 necropsies and blood samples from 18 other horses were analyzed and viewed alongside handling and exercise practice.Se aportan los datos del régimen alimenticio de una explotación de caballos de raza española, de la necropsia de 11 caballos y de la analítica sanguínea de otros 18 équidos; todo ello en relación con el manejo y ejercicio realizado. Un exceso de hidratos de carbono en la dieta puede originar, paulatinamente, degeneración grasa en el hígado, lo cual redunda no sólo en los costes económicos de la explotación sino también en la salud y apreciación del colectivo

    Consecuencias de una dieta desequilibrada en équidos: estudio preliminar

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    Se aportan los datos del régimen alimenticio de una explotación de caballos de raza española, de la necropsia de 11 caballos y de la analítica sanguínea de otros 18 équidos; todo ello en relación con el manejo y ejercicio realizado. Un exceso de hidratos de carbono en la dieta puede originar, paulatinamente, degeneración grasa en el hígado, lo cual redunda no sólo en los costes económicos de la explotación sino también en la salud y apreciación del colectivo.A study was made of the diet employed on a Spanish horse-breeding farm, 11 necropsies and blood samples from 18 other horses were analyzed and viewed alongside handling and exercise practice

    Expression of the gene encoding the chemorepellent semaphorin III is induced in the fibroblast component of neural scar tissue formed following injuries of adult but not neonatal CNS

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    This study evaluates the expression of the chemorepellent semaphorin III (D)/collapsin-1 (sema III) following lesions to the rat CNS. Scar tissue, formed after penetrating injuries to the lateral olfactory tract (LOT), cortex, perforant pathway, and spinal cord, contained numerous spindle-shaped cells expressing high levels of sema III mRNA. The properties of these cells were investigated in detail in the lesioned LOT. Most sema III mRNA-positive cells were located in the core of the scar and expressed proteins characteristic for fibroblast-like cells. Neuropilin-1, a sema III receptor, was expressed in injured neurons with projections to the lesion site, in a subpopulation of scar-associated cells and in blood vessels around the scar. In contrast to lesions made in the mature CNS, LOT transection in neonates did not induce sema III iii mRNA expression within cells in the lesion and was followed by vigorous axonal regeneration. The concomitant expression of sema III and its receptor neuropilin-1 in the scar suggests that sema III/neuropilin-1-mediated mechanisms are involved in CNS scar formation. The expression of the secreted chemorepellent sema III following CNS injury provides the first evidence that chemorepulsive semaphorins may contribute to the inhibitory effects exerted by scars on the outgrowth of injured CNS neurites. The vigorous regrowth of injured axons in the absence of sema III following early neonatal lesions is consistent with this notion. The inactivation of sema III in scar tissue by either antibody perturbation or by genetic or pharmacological intervention could be a powerful means to promote long-distance regeneration in the adult CNS