683 research outputs found

    La comunicación en la escuela infantil: algunas consideraciones teóricas de utilidad para maestros e

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    El presente artículo pretende servir de punto de arranque para una reflexión ordenada que sustente y nutra la labor diaria del maestro de Educación Infantil. En él se da cuenta de la complejidad de los procesos de comunicación que acontecen en las aulas de este nivel educativo. Con esa intención se examinan, por un lado, los participantes y los elementos que intervienen y, por otro, las sutiles y complejas relaciones que entre ellos se establecen.This article aims to engage teacher trainees in a systematic reflection that supports and enriches the everyday work of the Infant Education teacher. The complex nature of the communication processes in the infant classroom is analysed. With this purpose, the autor examines on one hand the participants and other intervening elements in these communication processes and on the other hand the refined and complex relationships that are set up between them

    El lobo: su mundo, sus lenguajes... Contribución al fomento del libro y la lectura.

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    El trabajo que se presenta constituye una pi-opuesta de actuación a largo plazo, orientada a centros de Educación Infantil y Primada, que se concreta en una exposición en la que se impliquen y colaboren profesores y alumnos de los niveles señalados. Una exposición que se ofrece como modelo versátil, susceptible de adaptarse a múltiples motivos o tópicos, capaz'de desarrollarse a lo largo de períodos de tiempo variables, según convenga, y que se presta, en fin, a diferentes grados de profundización. La Biblioteca de Centro se contempla como el eje desde donde se irradiarán todas las propuestas y desde donde se coordinará la puesta en marcha de las actividades y trabajos.The work that we present constitutes a long-term proposal directed to preschool and primary education. Our proposal will be materialized on an exhibit in which both teachers and students at the aboye mentioned level collaborate and get implicated. An exhibit that is offered as a versatile model that can both be adapted to multiple motifs and topics and can also be developed throughout 215 El lobo: su mundo, sus lenguajes... Contribución alfomento del libra.. Julia Valenzuela Miranda María Sahuquillo Díaz variable time and at convenience. In sum, it lends itself to different degrees of depth. The school library is considered the focal point from where alí the proposals, activites and work will radiate and set off

    Le canevas d’une linguistique émergeante: contribution au développement des compétences métalinguistiques

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    El presente artículo aborda, en primer lugar, una reflexión sobre el concepto de competencia metalingüística y sus diferentes grados de concreción, así como sobre cómo se alcanza a lo largo de la etapa de Educación Infantil, de 3 a 6 años. En segundo lugar, se ofrecen una serie de propuestas prácticas para contribuir a su desarrollo en el niño. Todo ello teniendo como horizonte la preparación de los escolares para el acceso a la lengua escrita, uno de los objetivos fundamentales de este tramo educativo.This paper deals with a reflection on the concept of metalinguistic competence and its varying stages of realization, and the way they are reached throughout the education period of 3-6 years old. Secondly, it offers a series of practical proposals to contribute to the children’s development, the main goal being the preparation of school children to learn how to read and write, one of the main objectives of this stage of their education.Cet article est, premièrement, une réflexion sur le concept de compétence métalinguistique et ses diffèrent degrés de concrétion, ainsi comme sur la façon où cette compétence est acquise tout au long de l’Éducation d’Enfance, de 3 jusqu’à 6 ans. Deuxièmement, on offre ici une série de propositions pratiques pour contribuer à leur développement chez l’enfant. Tout cela, avec le but de la préparation des écoliers pour accéder à la langue écrite, un des principaux objectifs de cette étape éducative

    When networks speak volumes: Variation in the size of broader acquaintanceship networks

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    Personal network researchers have extensively studied the characteristics and effects of individuals' closest relationships, but they have paid much less attention to broader acquaintanceship networks, despite evidence that weak ties can also provide social support. In this paper we focus on one aspect of these networks: acquaintanceship volume. We estimate its distributional parameters for a large, representative sample of the general population of Spain, explore its variation across social groups as well as its implications for social support availability. We designed a survey instrument based on the Network Scale-Up Method and implemented it in a national survey in Spain. Our results suggest that Spaniards have approximately 536 acquaintances, with a large inter-individual variation, comparable to the estimates reported for the American population. Acquaintanceship volume varies with gender, age, education, and income. These differences are partially related to the unequal participation of social groups in voluntary associations, confirming the civic value of such associations, and in employment. Even with similar core network size, acquaintanceship volume increases the likelihood of having adequate social support available, suggesting that broader acquaintanceship networks also structure individual outcomes

    Choose, buy, pay - Paradoxes of shame-relieving processes among impoverished Spaniards after 2008's great recession

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    Purpose - The aim of the paper is to ethnographically detail the poverty-shame nexus in contemporary Spain, and to highlight the contradictions of the newly adopted consumption-based models of inclusion led by charities. Design/methodology/approach - Drawing on 39 cases out of a sample of 78 gathered through two long-term research projects, the paper employs a mixed-methods approach that mainly draws on a multi-sited ethnographic approach and interviews. Findings - The paper ethnographically documents major contradictions that shed light on the complex relationships between poverty, shame, work and consumption in modern societies. Research limitations/implications - This paper analyses the sources of shame in the experience of poverty and downward mobility, but also it opens new ground for understanding the complex poverty-shame nexus and lets some questions unanswered. Practical implications - The contradictions highlighted shed light on the complex relationships between poverty, shame, work and consumption that may inform modern policies to fight poverty. Ethnography gives voice to these individuals that currently experience an increasingly precarious and unequal modern world. Social implications - The paper contributes to a better understanding of the processes that underlie modern poverty and downward social mobility and points out the contradictions generated by consumption-based models of inclusion. Originality/value - While the poverty-shame nexus has been already analyzed from the point of view of stigma and exclusion from the labor market, the links between a growing consumerism and the neo-liberal values that underlie our modern societies are largely unexplored. The ethnographic contribution and the detailed case studies are also original in the case of Spain

    Sistematización de un programa de motivación para trabajadores de la industria de la construcción

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    92 p.El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo sistematizar un programa de motivación para trabajadores de la construcción. Con el fin de mejorar el desempeño de los trabajadores en los ámbitos de producción, calidad, aseo y seguridad, este programa se enmarca en un sistema de motivación que centra su campo de acción en la motivación a través de inventivos, trabajo en equipo y fijación de metas. El sistema propone que realizando evaluaciones diarias en los aspectos antes mencionados y premiando a las cuadrillas de trabajadores que logren un desempeño porcentual determinado se producirán mejoras sustanciales. Debido a que la aplicación del sistema en trabajadores de la construcción se encuentra en una etapa de gestación, no existen manuales ni procedimientos establecidos para implementar tal programa de forma sistemática a cualquier empresa constructora, así en las páginas posteriores se encuentra el desarrollo de una sistematización donde a través de una serie de procesos se establecen los pasos administrativos para implementar el programa; la conformación de cuadrillas; definición de metas; definición de parámetros de calidad, seguridad y aseo; definición de forma de medición de la producción, entre otros. Adicionalmente se expone la forma en que la sistematización fue aplicada en un caso real; obra edificio Doña Laura, Constructora Altius S.A., Santiago, Macul./ABSTRACT: This paper aims to systematize a motivational program for construction workers. In order to improve the performance of workers in the areas of production, quality, cleanliness and safety, this program is part of a motivation system that focuses its action on motivation through inventive, teamwork and fixing goals. This system proposes conducting daily assessments in the areas listed above and rewarding crew’s adequate performance, substantial improvements will be achieved. Due to the program implementation is in an early stage, there is a lack of procedures applying such a program systematically to any construction company. Subsequent pages expose a systematic approach development where through a series of processes is presented a setting of administrative steps for the program implementation, the gangs formation, goals, quality parameters, safety and cleanliness defining; production measurement defining, amongst others. Additionally it shows how the systematization was applied in a real case, building construction proyect Doña Laura, Constructora Altius SA, Santiago, Macul

    Empresas sociales en Cataluña : ¿cambio de paradigma o estrategia de clase media?

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    La crisis fi nanciera que se inicia en España en 2008 ha tenido un profundo impacto socioeconómico en la población civil, particularmente entre las clases medias. El gobierno, en vez de incentivar el ahorro, ha llevado a cabo una política de recortes y de inmovilismo público. Como consecuencia del incremento del desempleo, del adelgazamiento del Estado del Bienestar, de la pobreza y de un amplio descontento de los excesos del capitalismo, ha surgido una amplia diversidad de economías sociales para posibilitar el acceso básico a bienes y servicios y una emergencia considerable de empresas sociales. El análisis de estas iniciativas revela, sin embargo, dos aspectos relevantes: primero, que son iniciativas 'autorreferenciadas'(es decir, generadas por y pensadas para la clase media) y, segundo, que son alternativas más destinadas a la auto-ocupación y el autoempleo que a colectivos realmente necesitados. En cualquier caso, estos movimientos se relacionan con otros colectivos descontentos con la política actual, que está dando lugar a una mayor conciencia política hacia la izquierdaThe financial crisis that began in Spain in 2008 has had a profound economic impact on the civil population, particularly among the middle classes. The government, instead of encouraging savings, has carried out a policy of cuts and public immobility. As a result of rising unemployment, the weakening of the welfare state, the increase of poverty and the widespread discontent of the excesses of capitalism, there emerged a wide range of social economies to enable basic access to goods and services and a considerable emergence of social companies. An analysis of these initiatives reveals, however, two important aspects: first, that many of these initiatives are 'self-referential' (i.e. generated by and designed for the middle class) and, second, that such alternatives are often designed for selfemployment. In any case, these movements are related to other groups dissatisfied with the current policy, which is leading to a greater political tendency to left-wing policie

    Proximity ligation strategy for the genomic reconstruction of microbial communities associated with the ectoparasite Caligus rogercresseyi

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    The sea louse Caligus rogercresseyi has become one of the main constraints for the sustainable development of salmon aquaculture in Chile. Although this parasite's negative impacts are well recognized by the industry, some novel potential threats remain unnoticed. The recent sequencing of the C. rogercresseyi genome revealed a large bacterial community associated with the sea louse, however, it is unknown if these microorganisms should become a new focus of sanitary concern. Herein, chromosome proximity ligation (Hi-C) coupled with long-read sequencing were used for the genomic reconstruction of the C. rogercresseyi microbiota. Through deconvolution analysis, we were able to assemble and characterize 413 bacterial genome clusters, including six bacterial genomes with more than 80% of completeness. The most represented bacterial genome belonged to the fish pathogen Tenacibacullum ovolyticum (97.87% completeness), followed by Dokdonia sp. (96.71% completeness). This completeness allowed identifying 21 virulence factors (VF) within the T. ovolyticum genome and four antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). Notably, genomic pathway reconstruction analysis suggests putative metabolic complementation mechanisms between C. rogercresseyi and its associated microbiota. Taken together, our data highlight the relevance of Hi-C techniques to discover pathogenic bacteria, VF, and ARGs and also suggest novel host-microbiota mutualism in sea lice biology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio
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