176 research outputs found

    Transcriptomic insights on the ABC transporter gene family in the salmon louse Caligus rogercresseyi

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    Background  ATP-binding cassette (ABC) protein family encode for membrane proteins involved in the transport of various biomolecules through the cellular membrane. These proteins have been identified in all taxa and present important physiological functions, including the process of insecticide detoxification in arthropods. For that reason the ectoparasiteCaligus rogercresseyirepresents a model species for understanding the molecular underpinnings involved in insecticide drug resistance.  Methods  llumina sequencing was performed using sea lice exposed to 2 and 3 ppb of deltamethrin and azamethiphos. Contigs obtained fromde novoassembly were annotated by Blastx. RNA-Seq analysis was performed and validated by qPCR analysis.  Results  From the transcriptome database ofC. rogercresseyi, 57 putative members of ABC protein sequences were identified and phylogenetically classified into the eight subfamilies described for ABC transporters in arthropods. Transcriptomic profiles for ABC proteins subfamilies were evaluated throughoutC. rogercresseyidevelopment. Moreover, RNA-Seq analysis was performed for adult male and female salmon lice exposed to the delousing drugs azamethiphos and deltamethrin. High transcript levels of the ABCB and ABCC subfamilies were evidenced. Furthermore, SNPs mining was carried out for the ABC proteins sequences, revealing pivotal genomic information.  Conclusions  The present study gives a comprehensive transcriptome analysis of ABC proteins fromC. rogercresseyi,providing relevant information about transporter roles during ontogeny and in relation to delousing drug responses in salmon lice. This genomic information represents a valuable tool for pest management in the Chilean salmon aquaculture industry

    Proximity ligation strategy for the genomic reconstruction of microbial communities associated with the ectoparasite Caligus rogercresseyi

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    The sea louse Caligus rogercresseyi has become one of the main constraints for the sustainable development of salmon aquaculture in Chile. Although this parasite's negative impacts are well recognized by the industry, some novel potential threats remain unnoticed. The recent sequencing of the C. rogercresseyi genome revealed a large bacterial community associated with the sea louse, however, it is unknown if these microorganisms should become a new focus of sanitary concern. Herein, chromosome proximity ligation (Hi-C) coupled with long-read sequencing were used for the genomic reconstruction of the C. rogercresseyi microbiota. Through deconvolution analysis, we were able to assemble and characterize 413 bacterial genome clusters, including six bacterial genomes with more than 80% of completeness. The most represented bacterial genome belonged to the fish pathogen Tenacibacullum ovolyticum (97.87% completeness), followed by Dokdonia sp. (96.71% completeness). This completeness allowed identifying 21 virulence factors (VF) within the T. ovolyticum genome and four antibiotic resistance genes (ARG). Notably, genomic pathway reconstruction analysis suggests putative metabolic complementation mechanisms between C. rogercresseyi and its associated microbiota. Taken together, our data highlight the relevance of Hi-C techniques to discover pathogenic bacteria, VF, and ARGs and also suggest novel host-microbiota mutualism in sea lice biology.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Factores que limitan la integración de la cultura chicha en la oferta turística en el Centro Histórico de Lima - 2019

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    La presente investigación tiene objetivo principal determinar los factores que limitan la integración de la cultura chicha en la oferta turística en el Centro Histórico de Lima, 2019. Así mismo se presentan teorías de la cultura chicha y oferta turística. A su vez la investigación tuvo como enfoque cualitativo, tipo básica, de nivel descriptivo y diseño fenomenológico. La población conformó por administradores de empresas turísticas tales como alojamiento, restauración y agencias de viajes. Del mismo modo a la Municipalidad de Lima, Ministerio de cultura y expertos de la cultura chicha. De forma general y cumpliendo con el objetivo principal planteado, se concluyó que efectivamente existen factores limitantes para la integración de la cultura chicha en el Centro histórico de Lima, siendo en total cinco de ellos

    Whole-genome resequencing in the sea louse Caligus rogercresseyi uncovers gene duplications and copy number variants associated with pesticide resistance

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    The sea louse Caligus rogercresseyi is a marine ectoparasite that constitutes one of the major threats to the salmon farming industry, where the primary control strategy is the use of delousing drugs through immersion treatments. The emergence of pharmacological resistance in this copepodid species has previously been described using transcriptome data. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying chromosome rearrangements have not yet been explored. This study aimed to identify structural genomic variations and gene expression in C. rogercresseyi associated with pesticide sensitivity. In this study, genome resequencing was conducted using Oxford Nanopore Technology on lice strains with contrasting sensitivity to azamethiphos to detect genome duplications. Transcriptome profiling of putative gene duplications was performed by Illumina sequencing. Copy Number Variants (CNVs) were identified through comparative coverage, and collinear/tandem gene duplications over all the chromosomal regions by sequence homology. Duplications or CNVs in functional genes were primarily identified in transposable elements and genes related to the drug response, with differential expression values calculated by RNA-seq analyses of the same strains. Notably, differentially duplicated genes were found in coding regions related to cuticle proteins, suggesting that a putative resistance mechanism may be associated with cuticular structure formation and the proteins involved. Collectively, the results revealed that the intensive use of pesticides on sea lice populations increases the frequency of gene duplication, expanding the molecular elements involved in drug response. This study is the first to report an association between genome rearrangements and pharmacological resistance in sea lice populations

    Análisis del Síndrome de Burnout en docentes de la escuela de salud pública del programa de Enfermería de la Universidad de los Llanos

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    Objective: Determine the presence of burnout syndrome in nursing teachers. Materials and methods: Quantitative, descriptive, cross-sectional study; It was carried out with the teachers of the school of public health of the nursing program of the Universidad de los Llanos, to a total of 60 teachers. For the study, a sociodemographic survey with 9 questions was used, as well as the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) instrument. Results: It was found that men show greater emotional fatigue, teachers have a medium and high level of depersonalization, and regardless of age. Conclusion: The presence of burnout syndrome in teachers is low, being associated with variables such as the female gender, who have good job satisfaction and a better response to coping with stress, having a family and children allows them to develop activities other than work and take active breaks within your working day.Objetivo. Determinar la presencia del síndrome de burnout en docentes de enfermería. Métodos. Estudio cuantitativo, descriptivo, de corte transversal; que se realizó con los docentes de la escuela de salud pública del programa de enfermería de la Universidad de los Llanos, a un total de 60 docentes. Para el estudio se utilizó una encuesta sociodemográfica con 9 preguntas, así como, el instrumento Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI). Resultados. Se encontró que los hombres presentan mayor cansancio emocional, los docentes hora cátedra poseen un nivel medio y alto de despersonalización e independientemente de la edad. Conclusión. La presencia del síndrome de burnout en los docentes es baja, asociándose a variables como el sexo femenino, quienes tienen una buena satisfacción laboral y mejor respuesta de afrontamiento al estrés, el tener una familia e hijos les permite el desarrollo de actividades diferentes al laboral y realizar pausas activas dentro su jornada laboral

    Estudio comparativo del costo de producción vs el precio de venta de la leche cruda por la implementación NIIF´s en la hacienda "Michuquer" situada en la provincia del Carchi

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    El Ecuador se encuentra atravesando una etapa de cambios en cuanto a la presentación de los estados financieros mediante la implementación de las “Normas Internacionales de Información Financiera” (NIIF’S). Esta nueva normativa contable busca presentar información universal, entendible por todos los usuarios de los estados financieros y presentar una situación confiable y real de la situación del negocio

    Cómo se vivencia la sexualidad en los adultos mayores gays de nacionalidad chilena

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    Tesis (Licenciado en Terapia Ocupacional)Esta investigación invita a conocer cómo comprenden la sexualidad los adultos mayores gays a través de diversas experiencias en el transcurso de su vida envueltas por la cultura chilena en cuanto al impacto social en la construcción de sus vivencias. El equipo de investigadoras accede a la información a través del estudio de caso como técnica para recolectar la información desde una metodología cualitativa, mediante entrevistas abiertas las cuales se realizaron a dos participantes con el fin de profundizar sus relatos permitiendo conocer e interpretar sus vivencias, a través de un análisis cualitativo de contenido. A través de esta investigación se concluyó que las vivencias de los adultos mayores gays están construidas desde los ideales y creencias de la sociedad acerca de esta comunidad, además se puede evidenciar cómo el contexto socio-histórico produce un impacto en la manifestación de la sexualidad en los entrevistados, donde se evidenciaron actos patriarcales, conservadores, homofóbicos dentro y fuera de la comunidad gay.This research invites us to learn how older gay adults understands sexuality through some experiences during their lives involved in Chilean culture in terms of the information trough the case study as a technique collect the information from a qualitative methodology and trough open interviews wich were conducted with two participants to deepen their stories allowing to know and interpret their experiences through a qualitative content analysis. Through this research it was concluded that the experiences of gay older adults are built from the ideals and beliefs of society about this community or can also be evidenced how the sociohistorical context produces an impact on the manifestation of sexuality in the interviewed where patriarchal, conservative, homophobic acts were evidenced within and outside the gay community

    Chromosome-Level Genome Assembly of the Blue Mussel Mytilus chilensis Reveals Molecular Signatures Facing the Marine Environment

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    The blue mussel Mytilus chilensis is an endemic and key socioeconomic species inhabiting the southern coast of Chile. This bivalve species supports a booming aquaculture industry, which entirely relies on artificially collected seeds from natural beds that are translocated to diverse physical–chemical ocean farming conditions. Furthermore, mussel production is threatened by a broad range of microorganisms, pollution, and environmental stressors that eventually impact its survival and growth. Herein, understanding the genomic basis of the local adaption is pivotal to developing sustainable shellfish aquaculture. We present a high-quality reference genome of M. chilensis, which is the first chromosome-level genome for a Mytilidae member in South America. The assembled genome size was 1.93 Gb, with a contig N50 of 134 Mb. Through Hi-C proximity ligation, 11,868 contigs were clustered, ordered, and assembled into 14 chromosomes in congruence with the karyological evidence. The M. chilensis genome comprises 34,530 genes and 4795 non-coding RNAs. A total of 57% of the genome contains repetitive sequences with predominancy of LTR-retrotransposons and unknown elements. Comparative genome analysis of M. chilensis and M. coruscus was conducted, revealing genic rearrangements distributed into the whole genome. Notably, transposable Steamer-like elements associated with horizontal transmissible cancer were explored in reference genomes, suggesting putative relationships at the chromosome level in Bivalvia. Genome expression analysis was also conducted, showing putative genomic differences between two ecologically different mussel populations. The evidence suggests that local genome adaptation and physiological plasticity can be analyzed to develop sustainable mussel production. The genome of M. chilensis provides pivotal molecular knowledge for the Mytilus complex


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    This article analyzes the determinants of the academic performance of secondary education taking into account the results of the Saber 11 test corresponding to the period 2014-2019. The database provided by the Colombian Institute for the Evaluation of Education (ICFES) was used to collect information from the students who took the Saber 11 exam for the period 2014-2019. The methodology used was developed through the application of a cross-sectional combination model including variables that represent the personal, family, socioeconomic and school characteristics of the population of the model, the students who took the test.The results show that the competence of the English area is the one that explains the performance of the test knowing showing a greater impact given the characteristics that were exposed.En este artículo se analizan los determinantes del rendimiento académico de la educación media teniendo en cuenta los resultados de la prueba saber 11 correspondiente al periodo 2014-2019. Se utilizó la base de datos suministrada por el Instituto Colombiano para la Evaluación de la Educación (ICFES), en donde se recoge información de los estudiantes que presentaron el examen Saber 11 para el periodo 2014-2019. La metodología utilizada se desarrolló mediante la aplicación de un modelo de combinación de corte transversal incluyendo variables que representan las características personales, familiares, socioeconómicas y del colegio de la población del modelo, los estudiantes que presentaron el examen. Los resultados muestran que la competencia del área de inglés es la que mayor explica el rendimiento de la prueba saber mostrando un mayor impacto dadas las características que se expusieron