21 research outputs found

    Erittely laivan painonhallinnan tietokantaa varten

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    TÀmÀn työn tarkoitus on eritellÀ laivan painon hallinnassa kÀytettÀvÀn tietokannan sisÀltöÀ ja vaatimuksia. TyössÀ selvitetÀÀn yleisesti laivan painon muodostumista ja jakautumista sekÀ painon hallintaa ja tÀmÀn merkitystÀ. LisÀksi työssÀ kartoitetaan sekÀ tiedon jakamisen ja tallentamisen periaatteita suunnittelutoimiston sisÀisessÀ toiminnassa. TÀmÀ työ on tehty toimeksiantona insinööri- ja konsulttiyritys Elomatic Oy:lle. Painon arviointi ja laskeminen ovat keskeinen osa laivan suunnittelutyötÀ. Tietokannan hyödyntÀminen tehostaa painon hallintaa. Painon lisÀksi tietokantaan voidaan lisÀtÀ muutakin tietoa, jolloin sitÀ voi hyödyntÀÀ kaikissa suunnittelun eri osa-alueissa. Tietoa kerÀÀmÀllÀ pystytÀÀn myös tekemÀÀn data-analyysia, joiden pohjalta voidaan kehittÀÀ uusia toimintatapoja tai ratkaisuja. TyössÀ on kokonaisvaltaisesti kartoitettu sitÀ, minkÀlainen tieto on keskeistÀ eri suunnitteludisipliineille sekÀ miten sitÀ tuotetaan, jaetaan ja tallennetaan. Työn tuloksia hyödyntÀen voidaan ryhtyÀ luomaan ja kÀyttöönottamaan varsinaista tietokantaa. TyössÀ on kÀytetty alan kirjallisuutta sekÀ asiantuntijahaastatteluja. Haastateltaviksi on valittu suunnittelijoita eri suunnitteludisipliineistÀ mahdollisimman monipuolisen kuvan saavuttamiseksi.The purpose of this thesis was to study the contents and features of a database for weight management of ships. This thesis also includes an overview of a composition of the weight of the ship and how to manage it. Additionally, the means of sharing and saving information in an engineering and consulting office are presented in this study. This thesis was commissioned by an engineering and consulting company Elomatic Oy. The estimation and calculation of the weight is an essential part of designing a ship. The use of a database allows the weight management to become more efficient. Additionally it is possible to gather other information to the database as well, which makes the database useful for different sectors of the ship design. Collecting data also enables to make a data analysis which allows the improvement of procedures and solutions. The sources for the information presented in this study are from literature and interviews. The experts for the interviews have been selected from various disciplines in order to form a diverse overview

    "We don't use the word 'Republican' in this house!" : Luokan ja sukupuolen politiikkaa amerikkalaisessa tilannekomediassa

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    Artikkelissa tarkastellaan sukupuolen rakentamisesta ja politiikasta kÀsin työlÀisÀidin matriarkaalista naurua amerikkalaisessa tilannekomediassa ja yhteiskunnass

    Kommentti Miesten tiede! -keskusteluun

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    Beyond East-West : marginality and national dignity in Finnish identity construction

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    Since the end of the Cold War it has become common for Finnish academics and politicians alike to frame debates about Finnish national identity in terms of locating Finland somewhere along a continuum between East and West (e.g., Harle and Moisio 2000). Indeed, for politicians properly locating oneself (and therefore Finland) along this continuum has often been seen as central to the winning and losing of elections. For example, the 1994 referendum on EU membership was largely interpreted precisely as an opportunity to relocate Finland further to the West (Jakobson 1998, 111; Arter 1995). Indeed, the tendency to depict Finnish history in terms of a series of ‘westernising’ moves has been notable, but has also betrayed some of the politicised elements of this view (Browning 2002). However, this framing of Finnish national identity discourse is not only sometimes politicised, but arguably is also too simplified and results in blindness towards other identity narratives that have also been important through Finnish history, and that are also evident (but rarely recognised) today as well. In this article we aim to highlight one of these that we argue has played a key role in locating Finland in the world and in formulating notions of what Finland is about, what historical role and mission it has been understood as destined to play, and what futures for the nation have been conceptualised as possible and as providing a source of subjectivity and national dignity. The focus of this article is therefore on the relationship between Finnish nationalism and ideas of ‘marginality’ through Finnish history

    The status of women police officers: an international review

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    This paper reports on a survey of English-language police department websites, annual reports and other reports in order to identify key aspects of the status of women police internationally. Findings are reported for England and Wales, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Eire, the United States, Canada, Australia (eight departments), New Zealand, South Africa, Ghana, Nigeria, India, Pakistan, Hong Kong, Papua New Guinea, and Fiji. Data on the proportion of female officers were available from 18 of 23 locations, with a range between 5.1% and 28.8%. Recruit numbers were available for six locations, and ranged between 26.6% and 37.0%. Limited data on rank and deployment indicated overall improvements. Available longer-term trend data suggested that growth in female officers was slowing or levelling out. Overall, the study showed an urgent need to improve gender-based statistics in order to better inform strategies aimed at maximising the participation of women in policing