365 research outputs found

    Systematics of African Amphicyonidae, with descriptions of new material from Napak (Uganda) and Grillental (Namibia)

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    [EN] The Early Miocene Napak XV locality (ca 20.5 Ma), Uganda, has yielded an interesting assemblage of fossils, including the very well represented amphicyonid Hecubides euryodon. The remarkable find of a nearly complete mandible, unfortunately with poorly preserved dentition, together with new dental remains allow us to obtain a better idea about the morphology and variability of this species. Additionally, we describe a newly discovered mandible of Hecubides euryodon from the Grillental-VI locality (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), which is the most complete and diagnostic Amphicyonidae material found in this area. Comparisons with Cynelos lemanensis from Saint-Gérand-le-Puy (France), the type locality, and with an updated sample of the species of amphicyonids described in Africa leads us to validate the genus Hecubides. Hecubides would be phylogenetically related to the medium and large size species of Amphicyonidae from Africa, most of them now grouped into the genera Afrocyon and Myacyon, both endemic to this continent.[ES] La localidad del Mioceno inferior de Napak XV (ca 20,5 Ma) ha suministrado un interesante conjunto de fósiles, entre los que el anficiónido Hecubides euryodon está bien representado. Es importante el hallazgo de una mandíbula bastante completa, aunque con dentición bastante deteriorada y nuevos materiales dentarios que nos permiten un mejor conocimiento de la morfología y variabilidad de esta especie. Adicionalmente, se describe una nueva mandíbula, también de Hecubides euryodon, procedente del yacimiento de Grillental-VI (Sperrgebiet, Namibia), que viene a ser el material más completo y diagnóstico de esta especie en este área. Comparaciones con Cynelos lemanensis de Saint-Gérand-le-Puy (Francia), localidad tipo de esta especie, y con los amphicyonidos descritos hasta el presente en Africa, nos conducen a validar el género Hecubides. Este género estaría relacionado filogenéticamente con las especies de talla media y grande de Amphicyonidae de África, la mayoría de ellas ahora agrupadas en los géneros Afrocyon y Myacyon, ambos endémicos de este continente.Project CGL2015-68333, MINECO (Spanish Government) and The Research Group BSCH-UCM 910607. A.V. is Research student in the CSIC program JAE-PRE_CP2011 (CSIC program “Junta para la Ampliación de Estudios”), cofunded by the European Social FundPeer reviewe

    Un nuevo yacimiento de Vertebrados en el Burdigaliense de Martorell (Provincia de Barcelona)

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    Se describe en la nota presente un nuevo yacimiento inédito del Burdigaliense del Vallés-Penedés, cerca de Martorell y de la falla con la cadena litoral. Se da un resumen de la fauna encontrada y un corte estratigráfico detallado de la nueva localidadPeer reviewe

    Comunicación corta. Respuesta del garbanzo a las aplicaciones de zinc al suelo

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    [EN] The response of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) to Zn nutrition was studied in pot experiments under natural conditions using four acid soils of northwest Spain during 2007 and 2008. Five concentrations of Zn (0, 1, 2, 4 and 8 mg Zn pot–1) were added to the pots as Zn chelate. Chickpea responded to the soil Zn applications and there were highly significant differences between soils. At maturity plants fertilized with Zn had greater total dry matter production mainly due to increments in pods weight. The lowest yield (2.65 g plant–1) was obtained from 0 mg Zn pot–1, while the highest yield (3.52 g plant–1) was recorded at 4 mg Zn pot–1. The increased yields in Zn applied plants was the result of increased number of pods per plant. Furthermore, this yield component was closely correlated with the seed yield[ES] Se estudió la respuesta del garbanzo cultivado en macetas al aire libre a las aplicaciones de Zn usando cuatro suelos del noroeste de España durante 2007 y 2008. Cinco concentraciones de Zn (0, 1, 2, 4 y 8 mg Zn maceta–1) fueron añadidas a las macetas. El garbanzo respondió a las aplicaciones de Zn al suelo, existiendo diferencias altamente significativas entre los suelos. A la madurez, las plantas de las macetas fertilizadas con Zn tenían una mayor producción total, principalmente por el incremento del peso seco de las vainas. El menor rendimiento (2,65 g planta–1) se obtuvo en las macetas con 0 mg Zn maceta–1, mientras que el mayor rendimiento (3,52 g planta–1) se alcanzó con 4 mg Zn planta–1. El incremento del número de vainas por planta fue el responsable del incremento de rendimiento. El número de vainas por planta fue el componente del rendimiento más directamente correlacionado con el rendimiento en semilla por plantaS

    Early estimates of seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in Europe: results from the I-MOVE multicentre case-control study, 2012/13

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    Baltazar Nunes: member of the I-MOVE case–control study teamWe conducted a test-negative case–control study based in five European sentinel surveillance networks. The early 2012/13 adjusted influenza vaccine effectiveness was 78.2% (95% CI: 18.0 to 94.2) against influenza B, 62.1% (95% CI: −22.9 to 88.3%) against A(H1)pdm09, 41.9 (95% CI: −67.1 to 79.8) against A(H3N2) and 50.4% (95% CI: −20.7 to 79.6) against all influenza types in the target groups for vaccination. Efforts to improve influenza vaccines should continue to better protect those at risk of severe illness or complications

    Comportamiento en conservación de cultivares de manzana ‘Reineta del Canadá’

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    Apple (Malus domestica Borkh) cultivars ‘Reinette du Canada’ (RC) and ‘Reinette Grise du Canada’ (RG) have been declared throughout the European Community as protected designation of origin (PDO) ‘Manzana Reineta del Bierzo’. The aim of this research was to find out the influence of storage technique on quality of PDO apple cultivars ‘RC’ and ‘RG’, and to evaluate the absence of traditional post-harvest treatments in these high quality cultivars in order to reduce pesticide residues in fruit. Apples were kept in standard cold storage or in controlled atmosphere (CA). At harvest time and during storage, fruit from each treatment and storage technique was analysed to determine quality parameters as well as disorder incidence. CA storage has been useful to delay the maturity process of PDO apple cultivars ‘RC’ and ‘RG’ and to reduce the incidence of storage disorders. Apple cultivars had different behaviour so ‘RG’ cultivar showed lower weight loss (5.1%), shrivelling (6.4%) and bitter-pit (11%) than ‘RC’ cultivar (8.3%, 60.8% and 34%, respectively) at the end of storage. The response of both cultivars to the treatment was quite different, so ‘RG’ adapted better than ‘RC’ to the absence of postharvest treatments. Untreated ‘RG’ showed more brightness, total soluble solids (TSS) and TSS:titratable acidity values than treated ‘RG’, factors that could improve consumer acceptance. Effectiveness of postharvest treatment in terms of bitter-pit was lower in ‘RG’ than in ‘RC’. These results indicate that ‘RG’ would adapt better to storage without the use of chemical postharvest treatments.Los cultivares de manzana (Malus domestica Borkh) ‘Reineta del Canadá’ (RC) y ‘Reineta Gris del Canadá’ (RG) han sido declarados en la Unión Europea como Denominación de Origen Protegida (DOP) ‘Manzana Reineta del Bierzo’. El objetivo de este trabajo fue averiguar la influencia de la técnica de conservación en la calidad de los cultivares de la DOP ‘Manzana Reineta del Bierzo’, ‘RC’ y ‘RG’, así como evaluar la ausencia de los tradicionales tratamientos postcosecha en estos cultivares de alta calidad con objeto de reducir los residuos finales en el fruto. Las manzanas fueron almacenadas en frío normal o en atmósfera controlada. En recolección y durante la conservación frigorífica se determinaron los parámetros de calidad y la incidencia de enfermedades. La técnica de atmósfera controlada fue útil para retrasar la maduración de los cultivares DOP ‘Manzana Reineta del Bierzo’ ‘RC’ and ‘RG’ y para reducir la incidencia de alteraciones durante conservación. Los cultivares tuvieron diferente comportamiento, de manera que ‘RG’ mostró menor pérdida de peso (5.1%), arrugamiento (6.4%) y bitter-pit (11%) que ‘RC’ (8.3%, 60.8% y 34%, respectivamente) al final de la conservación. La respuesta de los cultivares ante el tratamiento fue diferente, pues ‘RG’ se adaptó mejor que ‘RC’ a la ausencia de tratamientos. ‘RG’ no tratada mostró mayor brillo, sólidos solubles totales (TSS) y TSS:Acidez titulable que ‘RG’ tratada, lo cual podría aumentar la aceptación por parte del consumidor. La eficacia de los tratamientos postcosecha en el control de bitter-pit fue menor en ‘RG’ que en ‘RC’. Estos resultados indicarían que ‘RG’ se adaptaría mejor a una conservación sin tratamientos químicos postcosecha

    Spurious and hidden volatility

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    This paper analyses the effects caused by outliers on the identification and estimation of GARCH models. We show that outliers can lead to detect spurious conditional heteroscedasticity and can also hide genuine ARCH effects. First, we derive the asymptotic biases caused by outliers on the sample autocorrelations of squared observations and their effects on some homoscedasticity tests. Then, we obtain the asymptotic biases of the OLS estimates of ARCH(p) models and analyze their finite sample behavior by means of extensive Monte Carlo experiments. The finite sample results are extended to GLS and ML estimates of ARCH(p) and GARCH(1,1) models

    Early estimates of seasonal influenza vaccine effectiveness in Europe among target groups for vaccination: results from the I-MOVE multicentre case-control study, 2011/12

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    Colaboração de: Baltazar Nunes, investigador do DEPTo provide an early estimate of 2011/12 influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE), we conducted a multicentre case–control study based on seven sentinel surveillance networks. We included influenza-like illness cases up to week 7/2012 from the vaccination target groups, swabbed less than eight days after symptom onset. Laboratory-confirmed influenza A(H3) cases were compared to negative controls. Adjusted VE was 43% (95% confidence interval: -0.4 to 67.7), suggesting low to moderate VE against influenza A(H3) in the early 2011/12 season

    The exceptionally high diversity of small carnivorans from the Late Miocene hominid locality of Hammerschmiede (Bavaria, Germany)

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    The present study deals with new material of carnivorans (Mustelidae, Mephitidae, Ailuridae, Potamotheriinae and Viverridae) from the basal Tortonian (Late Miocene, late Astaracian) hominid-bearing locality of Hammerschmiede (Bavaria, Germany). The small carnivoran fauna includes 20 species belonging to nine different subfamilies (Guloninae, Lutrinae, Mellivorinae, Potamotheriinae, Leptarctinae, Mephitinae, Simocyoninae, Genettinae and Viverrinae). The identified forms include: “Martes” sansaniensis, “Martes” cf. munki, “Martes” sp., Circamustela hartmanni n. sp., Laphyctis mustelinus, Guloninae indet., Eomellivora moralesi, Vishnuonyx neptuni, Paralutra jaegeri, Lartetictis cf. dubia, Trocharion albanense, Palaeomeles pachecoi, Proputorius sansaniensis, Proputorius pusillus, Alopecocyon goeriachensis, Simocyoninae indet., Potamotherium sp., Semigenetta sansaniensis, Semigenetta grandis and Viverrictis modica. The new species Circamustela hartmanni n. sp. is differentiated from the other members of the genus by its small size and the morphology of its dental cusps in the upper and lower carnassials. This is one of the highest reported taxonomic diversities for fossil small carnivorans in the Miocene of Europe, including also first and last occurrences for several genera and species. Additionally, the assemblage comprises some rare taxa such as Palaeomeles pachecoi and Eomellivora moralesi. An ecomorphological comparison of the discovered taxa reveals possible cases of competition and niche partitioning. © 2022 Kargopoulos et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited

    Ghrelin Facilitates GLUT2-, SGLT1- and SGLT2-mediated Intestinal Glucose Transport in Goldfish (Carassius auratus)

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    Glucose homeostasis is an important biological process that involves a variety of regulatory mechanisms. This study aimed to determine whether ghrelin, a multifunctional gut-brain hormone, modulates intestinal glucose transport in goldfish (Carassius auratus). Three intestinal glucose transporters, the facilitative glucose transporter 2 (GLUT2), and the sodium/glucose co-transporters 1 (SGLT1) and 2 (SGLT2), were studied. Immunostaining of intestinal sections found colocalization of ghrelin and GLUT2 and SGLT2 in mucosal cells. Some cells containing GLUT2, SGLT1 and SGLT2 coexpressed the ghrelin/growth hormone secretagogue receptor 1a (GHS-R1a). Intraperitoneal glucose administration led to a significant increase in serum ghrelin levels, as well as an upregulation of intestinal preproghrelin, ghrelin O-acyltransferase and ghs-r1 expression. In vivo and in vitro ghrelin treatment caused a concentration- and time-dependent modulation (mainly stimulatory) of GLUT2, SGLT1 and SGLT2. These effects were abolished by the GHS-R1a antagonist [D-Lys3]-GHRP-6 and the phospholipase C inhibitor U73122, suggesting that ghrelin actions on glucose transporters are mediated by GHS-R1a via the PLC/PKC signaling pathway. Finally, ghrelin stimulated the translocation of GLUT2 into the plasma membrane of goldfish primary intestinal cells. Overall, data reported here indicate an important role for ghrelin in the modulation of glucoregulatory machinery and glucose homeostasis in fish

    Tracing the origin of the panda's thumb

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    © 2015, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg. We investigate the relative development of the carnivoran radial sesamoids to untangle the evolution of this iconic structure. In the pandas (both giant and red), this `false thumb¿ is known to perform a grasping role during bamboo feeding in both the red and giant pandas. An original locomotor role has been inferred for ailurids, but this remains to be ascertained for ursids. A large sample of radial sesamoids of Indarctos arctoides from the Miocene of Batallones-3 (Spain) indicates that this early ailuropodine bear displayed a relatively hypertrophied radial sesamoid, with a configuration more similar to that of the red panda and other carnivorans than to that of giant pandas. This false thumb is the first evidence of this feature in the Ursidae, which can be linked to a more herbivorous diet. Moreover, in the two extant pandas, the false thumb should not be interpreted as an anatomical convergence, but as an exaptive convergence regarding its use during the bamboo feeding, which changes the evolutionary view of this singular structure.This study was supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (CGL2011-25754, CGL2011-28681 and RYC–2009–04533 to D.M.A.). A.V. is a researcher in formation in the CSIC program JAE-PRE_CP2011 (CSIC program‘ Junta para la ampliación de estudios’), co-funded by the European Social Fund and has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007–2013) under grant agreement no. 226506 (SYNTHESYS; SE-TAF-3637),Peer Reviewe