66 research outputs found

    Osteomyeliitti synnyttÀjÀn hÀpyluissa

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    Osteomyeliitti on infektio, joka voi sijaita minkÀ tahansa luukudoksen alueella, useimmiten alaraajojen kantavissa pitkissÀ luissa. Suomessa vain neljÀ prosenttia akuuteista osteomyeliittitapauksista on todettu hÀpyluun alueella. Ne ovat yleensÀ liittyneet gynekologisiin tai urologisiin toimenpiteisiin tai traumoihin. Raskaana olevilla tai juuri synnyttÀneillÀ naisilla osteomyeliitin erotusdiagnoosina on huomattavasti yleisempi osteiitti. NÀiden kahden tilan erottaminen oireiden perusteella on vaikeaa mutta tÀrkeÀÀ, koska osteomyeliittiÀ hoidetaan mikrobilÀÀkkein ja tarvittaessa myös kirurgisesti, kun taas osteiitin hoidoksi riittÀÀ tulehduskipulÀÀke. Osteomyeliitin diagnoosi perustuu kliiniseen tutkimukseen, kuvantamiseen ja laboratoriolöydöksiin

    The risk of metabolic syndrome after gestational diabetes mellitus – a hospital-based cohort study

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    Background Women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are at an increased risk of developing metabolic syndrome (MetS) after delivery. Recently, the prevalence of both GDM and MetS has increased worldwide, in parallel with obesity. We investigated whether the presentation of MetS and its clinical features among women with previous GDM differs from that among those with normal glucose tolerance during pregnancy, and whether excess body weight affects the results. Methods This hospital-based study of two cohorts was performed in Kanta-HĂ€me Central Hospital, Finland. 120 women with a history of GDM and 120 women with a history of normal glucose metabolism during pregnancy, all aged between 25 and 46 were enrolled. They all underwent physical examination and had baseline blood samples taken. All 240 women were also included in subgroup analyses to study the effect of excess body weight on the results. Results Although the groups did not differ in body mass index (BMI; p = 0.069), the risk of developing MetS after pregnancy complicated by GDM was significantly higher than after normal pregnancy, 19 vs. 8 cases (p  =  0.039). Fasting glucose (p < 0.001) and triglyceride levels (p < 0.001) were significantly higher in women affected. In subgroup analysis, cardiovascular risk factors were more common in participants with high BMI than in those with previous gestational diabetes. Conclusions The risk of MetS was 2.4-fold higher after GDM than after normal pregnancy. Cardiovascular risk factors were more common in participants with high BMI than in those with previous GDM. Multivariate analysis supported the main findings. Weight control is important in preventing MetS after delivery.BioMed Central open acces

    All Known Human Rhinovirus Species Are Present in Sputum Specimens of Military Recruits During Respiratory Infection

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    Human rhinoviruses (HRV) are known to cause common cold as well as more complicated respiratory infections. HRV species -A, -B and -C have all been associated with lower respiratory infections and exacerbations of asthma. However, the type distribution of strains connected to different kinds of lower respiratory conditions is not clearly known. We have analysed the presence of HRV in sputum specimens derived from military recruits with and without pre-diagnosed asthma at times of acute respiratory infection (CIAS Study, 2004–2005). The analysis was performed with HRV and HEV real-time RT-PCR assays. Subsequently we studied type distribution of HRV strains by genetic typing in the VP4/VP2 genomic region. In total 146 (38.8%) specimens were HRV-positive and 36 (9.3%) HEV-positive. No difference was found in HRV detection between the asthmatic vs. non-asthmatic patients. Most of the genetically typed strains, 18 (62.1%), belonged to HRV-A, while HRV-B strains constituted five (17.2%) of the HRV-positive strains. HRV-C strain was typed four times from the HRV-positive cases and a HEV-D strain twice. We further typed six HEV positive strains in the partial VP1 region. Three of these belonged to HRV-A and three to HEV-D. HRV-A strains were discovered throughout the study period, while HRV-C strains originated from winter and spring specimens. Interestingly, four out of five typed HRV-B strains originated from the summer season specimens

    Human Cases of Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus aureus CC398, Finland

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    Nationwide surveillance identified 10 human isolates of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus clonal complex (CC) 398. Further typing in comparison with animal isolates identified 4 clusters: 1 related to a horse epidemic and 3 to persons who had no direct contact with animals or each other. These findings may indicate unrecognized community transmission

    Ohjauskeinoja kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjÀljen pienentÀmiseen

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    Suomen keskipitkĂ€n aikavĂ€lin ilmastosuunnitelmassa kannustetaan kuluttajia puolittamaan hiilijalanjĂ€lki. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa muodostettiin ohjauskeinoyhdistelmiĂ€ vahvistamaan kotitalouksien kulutuksen (asuminen, liikenne, ruoka, muut tavarat ja palvelut) ilmasto-ohjausta. PÀÀstövĂ€hennysten lisĂ€ksi on arvioitu hyvĂ€ksyttĂ€vyyttĂ€, toteutettavuutta, oikeudellisia nĂ€kökohtia ja kustannuksia. Arviointiin osallistettiin tutkijayhteisöÀ Delfoi-menetelmĂ€llĂ€. Kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjĂ€lki perustuu tarkasteluun ympĂ€ristölaajennetulla panos-tuotosmallilla (ENVIMAT). Tutkimuksessa kehitettiin mallia ja pĂ€ivitettiin tilannekuva Suomen kansantalouden kasvihuonekaasupÀÀstöistĂ€ (julkinen kulutus, kotitaloudet, investoinnit) vuonna 2019 ja kotitalouksien kulutuksen aikasarja vuosille 2000–2021. Myös kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjĂ€lki perusura ilmasto- ja energiapolitiikan valossa vuonna 2035 tuotettiin ENVIMAT-mallilla. Perusuran ja pÀÀstövĂ€hennyksiĂ€ vahvistavien keinojen yhdistelmĂ€llĂ€ voitaisiin pienentÀÀ kotitalouksien kulutuksen hiilijalanjĂ€lkeĂ€ lĂ€hes puoleen vuosien 2016 ja 2035 vĂ€lillĂ€. Ohjausta tulisi vahvistaa liikkumistarpeeseen, kulkutapoihin ja sĂ€hköistymisen kohdentumiseen vaikuttamalla; ruokavaliomuutosta tukemalla; tavaroiden kĂ€yttöiĂ€n pidentĂ€misellĂ€; ja tavaroiden ja palveluiden vĂ€hĂ€hiilisyyteen vaikuttamalla.TĂ€mĂ€ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa (tietokayttoon.fi). Julkaisun sisĂ€llöstĂ€ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikĂ€ tekstisisĂ€ltö vĂ€lttĂ€mĂ€ttĂ€ edusta valtioneuvoston nĂ€kemystĂ€

    Proyecto de pre factibilidad para la implementaciĂłn de una planta de concreto seco premezclado

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    El presente estudio tiene como objetivo fundamental evaluar la factibilidad de implementar una planta de concreto seco premezclado, la cual surge a partir de ofrecer una propuesta ideal e integral, ante todo prĂĄctica y sencilla, un producto alternativo a lo ya existente, estĂĄ dirigido para todas aquellas personas que requieran edificar, ampliar o remodelar sus viviendas. En el capĂ­tulo inicial se efectuaron estudios en donde se determinaron los antecedentes relacionados con el proyecto asĂ­ como tambiĂ©n fundamentos teĂłricos importantes para el respaldo conceptual del desarrollo del proyecto. El desarrollo del estudio y anĂĄlisis del mercado se determinĂł que existe demanda potencial con relaciĂłn a la oferta existente. AdemĂĄs se analizĂł la competencia y se plantearon las estrategias de comercializaciĂłn que deben realizarse para la introducciĂłn del producto. En cuanto al estudio tĂ©cnico (ingenierĂ­a del proyecto), se determinĂł el tamaño, ubicaciĂłn, infraestructura, distribuciĂłn de las ĂĄreas y espacios a travĂ©s de mĂ©todos como Guerchet, factores ponderados, anĂĄlisis de proximidad entre aĂ©reas, asĂ­ como tambiĂ©n procesos de generaciĂłn del producto a travĂ©s de los diagramas de flujo , operaciones y anĂĄlisis de procesos , asimismo requerimiento de materiales , personal , entre otros. Por Ășltimo la inversiĂłn que necesita el proyecto, se especifica en el capĂ­tulo estudio financiero, detallados en los estados financieros como: estado de resultados, flujo caja; Ă©ste Ășltimo sirviendo de base para la evaluaciĂłn financiera correspondiente; asimismo el punto de equilibrio y el anĂĄlisis de sensibilidad, estudio que permite determinar si el proyecto es viable y rentable en el tiempo
