24 research outputs found

    Requirements Management in Off-The-Shelf Software Implementation Projects: A Case Study in Playtech

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    Nõuete haldust peetakse kvaliteetsete tarkvaralahenduste pakkumisel üheks põhipädevuseks. Samas on see ka üks peamisi tarkvaraprojektide ebaõnnestumise põhjuseid. Mõlemad väited kehtivad nii rätsepalahenduste kui valmistarkvara-põhiste lahenduste korral. Tarkvara pakkujate jaoks on väljakutse tagada edukas valmistarkvara rakendusprojektide elluviimine nii, et kõik kliendi vajadused ja nõuded saaksid rahuldatud ja et aja- ja ressursikulu oleks sealjuures võimalikult väike. Tänapäeval ei leidu nõuete haldusele ühtset lähenemist, mis oleks kohandatud valmistarkvara-põhistele rakendusprojektidele tarkvara pakkuja vaatest ning ühtlasi arvestaks interneti hasartmängutööstuse eripäradega. Magistritöö eesmärgiks on täita see tühimik, tuginedes juhtumiuuringule internetipõhist hasartmängutarkvara tootvas ettevõttes Playtech, ning leida vastus küsimusele, kuidas saaks interneti hasartmänguvaldkonnas valmistarkvara-põhistes rakendusprojektides nõudeid hallata. Tuginedes analüüsile ja teaduspõhistele parimatele praktikatele nõuete halduse valdkonnas, pakutakse magistritöös välja protsess nõuete efektiivseks haldamiseks hasartmängu-valmistarkvara rakendusprojektides. Nimetatud protsess hõlmab tegevusi, mis praeguses praktikas puudu või olemas vaid osaliselt, nagu näiteks vajaduste hindamine, nõuete halduse planeerimine, nõuete seire ja kontrollimine, süsteemne vigadest õppimine ja projekti tugivastutuse üleandmine. Nõuete halduse protsessi eduka juurutamise eelduseks on joondumine kõikide sidusgruppide ning juhtkonnaga.Requirements management is considered a core competency for delivering quality software solutions. It is also counted among the main causes for project failure. This is true in the context of greenfield development as well as off-the-shelf (OTS) based software solutions. The challenge in OTS software implementation projects today from the software provider’s perspective is ensuring successful completion of the solution setup that meets customer needs and satisfies requirements without compromising on delivery time and cost. Today, there is no requirements management approach that would consider the specifics of OTS based software implementation projects from the supplier’s perspective and the particularities of the online gambling industry. This thesis addresses the lack of systematic approach to requirements management in OTS based online gambling software context in case company Playtech and attempts to answer the research question of how requirements can be managed when implementing OTS based online gambling solutions. Based on analysis and best practices from background research, a process is suggested for efficient requirements management in OTS gambling software implementation projects. The proposed process incorporates activities that are not present or are present only partially in the current practices, such as needs assessment, requirements management planning, requirements monitoring and controlling, reporting lessons learned and support transition. Alignment between all stakeholders as well as management is required to enable successful establishment of the requirements management process

    Prosenttiperusteinen lunastuskorvauksen korotus lunastuslain uudistuksessa

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    Tässä tutkimuksessa tutkitaan lunastuslain uudistuksessa esiteltyjä korvausperusteita ja erityisesti prosenttiperusteista lunastuskorvauksen korotusta. Lunastuslain uudistusta on harkittu jo useiden eri hallitusten hallitusohjelmissa, mutta lunastuksen korvausperusteita ei ole vielä muutettu. Lunastus perustuu käytännössä maanomistajalle asetettuun pakkoon luovuttaa omaisuuttaan yleiseen tarpeeseen täyttä korvausta vastaan. Yhteiskunnallisesti täyden korvauksen vaatimuksen täyttymisen merkitystä on pidetty tärkeänä, mutta selvää tai yhtenevää käsitystä uudistukselle ei ole. Lunastuksen voi toteuttaa sekä lunastusprosessin avulla tai vapaaehtoisin sopimuksin. Vapaaehtoiset lunastukset ovat erityisesti kunnille tärkeä maakunnan politiikan toteuttamisen tärkeä väline, jolla edistetään yhteiskunnan kehitystä

    Kriminaalvastutus tsiviilasjas tehtud kohtulahendi mittetäitmise eest

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    Üle-Eestiline kontserdisari "Teekond"

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    Adiponectin and osteocalcin responses to rowing exercise, and the relationship to substrate oxidation in female rowers

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    This study investigated the effects of acute exercise and menstrual phase on adiponectin and osteocalcin concentrations, and the possible role of these biomarkers in exercise-induced substrate oxidation in rowers. Thirteen female rowers (19.3 ± 2.3 years; height: 172.7 ± 3.9 cm; body mass: 66.5 ± 7.9 kg) performed 1-h rowing ergometer exercise at 70% of maximal oxygen consumption (VO2max) during follicular phase and luteal phase of the menstrual cycle. Oxygen consumption (VO2), total energy expenditure (EE), carbohydrate EE, and lipid EE were assessed during the exercise. Venous blood samples were collected before and after ergometer exercise. No differences (p > 0.05) were observed in substrate oxidation values during exercise across menstrual cycle. Exercise resulted in an acute rise in osteocalcin and no changes in adiponectin at both menstrual cycle phases. Adiponectin and osteocalcin were not related across phase or time (r  0.05). Post-exercise adiponectin was related (p 2 (r = 0.459) and total EE rate (r = 0.598), while post-exercise osteocalcin was correlated (p < 0.05) with mean total (r = 0.411) and lipid (r = 0.557) EE rates. In conclusion, menstrual cycle phase had no effect on substrate oxidation, and adiponectin and osteocalcin responses to acute exercise. It appears that adiponectin and osteocalcin may serve as signals for metabolic reaction to the energy cost of the acute exercise in female rowers

    Arstirohutaimed :täielik ülevaade arstirohutaimede rahvapärasest käsitlusest, korjamisest, kuivatamisest ja nende tundmaõppimisest ning tarvitamisest arstimisvahendeina

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    Digiteeritud Euroopa Regionaalarengu Fondi rahastusel, projekti "Eesti teadus- ja õppekirjandus" (2014-2020.12.03.21-0848) raames.https://www.ester.ee/record=b1527804*es

    Physical fitness among 6th grade students and evaluation with the normative reference values

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    The objective of this study was to compare Estonian 6th grade students’ physical fitness level with normative values from ALPHA fitness test and international normative 20 m shuttle run values. The following healthrelated fitness components were assessed: cardiorespiratory fitness, flexibility, muscular strength, muscular endurance and speed, as a skillrelated fitness component. Physical fitness results were evaluated with the ALPHA health-related fitness test battery for children and adolescents and with normative 20 m shuttle run values. Students from 6th grade (n=178) participated in the study. Physical fitness performance was not signi ficantly different between boys and girls, except for flexibility and upper body muscle strength and endurance. Boys’ percentage in very low and low level was higher on every test compared to girls’ results based on normative values. The results of the research indicate the importance to measure the physical fitness of schoolchildren and to compare them with the evaluation scales to plan and carry out more PE lessons focusing on physical fitness development. Further research is needed to evaluate students’ physical fitness levels among different age groups. Physical fitness development is urgently needed and should be included in school curriculum

    Physical fitness in preschoolers according to body composition

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    The objective of this study was to investigate physical fitness of preschoolaged children just before entering school according to their body mass index, and to examine possible associations of body mass index, fat mass and fat-free mass with physical fitness in preschool-aged children. Two hundred and fifty-six preschoolers aged 6 to 7 years participated in the study. Physical fitness was assessed using PREFIT test battery and body composition was estimated using four skinfold thickness parameters. Overweight children had lower cardiorespiratory fitness and lower results in all weight-bearing fitness tests, and better handgrip strength test result in comparison with normal-weight children. Significant associations were found between body composition indices and the results of physical fitness tests. Higher BMI associated negatively with weight-bearing physical fitness tests. The results of the research indicate that weight-status and body composition have significant effect on physical fitness in 6–7 years old preschoolers

    Matcha Green Tea Drinks Enhance Fat Oxidation During Brisk Walking in Females

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    Intake of the catechin epigallocatechin gallate and caffeine has been shown to enhance exercise-induced fat oxidation. Matcha green tea powder contains catechins and caffeine and is consumed as a drink. We examined the effect of Matcha green tea drinks on metabolic, physiological and perceived intensity responses during brisk walking. Thirteen females (age: 27±8 yr, body mass: 65±7 kg, height: 166±6 cm) volunteered. Resting metabolic equivalent (1-MET) was measured using Douglas bags (1-MET: 3.4±0.3 ml·kg-1·min-1). Participants completed an incremental walking protocol to establish the relationship between walking speed and oxygen uptake and individualize the walking speed at 5- or 6-MET. A randomized cross-over design was used with participants tested between day 9 and 11 of the menstrual cycle (follicular phase). Participants consumed 3 drinks (each drink made with 1 gram of Matcha premium grade, OMGTea Ltd UK) the day before, and 1 drink 2 hours before the 30-min walk at 5- (n=10) or 6-METs (walking speed: 5.8±0.4 km·h-1) with responses measured at 8-10, 18-20 and 28-30 min. Matcha had no effect on physiological and perceived intensity responses. Matcha resulted in lower respiratory exchange ratio (control: 0.84±0.04; Matcha: 0.82±0.04) (P < 0.01) and enhanced fat oxidation during a 30-min brisk walk (control: 0.31±0.10; Matcha: 0.35±0.11 g·min-1) (P < 0.01). Matcha green tea drinking can enhance exercise-induced fat oxidation in females. However, when regular brisk walking with 30-min bouts is being undertaken as part of a weight loss program, the metabolic effects of Matcha should not be overstated

    Harilike ja kümnendmurdudega seotud ülesannete lahendamine interaktiivses õpikeskkonnas

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    TeadusmagistritööKäesoleva töö eesmärk oli realiseerida interaktiivse õpikeskkonna T-algebra jaoks harilike ja kümnendmurdudega seotud operatsioonid ja ülesannete tüübid. Autor realiseeris 21 operatsiooni ja 16 ülesandetüüpi