374 research outputs found

    Moninaisuuden ilmeneminen lastenohjelmissa:laadullinen tutkimus viikonloppuaamujen ohjelmista Yle TV2- ja MTV3 -kanavilla

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    Tiivistelmä. Tasa-arvo ja suvaitsevaisuus ovat keskustelua herättäviä teemoja ja ne liittyvät olennaisesti myös moninaisuuden käsitteeseen. Ihmisten moninaisuus ja siihen liittyvät asenteet ja ennakkoluulot ovat jo pitkään herättäneet keskustelua ja erilaisia kannanottoja. Moninaisuuteen liittyvään asennekasvatukseen on alettu kiinnittää erityistä huomiota niin varhaiskasvatuksessa, perusopetuksessa kuin myös mediasisältöjen konteksteissa. Millaisena ihmisten moninaisuus näyttäytyy nykykulttuurissa? Millä tavalla moninaisuutta tuodaan esille mediassa? Miten median kautta voidaan vaikuttaa lasten oppimiseen ja arvomaailmaan? Miten lastenohjelmien avulla voidaan opettaa lapsille moninaisuuden kunnioittavaa ja arvostavaa kohtaamista? Tämän tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, miten nykypäivän lastenohjelmissa tuodaan esille moninaisuutta, erityisesti hahmojen ja vuorovaikutuksen kautta. Tutkimus toteutettiin katsomalla kolmena peräkkäisenä viikonloppuna lauantai- ja sunnuntaiaamuina Yle TV2- ja MTV3 -kanavilla esitettyjä ”sallittu kaikenikäisille” -symbolilla merkittyjä lastenohjelmia ja kirjaamalla moninaisuudesta tehdyt havainnot ylös. Tämän jälkeen havainnot muutettiin pelkistettyyn muotoon ja sisällönanalyysin keinoin pelkistetyistä havainnoista muodostettiin alaluokat ja yhdistävät luokat. Havainnot myös kvantifioitiin, jotta moninaisuuden määrällistä ilmenemistä voitiin analysoida. Tulosten mukaan moninaisuutta ilmeni lastenohjelmissa pääosin hahmojen kulttuurisen taustan sekä ulkoisen poikkeavuuden kautta. Kulttuurinen tausta tuli esille lastenohjelmissa esiintyvien hahmojen ja näyttelijöiden ihon värissä, vaatetuksessa ja kulttuuriseen taustaan liittyvässä puheessa. Hahmojen ulkoinen poikkeavuus näyttäytyi enimmäkseen silmälasien käyttämisenä. Aineistossa esiintyi myös jonkin verran erilaisuuteen liittyvää puhetta sekä sanatonta viestintää, kuten tukiviittomia. Myös sukupuolineutraaleja nimiä käytettiin muutamissa ohjelmissa. Tutkielman perusteella voidaan todeta, että moninaisuutta voisi tuoda lastenohjelmissa esille monipuolisemmin ja laajemmin. Moninaisuus näyttäytyi useimmiten sivurooleissa olevien hahmojen ulkoisten ominaisuuksien kautta eikä ihmisten tai hahmojen erilaisuutta käsitteleviä jaksoja ollut aineistossa lähes ollenkaan. Lastenohjelmien tekijöillä on yhteiskunnan arvojen näkökulmasta tarkasteltuna hieno mahdollisuus tuottaa moninaisuuteen liittyvää tasa-arvoa ja yhdenvertaisuuden sekä yksilöllisyyden arvostamista, sillä lastenohjelmilla voidaan helposti vaikuttaa lasten ajatteluun ja käytökseen. Lastenohjelmien kautta voidaan siis vaikuttaa lasten käsityksiin moninaisuudesta ja siihen liittyvästä tasa-arvosta. Haluamme tämän tutkielman avulla haastaa mediayhtiöitä tuomaan moninaisuutta esille niin, että siitä tulisi osa normaaliutta. Näin voimme opettaa uutta sukupolvea hyväksymään ihmisten moninaisuus entistä paremmin.Manifestation of diversity in children’s programs : qualitative study on weekend morning programs on Yle TV2 and MTV3 channels. Abstract. Equality and tolerance are themes which provoke discussion and they are fundamentally connected to the concept of diversity. The diversity of people and the attitudes and prejudices have for a long time provoked discussion and different contention. Diversity in the inculcation of enlightened attitudes through education has been noticed in early childhood education, basic education, as well as in the contexts of media contents. How does diversity of people appear in current culture? How is diversity brought forward through the media? How can the media impact learning and set values for children? How can children’s programs be used to teach children to respect and appreciate diversity in real life confrontations? The purpose of this thesis is to examine how diversity is brought up in today’s children’s programs, especially through characters and interaction. The study was conducted by watching Yle TV2 and MTV3 channel’s children’s programs, with the “allowed for all ages” symbol, on three consecutive weekend, Saturday and Sunday mornings, and by keeping a record of all observations of diversity. After this all observations were converted to a simplified form. Content analysis was used to form subcategories and conjunctive categories of the simplified observations. The observations were quantified to analyze the quantitative incidence of diversity. The results showed that diversity was present in children’s programs mainly through the cultural backgrounds and the outward deviances of the characters in the programs. Cultural diversity was brought up through characters color of skin, clothing, and speech related to a character’s cultural background. Outward deviances were mostly brought out by the use of glasses. There were some appearances of speech about variety, nonverbal communication, and singing as aid for communication. There also were a few instances of gender-neutral names in a few of the programs. This study has shown that diversity could be brought up more widely and in various ways in children’s programs. Diversity appeared mostly in the appearance of characters who were in side roles. There were almost no episodes that delt with the diversity of people and characters. From the perspective of society, the children’s programs creators have an excellent opportunity to bring up equality, parity and individuality related to diversity, as the programs have major effect on the thinking and behavior of children. Consequently, children’s programs can be used to impact children’s conceptions of diversity and related equality. In summary, this thesis challenges media companies to bring forward diversity so it would become a part normality. Therefore, we can educate a new generation to stand up for the diversity of people even more than before

    Urinary Biomarkers Indicative of Apoptosis and Acute Kidney Injury in the Critically Ill

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    BackgroundApoptosis is a key mechanism involved in ischemic acute kidney injury (AKI), but its role in septic AKI is controversial. Biomarkers indicative of apoptosis could potentially detect developing AKI prior to its clinical diagnosis.MethodsAs a part of the multicenter, observational FINNAKI study, we performed a pilot study among critically ill patients who developed AKI (n = 30) matched to critically ill patients without AKI (n = 30). We explored the urine and plasma levels of cytokeratin-18 neoepitope M30 (CK-18 M30), cell-free DNA, and heat shock protein 70 (HSP70) at intensive care unit (ICU) admission and 24h thereafter, before the clinical diagnosis of AKI defined by the Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes - creatinine and urine output criteria. Furthermore, we performed a validation study in 197 consecutive patients in the FINNAKI cohort and analyzed the urine sample at ICU admission for CK-18 M30 levels.ResultsIn the pilot study, the urine or plasma levels of measured biomarkers at ICU admission, at 24h, or their maximum value did not differ significantly between AKI and non-AKI patients. Among 20 AKI patients without severe sepsis, the urine CK-18 M30 levels were significantly higher at 24h (median 116.0, IQR [32.3-233.0] U/L) than among those 20 patients who did not develop AKI (46.0 [0.0-54.0] U/L), P = 0.020. Neither urine cell-free DNA nor HSP70 levels significantly differed between AKI and non-AKI patients regardless of the presence of severe sepsis. In the validation study, urine CK-18 M30 level at ICU admission was not significantly higher among patients developing AKI compared to non-AKI patients regardless of the presence of severe sepsis or CKD.ConclusionsOur findings do not support that apoptosis detected with CK-18 M30 level would be useful in assessing the development of AKI in the critically ill. Urine HSP or cell-free DNA levels did not differ between AKI and non-AKI patients

    Building professional discourse in emerging markets: Language, context and the challenge of sensemaking

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    Using ethnographic evidence from the former Soviet republics, this article examines a relatively new and mainly unobserved in the International Business (IB) literature phenomenon of communication disengagement that manifests itself in many emerging markets. We link it to the deficiencies of the local professional business discourse rooted in language limitations reflecting lack of experience with the market economy. This hampers cognitive coherence between foreign and local business entities, adding to the liability of foreignness as certain instances of professional experience fail to find adequate linguistic expression, and complicates cross-cultural adjustments causing multi-national companies (MNCs) financial losses. We contribute to the IB literature by examining cross-border semantic sensemaking through a retrospectively constructed observational study. We argue that a relative inadequacy of the national professional idiom is likely to remain a feature of business environment in post-communist economies for some time and therefore should be factored into business strategies of MNCs. Consequently, we recommend including discursive hazards in the risk evaluation of international projects

    Production of a recombinant polyester-cleaving hydrolase from Thermobifida fusca in Escherichia coli

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    The hydrolase (Thermobifida fusca hydrolase; TfH) from T. fusca was produced in Escherichia coli as fusion protein using the OmpA leader sequence and a His(6) tag. Productivity could be raised more than 100-fold. Both batch and fed-batch cultivations yield comparable cell specific productivities whereas volumetric productivities differ largely. In the fed-batch cultivations final rTfH concentrations of 0.5 g L(−1) could be achieved. In batch cultivations the generated rTfH is translocated to the periplasm wherefrom it is completely released into the extracellular medium. In fed-batch runs most of the produced rTfH remains as soluble protein in the cytoplasm and only a fraction of about 35% is translocated to the periplasm. Migration of periplasmic proteins in the medium is obviously coupled with growth rate and this final transport step possibly plays an important role in product localization and efficacy of the Sec translocation process

    Characterizing RecA-Independent Induction of Shiga toxin2-Encoding Phages by EDTA Treatment

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    Background: The bacteriophage life cycle has an important role in Shiga toxin (Stx) expression. The induction of Shiga toxin-encoding phages (Stx phages) increases toxin production as a result of replication of the phage genome, and phage lysis of the host cell also provides a means of Stx toxin to exit the cell. Previous studies suggested that prophage induction might also occur in the absence of SOS response, independently of RecA. Methodology/Principal Findings: The influence of EDTA on RecA-independent Stx2 phage induction was assessed, in laboratory lysogens and in EHEC strains carrying Stx2 phages in their genome, by Real-Time PCR. RecA-independent mechanisms described for phage l induction (RcsA and DsrA) were not involved in Stx2 phage induction. In addition, mutations in the pathway for the stress response of the bacterial envelope to EDTA did not contribute to Stx2 phage induction. The effect of EDTA on Stx phage induction is due to its chelating properties, which was also confirmed by the use of citrate, another chelating agent. Our results indicate that EDTA affects Stx2 phage induction by disruption of the bacterial outer membrane due to chelation of Mg 2+. In all the conditions evaluated, the pH value had a decisive role in Stx2 phage induction. Conclusions/Significance: Chelating agents, such as EDTA and citrate, induce Stx phages, which raises concerns due to their frequent use in food and pharmaceutical products. This study contributes to our understanding of the phenomenon o

    The antimicrobial effects of the alginate oligomer OligoG CF-5/20 are independent of direct bacterial cell membrane disruption

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    Concerns about acquisition of antibiotic resistance have led to increasing demand for new antimicrobial therapies. OligoG CF-5/20 is an alginate oligosaccharide previously shown to have antimicrobial and antibiotic potentiating activity. We investigated the structural modification of the bacterial cell wall by OligoG CF-5/20 and its effect on membrane permeability. Binding of OligoG CF-5/20 to the bacterial cell surface was demonstrated in Gram-negative bacteria. Permeability assays revealed that OligoG CF-5/20 had virtually no membrane-perturbing effects. Lipopolysaccharide (LPS) surface charge and aggregation were unaltered in the presence of OligoG CF-5/20. Small angle neutron scattering and circular dichroism spectroscopy showed no substantial change to the structure of LPS in the presence of OligoG CF-5/20, however, isothermal titration calorimetry demonstrated a weak calcium-mediated interaction. Metabolomic analysis confirmed no change in cellular metabolic response to a range of osmolytes when treated with OligoG CF-5/20. This data shows that, although weak interactions occur between LPS and OligoG CF-5/20 in the presence of calcium, the antimicrobial effects of OligoG CF-5/20 are not related to the induction of structural alterations in the LPS or cell permeability. These results suggest a novel mechanism of action that may avoid the common route in acquisition of resistance via LPS structural modification