396 research outputs found

    La traduction des textes émotifs : un défi paradoxal

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    Dans cette communication l’accent est mis sur les problèmes que posent en général les rapports entre langage et émotions et plus particulièrement ceux que rencontrent un traducteur ou un interprète. L’expression des émotions constitue un défi au langage mais les huamins ne renoncent pas. Le rapport implicitation/explicitation, l’usage des métaphores et l’articulation intermodale des types de signes, constituent la panoplie de moyens d’expression particulièrement utiles pour relever un tel défi. Mais lorsque l’interprète ou/et le traducteur tentent de traduire un discours ou un texte émotif, leur tâche risque d’être difficile. Toutefois malgré les limites inévitables de l’entreprise quand il s’agit de traduire des textes émotifs, la situation n’est pas désespérée pourvu que l’on adopte une perspective pragmatique. Un traducteur (interprète) qui pratique son art dans une perspective pragmatique, peut déjà contribuer beaucoup au partage des émotions. En ce cas, son art ressemble à une paraphrase dans une autre langue, paraphrase qui sait s’adapter aux implicites et aux contextes des publics et lecteurs réels ou potentiels. Certes il faut prendre en compte les différences de conditions de référenciation pour la traduction et pour l’interprétation. Il est ainsi pertinent de partir d’une réflexion sur les problèmes que pose la traduction et de l’interprétation des discours et textes émotifs, pour renouveler l’étude psycholinguistique de la complexité du langage. Il importe d’élaborer en effet, une problématique pluridisciplinaire (traductologie et psycholinguistique) afin de définir ces « universaux psychologiques » qui en deçà des variétés de langues et de cultures fondent le passage d’une langue à l’autre.In this paper, the accent is on the problems posed by the relations between language and emotions, especially those encountered by a translator or an interpreter. Expressing emotions presents a challenge to language, but human beings keep trying. The relation between the implicit and the explicit, the use of metaphors, and the intermodal articulation of types of signs constitute the set of expressive tools best adapted to this challenge. When, however, the interpreter and/or translator tries to translate an emotional discourse or text, their task is likely to be difficult. Nevertheless, despite the inevitable limitations on possible success, the situation is not hopeless, provided one adopts a pragmatic perspective. A translator or interpreter who applies such a perspective can contribute considerably to the sharing of emotions. In this case, his art resembles paraphrasing in another language, but these are paraphrases adapted to the implicit knowledge and contexts of their real or potential audiences. In addition, of course, one must take into account the differences in referential conditions between translation and interpretation. Thus we see the relevance of taking this set of problems as a starting point for a renewed interest in the psycholinguistic study of the complexity of language. One must in fact establish a multidisciplinary framework, combining translation studies with psycholinguistics, in order to define the “psychological universals” which, at a deeper level than the variation among languages and cultures, form the basis of expressing one language in another

    Galvanic Coupling Between Pure Copper and Pure Aluminum Experimental Approach and Mathematical Model

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    The corrosion behavior of a pure aluminum/pure copper couple in a weakly conductive sulfate solution was investigated. Potential and current distributions on the surface of the model couple at the beginning of immersion were obtained by solving the Laplace equation using a finite element method (FEM) algorithm. The potential distribution predicted by the calculations was checked using a Ag/AgCl microreference electrode. A good agreement was found between experimental and theoretical results. It was shown that the reaction occurring at the copper electrode was oxygen reduction, while aluminum remote from the Al/Cu interface remained in the passive state. Moreover, calculations predicted a large cathodic current, related to an increase in oxygen reduction, restricted to copper at the Al/Cu interface. This led to a local pH increase reaching values higher than 9, allowing the dissolution of aluminum to occur close to the interface. Combining these data with optical and scanning electron microscope observations after 24 h of immersion in the sodium sulfate solution allowed a three-step mechanism to be proposed to explain the corrosion damage, and particularly the presence of a copper deposit on the aluminum surface, some distance from the Al/Cu interface, a phenomenon currently observed in commercial copper-rich aluminum alloys

    Can we map the interannual variability of the whole upper Southern Ocean with the current database of hydrographic observations?

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    International audienceWith the advent of Argo floats, it now seems feasible to study the interannual variations of upper ocean hydrographic properties of the historically undersampled Southern Ocean. To do so, scattered hydrographic profiles often first need to be mapped. To investigate biases and errors associated both with the limited space-time distribution of the profiles and with the mapping methods, we colocate the mixed-layer depth (MLD) output from a state-of-the-art 1/12° DRAKKAR simulation onto the latitude, longitude, and date of actual in situ profiles from 2005 to 2014. We compare the results obtained after remapping using a nearest neighbor (NN) interpolation and an objective analysis (OA) with different spatiotemporal grid resolutions and decorrelation scales. NN is improved with a coarser resolution. OA performs best with low decorrelation scales, avoiding too strong a smoothing, but returns values over larger areas with large decorrelation scales and low temporal resolution, as more points are available. For all resolutions OA represents better the annual extreme values than NN. Both methods underestimate the seasonal cycle in MLD. MLD biases are lower than 10 m on average but can exceed 250 m locally in winter. We argue that current Argo data should not be mapped to infer decadal trends in MLD, as all methods are unable to reproduce existing trends without creating unrealistic extra ones. We also show that regions of the subtropical Atlantic, Indian, and Pacific Oceans, and the whole ice-covered Southern Ocean, still cannot be mapped even by the best method because of the lack of observational data

    Jacques de Rette e a República dos Esportes: uma experimentação da cidadania na Educação Física (1964-1973)

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     A República dos Esportes de Calais, lançada por Jacques de Rette em 1964, foi uma experiência pedagógica original no contexto da Educação Física francesa. Ela consistia numa aprendizagem escolar de cidadania a partir de uma participação ativa dos alunos numa República que tinha o esporte como suporte. Um verdadeiro reflexo das estruturas políticas gaullistas, esta experiência propagada em mais de 80 estabelecimentos durou quase dez anos. Se beneficiando de um certo sucesso, deveu-se muito à personalidade do seu criador, bem como às condições históricas da época. O “esporte” então reuniu todos os atores, independentemente de suas opções políticas. Porém, na virada das décadas de 1960 e 1970, a sociedade francesa mudou. A bipolarização política se acentuou, as condições sociais e culturais evoluíram e desafiaram a condição moderna do esporte competitivo, bem como seu uso republicano. Uma das consequências foi a ênfase do Educação Física no “conteúdo”. Mas, centrada na governança da década anterior, a experiência não conseguiu integrar esta nova abordagem baseada em diferentes bases políticas, culturais, sociais e profissionais. J. de Rette logo se viu isolado dentro da Federação que supervisionava essa República dos Esportes. Rapidamente, no início dos anos 1970, o movimento declinou. Em última instância, essa experiência questiona sobre a trajetória percorrida pela Educação Física naquele momento, não só por tentar entender os motivos que favoreceram o sucesso da didática, mas também por atentar para a organização da tomada de decisão e seus desdobramentos educacionais. Em um momento em que as questões de cidadania e democracia eram centrais para a disciplina, tal passo parecia algo primordial de ser realizado.

    Il était une fois les activités physiques de Martine. De la transmission des pratiques corporelles bourgeoises dans un album illustré pour enfant depuis 1954

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    Les albums pour enfants participent à la construction des représentations corporelles des jeunes générations. Si les Comics (1938) donnent directement accès à la figure idéalisée de la virilité américaine, les fillettes francophones bénéficient de la parution de Martine, dès 1954, forme d'identification beaucoup plus nuancée, voire réaliste. En un demi-siècle, le scénariste et l'illustrateur de la série n'ont pas changé. Pourtant, de Martine en voyage (1954) à Martine – Princesses et chevaliers (2004), l'héroïne évolue. Ses pratiques corporelles aussi, et leur représentation inévitablement. Cette étude vise à élaborer un outil de lecture pluridisciplinaire des aventures de Martine centrées sur ses pratiques corporelles. Les analyses quantitatives et qualitatives de l'ensemble des dessins de la série sont l'occasion de montrer en quoi le livre illustré Martine est un médium complexe qui met en constante dialectique une image stéréotypée et traditionnelle de la gent féminine et une vision relativement avant-gardiste d'une petite fille en qu'te d'activités physiques pionnières et émancipatrices. Illustrated children's books contribute to the construction of the physical representations of young generations. Comics (1938) provided direct access to an idealized figure of American virility, but starting in 1954, young Francophone girls began to benefit from the publication of Martine, which presented a significantly more nuanced and even realistic form of identification. The same writer and illustrator produced the series for half a century. However, from Martine en voyage in 1954 to Martine – Princesses et chevaliers in 2004, the heroine evolved. Her physical practices also, along with their corresponding representations. This study develops a multidisciplinary tool for interpreting the adventures of Martine centred on her physical practices. Quantitative and qualitative analyses of the corpus of drawings from the series demonstrate the extent to which the illustrated book Martine is a complex medium creating an ongoing dialectic around the stereotypical and traditional image of the female gender versus a relatively avant-garde vision of a young girl in search of pioneering and liberating physical activities

    The Role of Natural Killer Cells in Sepsis

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    Severe sepsis and septic shock are still deadly conditions urging to develop novel therapies. A better understanding of the complex modifications of the immune system of septic patients is needed for the development of innovative immunointerventions. Natural killer (NK) cells are characterized as CD3−NKp46+CD56+ cells that can be cytotoxic and/or produce high amounts of cytokines such as IFN-γ. NK cells are also engaged in crosstalks with other immune cells, such as dendritic cells, macrophages, and neutrophils. During the early stage of septic shock, NK cells may play a key role in the promotion of the systemic inflammation, as suggested in mice models. Alternatively, at a later stage, NK cells-acquired dysfunction could favor nosocomial infections and mortality. Standardized biological tools defining patients' NK cell status during the different stages of sepsis are mandatory to guide potential immuno-interventions. Herein, we review the potential role of NK cells during severe sepsis and septic shock

    A mass stranding of seven Longman’s beaked whales (Indopacetus pacificus) in New Caledonia, South Pacific

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    International audienceSeven Longman’s beaked whales (Indopacetus pacificus) stranded together in southern New Caledonia on 16 November 2013 (one adult male, two adult females, two subadult females, one calf, and one unknown). At this time, we have no evidence to suggest that this event was an “atypical” mass stranding associated with active naval sonar or other anthropogenic activities. The adult females were slightly larger (618–640 cm) than the adult male (590 cm). The length of the calf (ca. 300 cm) suggests it was less than a year old. Five of the whales were sampled for mitochondrial (mt) DNA analysis to confirm species identification. All shared the same haplotype over 680 bp of the mtDNA control region. High concentrations of Hg, Fe, Se, Zn (all in the liver), and Cd (in the kidneys) were detected. Necropsies revealed plastic debris in the stomach of two of the whales. One of these same whales had chronic gastritis while the other had acute pleurisy and also tested positive for morbillivirus. This infection may have been a major factor behind this mass stranding event

    Terre et agriculture sous la Révolution et l’Empire

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    Laurent BrassartDes travaux récents sur la base d’analyses transnationales ont montré que beaucoup des événements agraires imputables à la Révolution s’étaient déjà produits auparavant : c’est le cas de la sécularisation des biens du clergé (notamment avec le Joséphisme) ou de la remise en cause de certains droits de propriété. La Révolution peut-elle encore être tenue pour un moment déterminant dans l’histoire des campagnes européennes ? Jean-Pierre JessenneLa Révolution doit être inscrite d..

    Combined geochemical and electrochemical methodology to quantify corrosion of carbon steel by bacterial activity.

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    International audienceThe availability of respiratory substrates, such as H2 and Fe(II,III) solid corrosion products within nuclear waste repository, will sustain the activities of hydrogen-oxidizing bacteria (HOB) and iron-reducing bacteria (IRB). This may have a direct effect on the rate of carbon steel corrosion. This study investigates the effects of Shewanella oneidensis (an HOB and IRB model organism) on the corrosion rate by looking at carbon steel dissolution in the presence of H2 as the sole electron donor. Bacterial effect is evaluated by means of geochemical and electrochemical techniques. Both showed that the corrosion rate is enhanced by a factor of 2-3 in the presence of bacteria. The geochemical experiments indicated that the composition and crystallinity of the solid corrosion products (magnetite and vivianite) are modified by bacteria. Moreover, the electrochemical experiments evidenced that the bacterial activity can be stimulated when H2 is generated in a small confinement volume. In this case, a higher corrosion rate and mineralization (vivianite) on the carbon steel surface were observed. The results suggest that the mechanism likely to influence the corrosion rate is the bioreduction of Fe(III) from magnetite coupled to the H2 oxidation