51 research outputs found

    A narratividade do hip hop e suas interfaces com o contexto educacional.

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    A presente tese de doutoramento em Educação aborda a cultura do Hip Hop e sua relação com o contexto educativo. Insere-se nas discussões da linha de pesquisa em Educação e Linguagens e problematiza o espaço escolar, enquanto espaço de reprodução da ideologia hegemônica, analisando o projeto Escola de Rimas, desenvolvido na Grande Vitória, como movimento de resistência e ressignificação cultural na escola. Parte da pergunta: Como as práticas discursivas do Hip Hop podem ressignificar o contexto escolar? A presente tese aborda a cultura do Hip Hop como campo discursivo singular de uma experiência narrativa (BENJAMIN, 1986; BONDÍA, 2001) e de uma subjetividade eticamente responsável (BAKHTIN, 1992a; 1992b; 2010), fundada no princípio da alteridade (PONZIO, 2009), e o analisa a partir de uma perspectiva crítica e dialógica (FREIRE, 1981; 1994; 1995; GIROUX, 1986; 1987; BRANDÃO, 1986; BAKHTIN, 1992a; 1992b; 2010). Desenvolve a pesquisa em um contexto limiar entre a escola e a cultura hip hop e dimensiona o debate das culturas marginais nos contextos educativos, voltando-se para os sujeitos e suas experiências narrativas, avaliando a interação de algumas de suas práticas discursivas com o processo de ensino-aprendizagem. Para isso, analisa o projeto cultural Escola de Rimas, criado pelos próprios ativistas do movimento hip hop da Grande Vitória e desenvolvido em uma escola da rede pública estadual de ensino do Espírito Santo, com o objetivo de discutir o seu papel em um processo de ressignificação educacional. Como hipótese de trabalho defende-se que o espaço escolar, como espaço de disputas, é ressignificado com a introdução de outras práticas discursivas e culturais, entre elas o hip hop, que aponta para a necessidade de ouvir responsiva e responsavelmente as narrativas dos educandos, contribuindo, assim, para a formação crítica desses sujeitos e enfrentando, ao mesmo tempo, práticas de exclusão historicamente instituídas

    Transverse-momentum-dependent Multiplicities of Charged Hadrons in Muon-Deuteron Deep Inelastic Scattering

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    A semi-inclusive measurement of charged hadron multiplicities in deep inelastic muon scattering off an isoscalar target was performed using data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN. The following kinematic domain is covered by the data: photon virtuality Q2>1Q^{2}>1 (GeV/cc)2^2, invariant mass of the hadronic system W>5W > 5 GeV/c2c^2, Bjorken scaling variable in the range 0.003<x<0.40.003 < x < 0.4, fraction of the virtual photon energy carried by the hadron in the range 0.2<z<0.80.2 < z < 0.8, square of the hadron transverse momentum with respect to the virtual photon direction in the range 0.02 (GeV/c)2<PhT2<3c)^2 < P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 3 (GeV/cc)2^2. The multiplicities are presented as a function of PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} in three-dimensional bins of xx, Q2Q^2, zz and compared to previous semi-inclusive measurements. We explore the small-PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} region, i.e. PhT2<1P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} < 1 (GeV/cc)2^2, where hadron transverse momenta are expected to arise from non-perturbative effects, and also the domain of larger PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}, where contributions from higher-order perturbative QCD are expected to dominate. The multiplicities are fitted using a single-exponential function at small PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} to study the dependence of the average transverse momentum PhT2\langle P_{\rm{hT}}^{2}\rangle on xx, Q2Q^2 and zz. The power-law behaviour of the multiplicities at large PhT2P_{\rm{hT}}^{2} is investigated using various functional forms. The fits describe the data reasonably well over the full measured range.Comment: 28 pages, 20 figure

    Light isovector resonances in π-p →π-π-π+p at 190 GeV/c

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    We have performed the most comprehensive resonance-model fit of π-π-π+ states using the results of our previously published partial-wave analysis (PWA) of a large data set of diffractive-dissociation events from the reaction π-+p→π-π-π++precoil with a 190 GeV/c pion beam. The PWA results, which were obtained in 100 bins of three-pion mass, 0.5<2.5 GeV/c2, and simultaneously in 11 bins of the reduced four-momentum transfer squared, 0.1<1.0 (GeV/c)2, are subjected to a resonance-model fit using Breit-Wigner amplitudes to simultaneously describe a subset of 14 selected waves using 11 isovector light-meson states with JPC=0-+, 1++, 2++, 2-+, 4++, and spin-exotic 1-+ quantum numbers. The model contains the well-known resonances π(1800), a1(1260), a2(1320), π2(1670), π2(1880), and a4(2040). In addition, it includes the disputed π1(1600), the excited states a1(1640), a2(1700), and π2(2005), as well as the resonancelike a1(1420). We measure the resonance parameters mass and width of these objects by combining the information from the PWA results obtained in the 11 t′ bins. We extract the relative branching fractions of the ρ(770)π and f2(1270)π decays of a2(1320) and a4(2040), where the former one is measured for the first time. In a novel approach, we extract the t′ dependence of the intensity of the resonances and of their phases. The t′ dependence of the intensities of most resonances differs distinctly from the t′ dependence of the nonresonant components. For the first time, we determine the t′ dependence of the phases of the production amplitudes and confirm that the production mechanism of the Pomeron exchange is common to all resonances. We have performed extensive systematic studies on the model dependence and correlations of the measured physical parameters

    Measurement of P T -weighted Sivers asymmetries in leptoproduction of hadrons

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    The transverse spin asymmetries measured in semi-inclusive leptoproduction of hadrons, when weighted with the hadron transverse momentum PT , allow for the extraction of important transverse-momentumdependent distribution functions. In particular, the weighted Sivers asymmetries provide direct information on the Sivers function, which is a leading-twist distribution that arises from a correlation between the transverse momentum of an unpolarised quark in a transversely polarised nucleon and the spin of the nucleon. Using the high-statistics data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration in 2010 with a transversely polarised proton target, we have evaluated two types of PT -weighted Sivers asymmetries, which are both proportional to the product of the first transverse moment of the Sivers function and of the fragmentation function. The results are compared to the standard unweighted Sivers asymmetries and used to extract the first transverse moments of the Sivers distributions for u and d quark

    Triangle Singularity as the Origin of the a1(1420)

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    The COMPASS Collaboration experiment recently discovered a new isovector resonancelike signal with axial-vector quantum numbers, the a(1)(1420), decaying to f(0)(980)(pi). With a mass too close to and a width smaller than the axial-vector ground state a(1)(1260), it was immediately interpreted as a new light exotic meson, similar to the X, Y, Z states in the hidden-charm sector. We show that a resonancelike signal fully matching the experimental data is produced by the decay of the a(1) (1260) resonance into K* (-> K pi) (K) over bar and subsequent rescattering through a triangle singularity into the coupled f(0)(980)p channel. The amplitude for this process is calculated using a new approach based on dispersion relations. The triangle-singularity model is fitted to the partial-wave data of the COMPASS experiment. Despite having fewer parameters, this fit shows a slightly better quality than the one using a resonance hypothesis and thus eliminates the need for an additional resonance in order to describe the data. We thereby demonstrate for the first time in the lightmeson sector that a resonancelike structure in the experimental data can be described by rescattering through a triangle singularity, providing evidence for a genuine three-body effect

    Currículo e Relações Étnico-Raciais: o Estado da Arte

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    Este artigo apresenta a sistematização e a análise dos 38 artigos, 13 teses e 50 dissertações da Categoria Currículo. Inicialmente, demonstraremos os resultados do exame das teses e das dissertações. Em seguida, refletiremos acerca dos artigos. Para a leitura e análise dos artigos e da produção discente, utilizamos como subsídio os referenciais da análise de conteúdo, por meio da análise categorial (BARDIN, 2008). Ao final, apresentaremos os caminhos abertos para pesquisas futuras e as recomendações da produção investigada para a implementação da Lei nº 10.639/2003

    Longitudinal double-spin asymmetry A1pand spin-dependent structure function g1pof the proton at small values of x and Q2

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    We present a precise measurement of the proton longitudinal double-spin asymmetry Ap1 and the proton spin-dependent structure function gp 1 at photon virtualities 0.006 (GeV/c)2 < Q 2 < 1 (GeV/c)2 in the Bjorken x range of 4 7 10 125 < x < 4 7 10 122. The results are based on data collected by the COMPASS Collaboration at CERN using muon beam energies of 160 GeV and 200 GeV. The statistical precision is more than tenfold better than that of the previous measurement in this region. In the whole range of x, the measured values of Ap1 and gp1 are found to be positive. It is for the first time that spin effects are found at such low values of