204 research outputs found

    Partition and macronutrients accumulation in pineapple under nitrogen doses and plant density

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    Studies related to the absorption and exportation capacity of macronutrients by irrigated pineapple are essential for the definition of adequate doses and fertilization management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of biomass and macronutrients in the compartments (leaves, shoot, root, seedlings/slip, crown/top, and fruit) of ‘Vitória’ pineapple irrigated in the semiarid region after the use of nitrogen doses and population densities. The treatments, arranged in randomized blocks with three replicates, arranged in a 5x4 factorial scheme, consisted of five nitrogen doses (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g per plant) and four population densities (51,282, 76,923, 90,909, and 126,984 plants ha-1). The accumulation of biomass and macronutrients in the pineapple compartments was evaluated at the end of the growing cycle. The increase of N doses combined with the increase of the plant population promoted a linear increase in the accumulation of biomass and macronutrients by the pineapple plants. The leaves presented greater accumulation of macronutrients, followed by the seedlings, shoot, fruit, crown, and roots. The pineapple presented the following decreasing order of macronutrient absorption: K> N> Ca> P> Mg>S. At the dose of 20 g per plant of N and population of 126,984 plants ha-1 were exported from the area by fruits, 1,311 (12%), 150 (9%), 144 (11%), 52 (11%), 46 (12%) and 36 (12%) kg ha-1 of K, N, Ca, P, Mg, and S, respectively; and by the shoots, 2,426 (22%), 480 (29%), 147 (11%), 101 (21%), 67 (18%), and 45 (15%) kg ha-1 of K, N, Ca, P, Mg, and S, respectively.Studies related to the absorption and exportation capacity of macronutrients by irrigated pineapple are essential for the definition of adequate doses and fertilization management. The objective of this study was to evaluate the accumulation of biomass and macronutrients in the compartments (leaves, shoot, root, seedlings/slip, crown/top, and fruit) of ‘Vitória’ pineapple irrigated in the semiarid region after the use of nitrogen doses and population densities. The treatments, arranged in randomized blocks with three replicates, arranged in a 5x4 factorial scheme, consisted of five nitrogen doses (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 g per plant) and four population densities (51,282, 76,923, 90,909, and 126,984 plants ha-1). The accumulation of biomass and macronutrients in the pineapple compartments was evaluated at the end of the growing cycle. The increase of N doses combined with the increase of the plant population promoted a linear increase in the accumulation of biomass and macronutrients by the pineapple plants. The leaves presented greater accumulation of macronutrients, followed by the seedlings, shoot, fruit, crown, and roots. The pineapple presented the following decreasing order of macronutrient absorption: K> N> Ca> P> Mg>S. At the dose of 20 g per plant of N and population of 126,984 plants ha-1 were exported from the area by fruits, 1,311 (12%), 150 (9%), 144 (11%), 52 (11%), 46 (12%) and 36 (12%) kg ha-1 of K, N, Ca, P, Mg, and S, respectively; and by the shoots, 2,426 (22%), 480 (29%), 147 (11%), 101 (21%), 67 (18%), and 45 (15%) kg ha-1 of K, N, Ca, P, Mg, and S, respectively

    Armazenamento em baixa temperatura de hastes porta-borbulhas de citros tratadas com ANA, GA3 e 2,4-D

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    O armazenamento refrigerado possibilita a conservação de hastes porta-borbulhas de citros por vários meses, embora ocorra perda gradual da viabilidade das borbulhas e abscisão dos pecíolos foliares. Este estudo objetivou manter a viabilidade das borbulhas e reduzir a abscisão dos pecíolos foliares das hastes porta-borbulhas das laranjeiras 'Baianinha' e 'Valência'(C. sinensis Osbeck), da lima ácida 'Tahiti'(C. latifolia Tanaka) e da tangoreira 'Murcote' (C. sinensis × C. reticulata) por meio do tratamento com ANA, GA3, 2,4-D e armazenamento refrigerado. As hastes foram imersas por 15 minutos em água destilada e em soluções com os reguladores de crescimento ANA e GA3 nas concentrações 10, 100, 500 e 1000 µmol L-1 e 2,4-D nas concentrações 1, 10, 50 e 100 µmol L-1 e armazenadas em sacos de polietileno a 5 ± 1ºC, por 74 dias. Foram avaliados a percentagem de abscisão dos pecíolos foliares, a perda de massa da matéria fresca e seca das hastes, a viabilidade das borbulhas e o crescimento das brotações. ANA e 2,4-D controlaram até 99% da abscisão dos pecíolos. O sistema de acondicionamento e o armazenamento em baixa temperatura mostraram-se eficientes na redução das perdas de massa de matéria fresca e seca. O armazenamento não reduziu a viabilidade das borbulhas das laranjeiras 'Baianinha' e 'Valência', e nem da tangoreira 'Murcote', cujo pegamento de enxertia foi superior a 95%. Os tratamentos com ANA, GA3 e 2,4-D não influenciaram o crescimento das brotações.Cold storage allows citrus budstick conservation for several months, although gradual bud viability loss and abscission of leaf petioles is observed. This study aimed to maintain bud viability reducing leaf petiole abscission in budsticks of 'Baianinha' and 'Valencia' sweet oranges (C. sinensis Osbeck), 'Tahiti' lime (C. latifolia Tanaka), and 'Murcott' tangor (C. sinensis × C. reticulata), using NAA, GA3, 2,4-D, and low temperature storage. After a 15-minutes-immersion in distilled water and NAA and GA3 solutions at concentrations of 10, 100, 500 and 1000 µmol L-1, and 2,4-D solutions at concentrations of 1, 10, 50 and 100 µmol L-1, the shoots were stored in polyethylene bags at 5 ± 1ºC for 74 days. Percentage of leaf petiole abscission, fresh and dry matter losses, bud viability, and growth flush were evaluated. NAA and 2,4-D had the highest efficiency for petiole abscission inhibition, reaching almost 99% of success. The packaging system and shoot storage under low temperature efficiently reduced fresh and dry matter losses. Bud viability of 'Baianinha', 'Valencia' and 'Murcott' shoots was not reduced by storage, maintaining above 95% of grafting success. NAA, GA3 and 2,4-D treatments had no influence on sprout growth

    Restricted coloring problems on graphs with few P4's

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    International audienceIn this paper, we obtain polynomial time algorithms to determine the acyclic chromatic number, the star chromatic number and the harmonious chromatic number of P4-tidy graphs and (q,q − 4)-graphs, for every fixed q. These classes include cographs, P4-sparse and P4-lite graphs. We also obtain a polynomial time algorithm to determine the Grundy number of (q,q − 4)-graphs. All these coloring problems are known to be NP-hard for general graphs

    Tipo de vínculo de trabalho x absenteísmo por Covid-19 de trabalhadores da saúde de Hospital Terciário, Ceará, Brasil

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    Avaliamos a associação entre vínculo empregatício e absenteísmo por COVID-19, de colaboradores de um hospital terciário no Ceará. Este estudo, transversal analítico, avaliou fatores ocupacionais, clínico-laboratoriais e epidemiológicos de 368 colaboradores de todas as categorias, suspeitos ou confirmados para COVID-19. Observou-se que os trabalhadores com vínculo de servidor público (estável) tiveram mais dias de afastamento por COVID-19 (média 21,2 dias) que os colaboradores com vínculo eventual, com média de 14 dias de afastamento (p<0,001). A pandemia de COVID-19 evidenciou o quanto o vínculo empregatício precário pode promover retorno antecipado ao trabalho de trabalhadores ainda doentes


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    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of the inclusion of two doses of monensin and lemon grass essential oil (Cymbopogum flexuosus) on nutrient intake and digestibility, ruminal fermentation and ingestive behavior of lambs fed a high-concentrate diet. Four ruminally cannulated ram lambs (44.7 ± 3.72 kg of BW and approximately 5 mo. old) in a 4 x 4 Latin square experimental design were used. The control diet (CONT) contained 15% of oat hay, 85% of concentrate and no additives. In the remaining diets it was included 12.5 (12.5MON) or 25.0 (25MON) mg/kg of monensin (as-fed basis) or 1 mL/kg of DM of lemon grass essential oil (EO). The treatments had no effect on the nutrient intake and digestibility. The lambs that received the EO treatment showed a higher ruminal pH in comparison to those that received the control diet. However, they did not differ from treatments with monensin. A quadratic response was observed for ruminal pH, with the highest value observed in the animals fed the diet 12.5MON. The lambs fed EO had a higher ruminal concentration of acetate than the diet with monensin. There was a quadratic response of monensin on ruminal concentration of acetate, with the lowest value observed for 12.5MON. The acetate:propionate ratio was lower in lambs fed 12.5MON compared to the control. EO decreased the ruminal concentration of butyrate; however, its concentration was higher in lambs fed monensin than EO diets. A lower concentration of total short chain fatty acids (SCFA) was observed in lambs fed 12.5MON. The alanine aminotransferase (ALT) blood concentration was higher in the lambs fed EO compared to the control. EO increased rumen concentration of blood glucose compared to the treatments containing monensin and decreased the number of eggs per gram of feces (EGF). In addition, there was a quadratic response of monensin on the EGF, with a higher value in the lambs fed 12.5MON. In conclusion, half of the daily dose of monensin was more effective at increasing ruminal pH than the full dose, with no negative reflection on nutrient intake and digestibility, as well as on the ingestive behavior and parasitic load of the animals. Thus, 12.5MON may be indicated for lambs feed high concentrate diet. EO proved to be a good natural source to replace ionophores in diets for lambs

    Technologies for reducing water consumption by pineapples in the semi-arid region

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    ABSTRACT: In irrigated systems, the adoption of management methods like soil cover, polymers which absorb the water present in the soil and the utilization of shading screens can decrease the water consumption by the plants. This is achieved as these means protect the plant and soil against radiation and wavelengths of light undesirable for cultivation. However, for pineapple cultivation in the semi-arid climate regions, very little study has been done regarding these technologies. Hence, the present study conducted to assess the pineapple growth, production and quality when various kinds of soil cover, red shading screen and water absorption polymers are employed. To accomplish this, a field trial was performed utilizing four types of soil cover in the plots (plastic mulching; organic matter; organic matter + red shading screen 50%; plastic mulching + red shading screen 50% and the control (no cover).Two treatments were included in the subplots namely, either the absence or presence of a water-absorbing polymer in the planting hole (0.5 g per plant), arranged in subdivided plots. We adopted the Randomized Complete Block (RCB) , with three replications. The following aspects of the plants were studied: naturally flowering, stem diameter; leaf area index; D-leaf area and total leaf area; fruit weight with crown; fruit weight without crown; fruit length with crown; and fruit length without crown, as well as the traits of the post-harvest fruit, soluble solids, titratable acidity, pH and the soluble solids/titratable acidity ratio. Further, the productivity in t ha-1 and efficiency of water use (EUA) were ascertained. It was evident that the plastic mulching + 50% red shading screen favored the vegetative development and productivity of the ‘IAC Fantástico’ pineapple plants. The characteristics of the quality of the postharvest fruit were unaffected by the treatments. The shading screen reduced the percentages of natural flowering in the treatments which included organic matter + red shading screen 50% and plastic mulching + red shading screen 50%

    Períodos de secagem na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de cacau

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    As sementes deAs sementes de cacau recém-colhidas apresentam elevado teor de água o que impede o armazenamento, devido à rápida perda da viabilidade e vigor. Diante do exposto, objetivou-se no presente trabalho avaliar a influência de diferentes períodos de secagem na qualidade fisiológica de sementes de cacau. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com os tratamentos constituídos de quatro períodos de secagem das sementes (0, 24, 48 e 72 horas) com quatro repetições. As sementes foram extraídas dos frutos manualmente e com auxílio de uma peneira foram lavadas em água corrente até a completa remoção da polpa. Após o despolpamento, as sementes foram postas sobre papel toalha e submetidas à secagem em condições de laboratório (26°C), de acordo os tratamentos descritos anteriormente. Avaliou-se o teor de água, germinação, tempo médio de germinação, emergência de plântulas, índice de velocidade de emergência e comprimento de plântulas. Conclui-se que a secagem afetou as sementes de cacau, o que confirma sua sensibilidade à dessecação, com efeitos fisiológicos prejudiciais, em especial, períodos prolongados. As sementes de cacau apresentam comportamento recalcitrante, comprometendo a viabilidade e o vigor à medida que o seu teor de água é reduzido. A secagem até o período de 24 horas mantém alta viabilidade das sementes

    Host life-history traits predict haemosporidian parasite prevalence in tanagers (Aves: Thraupidae)

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    Vector-borne parasites are important ecological drivers influencing life-history evolution in birds by increasing host mortality or susceptibility to new diseases. Therefore, understanding why vulnerability to infection varies within a host clade is a crucial task for conservation biology and for understanding macroecological life-history patterns. Here, we studied the relationship of avian life-history traits and climate on the prevalence of Plasmodium and Parahaemoproteus parasites. We sampled 3569 individual birds belonging to 53 species of the family Thraupidae. Individuals were captured from 2007 to 2018 at 92 locations. We created 2 phylogenetic generalized least-squares models with Plasmodium and Parahaemoproteus prevalence as our response variables, and with the following predictor variables: climate PC1, climate PC2, body size, mixed-species flock participation, incubation period, migration, nest height, foraging height, forest cover, and diet. We found that Parahaemoproteus and Plasmodium prevalence was higher in species inhabiting open habitats. Tanager species with longer incubation periods had higher Parahaemoproteus prevalence as well, and we hypothesize that these longer incubation periods overlap with maximum vector abundances, resulting in a higher probability of infection among adult hosts during their incubation period and among chicks. Lastly, we found that Plasmodium prevalence was higher in species without migratory behaviour, with mixed-species flock participation, and with an omnivorous or animal-derived diet. We discuss the consequences of higher infection prevalence in relation to life-history traits in tanagers.Fil: Aguiar de Souza Penha, Victor. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Maia Chaves Bicalho Domingos, Fabricius. Universidade Federal do Paraná; BrasilFil: Fecchio, Alan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Patagonia Norte. Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica. Universidad Nacional de la Patagonia "San Juan Bosco". Centro de Investigación Esquel de Montaña y Estepa Patagónica; ArgentinaFil: Bell, Jeffrey A.. University of South Dakota; Estados UnidosFil: Weckstein, Jason D.. No especifíca;Fil: Ricklefs, Robert E.. University of Missouri; Estados UnidosFil: Martins Braga, Erika. Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; BrasilFil: de Abreu Moreira, Patrícia. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto; BrasilFil: Soares, Leticia. University of Western Australia; AustraliaFil: Latta, Steven. No especifíca;Fil: Tolesano Pascoli, Graziela. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Alquezar, Renata Duarte. Universidade do Brasília; BrasilFil: Del Claro, Kleber. Universidade Federal de Uberlandia; BrasilFil: Tonelli Manica, Lilian. Universidade Federal do Paraná; Brasi

    Diagnóstico diferencial da Síndrome de Takotsubo e Infarto Agudo do Miocárdio: uma revisão narrativa / Differential diagnosis of Takotsubo syndrome and Acute Myocardial Infarction: a narrative review

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    INTRODUÇÃO: A cardiomiopatia de Takotsubo (CT) é uma forma aguda e reversível de insuficiência cardíaca e caracteriza-se por anormalidades transitórias da parede do ventrículo esquerdo. Essa síndrome, de acordo com os sintomas e as alterações nos exames, tem como diagnóstico diferencial o infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM). METODOLOGIA: Trata-se de uma revisão narrativa de literatura com busca nas bases de dados Literature Analysis and Retrieval System Online (MEDLINE), Scientific Electronic Library Online (SciELO) e Literatura Latino-americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (LILACS). Foram utilizados os descritores “Myocardial infarction”, “Differential diagnosis’’, “Takotsubo cardiomyopathy”, “Analogies and differences” e “Cardiac”. RESULTADOS: Foram identificados cinco artigos relevantes para a realização deste estudo. Trata-se de trabalhos realizados entre 2008 e 2021, sendo o principal, o do ano de 2020. DISCUSSÃO: A CT é uma doença subdiagnosticada, o que dificulta o conhecimento a respeito de sua incidência. Os exames que permitem o diagnóstico diferencial são ventriculografia esquerda e cineangiocoronariografia. Podem ser utilizados também o eletrocardiograma e exames de biomarcadores. CONCLUSÃO: O conhecimento médico a respeito da semelhança entre IAM e CT é relevante para a boa conduta do mesmo perante esses casos, a fim de melhorar o prognóstico dos pacientes.