49 research outputs found

    Radiological evaluation of industrial residues for construction purposes correlated with their chemical properties

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    This is the author accepted manuscript. The final version is available from Elsevier via the DOI in this recordThis study characterises the naturally occurring radionuclide (NOR) contents of a suite of secondary raw materials or industrial residues that are normally disposed of in landfills or lagoons but now are increasingly used in green concretes. This includes ashes from a variety of industrial processes and red mud from aluminium production, as well as air pollution control residue and cement kiln dust. The chemical composition of the samples was determined with X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy (XRF). The Ra-226, Th-232 and K-40 activity concentrations were obtained by gamma spectrometry, and the results were compared with recently published NOR databases. The correlation between the NOR contents and the main chemical composition was investigated. The radioactive equilibrium in the U-238 chain was studied based on the determination of progeny isotopes. The most commonly used calculation methods (activity concentration index and radium equivalent concentration) were applied to classify the samples. The radon exhalation rate of the samples was measured, and the radon emanation coefficient was calculated. Significant correlation was found between the NORs and certain chemical components. The massic exhalation demonstrated a broad range, and it was found that the emanation coefficients were significantly lower in the case of the residues generated as a result of high-temperature combustion processes. The results showed a weak correlation between the Ra-226 concentration and the radon exhalation. This emphasises that managing the Ra-226 content of recycled material by itself is not sufficient to control the radon exhalation of recycled materials used in building products. The investigated parameters and their correlation behaviour could be used to source apportion materials found during the process of landfill mining and recovery of material for recycling.European Union Horizon 202

    Opal-CT precipitation in a clayey soil explained by geochemical transport model of dissolved Si (Blégny, Belgium)

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    Opal-CT precipitation controlling dissolved Si export Dissolved Si (DSi) exported by rivers are controlled by geological, hydrological and biological cycle processes [1]. The DSi concentrations measured in a river of an upstream catchment in eastern Belgium (Blégny, Land of Herve) don’t vary seasonally (6.91±0.94mgL-1; n=363). Si concentrations in pore water are often higher and vary more (8.65±3.65mgL-1; n=128). The decrease of DSi along the flowpath of water is due to sink processes, i.e. precipitation, adsorption or uptake by vegetation. As the DSi in the river does not show any seasonal variation, uptake by vegetation can be ruled out [1] whereas precipitation or adsorption can control the DSi drained by the stream water. This hypothesis is confirmed by XRD and DeMaster analysis. At 0.1m depth the soil is constituted of 62% quartz, 7% K-feldspar, 6% plagioclase, 3.2% carbonates, 18.9% Al-clay, 1.47% Kaolinite, 0.63% Chlorite and 0.2% amorphous Si, probably of biogenic origin. At 1.5m depth, the amounts of several minerals (35.8% quartz, 0.6% K-feldspars, 0.9% plagioclase, Al-clay 14.7%) drop drastically. Carbonates, chlorite and kaolinite are absent whereas 40.4% opal-CT appears. The precipitation of opal-CT controls the DSi export of this catchment. Development of geochemical transport model To descripe DSi export from a catchment a geochemical transport model is developped in HP1 which couples the water flux model Hydrus with the geochemical model PHREEQC [2]. Our model is based on the conceptual model developped in [3]. First results show different DSi export dynamics in the unsaturated zone than in the aquifer due to different pCO2 values and varying soil moisture conditions. Further development of the model will help to find out the reason of opal-CT precipitation in this setting. [1]Fulweiler, Nixon (2005) Biogeochemistry 74:115–130. [2] Simunek, Jacques, van Genuchten, Mallants (2006) JAWRA 42:1537-1547. [3] Ronchi et al. (2013). Silicon, 5(1), 115–133

    The Varicella-Zoster Virus ORF47 Kinase Interferes with Host Innate Immune Response by Inhibiting the Activation of IRF3

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    The innate immune response constitutes the first line of host defence that limits viral spread and plays an important role in the activation of adaptive immune response. Viral components are recognized by specific host pathogen recognition receptors triggering the activation of IRF3. IRF3, along with NF-κB, is a key regulator of IFN-β expression. Until now, the role of IRF3 in the activation of the innate immune response during Varicella-Zoster Virus (VZV) infection has been poorly studied. In this work, we demonstrated for the first time that VZV rapidly induces an atypical phosphorylation of IRF3 that is inhibitory since it prevents subsequent IRF3 homodimerization and induction of target genes. Using a mutant virus unable to express the viral kinase ORF47p, we demonstrated that (i) IRF3 slower-migrating form disappears; (ii) IRF3 is phosphorylated on serine 396 again and recovers the ability to form homodimers; (iii) amounts of IRF3 target genes such as IFN-β and ISG15 mRNA are greater than in cells infected with the wild-type virus; and (iv) IRF3 physically interacts with ORF47p. These data led us to hypothesize that the viral kinase ORF47p is involved in the atypical phosphorylation of IRF3 during VZV infection, which prevents its homodimerization and subsequent induction of target genes such as IFN-β and ISG15

    High prevalence of chitotriosidase deficiency in Peruvian Amerindians exposed to chitin-bearing food and enteroparasites

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    The human genome encodes a gene for an enzymatically active chitinase (CHIT1) located in a single copy on Chromosome 1, which is highly expressed by activated macrophages and in other cells of the innate immune response. Several dysfunctional mutations are known in CHIT1, including a 24-bp duplication in Exon 10 causing catalytic deficiency. This duplication is a common variant conserved in many human populations, except in West and South Africans. Thus it has been proposed that human migration out of Africa and the consequent reduction of exposure to chitin from environmental factors may have enabled the conservation of dysfunctional mutations in human chitinases. Our data obtained from 85 indigenous Amerindians from Peru, representative of populations characterized by high prevalence of chitin-bearing enteroparasites and intense entomophagy, reveal a very high frequency of the 24-bp duplication (47.06%), and of other single nucleotide polymorphisms which are known to partially affect enzymatic activity (G102S: 42.7% and A442G/V: 25.5%). Our finding is in line with a founder effect, but appears to confute our previous hypothesis of a protective role against parasite infection and sustains the discussion on the redundancy of chitinolytic function

    Pseudotumoural soft tissue lesions of the hand and wrist: a pictorial review

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    Mimickers of soft tissue tumours in the hand and wrist are more frequent than true neoplastic lesions. Pseudotumours belong to a large and heterogeneous group of disorders, varying from normal anatomical variants, cystic lesions, post-traumatic lesions, skin lesions, inflammatory and infectious lesions, non-neoplastic vascular lesions, metabolic disorders (crystal deposition disease and amyloidosis) and miscellaneous disorders. Although the imaging approach to pseudotumoural lesions is often very similar to the approach to “true” soft tissue tumoral counterparts, further management of these lesions is different. Biopsy should be performed only in doubtful cases, when the diagnosis is unclear. Therefore, the radiologist plays a pivotal role in the diagnosis of these lesions. Awareness of the normal anatomy and existence and common imaging presentation of these diseases, in combination with relevant clinical findings (clinical history, age, location and skin changes), enables the radiologist to make the correct diagnosis in most cases, thereby limiting the need for invasive procedures

    Pseudotumoural soft tissue lesions of the foot and ankle: a pictorial review

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    In the foot and ankle region, benign neoplasms and pseudotumoural soft tissue lesions are significantly more frequent than malignant tumours. The pseudotumoural lesions constitute a heterogeneous group, with highly varied aetiology and histopathology. This article reviews the imaging features of the most common pseudotumours of the soft tissues in the foot and ankle. Although the imaging characteristics of several of the lesions discussed are non-specific, combining them with lesion location and clinical features allows the radiologist to suggest a specific diagnosis in most cases

    Constraining modern day silicon cycling in Lake Baikal

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    Constraining the continental silicon cycle is a key requirement in attempts to understand both nutrient fluxes to the ocean and linkages between silicon and carbon cycling over different timescales. Silicon isotope data of dissolved silica (δ30SiDSi) are presented here from Lake Baikal and its catchment in central Siberia. As well as being the world's oldest and voluminous lake, Lake Baikal lies within the seventh largest drainage basin in the world and exports significant amounts of freshwater into the Arctic Ocean. Data from river waters accounting for c. 92% of annual river inflow to the lake suggest no seasonal alteration or anthropogenic impact on river δ30SiDSi composition. The absence of a change in δ30SiDSi within the Selenga Delta, through which 62% of riverine flow passes, suggest a net balance between biogenic uptake and dissolution in this system. A key feature of this study is the use of δ30SiDSi to examine seasonal and spatial variations in DSi utilisation and export across the lake. Using an open system model against deep water δ30SiDSi values from the lake, we estimate that 20-24% of DSi entering Lake Baikal is exported into the sediment record. Whilst highlighting the impact that lakes may have upon the sequestration of continental DSi, mixed layer δ30SiDSi values from 2003 and 2013 show significant spatial variability in the magnitude of spring bloom nutrient utilisation with lower rates in the north relative to south basin

    Rewriting DNA Methylation Signatures at Will:The Curable Genome Within Reach?

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    DNA methyltransferases are important enzymes in a broad range of organisms. Dysfunction of DNA methyltransferases in humans leads to many severe diseases, including cancer. This book focuses on the biochemical properties of these enzymes, describing their structures and mechanisms in bacteria, humans and other species, including plants, and also explains the biological processes of reading of DNA methylation and DNA demethylation. It covers many emerging aspects of the biological roles of DNA methylation functioning as an essential epigenetic mark and describes the role of DNA methylation in diseases. Moreover, the book explains modern technologies, like targeted rewriting of DNA methylation by designed DNA methyltransferases, as well as technological applications of DNA methyltransferases in DNA labelling. Finally, the book summarizes recent methods for the analysis of DNA methylation in human DNA. Overall, this book represents a comprehensive state-of-the-art- work and is a must-have for advanced researchers in the field of DNA methylation and epigenetics

    Virtual hallucinations: projects in VJing, virtual reality and cyberculture

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    This paper discusses a variety of the author’s artistic projects exploring altered states of consciousness and computer art. First, the paper will provide a brief overview of previous creative works, which include compositions of electroacoustic music, interactive visualisations, and visual music films. These previous works use the concept of altered states of consciousness as a compositional principle, as explored in the author’s book Inner Sound: Altered States of Consciousness in Electronic Music and Audio-Visual Media (OUP 2018). Following this, a variety of the author’s recent creative work produced from 2016–2019 will be discussed. These works include: a series of paintings that incorporate computer graphics animations when viewed in augmented reality; VJ performances constructed using direct animation on 8mm film, computer graphics animations generated from code and audio-reactive effects; and Cyberdream VR, a virtual reality experience. These interrelated projects continue to develop the author’s artistic investigations into altered states, while also referencing work such as demo scene videos; cyberdelic imagery of the type seen on fliers from the 1990s rave-era; and the recent Internet-borne subculture vaporwave, which recontextualises the aesthetics of 1980s and 1990s ambient corporate music and utopian computer graphics to construct surrealistic dystopias