15,283 research outputs found

    Acousto-optic tunable filters (AOTFs) optimised for operation in the 2-4μm region

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    Acousto-Optic Tunable Filters (AOTFs) are electronically-controlled bandpass optical filters. They are often preferred in applications in spectroscopy where their agility and rapid random-access tuning can be deployed to advantage. When used for spectral imaging a large aperture (typically 10mm or more) is desired in order to permit sufficient optical throughput. However, in the mid IR the λ2 dependence on RF drive power combined with the large aperture can prove to be a hurdle, often making them impractical for many applications beyond about 2μm. We describe and compare a series of specialised free-space configurations of AOTF made from single crystal tellurium dioxide, that require relatively low RF drive power. We report on AOTFs specifically optimised for operation with a new generation of Supercontinuum source operating in the 2-4μm window and show how these may be used in a spectral imaging system. Finally, we describe an AOTF with an (acoustic) Fabry-Perot cavity operating at acoustic resonance rather than the conventional travelling-wave mode; the acoustic power requirement therefore being reduced. We present an analysis of the predicted performance. In addition, we address the practical issues in deploying such a scheme and outline the design of a prototype "resonant AOTF" operating in the 1-2μm region

    SN/GRB connection: a statistical approach with BATSE and Asiago Catalogues

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    Recent observations suggest that some types of GRB are physically connected with SNe of type Ib/c. However, it has been pointed out by several authors that some GRBs could be associated also with other types of core-collapse SNe (type IIdw/IIn). On the basis of a comphrensive statistical study, which has made use of the BATSE and Asiago catalogues, we have found that: i) the temporal and spacial distribution of SNe-Ib/c is marginally correlated with that of the BATSE GRBs; ii) we do not confirm the existence of an association between GRBs and SNe-IIdw/IIn.Comment: Proceeding of the 4th workshop on Gamma Ray Bursts in the Afterglow Era, Rome, 2004; 4 page

    Exact relativistic beta decay endpoint spectrum

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    The exact relativistic form for the beta decay endpoint spectrum is derived and presented in a simple factorized form. We show that our exact formula can be well approximated to yield the endpoint form used in the fit method of the KATRIN collaboration. We also discuss the three neutrino case and how information from neutrino oscillation experiments may be useful in analyzing future beta decay endpoint experiments.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Degenerate neutrinos from a supersymmetric A_4 model

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    We investigate the supersymmetric A_4 model recently proposed by Babu, Ma and Valle. The model naturally gives quasi-degenerate neutrinos that are bi-largely mixed, in agreement with observations. Furthermore, the mixings in the quark sector are constrained to be small, making it a complete model of the flavor structure. Moreover, it has the interesting property that CP-violation in the leptonic sector is maximal (unless vanishing). The model exhibit a close relation between the slepton and lepton sectors and we derive the slepton spectra that are compatible with neutrino data and the present bounds on flavor-violating charged lepton decays. The prediction for the branching ratio of the decay tau -> mu gamma has a lower limit of 10^{-9}. In addition, the overall neutrino mass scale is constrained to be larger than 0.3 eV. Thus, the model will be tested in the very near future.Comment: 11 pages, 6 figures. Talk given at the International Workshop on Astroparticle and High Energy Physics (AHEP), Valencia, Spain, 14-18 Oct. 200

    Demodulation of Spatial Carrier Images: Performance Analysis of Several Algorithms Using a Single Image

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    http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007%2Fs11340-013-9741-6#Optical full-field techniques have a great importance in modern experimental mechanics. Even if they are reasonably spread among the university laboratories, their diffusion in industrial companies remains very narrow for several reasons, especially a lack of metrological performance assessment. A full-field measurement can be characterized by its resolution, bias, measuring range, and by a specific quantity, the spatial resolution. The present paper proposes an original procedure to estimate in one single step the resolution, bias and spatial resolution for a given operator (decoding algorithms such as image correlation, low-pass filters, derivation tools ...). This procedure is based on the construction of a particular multi-frequential field, and a Bode diagram representation of the results. This analysis is applied to various phase demodulating algorithms suited to estimate in-plane displacements.GDR CNRS 2519 “Mesures de Champs et Identification en Mécanique des Solide

    Large mixing angle oscillations as a probe of the deep solar interior

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    We re-examine the sensitivity of solar neutrino oscillations to noise in the solar interior using the best current estimates of neutrino properties. Our results show that the measurement of neutrino properties at KamLAND provides new information about fluctuations in the solar environment on scales to which standard helioseismic constraints are largely insensitive. We also show how the determination of neutrino oscillation parameters from a combined fit of KamLAND and solar data depends strongly on the magnitude of solar density fluctuations. We argue that a resonance between helioseismic and Alfven waves might provide a physical mechanism for generating these fluctuations and, if so, neutrino-oscillation measurements could be used to constrain the size of magnetic fields deep within the solar radiative zone.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX file using AASLaTeX, 6 figures included. Improved version including the new KamLAND data. To appear in APJ letter

    Enhanced lepton flavour violation in the supersymmetric inverse seesaw model

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    We discuss a supersymmetric inverse seesaw model in which lepton flavour violating decays can be enhanced either by flavour violating slepton contributions or by the non-unitarity of the charged current mixing matrix. As an example we calculate Br(mu -> e gamma) taking into account both heavy lepton exchange as well as supersymmetric diagrams in a minimal supergravity framework. We find that the for the same parameters the rate can be enhanced with respect to seesaw model expectations, with or without supersymmetry.Comment: 16 pages with 2 figure

    Acousto-optic tunable filters for imaging applications in the 2-4~μm with low RF drive power

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    The λ2 dependence on acoustic field intensity (and hence RF drive power) can render large aperture acousto-optic tunable filters impractical for many applications beyond about 2 μm. One potential technique for reducing the RF drive-power requirement is to configure an acousto-optic tunable filter such that the interaction region is at acoustic resonance. We describe an acousto-optic tunable filter that operates at resonance and present an analysis of the predicted performance. In addition, we address the practical issues in deploying such a scheme. Finally, we present results of a prototype "resonant acousto-optic tunable filter" operating in the 1-2 μm region