282 research outputs found

    Daily SOFA scoring for ICU patients?

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    Uber Terpene. LXXXIV.* Ober die Struktur des Arctiopikrin - des Sesquiterpenlactons aus Arctium minus B e r n h.

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    Es wurde die Struktur des friiher beschriebenen Lactons aus Arctium minus B er n h. studiert und bewiesen, dass dieser Stoff, welchem die Autoren die Bezeichnung Arctiopikrin gaben, die sumare Formel C19H28O6 hat. Weiter stellten sie fest, dass Arctiopikrin der Ester- der B-Hydroxyisobuttersaure und des monocyklischen Dihydroxylactons C15H22O4 (Arctiolid) ist, der einen zehngliedrigen Kohlenstoffcyklus mit zwei Doppelbindungen enthalt. Fiir Arctiopikrin wurden zwei alternative Formeln I oder II vorgeschlagen

    A 0535+26 in the August/September 2005 outburst observed by RXTE and INTEGRAL

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    In this Letter we present results from INTEGRAL and RXTE observations of the spectral and timing behavior of the High Mass X-ray Binary A 0535+26 during its August/September 2005 normal (type I) outburst with an average flux F(5-100keV)~400mCrab. The search for cyclotron resonance scattering features (fundamental and harmonic) is one major focus of the paper. Our analysis is based on data from INTEGRAL and RXTE Target of Opportunity Observations performed during the outburst. The pulse period is determined. X-ray pulse profiles in different energy ranges are analyzed. The broad band INTEGRAL and RXTE pulse phase averaged X-ray spectra are studied. The evolution of the fundamental cyclotron line at different luminosities is analyzed. The pulse period P is measured to be 103.39315(5)s at MJD 53614.5137. Two absorption features are detected in the phase averaged spectra at E_1~45keV and E_2~100keV. These can be interpreted as the fundamental cyclotron resonance scattering feature and its first harmonic and therefore the magnetic field can be estimated to be B~4x10^12G.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in A&A Letter

    Timing Analysis with INTEGRAL: Comparing Different Reconstruction Algorithms

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    INTEGRAL is one of the few instruments capable of detecting X-rays above 20keV. It is therefore in principle well suited for studying X-ray variability in this regime. Because INTEGRAL uses coded mask instruments for imaging, the reconstruction of light curves of X-ray sources is highly non-trivial. We present results from the comparison of two commonly employed algorithms, which primarily measure flux from mask deconvolution (ii-lc-extract) and from calculating the pixel illuminated fraction (ii-light). Both methods agree well for timescales above about 10 s, the highest time resolution for which image reconstruction is possible. For higher time resolution, ii-light produces meaningful results, although the overall variance of the lightcurves is not preserved

    Spectro-timing analysis of Cygnus X-1 during a fast state transition

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    We present the analysis of two long, quasi-uninterrupted RXTE observations of Cygnus X-1 that span several days within a 10 d interval. The spectral characteristics during this observation cover the region where previous observations have shown the source to be most dynamic. Despite that the source behavior on time scales of hours and days is remarkably similar to that on year time scales. This includes a variety of spectral/temporal correlations that previously had only been observed over Cyg X-1's long-term evolution. Furthermore, we observe a full transition from a hard to a soft spectral state that occurs within less than 2.5 hours - shorter than previously reported for any other similar Cyg X-1 transition. We describe the spectra with a phenomenological model dominated by a broken power law, and we fit the X-ray variability power spectra with a combination of a cutoff power law and Lorentzian components. The spectral and timing properties are correlated: the power spectrum Lorentzian components have an energy-dependent amplitude, and their peak frequencies increase with photon spectral index. Averaged over 3.2-10 Hz, the time lag between the variability in the 4.5-5.7 keV and 9.5-15 keV bands increases with decreasing hardness when the variability is dominated by the Lorentzian components during the hard state. The lag is small when there is a large power law noise contribution, shortly after the transition to the soft state. Interestingly, the soft state not only shows the shortest lags, but also the longest lags when the spectrum is at its softest and faintest. We discuss our results in terms of emission models for black hole binaries.Comment: 13 pages, 15 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy and Astrophysic

    Finding a 24-day orbital period for the X-ray binary 1A 1118-616

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    We report the first determination of the binary period and orbital ephemeris of the Be X-ray binary containing the pulsar 1A 1118-616 (35 years after the discovery of the source). The orbital period is found to be Porb = 24.0 +/- 0.4 days. The source was observed by RXTE during its last large X-ray outburst in January 2009, which peaked at MJD 54845.4, by taking short observations every few days, covering an elapsed time comparable to the orbital period. Using the phase connection technique, pulse arrival time delays could be measured and an orbital solution determined. The data are consistent with a circular orbit, and the time of 90 degrees longitude was found to be T90 = MJD 54845.37(10), which is coincident with that of the peak X-ray flux.Comment: 5 pages, 7 figures, accepted by A&