119 research outputs found

    Topochemical differences in the amount of RNA in the motoneurons of the spinal chord in hypoxia and hypokinesia

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    Reactions to hypoxia and hypoknesia were compared by measuring charges in the amount of ribonucleic acid (RNA) in the cytoplasm of neurons of the intumescentia cervicalis and lumbalis. Animals were subjected to hypoxia, hypokinesia and both combined and a control group to neither. A total of two groups of motoneurons were compared, one innervating the respiratory musculature, the other the musculature of the lower extremities, so that hypoxic hypoxia would probably affect the first group primarily and hypokinesia the second. Results indicate that neither affect the amount of RNA in the neurons of the first group but a significant increase is noted in neurons of the second group. Other significant results are reported

    Anyui Volcano in Chukotka: Age, structure, pecularities of rocks' composition and eruptions

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    The study of lavas and pyroclastics from Anyui Volcano made it possible to reconstruct succession of its eruption events. The age of the eruption is estimated by isotopic methods to be 0.248 ± 0.030 Ma. It is established that the last episode of volcanic activity in northeastern Russia occurred 0.2‒0.5 Ma ago (in its continental part, 0.2‒0.3 Ma ago). This episode is chronologically close to the last peak in activation of volcanism in the Arctic and Subarctic regions. The absence of features indicating glacial influence on lavas from Anyui Volcano provides grounds for an assumption that no significant glaciations took place in the continental areas of western Chukotka during the last 250 ka

    Structural and Functional Organization of the Vestibular Apparatus in Rats Subjected to Weightlessness for 19.5 Days Aboard the Kosmos-782 Satellite

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    The vestibular apparatus was investigated in rats subjected to weightlessness for 19.5 days. The vestibular apparatus was removed and its sections were fixed in a glutaraldehyde solution for investigation by light and electron microscopes. Structural and functional charges were noted in the otolith portions of the ear, with the otolith particles clinging to the utricular receptor surface and with the peripheral arrangement of the nucleolus in the nuclei of the receptor cells. It is possible that increased edema of the vestibular tissue resulted in the destruction of some receptor cells and in changes in the form and structure of the otolith. In the horizontal crista, the capula was separated

    Mониторинг и предупреждение ЧС на участках с повышенной осевой нагрузкой

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    [For the English abstract and full text of the article please see the attached PDF-File (English version follows Russian version)].The work was carried out within the framework of the grant of JSC Russian Railways for the development of scientific and pedagogical schools in the field of railway transport. ABSTRACT The article describes the essence of the problem of emergencies in areas with increased intensity of the transportation process. Methods and technical solutions in the field of rail track monitoring based on aerospace technologies are shown. The results of the experimental operation of cars with an axial load of 27 tf / axis are presented, which included tracking the dynamics of the geometric parameters of the track and adjacent territories using tele-shooting using a drone (quadrocopter-drone). Keywords: railway, increased axial load, aerial survey, monitoring, emergency situations, impact on the track.Текст аннотации на англ. языке и полный текст статьи на англ. языке находится в прилагаемом файле ПДФ (англ. версия следует после русской версии).Работа выполнена в рамках гранта ОАО «РЖД» на развитие научно-педагогических школ в сфере железнодорожного транспорта. В статье описывается сущность проблемы возникновения чрезвычайных ситуаций на участках с повышенной интенсивностью перевозочного процесса. Показаны методы и технические решения в области мониторинга железнодорожного пути на основе аэрокосмических технологий. Приводятся результаты опытной эксплуатации вагонов с осевой нагрузкой 27 тонн/ось, которая сопровождалась отслеживанием динамики геометрических параметров пути и прилегающих территорий с применением телесъёмки с помощью беспилотника (квадрокоптера-дрона)

    Механизмы повреждения и защиты клетки при ишемии/реперфузии и экспериментальное обоснование применения препаратов на основе лития в анестезиологии

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    Pharmaceuticals based on lithium ions have been already used in clinical practice for over 60 years for the treatment of bipolar disorders and remain a basic pharmacological therapy for patients with this disease. In spite of this, the therapeutic mechanisms of action of lithium ions have not been fully investigated. In the past decade, in vitro and in vivo experiments have provided a good deal of data suggesting that lithium ions have previously undescribed neuro-, cardio-, and nephro-protective properties. Numerous investigations have demonstrated that glycogen synthase kinase-3/3, the key enzyme of different pathological and protective signaling pathways, is the target of lithium ions in displaying these effects. This review deals with just these new properties of lithium ions, which make them utterly promising for clinical use in circulatory arrest-associated conditions, which is particularly relevant for anesthesiology and resuscitation. Key words: lithium ions, brain, heart, kidney, postresuscitation disease.Фармакологические препараты на основе ионов лития уже более 60 лет используются в клинической практике для лечения биполярных расстройств и остаются основой фармакотерапии пациентов с этой группой заболеваний. Несмотря на это, терапевтические механизмы действия ионов лития изучены не в полной мере. В течение последних 10 лет в экспериментах in vitro и in vivo было получено множество данных, свидетельствующих о наличии у ионов лития ранее не описанных нейро-, кардио- и нефропротекторных свойств. Основной мишенью ионов лития при реализации этих эффектов является киназа гликогенсинтазы-3в, ключевой фермент различных патологических и защитных сигнальных путей. Данный обзор посвящен новым свойствам ионов лития, делающих их чрезвычайно перспективными для клинического применения при состояниях, связанных с остановкой кровообращения, что особенно актуально для анестезиологии и реаниматологии. Ключевые слова: ионы лития, мозг, сердце, почка, постреанимационная болезнь


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    To date, the role of human papillomavirus (HpV) in the development of lung cancer is still under investigation. The available published data do not provide evidence of the involvement of HpV in lung cancer pathogenesis. In Russia, there are no reports regarding the studies of viral contribution to lung carcinogenesis.The aim of the present study was to examine the presence of high-risk HpV infection in patients with non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).Material and Methods. The study included 30 patients with histologically verified stage IIBIIIA NSCLC. Normal and tumor lung tissue samples as well as whole blood samples from each patient were used. dNA was isolated from tissue samples using the QIAamp dNA mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany). Amplisens® reagent kits (Moscow, Russia) were used for dNA isolation and genotyping.Results. The presence of HpV dNA was detected in 3 (10.0 %) patients. HpV dNA was not detected in 27 (90.0 %) patients. HpV-16 genotype was observed in 2 HpV-positive patients, and HpV-33 was observed in 1 patient. A clinically insignificant viral load was found in almost all HpV-positive samples. The assessment of the virus integration in HpV16-positive lung cancer patients revealed mixed and integrated forms of the virus in the tumor tissue of these patients. The 5-year metastasis-free survival rate in all HpV-positive patients was 100 %.Conclusion. Our data showed HpV dNA prevalence rate of 10 % among NSCLC patients in the Russian population. The presence/absence of a viral component for lung cancer patients is a clinically significant parameter. На сегодняшний день вопрос о значении вируса папилломы человека (ВПЧ) в возникновении и развитии рака легкого остается открытым. Имеющиеся опубликованные данные в силу противоречивости  полученных результатов не дают убедительных  доказательств участия ВПЧ в патогенезе данной  онкопатологии. А в России исследований, касающихся  определения роли данного вируса в канцерогенезе рака легкого, не встречается вовсе. Целью исследования является определение наличия ВПЧ-инфекции высокого канцерогенного риска у больных немелкоклеточным раком легкого. Материал и методы. В исследование включено 30 больных с верифицированным диагнозом первично-операбельный немелкоклеточный рак легкого IIB–IIIA стадии. В качестве исследуемого материала использованы образцы нормальной и опухолевой ткани легкого и цельная кровь на каждого пациента. ДНК из полученных образцов выделяли при помощи набора QIAamp dNA mini Kit (Qiagen, Germany).  Выявление и генотипирование ДНК ВПЧ проводили  методом ПЦР с использованием комплектов реагентов фирмы «Amplisens®» (Москва, Россия). Результаты. ВПЧ был обнаружен у 3 (10,0 %) и не выявлен у 27 (90,0 %) больных. Для каждого из ВПЧ-позитивных больных наличие вируса идентифицировано в 2 из 3 исследуемых образцов на пациента. У двух ВПЧ-позитивных пациентов наблюдалось наличие 16 генотипа вируса, и у одного – 33 типа вируса. Установлено, что в ВПЧ- позитивных образцах практически во всех случаях определена клинически малозначимая вирусная нагрузка с  точки зрения показателей, характерных для рака шейки матки. Оценка степени интеграции вируса у ВПЧ16-позитивных больных раком легкого показала, что в опухолевой ткани пациентов выявлена смешанная и интегрированная форма вируса. Анализ 5-летней безметастатической выживаемости показал, что у всех пациентов с наличием ВПЧ в опухолевой ткани этот показатель равен 100 %. Заключение. Получены данные о 10 % представленности вируса папилломы человека среди больных  немелкоклеточным раком легкого. Наличие или отсутствие вирусной компонент при раке легкого является клинически значимым параметром.

    Rohlin Distance and the Evolution of Influenza A virus: Weak Attractors and Precursors

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    The evolution of the hemagglutinin amino acids sequences of Influenza A virus is studied by a method based on an informational metrics, originally introduced by Rohlin for partitions in abstract probability spaces. This metrics does not require any previous functional or syntactic knowledge about the sequences and it is sensitive to the correlated variations in the characters disposition. Its efficiency is improved by algorithmic tools, designed to enhance the detection of the novelty and to reduce the noise of useless mutations. We focus on the USA data from 1993/94 to 2010/2011 for A/H3N2 and on USA data from 2006/07 to 2010/2011 for A/H1N1 . We show that the clusterization of the distance matrix gives strong evidence to a structure of domains in the sequence space, acting as weak attractors for the evolution, in very good agreement with the epidemiological history of the virus. The structure proves very robust with respect to the variations of the clusterization parameters, and extremely coherent when restricting the observation window. The results suggest an efficient strategy in the vaccine forecast, based on the presence of "precursors" (or "buds") populating the most recent attractor.Comment: 13 pages, 5+4 figure


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    Left atrial Intramural hematoma (LAIH) is rare complication cardiac invasive procedures. The article analyses the mechanism of formation of this pathology. The case of the LAIH after percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) is presented. The patient complained of intensive chest pain. When performing ECHO, LAIH was found. LAIH occupied a large part of the cavity left atrium. The conservative supervision of the patient was chosen despite the compession of the left inferior pulmonary vein and symptoms of the acute heart failure. The successful symptomatic treatment was conducted. Taking into consideration the recent PCI dual antiplatelet therapy was not interrupted. LAIH gradually regressed. Five weeks after the desease began, the patient was discharged from the hospital. Nine months after almost full lysis of LAIH was observed. The discussion section is devoted to the issues of diagnosis, the choice of medical tactics, the necessity of surgical treatment and the stop of antitrombotic theatment.Интрамуральная гематома левого предсердия (ИГЛП) – редко встречающееся осложнение вмешательств на сердце. В статье рассматриваются механизмы формирования этой патологии. Представлен случай развития ИГЛП после проведения чрескожного коронарного вмешательства (ЧКВ). По окончании процедуры больной пожаловался на интенсивные боли в груди. При проведении ЭхоКГ выявлена ИГЛП, занимающая большую часть полости левого предсердия (ЛП). Несмотря на компрессию левой нижней легочной вены и симптомы острой сердечной недостаточности, была выбрана консервативная тактика ведения, проводилось успешное симптоматическое лечение. Учитывая недавнее ЧКВ, двойная дезагрегантная терапия не прерывалась. ИГЛП постепенно уменьшалась в размерах. Через пять недель от начала заболевания пациент был выписан из стационара, через девять месяцев наблюдался практически полный лизис ИГЛП. Раздел обсуждения посвящен вопросам диагностики, выбора лечебной тактики, целесообразности проведения хирургического лечения и отмены антитромботической терапии

    AMD, an Automated Motif Discovery Tool Using Stepwise Refinement of Gapped Consensuses

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    Motif discovery is essential for deciphering regulatory codes from high throughput genomic data, such as those from ChIP-chip/seq experiments. However, there remains a lack of effective and efficient methods for the identification of long and gapped motifs in many relevant tools reported to date. We describe here an automated tool that allows for de novo discovery of transcription factor binding sites, regardless of whether the motifs are long or short, gapped or contiguous

    MSOAR 2.0: Incorporating tandem duplications into ortholog assignment based on genome rearrangement

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Ortholog assignment is a critical and fundamental problem in comparative genomics, since orthologs are considered to be functional counterparts in different species and can be used to infer molecular functions of one species from those of other species. MSOAR is a recently developed high-throughput system for assigning one-to-one orthologs between closely related species on a genome scale. It attempts to reconstruct the evolutionary history of input genomes in terms of genome rearrangement and gene duplication events. It assumes that a gene duplication event inserts a duplicated gene into the genome of interest at a random location (<it>i.e.</it>, the random duplication model). However, in practice, biologists believe that genes are often duplicated by tandem duplications, where a duplicated gene is located next to the original copy (<it>i.e.</it>, the tandem duplication model).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>In this paper, we develop MSOAR 2.0, an improved system for one-to-one ortholog assignment. For a pair of input genomes, the system first focuses on the tandemly duplicated genes of each genome and tries to identify among them those that were duplicated after the speciation (<it>i.e.</it>, the so-called inparalogs), using a simple phylogenetic tree reconciliation method. For each such set of tandemly duplicated inparalogs, all but one gene will be deleted from the concerned genome (because they cannot possibly appear in any one-to-one ortholog pairs), and MSOAR is invoked. Using both simulated and real data experiments, we show that MSOAR 2.0 is able to achieve a better sensitivity and specificity than MSOAR. In comparison with the well-known genome-scale ortholog assignment tool InParanoid, Ensembl ortholog database, and the orthology information extracted from the well-known whole-genome multiple alignment program MultiZ, MSOAR 2.0 shows the highest sensitivity. Although the specificity of MSOAR 2.0 is slightly worse than that of InParanoid in the real data experiments, it is actually better than that of InParanoid in the simulation tests.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our preliminary experimental results demonstrate that MSOAR 2.0 is a highly accurate tool for one-to-one ortholog assignment between closely related genomes. The software is available to the public for free and included as online supplementary material.</p