43 research outputs found

    Field Efficacy of a Metarhizium anisopliae-Based Attractant Contaminant Device to Control Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    [EN] Biological control of Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae) using entomopathogenic fungi is being studied as a viable control strategy. The efficacy of a Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin (Hypocreales: Clavicipitaceae)-based attractant contaminant device (ACD) to control C. capitata was evaluated in a medium-scale (40 ha) 2-yr field trial using a density of 24 ACD per ha. Results showed that this density was adequate to efficiently reduce fruitfly populations and that the inoculation dishes (IDs) needed replacing mid-season to provide protection for the entire season. In this study, fungal treatment was even more effective than conventional chemical treatment. Population dynamics in fungus-treated fields along with the infectivity study of field-aged IDs in the laboratory found that the ACD remained effective for at least 3 mo. The results suggest M. anisopliae-based ACD can be used to control C. capitata in the field. The implications of its use, especially as a tool in an integrated pest management program, are discussed.We thank Hellen Warbunton for editing the manuscript. This work was partially supported by the Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones Agrarias (INIA; Proyect: RTA03-103-C6-4) and the Comision Espanola Interministerial de Ciencia y Tecnologia (CICYT; Proyect: AGL2006-13346-C02-02).Navarro-Llopis, V.; Ayala Mingol, I.; Sanchis Cabanes, J.; Primo Millo, J.; Moya Sanz, MDP. (2015). Field Efficacy of a Metarhizium anisopliae-Based Attractant Contaminant Device to Control Ceratitis capitata (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 108(4):1570-1578. doi:10.1093/jee/tov157S15701578108

    The olfactive responses of Tetranychus urticae natural enemies in citrus depend on plant genotype, prey presence, and their diet specialization

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    [EN] Sour orange, Citrus aurantium, displays higher constitutive and earlier inducible direct defenses against the two-spotted spider mite, Tetranychus urticae, than Cleopatra mandarin, Citrus reshni. Moreover, herbivore-induced plant volatiles (HIPVs) produced by sour orange upon infestation can induce resistance in Cleopatra mandarin but not vice versa. Because the role of these HIPVs in indirect resistance remains ignored, we have carried out a series of behavioral assays with three predatory mites with different levels of specialization on this herbivore, from strict entomophagy to omnivory. We have further characterized the volatile blend associated with T. urticae, which interestingly includes the HIPV methyl salicylate, as well as that produced by induced Cleopatra mandarin plants. Although a preference for less defended plants with presumably higher prey densities (i.e., C. reshni) was expected, this was not always the case. Because predators' responses changed with diet width, with omnivore predators responding to both HIPVs and prey-related odors and specialized ones mostly to prey, our results reveal that these responses depend on plant genotype, prey presence and predator diet specialization. As the different volatile blends produced by infested sour orange, induced Cleopatra mandarin and T. urticae itself are attractive to T. urticae natural enemies but not to the herbivore, they may provide clues to develop new more sustainable tools to manipulate these agriculturally relevant species.The research leading to these results was partially funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (AGL2014-55616-C3; AGL2015-64990-2R). The authors thank M. Piquer (UJI) for technical assistance. MC received a pre-doctoral fellowship from the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (BES-2015-074570), and MP was the recipient of a research fellowship from INIA, Spain (subprogram DOC INIA-CCAA).Cabedo López, M.; Cruz-Miralles, J.; Vacas, S.; Navarro-Llopis, V.; Pérez-Hedo, M.; Flors, V.; Jaques, JA. (2019). The olfactive responses of Tetranychus urticae natural enemies in citrus depend on plant genotype, prey presence, and their diet specialization. Journal of Pest Science. 92(3):1165-1177. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-019-01107-7S1165117792

    Electrochemical oxidation of dibenzothiophene compounds on BDD electrode in acetonitrile-water medium

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    The electrochemical oxidation of dibenzothiophene and two derivatives, namely 4-methyldibenzothiophene and 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene, was investigated either separately or as a mixture, on a BDD anode in a miscible acetonitrile (87.5% v/v)-water (12.5% v/v, 0.01 M NaNO3) solution. Linear sweep voltammetry, cyclic voltammetry, chronoamperometry and bulk electrolysis under potentiostatic conditions suggested the probable occurrence of two pathways: direct electrochemical oxidation and indirect reaction with hydroxyl radicals and other reactive oxygen species formed at the BDD anode surface during water discharge. The products extracted upon electrolysis at 1.5 and 2.0 V vs. SCE were analyzed by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry (UHPLC-ESI-Q-TOF-MS). The main molecules identified were the corresponding sulfoxides or sulfones, depending on the applied anodic potential. Possible oxidation routes for the dibenzothiophene compounds are proposed

    Implication of SAR of male medfly attractants in insect olfaction

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    [EN] Medfly (Ceratitis capitata) males are strongly attracted by different compounds, not described as pheromones. The best attractants reported are (+)-alpha-copaene, a sesquiterpene of natural source and (-)-ceralure-B1, a non-natural iodinated cyclohexane ester. Although their origin, atomic composition, chemical and physical properties are rather different, they show similar attraction to medflies. The question of why these compounds, act behaviorally in the same way, has been never addressed in research papers. We show here for the first time that these compounds have quite similar stereochemistry, water accessible surfaces, certain local dipole moments and, to some extent, similar octanol/water partition coefficient (log P). When seven carbons, one oxygen and one iodine belonging to (-)-ceralure-B1 are selectively chosen based on topological homology with (+)-alpha-copaene and are overlaid with nine corresponding carbons of (+)-alpha-copaene, the RMS is 0.367 Angstrom. This represents a high degree of steric resemblance. Local dipole moments and charges are similar in those regions where the molecules show topological homologies. Thus, we hypothesize that these two molecules could interact with the same male medfly's odorant receptor(s). The implications of this result in future research in insect olfaction is discussed.Casaña Giner, V.; Levi, V.; Navarro-Llopis, V.; Jang, E. (2002). Implication of SAR of male medfly attractants in insect olfaction. SAR and QSAR in Environmental Research. 13(7-8):629-640. doi:10.1080/1062936021000043382S629640137-

    Design and deployment of semiochemical traps for capturing 1 Anthonomus rubi Herbst (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Hetereoptera: Miridae) in soft fruit crops

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    Strawberry blossom weevil (SBW), Anthonomus rubi Herbst (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) and European tarnished plant bug (ETB), Lygus rugulipennis Poppius (Hetereoptera: Miridae), cause significant damage to strawberry and raspberry crops. Using the SBW aggregation pheromone and ETB sex pheromone we optimized and tested a single trap for both species. A series of field experiments in crops and semi-natural habitats in five European countries tested capture of the target pests and the ability to avoid captures of beneficial arthropods. A Unitrap containing a trapping agent of water and detergent and with a cross vane was more efficient at capturing both species compared to traps which incorporated glue as a trapping agent. Adding a green cross vane deterred attraction of non-pest species such as bees, but did not compromise catches of the target pests. The trap caught higher numbers of ETB and SBW if deployed at ground level and although a cross vane was not important for catches of ETB it was needed for significant captures of SBW. The potential for mass trapping SBW and ETB simultaneously in soft fruit crops is discussed including potential improvements to make this more effective and economic to deploy

    Deployment of mating disruption dispensers before and after first seasonal male flights for the control of Aonidiella aurantii in citrus

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    The rejection of citrus fruit caused by infestations of the California red scale (CRS), Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Hemiptera: Diaspididae), raises concerns about its management. This fact has led to the introduction of new integrated control methods in citrus orchards, including the implementation of techniques based on pheromones. Previous works described efficient mating disruption pheromone dispensers to control A. aurantii in the Mediterranean region. The main aims of the present study were to adjust the timing of dispenser applications and study the importance of controlling the early first generation of A. aurantii by testing two different application dates: before and after the first CRS male flight. The efficacy of the different mating disruption strategies was tested during 2010 in an experimental orchard and these results were confirmed during 2011 in a commercial citrus farm. Results showed that every mating disruption strategy achieved significantly lower male captures in monitoring pheromone traps compared with untreated plots, as well as mean fruit infestation reductions of about 80 %. The control of the first CRS generation is not essential for achieving a good efficacy as demonstrated in two locations with different pest pressure. The late application of MD dispensers before the second CRS male flight has proven to be effective, suggesting a new advantageous way to apply mating disruption.The authors want to thank Fernando Alfaro from Denia, Antonio Caballero, and Javier Macias from Rio Tinto Fruit S.A. (Huelva, Spain) for field support. We also thank Ecologia y Proteccion Agricola SL for the pheromone supply. This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (project AGL2009-10725) and Agroalimed Foundation. The translation of this paper was funded by the Universidad Politecnica de Valencia (Spain).Vacas González, S.; Alfaro Cañamás, C.; Primo Millo, J.; Navarro-Llopis, V. (2015). Deployment of mating disruption dispensers before and after first seasonal male flights for the control of Aonidiella aurantii in citrus. Journal of Pest Science. 88(2):321-329. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10340-014-0623-1S321329882Avidov Z, Balshin M, Gerson U (1970) Studies on Aphytis coheni, a parasite of the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii in Israel. Biocontrol 15:191–207Barzakay I, Hefetz A, Sternlicht M, Peleg BA, Gokkes M, Singer G, Geffen D, Kronenberg S (1986) Further field trials on management of the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii, by mating disruption with its sex-pheromone. Phytoparasitica 14:160–161Bedford ECG (1996) Problems which we face in bringing red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell), under biological control in citrus in South Africa. Proc Int Soc Citriculture 1:485–492Campos-Rivela JM, Martínez-Ferrer MT, Fibla-Queralt JM (2012) Population dynamics and seasonal trend of California red scale (Aonidiella aurantii Maskell) in citrus in Northern Spain. Span J Agric Res 10:198–208Collins PJ, Lambkin TM, Bodnaruk P (1994) Suspected resistance to methidation in Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Homoptera: diaspididae) from Queensland. J Aust Entomol Soc 33:325–326Corma A, Muñoz-Pallares J, Primo-Yufera E (1999) Production of semiochemical emitters having a controlled emission speed which are based on inorganic molecular sieves. World Patent WO9944420Corma A, Muñoz-Pallares J, Primo-Yufera E (2000) Emitter of semiochemical substances supported on a sepiolite, preparation process and applications. World Patent WO0002448DeBach P (1959) New species and strains of Aphytis (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) parasitic on the California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Mask.), in the Orient. 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J Econ Entomol 99:733–744Grout TG, Richards GI (1991a) Effect of buprofezin applications at different phenological times on California red scale (Homoptera: Diaspididae). J Econ Entomol 84:1802–1805Grout TG, Richards GI (1991b) Value of pheromone traps for predicting infestations of red scale, Aonidiella aurantii (Maskell) (Homoptera: Diaspididae), limited by natural enemy activity and insecticides used to control citrus thrips, Scirtothrips aurantii Faure (Thysanoptera: Thripidae). J Appl Entomol 111:20–27Grout TG, Du Toit WJ, Hofmeyr JH, Richards GI (1989) California red scale (Homoptera: Diaspididae) phenology on citrus in South Africa. J Econ Entomol 82:793–798Hefetz A, Kronengerg S, Peleg BA, Bar-zakay I (1988) Mating disruption of the California red scale Aonidiella aurantii (Homoptera: Diaspididae). 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Bull Entomol Res 99:415–423Vacas S, Alfaro C, Navarro-Llopis V, Primo J (2010) Mating disruption of California red scale, Aonidiella aurantii Maskell (Homoptera: Diaspididae), using biodegradable mesoporous pheromone dispensers. Pest Manag Sci 66:745–751Vacas S, Vanaclocha P, Alfaro C, Primo J, Verdú MJ, Urbaneja A, Navarro-Llopis V (2011) Mating disruption for the control of Aonidiella aurantii Maskell (Hemiptera: Diaspididae) may contribute to increased effectiveness of natural enemies. Pest Manag Sci 68:142–148Vanaclocha P, Vacas S, Alfaro C, Primo J, Verdú MJ, Navarro-Llopis V, Urbaneja A (2012) Life history parameters and scale-cover surface area of Aonidiella aurantii are altered in a mating disruption environment: implications for biological control. 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    Chemosterilant Bait Stations Coupled With Sterile Insect Technique: An Integrated Strategy to Control the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae)

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    During 2008 and 2009, the efficacy of the combination of two Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitata (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae), control techniques, sterile insect technique (SIT) and a chemosterilant bait station system (Adress), was tested in three crops: citrus (Citrus spp.), stone fruit (Prunus spp.), and persimmon (Diospyros spp.). Two thousand sterile males were released per ha each week in the whole trial area (50,000 ha, SIT area). For 3,600 ha, within the whole trial area, 24 Adress traps per ha were hung (SIT + Adress area). Ten SIT + Adress plots and 10 SIT plots in each of three different fruit crops were arranged to assess Mediterranean fruit fly population densities and fruit damage throughout the trial period. To evaluate the efficacy of each treatment, the male and female populations were each monitored from August 2008 to November 2009, and injured fruit was assessed before harvest. Results showed a significant reduction in the C. capitata population in plots treated with both techniques versus plots treated only with the SIT. Likewise, a corresponding reduction in the percentage of injured fruit was observed. These data indicate the compatibility of these techniques and suggest the possibility of using Adress coupled with SIT to reduce C. capitata populations in locations with high population densities, where SIT alone is not sufficiently effective to suppress fruit fly populations to below damaging levels.We thank Cooperativa Agrocola Nuestra Senora del Oreto (CANSO) and Cooperativa Agrocola San Bernardo de Carlet (CASBC) for helpful in the selection of orchards and Conselleria de Agricultura, Pesca y Alimentacion (GVA) for providing SIT treatment data. We also thank Syngenta Agro S.A. Spain and EPA S.L. for financial support of this project.Navarro-Llopis, V.; Vacas González, S.; Sanchis Cabanes, J.; Primo Millo, J.; Alfaro Cañamás, C. (2011). Chemosterilant Bait Stations Coupled With Sterile Insect Technique: An Integrated Strategy to Control the Mediterranean Fruit Fly (Diptera: Tephritidae). Journal of Economic Entomology. 104(5):1647-1655. doi:10.1603/EC10448S16471655104

    Study of the electrochemical oxidation of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene on a BDD electrode employing different techniques

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    The electrochemical oxidation of 4,6-dimethyldibenzothiophene (4,6-DMDBT) at low concentrations on a BDD anode was investigated in a monophasic acetonitrile (93.5% v/v)-water (6.5% v/v, 0.01 M LiClO4) solution. Two oxidation steps related to the sequential formation of sulfoxide and sulfone derivatives were identified. Kinetic parameters such as the electron transfer coefficient α, the number of electrons nα involved in the rate-determining step, the total number of electrons n, the reaction rate constant k0 and the diffusion coefficient D of 4,6-DMDBT for the first transformation were determined by cyclic voltammetry, differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), square wave voltammetry and bulk electrolysis under potentiostatic conditions. The process was bielectronic with α = 0.57, nα = 1, k0 = 7.46 × 10−6 cm s−1 and D = 2.30 × 10−6 cm2 s−1. DPV was the most sensitive electroanalytical technique. Using 27 mg L−1 of 4,6-DMTDB, DPV allowed determining a conversión of 91% to sulfoxide after 60 min of electrolysis in a BDD/BDD cell at an anodic potential of 1.50 V, with an apparent rate constant of 0.034 min−1. The electrochemical characterization was corroborated via gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and ultra-high performance liquid chromatography coupled to electrospray ionization and quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry, confirming the formation of the sulfoxide in the first step and the sulfone in the second one as main products, alongside a minor proportion of dimers