1,009 research outputs found

    The first orbital solution for the massive colliding-wind binary HD93162 (=WR25)

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    Since the discovery, with the EINSTEIN satellite, of strong X-ray emission associated with HD93162 (=WR25), this object has been predicted to be a colliding-wind binary system. However, radial-velocity variations that would prove the suspected binary nature have yet to be found. We spectroscopically monitored this object to investigate its possible variability to address this discordance. We compiled the largest available radial-velocity data set for this star to look for variations that might be due to binary motion. We derived radial velocities from spectroscopic data acquired mainly between 1994 and 2006, and searched these radial velocities for periodicities using different numerical methods. For the first time, periodic radial-velocity variations are detected. Our analysis definitively shows that the Wolf-Rayet star WR25 is an eccentric binary system with a probable period of about 208 days.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figures, accepted by A+

    Influence of the in-medium pion dispersion relation in heavy ion collisions

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    We investigate the influence of medium corrections to the pion dispersion relation on the pion dynamics in intermediate energy heavy ion collisions. To do so a pion potential is extracted from the in-medium dispersion relation and used in QMD calculations and thus we take care of both, real and imaginary part of the pion optical potential. The potentials are determined from different sources, i.e. from the Δ\Delta--hole model and from phenomenological approaches. Depending on the strength of the potential a reduction of the anti-correlation of pion and nucleon flow in non-central collisions is observed as well as an enhancement of the high energetic yield in transverse pion spectra. A comparison to experiments, in particular to ptp_t-spectra for the reaction Ca+Ca at 1 GeV/nucleon and the pion in-plane flow in Ne+Pb collisions at 800 MeV/nucleon, generally favours a weak potential.Comment: 25 pages, using REVTeX, 6 postscript figures; replaced by published versio

    The XMM-LSS survey: The XMDS/VVDS 4 sigma catalogue

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    We present a first catalogue of X-ray sources resulting from the central area of the XMM-LSS (Large Scale Structure survey). We describe the reduction procedures and the database tools we developed and used to derive a well defined catalogue of X-ray sources. The present catalogue is limited to a sub-sample of 286 sources detected at 4 sigma in the 1 deg^2 area covered by the photometric VVDS (VIRMOS VLT Deep Survey), which allows us to provide optical and radio identifications. We also discuss the X-ray properties of a larger X-ray sample of 536 sources detected at > 4 sigma in the full 3 deg^2 area of the XMM Medium Deep Survey (XMDS) independently of the optical identification. We also derive the logN-logS relationship for a sample of more than one thousand sources that we discuss in the context of other surveys at similar fluxes.Comment: 15+6 pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics The online catalogue announced in the paper will be accessible in about 2 weeks due to technical reasons Fig. 2 replaced with a low resolution on

    Relativistic Nucleus-Nucleus Collisions: from the BEVALAC to RHIC

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    I briefly describe the initial goals of relativistic nuclear collisions research, focusing on the LBL Bevatron/Bevalac facility in the 1970's. An early concept of high hadronic density fireball formation, and subsequent isentropic decay (preserving information as to the high density stage) led to an outline of physics observables that could determine the nuclear matter equation of state at several times nuclear ground state matter density. With the advent of QCD the goal of locating, and characterizing the hadron-parton deconfinement phase transformation suggested the need for higher s\sqrt{s}, the research thus moving to the BNL AGS and CERN SPS, finally to RHIC at BNL. A set of physics observables is discussed where present data span the entire s\sqrt{s} domain, from Bevalac and SIS at GSI, to top RHIC energy. Referring, selectively, to data concerning bulk hadron production, the overall s\sqrt{s} evolution of directed and radial flow observables, and of pion pair Bose-Einstein correlation are discussed. The hadronization process is studied in the grand canonical statistical model. The resulting hadronization points in the plane T vs. μB\mu_B converge onto the parton-hadron phase boundary predicted by finite μB\mu_B lattice QCD, from top SPS to RHIC energy. At lower SPS and top AGS energy a steep strangeness maximum occurs at which the Wroblewski parameter λs\lambda_s \approx 0.6; a possible connection to the QCD critical point is discussed. Finally the unique new RHIC physics is addressed: high pTp_T hadron suppression and jet "tomography".Comment: 19 pages, 11 figure

    Breakup Density in Spectator Fragmentation

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    Proton-proton correlations and correlations of protons, deuterons and tritons with alpha particles from spectator decays following 197Au + 197Au collisions at 1000 MeV per nucleon have been measured with two highly efficient detector hodoscopes. The constructed correlation functions, interpreted within the approximation of a simultaneous volume decay, indicate a moderate expansion and low breakup densities, similar to assumptions made in statistical multifragmentation models. PACS numbers: 25.70.Pq, 21.65.+f, 25.70.Mn, 25.75.GzComment: 11 pages, LaTeX with 3 included figures; Also available from http://www-kp3.gsi.de/www/kp3/aladin_publications.htm

    Systematics of pion emission in heavy ion collisions in the 1A GeV regime

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    Using the large acceptance apparatus FOPI, we study pion emission in the reactions (energies in GeV/nucleon are given in parentheses): 40Ca+40Ca (0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.5, 1.93), 96Ru+96Ru (0.4, 1.0, 1.5), 96Zr+96Zr (0.4, 1.0, 1.5), 197Au+197Au (0.4, 0.6, 0.8, 1.0, 1.2, 1.5). The observables include longitudinal and transverse rapidity distributions and stopping, polar anisotropies, pion multiplicities, transverse momentum spectra, ratios for positively and negatively charged pions of average transverse momenta and of yields, directed flow, elliptic flow. The data are compared to earlier data where possible and to transport model simulations.Comment: 56 pages,42 figures; to be published in Nuclear Physics

    A 2.3-Day Periodic Variability in the Apparently Single Wolf-Rayet Star WR 134: Collapsed Companion or Rotational Modulation?

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    We present the results of an intensive campaign of spectroscopic and photometric monitoring of the peculiar Wolf-Rayet star WR 134 from 1989 to 1997. This unprecedentedly large data set allows us to confirm unambiguously the existence of a coherent 2.25 +/- 0.05 day periodicity in the line-profile changes of He II 4686, although the global pattern of variability is different from one epoch to another. This period is only marginally detected in the photometric data set. Assuming the 2.25 day periodic variability to be induced by orbital motion of a collapsed companion, we develop a simple model aiming at investigating (i) the effect of this strongly ionizing, accreting companion on the Wolf-Rayet wind structure, and (ii) the expected emergent X-ray luminosity. We argue that the predicted and observed X-ray fluxes can only be matched if the accretion on the collapsed star is significantly inhibited. Additionally, we performed simulations of line-profile variations caused by the orbital revolution of a localized, strongly ionized wind cavity surrounding the X-ray source. A reasonable fit is achieved between the observed and modeled phase-dependent line profiles of He II 4686. However, the derived size of the photoionized zone substantially exceeds our expectations, given the observed low-level X-ray flux. Alternatively, we explore rotational modulation of a persistent, largely anisotropic outflow as the origin of the observed cyclical variability. Although qualitative, this hypothesis leads to greater consistency with the observations.Comment: 34 pages, 16 figures. Accepted by the Astrophysical Journa

    Fragment Flow and the Nuclear Equation of State

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    We use the Boltzmann-Uehling-Uhlenbeck model with a momentum-dependent nuclear mean field to simulate the dynamical evolution of heavy ion collisions. We re-examine the azimuthal anisotropy observable, proposed as sensitive to the equation of state of nuclear matter. We obtain that this sensitivity is maximal when the azimuthal anisotropy is calculated for nuclear composite fragments, in agreement with some previous calculations. As a test case we concentrate on semi-central 197Au + 197Au^{197}{\rm Au}\ +\ ^{197}{\rm Au} collisions at 400 AA MeV.Comment: 12 pages, ReVTeX 3.0. 12 Postscript figures, uuencoded and appende