6,127 research outputs found

    Galactic Centre stellar winds and Sgr A* accretion

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    (ABRIDGED) We present in detail our new 3D numerical models for the accretion of stellar winds on to Sgr A*. In our most sophisticated models, we put stars on realistic orbits around Sgr A*, include `slow' winds (300 km/s), and account for radiative cooling. We first model only one phase `fast' stellar winds (1000 km/s). For wind sources fixed in space, the accretion rate is Mdot ~ 1e-5 Msun/yr, fluctuates by < 10%, and is in a good agreement with previous models. In contrast, Mdot decreases by an order of magnitude for stars following circular orbits, and fluctuates by ~ 50%. Then we allow a fraction of stars to produce slow winds. Much of these winds cool radiatively, forming cold clumps immersed into the X-ray emitting gas. We test two orbital configurations for the stars in this scenario, an isotropic distribution and two rotating discs with perpendicular orientation. The morphology of cold gas is quite sensitive to the orbits. In both cases, however, most of the accreted gas is hot, with an almost constant Mdot ~ 3e-6 Msun/yr, consistent with Chandra observations. The cold gas accretes in intermittent, short but powerful episodes which may give rise to large amplitude variability in the luminosity of Sgr A* on time scales of 10s to 100s of years. The circularisation radii for the flows are ~ 1e3 and 1e4 Rsch, for the one and two-phase wind simulations, respectively, never forming the quasi-spherical accretion flows suggested in some previous work. Our work suggests that, averaged over time scales of 100s to 1000s of years, the radiative and mechanical luminosity of Sgr A* may be substantially higher than it is in its current state. Further improvements of the wind accretion modelling of Sgr A* will rely on improved observational constraints for the wind properties and stellar orbits.Comment: 16 pages, 18 colour figures. Accepted by MNRAS. Full resolution paper and movies available at http://www.mpa-garching.mpg.de/~jcuadra/Winds/ . (v2: minor changes

    Astrocomp: a web service for the use of high performance computers in Astrophysics

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    Astrocomp is a joint project, developed by the INAF-Astrophysical Observatory of Catania, University of Roma La Sapienza and Enea. The project has the goal of providing the scientific community of a web-based user-friendly interface which allows running parallel codes on a set of high-performance computing (HPC) resources, without any need for specific knowledge about parallel programming and Operating Systems commands. Astrocomp provides, also, computing time on a set of parallel computing systems, available to the authorized user. At present, the portal makes a few codes available, among which: FLY, a cosmological code for studying three-dimensional collisionless self-gravitating systems with periodic boundary conditions; ATD, a parallel tree-code for the simulation of the dynamics of boundary-free collisional and collisionless self-gravitating systems and MARA, a code for stellar light curves analysis. Other codes are going to be added to the portal.Comment: LaTeX with elsart.cls and harvard.sty (included). 7 pages. To be submitted to a specific journa

    Radiation Reaction Effects on Electron Nonlinear Dynamics and Ion Acceleration in Laser-solid Interaction

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    Radiation Reaction (RR) effects in the interaction of an ultra-intense laser pulse with a thin plasma foil are investigated analytically and by two-dimensional (2D3P) Particle-In-Cell (PIC) simulations. It is found that the radiation reaction force leads to a significant electron cooling and to an increased spatial bunching of both electrons and ions. A fully relativistic kinetic equation including RR effects is discussed and it is shown that RR leads to a contraction of the available phase space volume. The results of our PIC simulations are in qualitative agreement with the predictions of the kinetic theory

    Communication: Hole localization in Al-doped quartz SiO2 within ab initio hybrid-functional DFT

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    We investigate the long-standing problem of the hole localization at the Al impurity in quartz SiO2_2, using a relatively recent DFT hybrid-functional method in which the exchange fraction is obtained \emph{ab initio}, based on an analogy with the static many-body COHSEX approximation to the electron self-energy. As the amount of the admixed exact exchange in hybrid functionals has been shown to be determinant for properly capturing the hole localization, this problem constitutes a prototypical benchmark for the accuracy of the method, allowing one to assess to what extent self-interaction effects are avoided. We obtain good results in terms of description of the charge localization and structural distortion around the Al center, improving with respect to the more popular B3LYP hybrid-functional approach. We also discuss the accuracy of computed hyperfine parameters, by comparison with previous calculations based on other self-interaction-free methods, as well as experimental values. We discuss and rationalize the limitations of our approach in computing defect-related excitation energies in low-dielectric-constant insulators.Comment: Accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phys. (Communications

    Retrofit Proposals for Energy Efficiency and Thermal Comfort in Historic Public Buildings: The Case of the Engineering Faculty’s Seat of Sapienza University

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    The building sector greatly contributes to energy consumption and Greenhouse Gas emissions, relating to the whole building life cycle. Boasting a huge building heritage of historical and architectural value, Europe faces challenging retrofit perspectives, as the potential for high energy efficiency has to be exploited while preserving the buildings' original characteristics. The present work aims to feature the influence of a passive strategy on a heritage building in a mild climate. As historical its facade cannot be modified, its large glazing areas involve multiple issues, such as an increase in the heating (QH) and cooling (QC) energy demands and the risk of thermal discomfort. Thus, window replacement was proposed for retrofitting. A dynamic simulation model in TRNSYS was validated with experimental data collected by the continuous monitoring of walls of different thicknesses and orientations. Solutions from replacement with Double Glazing Units (DGUs) with improved thermal insulation, to internal shading activation were applied. All configurations were compared in terms of QH, QC, thermal performance of the building and user comfort (Fanger). Low-e DGU enabled the saving of up to 14% of the annual energy demand, and shading also offered good results in summer, reducing QC by 19%. In summer, DGU involved a maximum PPD reduction of 10 units

    X-ray Images of Hot Accretion Flows

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    We consider the X-ray emission due to bremsstrahlung processes from hot, low radiative-efficiency accretion flows around supermassive and galactic black holes. We calculate surface brightness profiles and Michelson visibility functions for a range of density profiles, rho ~ r^(-3/2+p), with 0 < p < 1, to allow for the presence of outflows. We find that although the 1 keV emitting region in these flows can always extend up to 10^6 Schwarzschild radii (R_S), their surface brightness profiles and visibility functions are strongly affected by the specific density profile. The advection-dominated solutions with no outflows (p=0) lead to centrally peaked profiles with characteristic sizes of only a few tens of R_S. Solutions with strong outflows (p~1) lead to flat intensity profiles with significantly larger characteristic sizes of up to 10^6 R_S. This implies that low luminosity galactic nuclei, such as M87, may appear as extended X-ray sources when observed with current X-ray imaging instruments. We show that X-ray brightness profiles and their associated visibility functions may be powerful probes for determining the relevant mode of accretion and, in turn, the properties of hot accretion flows. We discuss the implications of our results for observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory and the planned X-ray interferometer MAXIM.Comment: 14 pages, 4 figures, accepted by The Astrophysical Journal, minor change

    A deductive statistical mechanics approach for granular matter

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    We introduce a deductive statistical mechanics approach for granular materials which is formally built from few realistic physical assumptions. The main finding is an universal behavior for the distribution of the density fluctuations. Such a distribution is the equivalent of the Maxwell-Boltzmann's distribution in the kinetic theory of gasses. The comparison with a very extensive set of experimental and simulation data for packings of monosized spherical grains, reveals a remarkably good quantitative agreement with the theoretical predictions for the density fluctuations both at the grain level and at the global system level. Such agreement is robust over a broad range of packing fractions and it is observed in several distinct systems prepared by using different methods. The equilibrium distributions are characterized by only one parameter (kk) which is a quantity very sensitive to changes in the structural organization. The thermodynamical equivalent of kk and its relation with the `granular temperature' are also discussed.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figure

    Exact Results for the Roughness of a Finite Size Random Walk

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    We consider the role of finite size effects on the value of the effective Hurst exponent H. This problem is motivated by the properties of the high frequency daily stock-prices. For a finite size random walk we derive some exact results based on Spitzer's identity. The conclusion is that finite size effects strongly enhance the value of H and the convergency to the asymptotic value (H=1/2) is rather slow. This result has a series of conceptual and practical implication which we discuss.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    The GalMer database: Galaxy Mergers in the Virtual Observatory

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    We present the GalMer database, a library of galaxy merger simulations, made available to users through tools compatible with the Virtual Observatory (VO) standards adapted specially for this theoretical database. To investigate the physics of galaxy formation through hierarchical merging, it is necessary to simulate galaxy interactions varying a large number of parameters: morphological types, mass ratios, orbital configurations, etc. On one side, these simulations have to be run in a cosmological context, able to provide a large number of galaxy pairs, with boundary conditions given by the large-scale simulations, on the other side the resolution has to be high enough at galaxy scales, to provide realistic physics. The GalMer database is a library of thousands simulations of galaxy mergers at moderate spatial resolution and it is a compromise between the diversity of initial conditions and the details of underlying physics. We provide all coordinates and data of simulated particles in FITS binary tables. The main advantages of the database are VO access interfaces and value-added services which allow users to compare the results of the simulations directly to observations: stellar population modelling, dust extinction, spectra, images, visualisation using dedicated VO tools. The GalMer value-added services can be used as virtual telescope producing broadband images, 1D spectra, 3D spectral datacubes, thus making our database oriented towards the usage by observers. We present several examples of the GalMer database scientific usage obtained from the analysis of simulations and modelling their stellar population properties, including: (1) studies of the star formation efficiency in interactions; (2) creation of old counter-rotating components; (3) reshaping metallicity profiles in elliptical galaxies; (4) orbital to internal angular momentum transfer; (5) reproducing observed colour bimodality of galaxies.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figures, 10 tables accepted to A&A. Visualisation of GalMer simulations, access to snapshot files and value-added tools described in the paper are available at http://galmer.obspm.fr

    Extending the Shakura-Sunyaev approach to a strongly magnetized accretion disc model

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    We develop a model of thin turbulent accretion discs supported by magnetic pressure of turbulent magnetic fields. This applies when the turbulent kinetic and magnetic energy densities are greater than the thermal energy density in the disc. Whether such discs survive in nature or not remains to be determined, but here we simply demonstrate that self-consistent solutions exist when the alpha-prescription for the viscous stress, similar to that of the original Shakura-Sunyaev model, is used. We show that \alpha \sim 1 for the strongly magnetized case and we calculate the radial structure and emission spectra from the disc in the regime when it is optically thick. Strongly magnetized optically thick discs can apply to the full range of disc radii for objects < 10^{-2} of the Eddington luminosity or for the outer parts of discs in higher luminosity sources. In the limit that the magnetic pressure is equal to the thermal or radiation pressure, our strongly magnetized disc model transforms into the Shakura-Sunyaev model with \alpha=1. Our model produces spectra quite similar to those of standard Shakura-Sunyaev models. In our comparative study, we also discovered a small discrepancy in the spectral calculations of Shakura and Sunyaev (1973).Comment: 27 pages, 11 figures, Astron. Astroph. in press; shortened version accepted by A&A, all calculations and conclusions are unchange
