78 research outputs found
Theory Support for the Excited Baryon Program at the Jlab 12 GeV Upgrade
This document outlines major directions in theoretical support for the
measurement of nucleon resonance transition form factors at the JLab 12 GeV
upgrade with the CLAS12 detector. Using single and double meson production,
prominent resonances in the mass range up to 2 GeV will be studied in the range
of photon virtuality up to 12 GeV where quark degrees of freedom are
expected to dominate. High level theoretical analysis of these data will open
up opportunities to understand how the interactions of dressed quarks create
the ground and excited nucleon states and how these interactions emerge from
QCD. The paper reviews the current status and the prospects of QCD based model
approaches that relate phenomenological information on transition form factors
to the non-perturbative strong interaction mechanisms, that are responsible for
resonance formation.Comment: 52 pages, 19 figures, White Paper of the Electromagnetic N-N*
Transition Form Factor Workshop at Jefferson Lab, October 13-15, 2008,
Newport News, VA, US
Scroll Waves and Filaments in Excitable Media of Higher Spatial Dimension
Excitable media are ubiquitous in nature, and in such systems the local excitation tends to self-organize in traveling waves, or in rotating spiral-shaped patterns in two or three spatial dimensions. Examples include waves during a pandemic or electrical scroll waves in the heart. Here we show that such phenomena can be extended to a space of four or more dimensions and propose that connections of excitable elements in a network setting can be regarded as additional spatial dimensions. Numerical simulations are performed in four dimensions using the FitzHugh-Nagumo model, showing that the vortices rotate around a two-dimensional surface which we define as the superfilament. Evolution equations are derived for general superfilaments of codimension two in an N-dimensional space, and their equilibrium configurations are proven to be minimal surfaces. We suggest that biological excitable systems, such as the heart or brain which have nonlocal connections can be regarded, at least partially, as multidimensional excitable media and discuss further possible studies in this direction. © 2023 American Physical Society
Porewater chemistry in claystones in the context of radioactive waste disposal
The development of a combined experimental-modelling approach has enabled to constrain the porewater chemistry of different low-permeability clay formations (Boom Clay, Callovo-Oxfordian Fm., Opalinus Clay) foreseen as host rocks for nuclear waste repositories. A variety of methods are available to directly sample porewater or to derive information on the solute concentrations. These include analysis from seepage waters in boreholes, aqueous extractions, high-pressure squeezing, and advective displacement from core samples. Geochemical equilibrium modelling is used for data integration and calculation of internally consistent reference water compositions. The paper provides an overview of current achievements in experimental developments, modelling approaches and open questions
The degeneracy between star-formation parameters in dwarf galaxy simulations and the Mstar-Mhalo relation
We present results based on a set of N-Body/SPH simulations of isolated dwarf
galaxies. The simulations take into account star formation, stellar feedback,
radiative cooling and metal enrichment. The dark matter halo initially has a
cusped profile, but, at least in these simulations, starting from idealised,
spherically symmetric initial conditions, a natural conversion to a core is
observed due to gas dynamics and stellar feedback.
A degeneracy between the efficiency with which the interstellar medium
absorbs energy feedback from supernovae and stellar winds on the one hand, and
the density threshold for star formation on the other, is found. We performed a
parameter survey to determine, with the aid of the observed kinematic and
photometric scaling relations, which combinations of these two parameters
produce simulated galaxies that are in agreement with the observations.
With the implemented physics we are unable to reproduce the relation between
the stellar mass and the halo mass as determined by Guo et al. (2010), however
we do reproduce the slope of this relation.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRAS | 12 pages, 8 figure
Transverse Spin Structure of the Nucleon through Target Single Spin Asymmetry in Semi-Inclusive Deep-Inelastic Reaction at Jefferson Lab
Jefferson Lab (JLab) 12 GeV energy upgrade provides a golden opportunity to
perform precision studies of the transverse spin and
transverse-momentum-dependent structure in the valence quark region for both
the proton and the neutron. In this paper, we focus our discussion on a
recently approved experiment on the neutron as an example of the precision
studies planned at JLab. The new experiment will perform precision measurements
of target Single Spin Asymmetries (SSA) from semi-inclusive electro-production
of charged pions from a 40-cm long transversely polarized He target in
Deep-Inelastic-Scattering kinematics using 11 and 8.8 GeV electron beams. This
new coincidence experiment in Hall A will employ a newly proposed solenoid
spectrometer (SoLID). The large acceptance spectrometer and the high polarized
luminosity will provide precise 4-D (, , and ) data on the
Collins, Sivers, and pretzelocity asymmetries for the neutron through the
azimuthal angular dependence. The full 2 azimuthal angular coverage in the
lab is essential in controlling the systematic uncertainties. The results from
this experiment, when combined with the proton Collins asymmetry measurement
and the Collins fragmentation function determined from the ee collision
data, will allow for a quark flavor separation in order to achieve a
determination of the tensor charge of the d quark to a 10% accuracy. The
extracted Sivers and pretzelocity asymmetries will provide important
information to understand the correlations between the quark orbital angular
momentum and the nucleon spin and between the quark spin and nucleon spin.Comment: 23 pages, 13 figures, minor corrections, matches published versio
Medium modifications of the bound nucleon GPDs and incoherent DVCS on nuclear targets
We study incoherent DVCS on He in the
reaction, which probes medium-modifications of the bound nucleon GPDs and
elastic form factors. Assuming that the bound nucleon GPDs are modified in
proportion to the corresponding bound nucleon elastic form factors, as
predicted in the Quark-Meson Coupling model, we develop an approach to
calculate various incoherent nuclear DVCS observables. As an example, we
compute the beam-spin DVCS asymmetry, and predict the - and -dependence
of the ratio of the bound to free proton asymmetries, . We find that the deviation of
from unity is as much as
6%.Comment: 16 pages, 6 figures. Minor editoral corrections, matches the
published version in Phys. Lett. B 673 (2009)
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