22 research outputs found

    Zero to moderate methane emissions in a densely rooted, pristine Patagonian bog – biogeochemical controls as revealed from isotopic evidence

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    Peatlands are significant global methane (CH4) sources, but processes governing CH4 dynamics have been predominantly studied in the Northern Hemisphere. Southern hemispheric and tropical bogs can be dominated by cushion-forming vascular plants (e.g. Astelia pumila, Donatia fascicularis). These cushion bogs are found in many (mostly southern) parts of the world but could also serve as extreme examples for densely rooted northern hemispheric bogs dominated by rushes and sedges. We report highly variable summer CH4 emissions from different microforms in a Patagonian cushion bog as determined by chamber measurements. Driving biogeochemical processes were identified from pore water profiles and carbon isotopic signatures. Intensive root activity throughout a rhizosphere stretching over 2&thinsp;m in depth accompanied by molecular oxygen release created aerobic microsites in water-saturated peat, leading to a thorough CH4 oxidation (&lt;&thinsp;0.003&thinsp;mmol&thinsp;L−1 pore water CH4, enriched in δ13C-CH4 by up to 10&thinsp;‰) and negligible emissions (0.09±0.16&thinsp;mmol&thinsp;CH4&thinsp;m−2&thinsp;d−1) from Astelia lawns. In sparsely or even non-rooted peat below adjacent pools pore water profile patterns similar to those obtained under Astelia lawns, which emitted very small amounts of CH4 (0.23±0.25&thinsp;mmol&thinsp;m−2&thinsp;d−1), were found. Below the A. pumila rhizosphere pore water concentrations increased sharply to 0.40±0.25&thinsp;mmol&thinsp;CH4&thinsp;L−1 and CH4 was predominantly produced by hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. A few Sphagnum lawns and – surprisingly – one lawn dominated by cushion-forming D. fascicularis were found to be local CH4 emission hotspots with up to 1.52±1.10&thinsp;mmol&thinsp;CH4&thinsp;m−2&thinsp;d−1 presumably as root density and molecular oxygen release dropped below a certain threshold. The spatial distribution of root characteristics supposedly causing such a pronounced CH4 emission pattern was evaluated on a conceptual level aiming to exemplify scenarios in densely rooted bogs. We conclude that presence of cushion vegetation as a proxy for negligible CH4 emissions from cushion bogs needs to be interpreted with caution. Nevertheless, overall ecosystem CH4 emissions at our study site were probably minute compared to bog ecosystems worldwide and widely decoupled from environmental controls due to intensive root activity of A. pumila, for example.</p

    Microfungal composition in an Astelia-Donatia cushion Peatland in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    En el Hemisferio Sur las turberas almacenan grandes cantidades de carbono en el suelo. A pesar de su importancia en el ciclo global del carbono, se sabe poco acerca de los procesos de descomposición y su diversidad fúngica. El presente estudio se realizó para describir la composición de hongos filamentosos en dos profundidades de una turbera compacta donde las especies vegetales predominantes son Astelia (Asteliaceae) y Donatia (Donatiaceae) en Moat, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. De 48 muestras procesadas, se obtuvieron 338 aislamientos. Mediante el uso de diferentes metodologías de cultivo, a través de observación microscópica y por métodos moleculares identificamos 38 especies fúngicas y 18 géneros de Ascomycetes y Zygomycetes. Los aislamientos de Ascomycetes fueron los más abundantes, con dominancia de Penicillium y Trichoderma. Se describe la composición fúngica y se comparó la diversidad y equitatividad de las especies a dos profundidades de muestreo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la composición de especies, la diversidad y equitatividad. La turbera estudiada es un ecosistema que presenta alta diversidad de especies fúngicas filamentosas, algunas de ellas descritas en otras turberas en todo el mundo.Southern Hemisphere peatlands store substantial amounts of soil carbon. Despite their importance in the global carbon cycle, little is known about decomposition processes and the associated fungal diversity. The present study describes the composition of fungal assemblage in two depths from a cushion peatland of predominating Astelia (Asteliaceae) and Donatia (Donatiaceae) species in Moat, Tierra del Fuego. From 48 samples processed, we obtained 338 isolates. Using different culturing methodologies, through direct and microscopic observation and using molecular methods we identified 38 fungal species and 18 genera of Ascomycetes and Zygomycetes. Isolates belonging to Ascomycetes were the most abundant, with dominance of Penicillium and Trichoderma. We described fungal composition and compared species diversity and evenness across two dephts. No differences in the diversity index and evenness were found between depths. The studied peat is an ecosystem that has a great diversity of filamentous fungal species, some of which are described in other peatlands worldwide.Instituto de Botánica "Dr. Carlos Spegazzini

    Microfungal composition in an Astelia-Donatia cushion Peatland in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    En el Hemisferio Sur las turberas almacenan grandes cantidades de carbono en el suelo. A pesar de su importancia en el ciclo global del carbono, se sabe poco acerca de los procesos de descomposición y su diversidad fúngica. El presente estudio se realizó para describir la composición de hongos filamentosos en dos profundidades de una turbera compacta donde las especies vegetales predominantes son Astelia (Asteliaceae) y Donatia (Donatiaceae) en Moat, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. De 48 muestras procesadas, se obtuvieron 338 aislamientos. Mediante el uso de diferentes metodologías de cultivo, a través de observación microscópica y por métodos moleculares identificamos 38 especies fúngicas y 18 géneros de Ascomycetes y Zygomycetes. Los aislamientos de Ascomycetes fueron los más abundantes, con dominancia de Penicillium y Trichoderma. Se describe la composición fúngica y se comparó la diversidad y equitatividad de las especies a dos profundidades de muestreo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la composición de especies, la diversidad y equitatividad. La turbera estudiada es un ecosistema que presenta alta diversidad de especies fúngicas filamentosas, algunas de ellas descritas en otras turberas en todo el mundo.Southern Hemisphere peatlands store substantial amounts of soil carbon. Despite their importance in the global carbon cycle, little is known about decomposition processes and the associated fungal diversity. The present study describes the composition of fungal assemblage in two depths from a cushion peatland of predominating Astelia (Asteliaceae) and Donatia (Donatiaceae) species in Moat, Tierra del Fuego. From 48 samples processed, we obtained 338 isolates. Using different culturing methodologies, through direct and microscopic observation and using molecular methods we identified 38 fungal species and 18 genera of Ascomycetes and Zygomycetes. Isolates belonging to Ascomycetes were the most abundant, with dominance of Penicillium and Trichoderma. We described fungal composition and compared species diversity and evenness across two dephts. No differences in the diversity index and evenness were found between depths. The studied peat is an ecosystem that has a great diversity of filamentous fungal species, some of which are described in other peatlands worldwide.Instituto de Botánica "Dr. Carlos Spegazzini

    Microfungal composition in an Astelia-Donatia cushion Peatland in Tierra del Fuego, Argentina

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    En el Hemisferio Sur las turberas almacenan grandes cantidades de carbono en el suelo. A pesar de su importancia en el ciclo global del carbono, se sabe poco acerca de los procesos de descomposición y su diversidad fúngica. El presente estudio se realizó para describir la composición de hongos filamentosos en dos profundidades de una turbera compacta donde las especies vegetales predominantes son Astelia (Asteliaceae) y Donatia (Donatiaceae) en Moat, Tierra del Fuego, Argentina. De 48 muestras procesadas, se obtuvieron 338 aislamientos. Mediante el uso de diferentes metodologías de cultivo, a través de observación microscópica y por métodos moleculares identificamos 38 especies fúngicas y 18 géneros de Ascomycetes y Zygomycetes. Los aislamientos de Ascomycetes fueron los más abundantes, con dominancia de Penicillium y Trichoderma. Se describe la composición fúngica y se comparó la diversidad y equitatividad de las especies a dos profundidades de muestreo. No se encontraron diferencias significativas entre la composición de especies, la diversidad y equitatividad. La turbera estudiada es un ecosistema que presenta alta diversidad de especies fúngicas filamentosas, algunas de ellas descritas en otras turberas en todo el mundo.Southern Hemisphere peatlands store substantial amounts of soil carbon. Despite their importance in the global carbon cycle, little is known about decomposition processes and the associated fungal diversity. The present study describes the composition of fungal assemblage in two depths from a cushion peatland of predominating Astelia (Asteliaceae) and Donatia (Donatiaceae) species in Moat, Tierra del Fuego. From 48 samples processed, we obtained 338 isolates. Using different culturing methodologies, through direct and microscopic observation and using molecular methods we identified 38 fungal species and 18 genera of Ascomycetes and Zygomycetes. Isolates belonging to Ascomycetes were the most abundant, with dominance of Penicillium and Trichoderma. We described fungal composition and compared species diversity and evenness across two dephts. No differences in the diversity index and evenness were found between depths. The studied peat is an ecosystem that has a great diversity of filamentous fungal species, some of which are described in other peatlands worldwide.Instituto de Botánica "Dr. Carlos Spegazzini

    International Veterinary Epilepsy Task Force Consensus Proposal: Outcome of therapeutic interventions in canine and feline epilepsy

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    Common criteria for the diagnosis of drug resistance and the assessment of outcome are needed urgently as a prerequisite for standardized evaluation and reporting of individual therapeutic responses in canine epilepsy. Thus, we provide a proposal for the definition of drug resistance and partial therapeutic success in canine patients with epilepsy. This consensus statement also suggests a list of factors and aspects of outcome, which should be considered in addition to the impact on seizures. Moreover, these expert recommendations discuss criteria which determine the validity and informative value of a therapeutic trial in an individual patient and also suggest the application of individual outcome criteria. Agreement on common guidelines does not only render a basis for future optimization of individual patient management, but is also a presupposition for the design and implementation of clinical studies with highly standardized inclusion and exclusion criteria. Respective standardization will improve the comparability of findings from different studies and renders an improved basis for multicenter studies. Therefore, this proposal provides an in-depth discussion of the implications of outcome criteria for clinical studies. In particular ethical aspects and the different options for study design and application of individual patient-centered outcome criteria are considered

    Peatlands of Southern South America: a review

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    This is the final version. Available from International Peatland Society (IPS) / International Mire Conservation Group via the DOI in this recordSouthern South American peatlands (SSAP) play a key role in the ecological dynamics of Patagonia. They mostly comprise of undisturbed environments which provide important ecosystem services, including carbon sequestration, water reservoir and habitat for both widespread and endemic organisms. When compared with boreal peatlands, our knowledge of the functioning of SSAP is poor, and it is necessary to raise awareness about their scientific and ecological value and to ensure their conservation. This article examines a broad base of historical and contemporary published research literature on the peatlands of Chile and Argentina, from 1843 onwards, to identify gaps in knowledge, implications for the assessment of peatland functioning, and targets for peatland conservation and management. To achieve this goal, we reviewed a total of 196 research papers/reports from across the peer-reviewed and grey literature. We conclude that gaps in our knowledge and understanding of SSAP have deeply undermined the development of effective conservation strategies for these understudied ecosystems. To reverse this situation, we recommend that future research and management efforts should aim: (1) to build an inventory of the peatlands that exist in SSAP, including their location and area; (2) to ensure land use planning prioritises the maintenance of SSAP ecosystem services; (3) to improve existing legislation and protocols of good and sustainable practice for extractive activities; and (4) to carry out an extensive awareness campaign aimed at the local population and key decision makers

    Shedding light on plant litter decomposition: Advances, implications and new directions in understanding the role of photodegradation

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    Litter decomposition contributes to one of the largest fluxes of carbon (C) in the terrestrial biosphere and is a primary control on nutrient cycling. The inability of models using climate and litter chemistry to predict decomposition in dry environments has stimulated investigation of non-traditional drivers of decomposition, including photodegradation, the abiotic decomposition of organic matter via exposure to solar radiation. Recent work in this developing field shows that photodegradation may substantially influence terrestrial C fluxes, including abiotic production of carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and methane, especially in arid and semi-arid regions. Research has also produced contradictory results regarding controls on photodegradation. Here we summarize the state of knowledge about the role of photodegradation in litter decomposition and C cycling and investigate drivers of photodegradation across experiments using a meta-analysis. Overall, increasing litter exposure to solar radiation increased mass loss by 23% with large variation in photodegradation rates among and within ecosystems. This variation was tied to both litter and environmental characteristics. Photodegradation increased with litter C to nitrogen (N) ratio, but not with lignin content, suggesting that we do not yet fully understand the underlying mechanisms. Photodegradation also increased with factors that increased solar radiation exposure (latitude and litter area to mass ratio) and decreased with mean annual precipitation. The impact of photodegradation on C (and potentially N) cycling fundamentally reshapes our thinking of decomposition as a solely biological process and requires that we define the mechanisms driving photodegradation before we can accurately represent photodegradation in global C and N models. © 2012 US Government