35 research outputs found


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    Introduction. Endoscopic radical prostatectomy is a highly effective treatment for localized prostate cancer. Intrafascial prostate dissection ensures early recovery of urine continence function and erectile function. This article sums up our own experience of performing intrafascial endoscopic prostatectomy.Materials and methods. 25 patients have undergone this procedure. 12 months after surgery 88.2 % of the patients were fully continent, 11.7 % had symptoms of minimal stress urinary incontinence. We encountered no cases of positive surgical margins and one case of bio-chemical recurrence of the disease.Conclusion. Oncologically, intrafascial endoscopic radical prostatectomy is as effective as other modifications of radical prostatectomy and has the benefits of early recovery of urine continence function and erectile function. Введение. Эндоскопическая радикальная простатэктомия является высокоэффективным методом лечения локализованного рака предстательной железы. Применение интрафасциального метода диссекции предстательной железы способствует раннему вос-становлению функции удержания мочи и эректильной функции. В статье приведен собственный опыт выполнения интрафасциальной эндоскопической простатэктомии.Материалы и методы. По данной методике прооперировано 25 пациентов. Через 12 мес после операции полная континенция достигнута у 88,2 % пациентов, 11,7 % пациентов имели признаки минимального стрессового недержания мочи. Положительного хирургического края не отмечено, биохимический рецидив развился у 1 пациента.Заключение. Онкологические результаты интрафасциальной эндоскопической простатэктомии не уступают другим методам радикальной простатэктомии, отмечено раннее восстановление континенции и эректильной функции


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    The shortage of donor organs leads to a gradual extension of the selection criteria for living donors including age and presence of comorbidities. Performing simultaneous operations with donor nephrectomy would further increase the number of living donors and increase the attractiveness of operations. In this observation, the examination of a 60-year-old potential donor revealed a concomitant disease: chronic calculous cholecystitis, which had existed for over 20 years. Ultrasound examination of the abdomen showed a strong adhesion of the bowel to the anterior abdominal wall. To prevent the risk of damage to the abdominal organs, it was decided to perform the nephrectomy retroperitoneoscopically and a simultaneous cholecystectomy from the same access. This procedure has three major advantages: no contact with the abdominal cavity when performing the access, the easiest access to the renal arteries, and the absence of a systematic increase in intraperitoneal pressure. Such access is of particular importance for the patients who have had previous interventions on the abdominal organs. Нехватка донорских органов приводит к постепенному расширению критериев отбора живых доноров, включая возраст и наличие сопутствующих заболеваний. Выполнение симультанных операций с донорской нефрэктомией позволило бы дополнительно увеличить пул живых доноров, а также повысить привлекательность операций. В данном наблюдении при обследовании потенциального донора 60 лет обратило на себя внимание сопутствующее заболевание: хронический калькулезный холецистит, протекающий с многочисленными обострениями на протяжении более 20 лет. При ультразвуковом исследовании органов брюшной полости отмечена выраженная адгезия кишечника к передней брюшной стенке. С целью предотвращения риска повреждения органов брюшной полости было принято решение о выполнении нефрэктомии ретроперитонеоскопическим доступом и симультанной холецистэктомии из того же доступа. Операция имеет три основных преимущества: отсутствие контакта с органами брюшной полости при осуществлении доступа, наиболее простой доступ к почечным артериям, отсутствие системного повышения внутрибрюшинного давления. Такой доступ приобретает особое значение для пациентов, перенесших ранее вмешательства на органах брюшной полости.

    Big GABA II: Water-referenced edited MR spectroscopy at 25 research sites

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    Accurate and reliable quantification of brain metabolites measured in vivo using 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) is a topic of continued interest. Aside from differences in the basic approach to quantification, the quantification of metabolite data acquired at different sites and on different platforms poses an additional methodological challenge. In this study, spectrally edited γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) MRS data were analyzed and GABA levels were quantified relative to an internal tissue water reference. Data from 284 volunteers scanned across 25 research sites were collected using GABA+ (GABA + co-edited macromolecules (MM)) and MM-suppressed GABA editing. The unsuppressed water signal from the volume of interest was acquired for concentration referencing. Whole-brain T1-weighted structural images were acquired and segmented to determine gray matter, white matter and cerebrospinal fluid voxel tissue fractions. Water-referenced GABA measurements were fully corrected for tissue-dependent signal relaxation and water visibility effects. The cohort-wide coefficient of variation was 17% for the GABA + data and 29% for the MM-suppressed GABA data. The mean within-site coefficient of variation was 10% for the GABA + data and 19% for the MM-suppressed GABA data. Vendor differences contributed 53% to the total variance in the GABA + data, while the remaining variance was attributed to site- (11%) and participant-level (36%) effects. For the MM-suppressed data, 54% of the variance was attributed to site differences, while the remaining 46% was attributed to participant differences. Results from an exploratory analysis suggested that the vendor differences were related to the unsuppressed water signal acquisition. Discounting the observed vendor-specific effects, water-referenced GABA measurements exhibit similar levels of variance to creatine-referenced GABA measurements. It is concluded that quantification using internal tissue water referencing is a viable and reliable method for the quantification of in vivo GABA levels

    Report on the conference of the Russian association of oncological urology in Volgograd in 2018

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    The article presents a report on the conference of the Russian Society of Oncological urology in the South and North Caucasus Federal Districts «New Trends in the Treatment of Oncological Diseases», which was held in Volgograd on September 7, 2018

    Combination of Electro- and Radiochemical Processes for Hydrogen and Oxygen Obtaining

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    It is shown that increase in the hydrogen production process efficiency can be ensured by integrating radiochemical and electrochemical processes. In this case, the obtained effect depends not only on the direct radiolysis of water, but also on the involvement of the ionizing radiation energy in the electrolysis process for the excitation of water molecules that undergo electrolysis, which leads to a decrease in the consumption of electricity for the decomposition of its gaseous components. An analysis of the main factors influencing the reduction of electricity consumption during electrolysis is presented, and the affinity of the spectra of radical ions involved in the radiation and electrochemical processes of water decomposition is shown. As a result of radiation exposure, the most energy-intensive stage of water decomposition, associated with the breaking of intermolecular bonds and the formation of active particles involved in the electrochemical process, begins. It was established that the formation of hydrogen increases due to the addition of its direct output during radiolysis and indirect production during electrolysis, initiated by the activation effects caused by ionizing radiation. It is shown that in order to increase the direct radiolytic yield of hydrogen, elements containing nanosized zirconium dioxide powder should be placed in the interelectrode space of the electrolyzer. It has also been proven that the irradiation of zirconium dioxide placed in water leads to a 4-fold increase in the yield of hydrogen compared to the option of irradiating pure water. To increase the energy potential utilization coefficient of nuclear fuel at NPPs, it is expedient to use the energy of fuel elements located in spent nuclear fuel storage pools for the application of the proposed technology. This will ensure the utilization of the ionizing radiation energy, which in existing technologies is irretrievably lost, because it is discharged in the form of low-temperature thermal emissions into the environment, which leads to thermal pollution of the atmosphere


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    We modified the method of retroperitoneoscopic live donor nephrectomy and evaluated results of 5 years procedures. There were no conversions to open or hand-assisted surgery. All organs have been successfully transplanted. Retroperitoneoscopic live donor nephrectomy is safe and feasible. The method has three main advantages over conventional laparoscopic nephrectomy: the absence of contact with bowel, spleen, liver and other intra-abdominal structures, more comfortable access to the renal artery, absence of intraperitoneal pressure elevation

    Smart PV-H₂ grid energy complexSmart PV-H₂ grid energy complex

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    Рассмотрены вопросы проектирования, исследования и эксплуатационной демонстрации фотоэлектрического-водородного комплекса сети электроснабжения и его составных элементов для преобразования неравномерно поступающей энергии возобновляемых источников (солнечной) в обычные (качественные). Стационарная концентрирующая система применяется для снижения неравномерности поступления солнечной энергии и повышения эффективности фотоэлектрического модуля. Водород в качестве энергоносителя и водородных топливных элементов является возможным вариантом для хранения различных количеств энергии в течение относительно долгого времени с низкими потерями.Розглянуто питання проектування, дослідження та експлуатаційної демонстрації фотоелектричного-водневого комплексу мережі електропостачання і його складових елементів для перетворення енергії відновлюваних джерел (сонячної) з нерівномірним надходженням в звичайні (якісні) електроенергетичні потоки. Стаціонарна система концентрування застосовується для зниження нерівномірності надходження сонячної енергії та підвищення ефективності фотоелектричного модуля. Водень як енергоносій і водневих паливних елементів є можливим варіантом для зберігання різних обсягів енергії протягом відносно тривалого часу з низькими втратами.The purposes of accomplished work were the investigation, design, manufacturing and operational demonstration of PV-H2 SMART Grid energy complex and its constituent elements for transformation of the renewable forms of “dirty” energy (solar) into conventional (quality) electrical energy. Statics concentrator system is used to reduce the unevenness of solar energy input and improve the efficiency of the photoelectric module. The hydrogen as energy carrier and hydrogen fuel cells are possible option to store different amounts of energy for relatively long times with low losses

    Laparoscopic radical cystectomy: key points

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    Background. Radical cystectomy remains the golden standard for treatment of muscle invasive bladder cancer. Objective: to duplicate with highest accuracy the open radical cystectomy procedure, which we successfully utilized earlier in our clinic, in the of laparoscopic conditions in order to preserve the advantages of minimally invasive procedures and retain the reliability of the tried and tested open surgery.Materials and methods. In the report were included 35 patients (27 men and 8 women) with bladder cancer, who underwent laparoscopic radical cystectomy in Volgograd Regional Center of Urology and Nephrology between April 2013 and March 2016. Only the patients who had been submitted to full intracorporal ileal conduits were included.Results. The mean operative time was 378 minutes, the mean blood loss was 285 millilitres, the mean length of hospital stay was 12.4 days, only 20 % of patients required the narcotic anesthetics. The postoperative complication rate was 11.4 %. However, the majority of the patients were successfully treated with minimally invasive procedures. Generally, our results were similar to other reported studies.Conclusion. Laparoscopic radical cystectomy is a safe and efficient modality of treatment of bladder cancer. However, it needs more procedures and longer observation period to establish laparoscopic radical cystectomy as an alternative to open radical cystectomy