4,066 research outputs found

    Sex differences in comorbidity between substance use and mental health in adolescents: Two sides of the same coin

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    Background: This study aims to evaluate sex differences in alcohol and cannabis use and mental health disorders (MHD) in adolescents, and to evaluate the predictive role of mental health disorders for alcohol and cannabis use disorders (AUD and CUD respectively). Method: A sample of 863 adolescents from the general population (53.7% girls, Mage = 16.62, SD = 0.85) completed a computerized battery including questions on substance use frequency, the Brief Symptom Inventory, the Cannabis Problems Questionnaire for Adolescents - Short version, the Rutgers Alcohol Problem Index and the DSM-IV-TR criteria for AUD and CUD. Bivariate analyses and binary logistic regressions were performed. Results: Girls presented significantly more mental health problems and a higher prevalence of comorbidity between SUD and MHD. Obsessivecompulsive symptoms and phobic anxiety indicated a higher risk of AUD, whereas depression and interaction between hostility and obsessivecompulsive disorder indicated a higher risk of CUD. Conclusions: Comorbidity between SUD and MHD is high among adolescents, and significantly higher among girls. Antecedentes: el objetivo de esta investigación es evaluar las diferencias de sexo en el uso de cannabis y alcohol y en trastornos de salud mental TSM en adolescentes, y el rol predictivo de los TSM sobre los trastornos por uso de alcohol y cannabis (TUA y TUC, respectivamente). Método: una muestra de 863 adolescentes de la población general (53, 7% chicas, edad media = 16.62, DT = 0, 85) completaron una batería informatizada sobre la frecuencia de uso de sustancias, el Inventario Breve de Síntomas, el Cuestionario de Problemas por Consumo de Cannabis - versión breve, el Índice de Rutgers de Problemas con el Alcohol y los criterios DSM-IV-TR para el TUA y TUC. Se realizaron análisis bivariados y de regresión logística binaria. Resultados: las chicas presentaron significativamente más problemas de salud mental y mayor prevalencia de comorbilidad entre TUS y TSM. El trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo (TOC) y la ansiedad fóbica indicaron un mayor riesgo de TUA, mientras que la depresión y la interacción entre hostilidad y TOC indicaron mayor riesgo de TUC. Conclusiones: la comorbilidad entre TUS y TSM es alta entre los adolescentes, y significativamente mayor entre las chicas

    Working Environment in Nursing: Needs Improvement?

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    Background: Knowing the quality of life of professionals is important because it is related to job performance, better results, and greater productivity, which results in better patient care. Objective: To know the Professional Quality of Life perceived by the nurses at the Geriatric Hospital of Toledo (Spain). Method: A descriptive cross-section study was employed to measure the Professional Quality of Life of all healthcare nurses (69 in total) at the Geriatric Hospital of Toledo. The questionnaire used as a measuring instrument was the Professional Quality of Life - 35. The data obtained was analyzed by means of: descriptive statistics, single-factor ANOVA variance analysis, T Student tests, and simple and multiple regression analysis. The study was approved by both the research commission and the ethics commission at the Hospital Complex of Toledo. Participation in the study on behalf of the nursing staff was voluntary. Results: In total, 45 responses were obtained (65.2%). The overall mean score measured the perceived Professional Quality of Life to be low. In relation to the three dimensions evaluated in the study, the highest average found was in “intrinsic motivation,” followed by “workload”, and then “management support.” In the multivariate analysis, “management support” was shown as the most influential factor in the Professional Quality of Life with a 23% influence (P<0.001), followed by workload with 9% (P = 0.01). Conclusions: The professionals at the participating center perceive their workplace as having an elevated degree of responsibility, a large quantity of work, a high occurrence of rushes and fatigue, and all this with little support on behalf of management. Promotions are scarce or the policies for receiving a promotion are inadequate. The perception of Professional Quality of Life in nursing is low. The obtained results indicate a need for an organizing cultural change based on participation, motivation, and increased management support

    Spain’s national network of silos and granaries: architectural and technological change over time

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    Aim of study: To analyse the 670 silos in Spain’s NNSG (National Network of Silos and Granaries), along with the changes in typologies and degree of mechanisation taking place over time.Area of study: Spain.Material and methods: Research began in 2014, collecting NNSG grain storage data across Spain further to the methodology developed by the authors. In a first stage the information was gathered from the FEGA’s general archives in Madrid and the archives of the departments of agriculture in the 13 regions where silos were built. In the second stage of the study, 665 silos were explored in situ. Photographs were taken and information was gathered on their characteristics (general features; architectural features; technological facilities).Main results: This paper discusses the architectural and typological changes taking place over time, from the earliest small, local, richly adorned brick silos to larger, more modern and austere reinforced concrete structures. The machinery with which they are fitted is also addressed, with the progression from basic grain storage to more sophisticated equipment designed to clean, refrigerate or disinfect the grain. Some facilities were used exclusively to select and condition seed for subsequent sowing. The most modern structures, known as macrosilos, are highly mechanised affairs.Research highlights: Spain’s national network of silos and granaries was 41 years in the building. The inventory of the 665 existing silos identified 20 types or subtypes. Early richly adorned units gradually gave way to more austere, functional structures. The machinery in place in silos varied with type/purpose and period of construction

    Antiferromagnetism in four dimensions: search for non-triviality

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    We present antiferromagnetism as a mechanism capable of modifying substantially the phase diagram and the critical behaviour of statistical mechanical models. This is particularly relevant in four dimensions, due to the connection between second order transition points and the continuum limit as a quantum field theory. We study three models with an antiferromagnetic interaction: the Ising and the O(4) Models with a second neighbour negative coupling, and the \RP{2} Model. Different conclusions are obtained depending on the model.Comment: 4 pages LateX. Contribution to Lat9

    Direct, automated and sensitive determination of glyphosate and related anionic pesticides in environmental water samples using solid-phase extraction on-line combined with liquid chromatography tandem mass spectrometry

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    An automated procedure for the simultaneous determination of six anionic pesticides, including glyphosate (GLY) and its transformation product aminomethylphosphonic acid (AMPA), was developed and applied to the analysis of environmental water samples. The proposed method combines on-line concentration of water samples (0.160 mL), with compounds separation in an anion-exchange liquid chromatography (LC) column, followed by their selective determination by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS). The global procedure was completed in 25 min, providing limits of quantification (LOQs) between 5 ng L−1 and 20 ng L−1, with reduced effect of the surface water matrix in the efficiency of process (SPE and ionization yields). The method was applied to the analysis of grab samples obtained from three watersheds, in two rural and one residential area, in Galicia (Northwest Spain). Out of six investigated compounds, Fosetyl, AMPA and GLY were noticed in the set of processed samples. Their detection frequencies increased from 12% (Fosetyl) to 88% (AMPA). Median concentrations followed the same trend varying from 9 ng L−1 (Fosetyl) to 44 ng L−1 (AMPA). The higher levels and the large seasonal variations in the residues of the latter species were noticed in small rivers affected by discharges of municipal sewage treatment plants (STPs)This study was supported by Spanish Government and Xunta de Galicia through grants PGC2018–094613-B-I00 and ED431C 2021/06, respectively. Both projects are co-funded by the EU FEDER programS

    A Reliable Method for the Isolation and Characterization of Microplastics in Fish Gastrointestinal Tracts Using an Infrared Tunable Quantum Cascade Laser System

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    [Abstract] Societal and environmental concern due to frequent reports of microplastics in fish stomachs raised as they may accumulate along the trophic chain. The request for analysing microplastics in fish stresses two major analytical issues: sample treatment and final characterization. The, so far, workhorse for chemical characterization is infrared spectroscopy which is time-consuming. Here, a quantum cascade laser-based device is used to accelerate the characterization stage. Its novelty poses new challenges for sample processing and particle handling because the unknown particles must be transferred to a reflective slide. In this study, three sample digestion protocols (alkaline-oxidative with H2O2, and alkaline-oxidative with NaClO and enzymatic-oxidative) and three different procedures to transfer the filter cake to reflective slides are compared. A simplified enzymatic-oxidative digestion (validated through an interlaboratory exercise) combined with a Syncore® automatic evaporation system and a Laser Direct Infrared Imaging (LDIR) device is proposed first time as a reliable and relatively fast method to treat gastrointestinal tracts of fish. Analytical recoveries were studied using samples of Scomber scombrus and they were ca. 100% for big –i.e., >500 μm- and ca. 90% for medium –i.e., 200–300 μm- particles and ca. 75% for 10 μm thick fibres.This research was supported by the LAnd-Based Solutions for PLAstics in the Sea Project (LABPLAS Project), Grant Agreement No. 101003954, under the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme, and the Integrated approach on the fate of MicroPlastics (MPs) towards healthy marine ecosystems Project (MicroplastiX project), Grant PCI2020-112145, supported by the JPI_Oceans Program and by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and the European Union “Next Generation EU/PRTR”. The Program ‘Consolidación e Estructuración de Unidades de Investigación Competitivas” of the Galician Government (Xunta de Galicia) is also acknowledged (Grant ED431C 2021/56)Xunta de Galicia; ED431C 2021/5

    Explicit oral narrative intervention for students with Williams syndrome

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    Narrative skills play a crucial role in organizing experience, facilitating social interaction and building academic discourse and literacy. They are at the interface of cognitive, social, and linguistic abilities related to school engagement. Despite their relative strengths in social and grammatical skills, students with Williams syndrome (WS) do not show parallel cognitive and pragmatic performance in narrative generation tasks. The aim of the present study was to assess retelling of a TV cartoon tale and the effect of an individualized explicit instruction of the narrative structure. Participants included eight students with WS who attended different special education levels. Narratives were elicited in two sessions (pre and post intervention), and were transcribed, coded and analyzed using the tools of the CHILDES Project. Narratives were coded for productivity and complexity at the microstructure and macrostructure levels. Microstructure productivity (i.e., length of narratives) included number of utterances, clauses, and tokens. Microstructure complexity included mean length of utterances, lexical diversity and use of discourse markers as cohesive devices. Narrative macrostructure was assessed for textual coherence through the Pragmatic Evaluation Protocol for Speech Corpora (PREP-CORP). Macrostructure productivity and complexity included, respectively, the recall and sequential order of scenarios, episodes, events and characters. A total of four intervention sessions, lasting approximately 20 min, were delivered individually once a week. This brief intervention addressed explicit instruction about the narrative structure and the use of specific discourse markers to improve cohesion of story retellings. Intervention strategies included verbal scaffolding and modeling, conversational context for retelling the story and visual support with pictures printed from the cartoon. Results showed significant changes in WS students’ retelling of the story, both at macro- and microstructure levels, when assessed following a 2-week interval. Outcomes were better in microstructure than in macrostructure, where sequential order (i.e., complexity) did not show significant improvement. These findings are consistent with previous research supporting the use of explicit oral narrative intervention with participants who are at risk of school failure due to communication impairments. Discussion focuses on how assessment and explicit instruction of narrative skills might contribute to effective intervention programs enhancing school engagement in WS students

    Eficacia de un programa para el tratamiento del sobrepeso y la obesidad no mórbida en atención primaria y su influencia en la modificación de estilos de vida

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    Introducción y Objetivos: la modificación de conductas no saludables es fundamental para tratar la obesidad. El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar los efectos de un programa basado en dieta, ejercicio y apoyo psicológico en la modificación conductual de pacientes con sobrepeso y obesidad tratados en Atención Primaria. Métodos: 60 pacientes con sobrepeso grado II y obesidad grado I-II fueron incluidos en este ensayo piloto. Edad entre 18-50 años. Los pacientes recibieron un programa que combinaba educación nutricional, actividad física y apoyo psicológico. Formato grupal, periodicidad quincenal. Los principales resultados medidos al inicio y 6 meses fueron parámetros antropométricos (índice de masa corporal, porcentaje de masa grasa, perímetro cintura) y de estilos de vida usando el Cuestionario para la valoración de hábitos de vida relacionados con el sobrepeso y la obesidad. Consta de 5 dimensiones: contenido calórico de la dieta (CC), alimentación saludable (AS), ejercicio físico (EF), comer por bienestar psicológico (BP) y consumo de alcohol (CA). La mayor puntuación indica mejores hábitos para CC, AS y EF y peores para BP y CA. Resultados: al final de la intervención mejoraron las escalas CC (2,60± 0,5 vs 3,49± 0,7, p<0,001), EF (2,19± 0,9 vs 3,17± 1,0, p<0,001) y AS (3,04± 0,4 vs 3,43± 0,4, p<0,05) del cuestionario; CA (3,98± 0,7 vs. 4,25± 0,7, p<0,05) y BP (2,82± 1,0 vs. 3,34± 0,7, p<0,001) empeoraron. Conclusión: el programa basado en moderada restricción de la dieta, aumento de actividad física y apoyo psicológico puede mejorar parámetros antropométricos y estilos de vida en pacientes obesos tratados en un centro de Atención PrimariaBackground: Lifestyle intervention is fundamental for obesity treatment. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of a program focused on diet, exercise and psychological support on Lifestyle Modification in overweight and obese patients treated in Primary Health Care setting. Methods: 60 patients with grade II overweight and non-morbid grade I-II obesity were included in this pilot clinical trial. Ages ranged from18 to 50 years. They were provided with a program combining nutritional education, physical activity and psychological support. Subjects attended group sessions every 2 weeks. The main outcome measures at baseline and 6 months were body composition parameters (BMI, body fat percentage, waist circumference) and lifestyle intervention using the Questionnaire for the assessment of overweight and obesity related lifestyles at baseline and six months. This questionnaire yields an five dimensions: diet caloric intake (CC), healthy eating (AS), physical activity (EF), searching for psychological well-being eating (BP) and alcohol intake (CA). The higher score indicates better lifestyles for CC, AS, EF and worse for BP y CA. Results: At the end of the intervention the program achieved improvements in Questionnaire related lifestyles subscales: CC (2,60± 0,5 vs. 3,49± 0,7, p<0,001), EF (2,19± 0,9 vs. 3,17± 1,0, p<0,001) and AS (3,04± 0,4 vs. 3,43± 0,4, p<0,05); CA (3,98± 0,7 vs. 4,25± 0,7, p<0,05) and BP (2,82± 1,0 vs. 3,34± 0,7, p<0,001) has got worse. Conclusion: The Program focused on balanced and moderate energy-restricted diets, increased physical activity and psychological support may improve the anthropometric parameters and the Lifestyle intervention in obese patients treated in a primary healthcare center.Este proyecto ha sido becado por el Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación, a través del Instituto de Salud Carlos III y la Subdirección General de Evaluación y Fomento de la Investigación, en el marco del «Subprograma de Proyectos de Investigación de Evaluación de Tecnologías Sanitarias e Investigación en servicios de salud». Convocatoria 2008 de ayudas de la Acción Estratégica en Salud, en el marco del Plan Nacional de I+D+I 2008-2011 (PI08/90357). Y por la Fundación MAPFRE, a través del programa de Ayudas a la Investigación (2009

    Valorization of Microalgae and Energy Resources

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    Microalgae biotechnology has grown very rapidly in the last few decades due to the multiple applications that these microorganisms have from pharmaceuticals and cosmetics to foods/feeds and biofuels. One of the main challenges in expanding this industry is to enlarge the single use of the biomass produced in addition to reducing the high biomass production cost of the current technologies. To overcome this bottleneck, the development of microalgae-based biorefineries has been proposed. The issue is to obtain as many bioproducts as possible from the cultivated biomass, including biofuels. Consequently, biodiesel production (from the lipid fraction), bioethanol (from carbohydrate fraction), and biogas or bio-oil (from the whole biomass) have been posited. In this book chapter, we review the current state of the art in the production of sustainable biofuels from microalgae and analyze the potential of microalgae to contribute to the biofuel sector