422 research outputs found

    Situacions d'aula II. Materials docents d'ús interdisciplinari.

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    Les situacions d’aula són fragments de l’activitat educativa escolar delimitats per l’espai on es realitzen, la duració, les persones i els materials implicats, i la forma en què els uns i els altres estan organitzats. Les situacions que presentem en aquest material són les següents: - «NOTA A LLEDÓ». Escriptura de la resposta a una nota rebuda. ceip La Marina. En aquesta situació, un grup de cinc xiquets del darrer curs d’educació infantil i la seua mestra lligen una «nota» enviada per una altra mestra i la contesten. (Durada de la tasca: 40 min 12 s.) - «EL COR». L’escriptura d’un text dins d’un projecte de treball globalitzat. ceip Lluís Revest. En aquesta situació, un grup de xiquets de segon curs de primària i el seu mestre escriuen un text sobre el cor per donar resposta a una pregunta plantejada en el desenvolupament d’un projecte globalitzat sobre el «cos humà». (Durada de la tasca: 58 min 18 s.) Cadascuna d’aquestes situacions mostra la interacció oral dels mestres i els xiquets i les activitats que realitzen per portar a terme la tasca. La transcripció, realitzada a partir de l’enregistrament en vídeo, es presenta dividida en episodis i seqüències. Cada episodi està constituït per un segment de transcripció que reflecteix una activitat central dins de la tasca, especialment rellevant a causa dels continguts que s’hi treballen i al tipus d’interacció que es du a terme (per exemple, llegir la nota rebuda, planificar o escriure una part del text, etc.). Les seqüències reflecteixen unitats d’acció i/o temàtiques dins l’episodi, aïllades per facilitar-ne la comprensió i l’anàlisi.The situations are fragments of classroom educational activities for school delimited space where do, duration, people and materials involved, and the way in which they are organized each other. The situations presented in this material are: - "NOTE TO LLEDÓ." Writing in response to a note received. CEIP La Marina. In this situation, a group of five children in the final year of kindergarten teacher and his tie a "note" sent to another teacher and answer. (Task duration: 40 min 12 s.) - "THE HEART". Writing a text within a global project work. CEIP Lluís Revest. In this situation, a group of children in second grade and his teacher write a text on the heart in response to a question posed in the development of a global project on the "human body". (Task duration: 58 min 18 s.) Each of these situations shows oral interaction of teachers and children and their activities to carry out the task. The transcript, made from the video recording, appears divided into episodes and sequences. Each episode consists of a segment of a transcript that reflects activity within the central task, especially relevant because the contents are worked and the type of interaction that takes place (for example, read the note received, plan or write some text, etc.). The action sequences reflect units and / or themes in the episode, isolated for easy comprehension and analysis

    Thromboprophylaxis with heparin in an inpatient in a noncritical room

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    El término Enfermedad Tromboembólica incluye el tromboembolismo pulmonar y la trombosis venosa profunda. Es una complicación frecuente, durante y después de la internación por una enfermedad aguda. Provoca aumento de la morbimortalidad en pacientes hospitalizados. La mortalidad global de un TEP de cualquier etiología es 17.4% a los 3 meses. La tromboprofilaxis fue inicialmente una intervención preventiva dirigida a los pacientes quirúrgicos. Sin embargo, estudios epidemiológicos demostraron que los pacientes clínicos internados por una enfermedad aguda tienen riesgo similar de padecerla

    Biorreceptividad de las dolomías a la colonización fúngica

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    In many historic monuments in which signs of biodeterioration have been frequently reported, dolostones were used as dimension stone for their construction. In an effort to assess the influence of the texture of dolostones on their potential bioreceptivity, we characterized microbial colonization strategies in dolostone samples of predictably different textural features by scanning electron microscopy in back scattered electron mode (SEM-BSE), low temperature scanning electron microscopy (LTSEM), transmission light microscopy (TLM) and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP). Fungi were the predominant microorganisms in the dolostones examined and their colonization showed three well defined stages with the final consequence of complete rock disaggregation. The results of this study indicate that porosity differences (mainly the extent and type) were particularly relevant for determining the presence and extent of each colonization stage. As a determinant of bioreceptivity, the porosity of dolostones will also condition the decay processes associated with this colonization. These findings highlight the fact that the intrinsic properties of dolostones, such as texture, need to be considered when selecting this type of stone for future construction projects.La dolomía ha sido empleada como piedra de fábrica en la construcción de muchos monumentos históricos en los que se han detectado fenómenos de biodeterioro en numerosas ocasiones. En este trabajo se evalúa cómo influye la textura de las dolomías en las estrategias adoptadas por los microorganismos para colonizar estos materiales pétreos. Para ello se han caracterizado muestras de dolomías con diferentes texturas mediante microscopía electrónica de barrido en modo de electrones retrodispersados (SEM-BSE), microscopía electrónica de barrido a bajas temperaturas (LTSEM), microscopía de luz transmitida (TLM) y porosimetría por intrusión de mercurio (MIP). De estas observaciones se deduce que los hongos son los microorganismos colonizadores más importantes en las dolomías estudiadas. Además, en esta colonización fúngica se han distinguido tres fases bien definidas que tienen como resultado final la disgregación completa de la roca. La presencia y extensión de cada fase de colonización se han visto determinadas por la magnitud y tipo de porosidad de las distintas dolomías analizadas. Los resultados de este estudio apuntan a que estas características de textura pueden condicionar la biorreceptividad de las dolomías y por tanto también los procesos de alteración asociados a esta colonización. Por ello, propiedades intrínsecas de las dolomías, como puede ser la textura, deben ser consideradas como factores imprescindibles a tener en cuenta a la hora de elegir este material para su utilización en futuras construcciones

    Synthesis and structure-activity analysis of new phosphonium salts with potent activity against African trypanosomes

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    A series of 73 bisphosphonium salts and 10 monophosphonium salt derivatives were synthesized and tested in vitro against several wild type and resistant lines of Trypanosoma brucei (T. b. rhodesiense STIB900, T. b. brucei strain 427, TbAT1-KO, and TbB48). More than half of the compounds tested showed a submicromolar EC 50 against these parasites. The compounds did not display any cross-resistance to existing diamidine therapies, such as pentamidine. In most cases, the compounds displayed a good selectivity index versus human cell lines. None of the known T. b. brucei drug transporters were required for trypanocidal activity, although some of the bisphosphonium compounds inhibited the low affinity pentamidine transporter. It was found that phosphonium drugs act slowly to clear a trypanosome population but that only a short exposure time is needed for irreversible damage to the cells. A comparative molecular field analysis model (CoMFA) was generated to gain insights into the SAR of this class of compounds, identifying key features for trypanocidal activity. © 2012 American Chemical Society.Peer Reviewe

    Caracterización de familias en las localidades de la Florida, Samaria, Galán y San Nicolás en Pereira, Colombia.

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    El estado de salud en las etapas de vida de los individuos dentro del sistema familiar, requiere herramientas que orienten los estudios alrededor de las familias, sus características, cualidades, tipologías, funcionalidad y crisis, entre otros. Como sistema es importante para el desarrollo individual y permite la conformación de intervenciones de enfermería en la promoción de la salud

    A genome-wide association study follow-up suggests a possible role for PPARG in systemic sclerosis susceptibility

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    Introduction: A recent genome-wide association study (GWAS) comprising a French cohort of systemic sclerosis (SSc) reported several non-HLA single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) showing a nominal association in the discovery phase. We aimed to identify previously overlooked susceptibility variants by using a follow-up strategy.<p></p> Methods: Sixty-six non-HLA SNPs showing a P value <10-4 in the discovery phase of the French SSc GWAS were analyzed in the first step of this study, performing a meta-analysis that combined data from the two published SSc GWASs. A total of 2,921 SSc patients and 6,963 healthy controls were included in this first phase. Two SNPs, PPARG rs310746 and CHRNA9 rs6832151, were selected for genotyping in the replication cohort (1,068 SSc patients and 6,762 healthy controls) based on the results of the first step. Genotyping was performed by using TaqMan SNP genotyping assays. Results: We observed nominal associations for both PPARG rs310746 (PMH = 1.90 × 10-6, OR, 1.28) and CHRNA9 rs6832151 (PMH = 4.30 × 10-6, OR, 1.17) genetic variants with SSc in the first step of our study. In the replication phase, we observed a trend of association for PPARG rs310746 (P value = 0.066; OR, 1.17). The combined overall Mantel-Haenszel meta-analysis of all the cohorts included in the present study revealed that PPARG rs310746 remained associated with SSc with a nominal non-genome-wide significant P value (PMH = 5.00 × 10-7; OR, 1.25). No evidence of association was observed for CHRNA9 rs6832151 either in the replication phase or in the overall pooled analysis.<p></p> Conclusion: Our results suggest a role of PPARG gene in the development of SSc

    Engineering of III-Nitride Semiconductors on Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics

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    This work presents results in the feld of advanced substrate solutions in order to achieve high crystalline quality group-III nitrides based heterostructures for high frequency and power devices or for sensor applications. With that objective, Low Temperature Co-fred Ceramics has been used, as a noncrystalline substrate. Structures like these have never been developed before, and for economic reasons will represent a groundbreaking material in these felds of Electronic. In this sense, the report presents the characterization through various techniques of three series of specimens where GaN was deposited on this ceramic composite, using diferent bufer layers, and a singular metal-organic chemical vapor deposition related technique for low temperature deposition. Other single crystalline ceramic-based templates were also utilized as substrate materials, for comparison purposes