1,660 research outputs found

    Challenging gender stereotypes?: The representation of women in two Ecuadorian comics

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    Th e comic, the cartoon and the graphic novel are little-known genres in Ecuador despite the loyalty of their readers. In recent times, a handful of scriptwriters/illustrators have managed to open the way and publish their comic strips, either with help from the private sector or in publishing houses specifically created for this purpose. Th is study evaluates the representations of women in two Ecuadorian comic genres infl uenced by American comic tradition, and refl ects on the predominant view of women in the Ecuadorian society. Female characters will be analyzed in the works of scriptwriters and cartoonists José Daniel Santibáñez, the author of Guayaquil de mis temores (Guayaquil of my Fears), and Fabián Patinho, the author of Axioma (Axiom). Firstly, this study will off er a brief historical view of the state of Ecuadorian comics. Subsequently, there will be a preliminary presentation of the works of Santibáñez and Patinho. Th e female representation will be studied based on previous refl ections of theorists such as Karen McGrath, who has focused on the Latin American heroine of the comic book Araña; Meenakshi Gigi Durham, who refl ects over women in popular culture; and Sarah Brabant and Linda Mooney, who have studied the female roles from the perspective of stereotypes. Finally, there will be a section for conclusions.publishedVersio

    Symbolic construction of the processes of identity and memory through public space: Ciudad Juárez, México

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    This work is part of a doctoral thesis, whose methodological axis focuses on the reading of narrative and urban practices. We got a perspective of the symbolic construction of urban space from the constant contact with urban actors, observing them in their own experience of living the city. It transcends not only with an informative goal, but for understanding how identity and memory are built from power relations in the social structure at a stage complex and particular as it is with a border town. The fieldwork was carried out in a space of Ciudad Juarez: the historic centre. For nearly three years, the research was undertaken at a time of an economic situation in the city derived from a period of extreme violence. It had implications in social interactions, since people travelling around the city, using it, inhabiting, generate different readings of the spaces in their everyday life.Este trabajo forma parte de una tesis doctoral cuyo eje metodológico se centra en la lectura de narrativas y prácticas urbanas. A partir del contacto constante con actores urbanos, al observarlos en su propia experiencia de vivir la ciudad, se obtuvo una perspectiva de la construcción simbólica del espacio urbano. Lo anterior trasciende no solo con un fin informativo, sino para comprender cómo la identidad y la memoria se construyen a partir de relaciones de poder en la estructura social en un escenario complejo y particular como es la ciudad fronteriza. El trabajo de campo se realizó en un espacio representativo de Ciudad Juárez: el centro histórico. Por casi tres años, la investigación se emprendió en un momento de coyuntura en la ciudad derivado de un periodo de violencia extrema. Esto ha tenido implicaciones en las interacciones sociales, puesto que las personas, al recorrer la ciudad, usarla, habitarla, generan distintas lecturas de los espacios de su cotidianeidad

    Theoretical design proposal for simulated hot asphalt mixture at a temperature below zero degrees Celsius

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    In the world there are adverse climates, climates that hinder the good construction and paving of roads, generating insecurity among the locals and visitors. This over time affects the economy of a country, as a road boosts tourism, transport and commerce. Therefore, a mixture was designed to mitigate a problem in the placement of hot asphalt mixture at temperatures below zero degrees Celsius. That is, a conventional mix design was proposed, but with different types of filler (lime, Portland cement type I and silica) tested with the Marshall and Lottman method which are governed according to the EG-2013 standards [1] and parameters established in the Asphalt Institute [2]. To find the optimum, it was tested with 5.0%, 5.5% 6.0% and 6.5% asphalt cement. Then with the results obtained a comparative analysis was performed. Finally, specimens without any additives were made, the specimens once prepared at 140°C were subjected to freezing, resulting in the three types of filler, that the hot asphalt mixture with incorporation of Portland cement type I to a 5, 90% of asphalt cement is the optimum since, subject to extreme temperatures below 0°C they comply with the parameters required in the standards


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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloThe silylant 3-cloropropyltriethoxysilyl was anchored over silica gel in anhydrous conditions in order to react with thiourea to obtain modified silica gel with thiouronium. The aim to obtain an inorganic support that is able to hijack metals from the VIII group such as palladium. The product was characterized by Sbet and FTIR infrared spectroscopy. For the determination of the structure in the modified silica gel NMR spectra of silicon and carbon were preformed in solid state. The coordination form of the modified silica gel to the metal was studied computationally in the context of the DFT theory, using the ADF code. This was a collaborative work with "Fundación Chile" for the recuperation of precious metals from the mining industry.http://ref.scielo.org/gk7rm


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    La rápida expansión de las ciudades y su efecto sobre la vida silvestre, hacen necesario estudiar la diversidad en áreas urbanas e incluir el resultado en el planeamiento del crecimiento urbano. En el caso de las aves que habitan áreas urbanas, los estudios publicados son escasos, más aún si nos situamos en el caso de ciudades fuera del departamento de Lima. Con el objetivo de determinar las especies de aves que habitan la ciudad de Piura, Perú (UTM 541372 E / 9425534 N) y sus alrededores, entre marzo de 1998 y diciembre del 2006, se realizó recorridos los fines de semana en diferentes ambientes de la ciudad, en horas de la mañana (6:00 – 11:00 horas) y tarde (15:00 – 18:30 horas), registrando especies de aves observadas y escuchadas. Se obtuvo un total de 104 especies de aves, 13 son endémicas del Área de Endemismos de Aves Tumbesino. 22 son consideradas como migratorias neárticas con poblaciones residentes en el neotrópico. Nueve son migratorias neárticas sin poblaciones residentes en el neotrópico (migratorios obligados) y seis son consideradas ocasionales. Existe una riqueza de aves considerable en la ciudad de Piura y sus alrededores, dominado básicamente por Phalacrocorax brasilianus, columbidos y ardeidos, que deben aprovecharse como vehículo de sensibilización en programas de educación ambiental dirigida principalmente a estudiantes en edad escolar

    Excited-state absorption in erbium-doped silica fiber with simultaneous excitation at 977 and 1531 nm

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    We report a study of the excited-state absorption (ESA) in erbium-doped silica fiber (EDF) pumped at 977 nm, when the fiber is simultaneously excited by signal radiation at 1531 nm. We show, both experimentally and theoretically, that ESA efficiency at 977 nm gets strongly enhanced only in the presence of signal power. Experimentally, this conclusion is supported through the detection of upconversion emission, a “fingerprint” of the ESA process, and through the measurements of the EDF nonlinear transmission coefficient for the pump wavelength, which is sensitive to the ESA value. It is shown that the experimental data are precisely modeled with an advanced five-level Er3+ model developed for the [email protected] [email protected]

    Epidemiological profile of deaths after the 2010 earthquake in Chile

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    Indexación: Web of Science; ScieloBackground: On February 27, 2010 a powerful earthquake followed by a tsunami stroke Chile. The study of mortality during this emergency can provide important public health information. Aim: To describe the main characteristics of people who died during the earthquake and the following three months. Material and Methods: Cross sectional analysis of death records databases obtained from Department of Health Statistics and Information of the Ministry of Health and the Coroner office. Results: Until May 25,2010, 505 corpses were completely identified. Seventy two of these corresponded to people aged 80 years or more. The higher age adjusted death rates per 100,000 inhabitants were observed among subjects aged more than 80 years and those aged 70 to 79 years (22.6 and 7.7 respectively). The higher rates of deaths were observed in regions where the earthquake had a higher intensity and coastal regions affected by the tsunami. The causes of death were trauma in 75% of cases and drowning in 25%. There was no association between the Mercalli scale of earthquake intensity and rates of death. Among deceased subjects, there was a concentration of unemployed, under educated and low socioeconomic status subjects. Conclusions: After the earthquake, the higher rates of deaths occurred among older people and in the region of the epicenter of the earthquake. Most deaths were due to trauma.http://ref.scielo.org/gmq43

    Impact of the fear of catching COVID-19 on mental health in undergraduate students: a predictive model for anxiety, depression, and insomnia

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    Most studies only describe mental health indicators (anxiety, depression, insomnia, and stress) and the risk factors associated with these indicators during the pandemic (sex, student status, and specific physical symptoms). However, no explanatory studies have been found that assess the impact of variables associated with COVID-19. Against this background, the objective of the study was to evaluate the impact of the fear of catching COVID-19 on the level of anxiety, depression, and insomnia in 947 university students of both sexes (41.6% males and 58.4% females) between the ages of 18 and 35 (M = 21.6; SD = 3.4). The Fear of catching COVID-19 Scale, the Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7), the Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9), and the Insomnia Severity Index (ISI) were used to measure the variables. The results of the study show that the fear of catching COVID-19 significantly influences the level of anxiety (β =.52; p <.01), insomnia (β =.44; p<.01), and depression (β =.50; p <.01) experienced by university students (χ2 = 2075.93; df = 371; p =.000; RMSEA =.070 [CI 90%.067–.073]; SRMR =.055; CFI =.95; TLI =.94). The descriptive results show that a notable percentage of university students present significant symptoms of anxiety (23%), depression (24%), and insomnia (32.9%). It is concluded that the fear of catching COVID-19 is a serious health problem since it influences the appearance of anxiety, depression and insomnia symptoms. © 2021, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature