122 research outputs found

    Enhancement opportunities of Estoian grape and appleproduction for small producers

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    Uurimistöö eesmĂ€rk oli vĂ€lja selgitada, kas Eestis kasvatatavatest viinamarjadest ning Ă”untest oleks vĂ”imalik edasisel vÀÀrindamisel kvaliteetset toodangut saada. Kahe uuritava kultuuri edasisel vÀÀrindamisel saadud veini ning veini destillaati (veinipiiritust) vĂ”rreldi omakorda pikkade traditsioonidega veinimaa Itaalia toodanguga. Töö hĂŒpotees eeldas, et eestimaistest viinamarjadest ning Ă”untest on vĂ”imalik toota kĂ”rgekvaliteedilist destillaati. Tulenevalt pĂŒstitatud hĂŒpoteesist oli uurimistöö eesmĂ€rkideks selgitada vĂ€lja destillaatides leiduvad ĂŒhendid, et leida erinevused ning sarnasused kodumaiste ning Itaalia destillaatide vahel, samuti leida vastava tootegrupi destillaadi iseloomulikud ĂŒhendid. VĂ”rreldud maade (Eesti ja Itaalia) ja kultuuride (Ă”un ja viinamari) pĂ”hised destillaadid eristusid ĂŒksteisest oma keemilise koostise poolest oluliselt. Eestimaiste destillaatide lĂ”hna pĂ”hjustavad peamiselt kĂ”rgemad alkoholid ja estrid, samas kui Itaalia pĂ€ritolu destillaatidel on lĂ”hna andvateks ĂŒhenditeks alkoholid, ketoonid, tsĂŒklilised ĂŒhendid ja vĂ€hesemal mÀÀral ka estrid. Uuringu kĂ€igus ei tuvastatud ĂŒhestki destillaadist metanooli, etanaali, millele on Euroopa Liidu seadusandlusega kehtestatud piirkontsentratsioonid. Oma keemilise koostise poolest erinevad eestimaised destillaadid vĂ€ga selgelt Itaalia omadest. Samas vĂ”imaldab nende omapĂ€rane keemiline koostis luua nende baasil uut kvaliteetset piirkonnale ainupĂ€rast iseloomulikku toodet. Seega vĂ”ib jĂ€reldada, et töös pĂŒstitatud ĂŒlesanded lahendati, töö eesmĂ€rk tĂ€ideti ja hĂŒpotees leidis kinnitust.The aim of this current study was to determine if the cultivated grapes and apples in Estonia can be further value added to get a final product with a higher quality. During the further value addition to the two studied cultures obtained, wine and wine distillate (wine spirit) was compared in turn to a long tradition wine-producing country – specifically Italian production. The hypothesis of the current work assumed that, from the grapes and apples of Estonian origin a high quality distillate can be produced. According to the hypothesis, the aims of this study were to determine the chemical compounds in distillates in order to find the differences and similarities between the local and Italian distillates. Moreover, the goal was set to find the typical compounds that are in accordance to specific distillate type. The chromatographical analyses showed that the most common compound group in distillates was higher alcohols. The most common compounds found in distillates were butanol and 3- methyl-butanol. In terms of differentiation groups by ester content, Estonian grape and apple distillates were clearly different, thus a smaller content of esters was determined in Italian distillates. Based on the analysis of ketones and cyclic compounds, the grape distillates of Italian origin distinguished from the grape distillates that originated from Estonia. Thus, these compounds were not determined at all in the grape distillates of Estonian origin. Compared to the origin (Italy, Estonia) and used cultures (wines, apples) the chemical composition of distillates was significantly different from each other. The odour of Estonian distillates was mainly caused by the higher alcohols and esters, while grape distillates of Italian origin the main compounds of odour were alcohols, ketones, cyclic compounds and esters at a smaller level. In the frames of the current study no methanol, acetaldehyde were detected in any of the distillates. By their chemical composition, distillates of Estonian and Italian origin are clearly different from each other. At the same time unique chemical composition of Estonian origin distillates could lay the basis for the production of region specific product of high quality. Thus, we can conclude that the aims set were achieved, the study objectives were performed and the hypothesis was confirmed

    Evaluation of methods and applications for behavioural profiling of transgenic mice

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    During the last 10-15 years interest in mouse behavioural analysis has evolved considerably. The driving force is development in molecular biological techniques that allow manipulation of the mouse genome by changing the expression of genes. Therefore, with some limitations it is possible to study how genes participate in regulation of physiological functions and to create models explaining genetic contribution to various pathological conditions. The first aim of our study was to establish a framework for behavioural phenotyping of genetically modified mice. We established comprehensive battery of tests for the initial screening of mutant mice. These included tests for exploratory and locomotor activity, emotional behaviour, sensory functions, and cognitive performance. Our interest was in the behavioural patterns of common background strains used for genetic manipulations in mice. Additionally we studied the behavioural effect of sex differences, test history, and individual housing. Our findings highlight the importance of careful consideration of genetic background for analysis of mutant mice. It was evident that some backgrounds may mask or modify the behavioural phenotype of mutants and thereby lead to false positive or negative findings. Moreover, there is no universal strain that is equally suitable for all tests, and using different backgrounds allows one to address possible phenotype modifying factors. We discovered that previous experience affected performance in several tasks. The most sensitive traits were the exploratory and emotional behaviour, as well as motor and nociceptive functions. Therefore, it may be essential to repeat some of the tests in naïve animals for assuring the phenotype. Social isolation for a long time period had strong effects on exploratory behaviour, but also on learning and memory. All experiments revealed significant interactions between strain and environmental factors (test history or housing condition) indicating genotype-dependent effects of environmental manipulations. Several mutant line analyses utilize this information. For example, we studied mice overexpressing as well as those lacking extracellular matrix protein heparin-binding growth-associated molecule (HB-GAM), and mice lacking N-syndecan (a receptor for HB-GAM). All mutant mice appeared to be fertile and healthy, without any apparent neurological or sensory defects. The lack of HB-GAM and N-syndecan, however, significantly reduced the learning capacity of the mice. On the other hand, overexpression of HB-GAM resulted in facilitated learning. Moreover, HB-GAM knockout mice displayed higher anxiety-like behaviour, whereas anxiety was reduced in HB-GAM overexpressing mice. Changes in hippocampal plasticity accompanied the behavioural phenotypes. We conclude that HB-GAM and N-syndecan are involved in the modulation of synaptic plasticity in hippocampus and play a role in regulation of anxiety- and learning-related behaviour.Kiinnostus hiiren kÀyttÀytymistutkimukseen laboratorio-olosuhteissa on kasvanut huomattavasti molekyylibiologian ja geenitekniikan menetelmien kehittymisen johdosta viimeisten 10-15 vuoden aikana. Geenien poistamisen tai siirtÀmisen avulla on mahdollisuus arvioida geenien toimintaa fysiologisissa prosesseissa sekÀ sairausmekanismeissa. KÀyttÀytymisen arvioinnilla on hermostotutkimuksessa keskeinen osa, ja siksi kaivataan lisÀtietoa erilaisista hiirikannoista ja myös ympÀristön vaikutuksista kÀyttÀytymisilmiasuun. VÀitöskirjatyöni (erÀs) tavoite oli perustaa sopivat ja kattavat koeasetelmat erilaisten geneettisesti muunneltujen hiirten kÀyttÀytymisen analyysia varten. Koesarjassa pystytÀÀn arvioimaan elÀinten liikkumista ja aktiivisuutta, emotionaalista tilaa, sensorisia ja motorisia kykyjÀ sekÀ oppimista ja muistia. SisÀsiittoisissa hiirikannoissa on huomattavia ilmiasun eroja, joten geenimuunneltujen hiirten analyysissÀ on tÀrkeÀÀ ottaa huomioon myös geneettinen tausta. VÀitöskirjatyössÀ tutkittiin kannasta ja sukupuolesta johtuvia kÀyttÀytymiseroja viidessÀ hiirikannassa. TÀmÀn lisÀksi tutkittiin uroshiirillÀ myös kokemuksen ja yksinasumisen vaikutusta. VÀitöskirjatyöstÀ saadut havainnot korostavat geneettisen taustan tÀrkeyttÀ geenimuunneltujen hiirten tutkimisessa. Hyvin perusteltujen johtopÀÀtösten kannalta olisi tÀrkeÀÀ tutkia siirto- ja poistogeenisiÀ hiiriÀ ainakin kahdessa eri kannassa. VielÀ tÀrkeÀmpi saattaa olla ympÀristöolosuhteiden vaikutus. Esimerkiksi koesarjassa saatu kokemus voi aiheuttaa muutoksia hiirten kÀyttÀytymisessÀ. ErittÀin herkkÀ tÀssÀ suhteessa oli liikkumis- ja tutkimusaktiivisuus sekÀ ahdistuneisuus, mutta myös motorinen kyky ja kipuaisti. Saattaa olla tarpeellista toistaa kokeita uusilla hiirillÀ ilman edellistÀ testikokemusta. Yksin asuminen (sosiaalinen isolaatio) vaikutti voimakkaasti tutkimuskÀyttÀytymiseen sekÀ oppimiseen ja muistiin. Kaikissa kokeissa todettiin merkittÀvÀÀ vuorovaikutusta kannan ja olosuhteiden vÀlillÀ. VÀitöskirjatyön tietoja kantojen vertailusta ja olosuhteiden vaikutuksesta on hyödynnetty useiden geenimuunneltujen hiirien karakterisoinnissa. Tutkimustulosten tulkinnan helpottamiseksi tarvitaan jatkuvaa koeasetelmien kehitystÀ sekÀ erityisesti ympÀristön vaikutusten harkintaa

    Identifying the factors affecting the purchase decisions of handicraft consumers at the example of estonia

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    Magistritöö Majandusarvestuse ja finantsjuhtimise Ă”ppekavalTarbijate planeeritud kĂ€itumine ja tegelik kĂ€itumine vĂ”ib erineda, kuna tarbijaid mĂ”jutavad erinevad isiklikud, sotsiaalsed ja informatsioonilised faktorid. Inimeste ostukĂ€itumine vĂ”ib olla suunatud tootele vĂ”i protsessile. Uurimistöö pĂ”hineb planeeritud kĂ€itumise teooriale. Andmete kogumiseks kasutati mixed-meetodi, kus kombineeriti kvalitatiivseid ja kvantitatiivseid uurimismeetodeid. Uurimistöö tulemustest selgus, et Eesti kĂ€sitöötarbijate ostukĂ€itumises on teatav hedonistlik element, nende ostukĂ€itumine on suunatud pigem protsessile ja neile on oluline isiklik suhtlus mĂŒĂŒjaga. KĂ€sitöötoodete tarbimisega seotud vÀÀrtushinnanguid ja hoiakuid uurides selgus ka, et tarbijatele on oluline toetada eesti kĂ€sitöötraditsiooni sĂ€ilimist, kĂ€sitööettevĂ”tluse arengut ja tarbida keskkonnasÀÀstlikult. Uurimistöö jĂ€reldusi saavad kasutada kĂ€sitöömeistrid tĂ”husamate turundusstrateegiate vĂ€ljatöötamiseks.Behaviour planned by the consumer might differ from their actual behaviour, because consumers are affected by personal, social and informational factors. Consumers buying behaviour might be product oriented or process oriented. This research is based on the Theory of Planned Behavior. Mixed method of combining qualitative and quantitative research methods were used to collect data. This research shows buying behaviour of Estonian handicraft consumers has a hedonistic element: Their buying behaviour is directed towards the process and it is important to have a personal connection with the artisan. Examination of values and biases associated with handicraft consumption concluded that supporting the preservation of Estonian handicraft traditions, evolution of handicraft entrepeneurship and environment friendly consumption is important to a consumer. Artisans can use the conclusions of this research to develop more effective market strategies

    Role of CCK in anti-exploratory action of paroxetine, 5-HT reuptake inhibitor

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    The administration of paroxetine (0.5–8 mg/kg), a selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitor, induced a dose-dependent reduction of exploratory activity of rats in the motility test. In the elevated plus-maze paroxetine was less effective, only 8 mg/kg of paroxetine decreased the exploratory behaviour of rats. The doses of paroxetine (2–8 mg/kg) reducing the exploratory activity in the motility test increased the density of CCK receptors in the frontal cortex, but not in the hippocampus. The treatment of rats with the CCKB receptor antagonist LY288,513 (0.01–1 mg/kg) did not change the exploratory activity. However, the reduction of exploratory activity induced by the low dose of paroxetine (2 mg/kg), but not by the higher dose (8 mg/kg), was dose-dependently reversed by the administration of LY288,513. Moreover, LY288,513 did not affect the anti-exploratory action of paroxetine (8 mg/kg) in the elevated plus-maze. Diazepam at doses (0.5–1.0 mg/kg) not suppressing the locomotor activity did not change the anti-exploratory action of paroxetine in the motility test. It is likely that the anti-exploratory action of a low dose of paroxetine (2 mg/kg) is not related to the increase in anxiety, but rather to the reduction of exploratory drive. Evidence exists that this effect of paroxetine is mediated via the activation of CCK-ergic transmission

    Two-fold elevation of endogenous GDNF levels in mice improves motor coordination without causing side-effects

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    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) promotes the survival of dopaminergic neurons in vitro and in vivo. For this reason, GDNF is currently in clinical trials for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD). However, how endogenous GDNF influences dopamine system function and animal behavior is not fully understood. We recently generated GDNF hypermorphic mice that express increased levels of endogenous GDNF from the native locus, resulting in augmented function of the nigrostriatal dopamine system. Specifically, Gdnf wt/hyper mice have a mild increase in striatal and midbrain dopamine levels, increased dopamine transporter activity, and 15% increased numbers of midbrain dopamine neurons and striatal dopaminergic varicosities. Since changes in the dopamine system are implicated in several neuropsychiatric diseases, including schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and depression, and ectopic GDNF delivery associates with side-effects in PD models and clinical trials, we further investigated Gdnf wt/hyper mice using 20 behavioral tests. Despite increased dopamine levels, dopamine release and dopamine transporter activity, there were no differences in psychiatric disease related phenotypes. However, compared to controls, male Gdnf wt/hyper mice performed better in tests measuring motor function. Therefore, a modest elevation of endogenous GDNF levels improves motor function but does not induce adverse behavioral outcomes.Peer reviewe

    Towards developing a model to study alcohol drinking and craving in female mice housed in automated cages

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    It is about half a century ago when the so-called "Wise model" to study alcohol drinking behavior in rats was established. The model was based on voluntary intermittent access to increasing concentrations of alcohol. We aimed to establish a model of alcohol craving and used an extinction test on withdrawal days 1 and 10 to study motivation for alcohol. For this purpose, the alcohol drinking training was paired with light cues to establish conditioning. The extinction test was carried out without alcohol but in the presence of light cues and empty bottles. The outcome measures were number of visits, nosepokes, and licks in the conditioned corner where the number of nosepokes represents how much mice "want" alcohol and number of licks shows how much mice "like" alcohol. The number of nosepokes during withdrawal is a measure of craving. Late withdrawal craving was found when intermittent alcohol access was carried out in the automated cages. In this case, we observed a significant increase in the number of nosepokes on both withdrawal days 1 and 10 as compared to water control. The number of nosepokes in the withdrawal days did not correlate with alcohol dose, but number of nosepokes on withdrawal day 1 correlated with the number of nosepokes on the last training day. Although we did not observe incubation of alcohol craving after withdrawal, the craving was increased at the late time point. We conclude that we have established a new tool to study alcohol drinking behavior and craving in female mice.Peer reviewe

    Chronic 2-Fold Elevation of Endogenous GDNF Levels Is Safe and Enhances Motor and Dopaminergic Function in Aged Mice

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    Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) supports function and survival of dopamine neurons that degenerate in Parkinson's disease (PD). Ectopic delivery of GDNF in clinical trials to treat PD is safe but lacks significant therapeutic effect. In pre-clinical models, ectopic GDNF is effective but causes adverse effects, including downregulation of tyrosine hydroxylase, only a transient boost in dopamine metabolism, aberrant neuronal sprouting, and hyperactivity. Hindering development of GDNF mimetic increased signaling via GDNF receptor RET by activating mutations results in cancer. Safe and effective mode of action must be defined first in animal models to develop successful GDNF-based therapies. Previously we showed that about a 2-fold increase in endogenous GDNF expression is safe and results in increased motor and dopaminergic function and protection in a PD model in young animals. Recently, similar results were reported using a novel Gdnf mRNA-targeting strategy. Next, it is important to establish the safety of a long-term increase in endogenous GDNF expression. We report behavioral, dopamine system, and cancer analysis of five cohorts of aged mice with a 2-fold increase in endogenous GDNF. We found a sustained increase in dopamine levels, improvement in motor learning, and no side effects or cancer. These results support the rationale for further development of endogenous GDNF-based treatments and GDNF mimetic.Peer reviewe

    Opportunities for improving animal welfare in rodent models of epilepsy and seizures

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    Animal models of epilepsy and seizures, mostly involving mice and rats, are used to understand the pathophysiology of the different forms of epilepsy and their comorbidities, to identify biomarkers, and to discover new antiepileptic drugs and treatments for comorbidities. Such models represent an important area for application of the 3Rs (replacement, reduction and refinement of animal use). This report provides background information and recommendations aimed at minimising pain, suffering and distress in rodent models of epilepsy and seizures in order to improve animal welfare and optimise the quality of studies in this area. The report includes practical guidance on principles of choosing a model, induction procedures, in vivo recordings, perioperative care, welfare assessment, humane endpoints, social housing, environmental enrichment, reporting of studies and data sharing. In addition, some model-specific welfare considerations are discussed, and data gaps and areas for further research are identified. The guidance is based upon a systematic review of the scientific literature, survey of the international epilepsy research community, consultation with veterinarians and animal care and welfare officers, and the expert opinion and practical experience of the members of a Working Group convened by the United Kingdom's National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs)

    Prolonged Depression-Like Behavior Caused by Immune Challenge: Influence of Mouse Strain and Social Environment

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    Immune challenge by bacterial lipopolysaccharide (LPS) causes short-term behavioral changes indicative of depression. The present study sought to explore whether LPS is able to induce long-term changes in depression-related behavior and whether such an effect depends on mouse strain and social context. LPS (0.83 mg/kg) or vehicle was administered intraperitoneally to female CD1 and C57BL/6 mice that were housed singly or in groups of 4. Depression-like behavior was assessed with the forced swim test (FST) 1 and 28 days post-treatment. Group-housed CD1 mice exhibited depression-like behavior 1 day post-LPS, an effect that leveled off during the subsequent 28 days, while the behavior of singly housed CD1 mice was little affected. In contrast, singly housed C57BL/6 mice responded to LPS with an increase in depression-like behavior that was maintained for 4 weeks post-treatment and confirmed by the sucrose preference test. Group-housed C57BL/6 mice likewise displayed an increased depression-like behavior 4 weeks post-treatment. The behavioral changes induced by LPS in C57BL/6 mice were associated with a particularly pronounced rise of interleukin-6 in blood plasma within 1 day post-treatment and with changes in the dynamics of the corticosterone response to the FST. The current data demonstrate that immune challenge with LPS is able to induce prolonged depression-like behavior, an effect that depends on genetic background (strain). The discovery of an experimental model of long-term depression-like behavior after acute immune challenge is of relevance to the analysis of the epigenetic and pathophysiologic mechanisms of immune system-related affective disorders

    Effects of an Early Handling-Like Procedure and Individual Housing on Anxiety-Like Behavior in Adult C57BL/6J and DBA/2J Mice

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    Manipulations of rearing conditions have been used to examine the effects of early experience on adult behavior with varying results. Evidence suggests that postnatal days (PND) 15–21 are a time of particular susceptibility to environmental influences on anxiety-like behavior in mice. To examine this, we subjected C57BL/6J and DBA/2J mice to an early handling-like procedure. Pups were separated from dams from PND 12–20 for 30 minutes daily or received standard care. On PND 21, pups were weaned and either individually- or group- housed. On PND 60, anxiety-like behavior was examined on the elevated zero-maze. Although individually- housed animals took longer to enter an open quadrant of the maze, they spent more time in the open than group-housed animals. Additionally, we observed a trend of reduced anxiety-like behavior in C57BL/6J, but not DBA/2J mice that underwent the handling-like procedure
