11 research outputs found

    A comparative study of STBC transmissions at 2.4 GHz over indoor channels using a 2 × 2 MIMO testbed

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    In this paper we employ a 2×2 Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) hardware platform to evaluate, in realistic indoor scenarios, the performance of different space-time block coded (STBC) transmissions at 2.4GHz. In particular, we focus on the Alamouti orthogonal scheme considering two types of channel state information (CSI) estimation: a conventional pilot-aided supervised technique and a recently proposed blind method based on second-order statistics (SOS). For comparison purposes, we also evaluate the performance of a Differential (non-coherent) space-time block coding (DSTBC). DSTBC schemes have the advantage of not requiring CSI estimation but they incur in a 3dB loss in performance. The hardware MIMO platform is based on high-performance signal acquisition and generation boards, each one equipped with a 1GB memory module that allows the transmission of extremely large data frames. Upconversion to RF is performed by two RF vector signal generators whereas downconversion is carried out with two custom circuits designed from commercial components. All the baseband signal processing is implemented off-line in MATLAB®, making the MIMO testbed very flexible and easily reconfigurable. Using this platform we compare the performance of the described methods in line-of-sight (LOS) and non-line-of-sight (NLOS) indoor scenarios.This work has been supported by Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia of Spain, Xunta de Galicia and FEDER funds of the European Union under grant numbers TEC2004-06451-C05-02, TEC2004-06451-C05-01, PGIDT05PXIC10502PN, and FPU grants AP2004-5127 and AP2006-2965

    Plataforma hardware para el desarrollo de sistemas MIMO

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    In this work we present a low-cost and flexible 2×2 MIMO testbed operating on the ISM band of 2.4 GHz with a total bandwith of 20 MHz. The transmitter and receiver baseband modules are PCs equipped with ADCs, DACs, memories, DSPs and FPGAs modules that allow a data transfer rate up to 200 MB/s per channel. Signals are generated at an IF of 15 MHz, upconverted to RF by two signal generators and downconverted to 15 MHz by means of two circuits specifically designed for this platform

    Propuesta metodológica para la detección de áreas singulares de vegetación y flora en las áreas no protegidas de la comunidad de Madrid

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    Assessment of flora and vegetation constitutes one of the basic tools for the management of the natural environment, as this is an indicator of the state of conservation of the territory. A methodology is proposed for the assessment of flora and vegetation based upon non-compensatory type multicriteria evaluation techniques implemented within GIS. Due to its marked agricultural character, the study area presents no significant value for flora and vegetation. We can only highlight some areas close to the Guadarrama Mountains and some areas where Ilex coccifera and gypsiferous shrublands are present at the southeast part of the region. This study is part of a global environmental assessment project of currently unprotected territories in the Madrid region and attempts to reveal spaces that are eligible for protection due to their environmental quality and state of conservation.La valoración de la flora y la vegetación constituye una de las herramientas básicas para la gestión del medio natural, al constituir un indicador del estado de conservación del territorio. Se propone una metodología para la valoración de la flora y la vegetación basada en técnicas de evaluación multicriterio de tipo no compensatorio e implementada en los SIG. Debido al marcado carácter agrario que tiene la zona de estudio, la mayor parte del ámbito no presenta un valor de vegetación y flora relevante. Destacan únicamente algunos espacios próximos a la Sierra de Guadarrama y algunas áreas de coscojares y matorrales gipsícolas del sureste de la región. Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de valoración ambiental global de aquellos territorios actualmente no protegidos en la región de Madrid, con el fin de detectar posibles espacios susceptibles de ser protegidos por su calidad ambiental y estado de conservación

    Propuesta metodológica para la detección de áreas singulares de vegetación y flora en las áreas no protegidas de la comunidad de Madrid

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    Assessment of flora and vegetation constitutes one of the basic tools for the management of the natural environment, as this is an indicator of the state of conservation of the territory. A methodology is proposed for the assessment of flora and vegetation based upon non-compensatory type multicriteria evaluation techniques implemented within GIS. Due to its marked agricultural character, the study area presents no significant value for flora and vegetation. We can only highlight some areas close to the Guadarrama Mountains and some areas where Ilex coccifera and gypsiferous shrublands are present at the southeast part of the region. This study is part of a global environmental assessment project of currently unprotected territories in the Madrid region and attempts to reveal spaces that are eligible for protection due to their environmental quality and state of conservation.La valoración de la flora y la vegetación constituye una de las herramientas básicas para la gestión del medio natural, al constituir un indicador del estado de conservación del territorio. Se propone una metodología para la valoración de la flora y la vegetación basada en técnicas de evaluación multicriterio de tipo no compensatorio e implementada en los SIG. Debido al marcado carácter agrario que tiene la zona de estudio, la mayor parte del ámbito no presenta un valor de vegetación y flora relevante. Destacan únicamente algunos espacios próximos a la Sierra de Guadarrama y algunas áreas de coscojares y matorrales gipsícolas del sureste de la región. Este trabajo forma parte de un proyecto de valoración ambiental global de aquellos territorios actualmente no protegidos en la región de Madrid, con el fin de detectar posibles espacios susceptibles de ser protegidos por su calidad ambiental y estado de conservación

    New discoveries of vertebrate remains from the Triassic of Riba de Santiuste, Guadalajara (Spain)

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    The palaeontological sites of Riba de Santiuste and Sienes (Riba de Santiuste area) are located in the province of Guadalajara, Spain. They include a stratigraphic interval in Muschelkalk facies belonging to the “Cuesta del Castillo Sandstones” Formation and “Royuela Dolostones, Marls and Mudstones” Formation. These sites include numerous fossil plants, direct vertebrate remains, and vertebrate swim traces. The vertebrate remains correspond to a multitude of anatomical elements of Sauropterygia (Nothosauroidea, Placodontia) and possible Archosauria (Rauisuchia) remains. The fossil material attributed to nothosaurs includes teeth, coracoids, a thoracic vertebra, some isolated vertebral centra, humerus, rib fragments, and some dorsal and caudal vertebrae. The remains attributed to placodonts correspond to fragments of skull, quadrate, teeth and osteoderms. Other undetermined sauropterygian remains, such as ulnas, fragments of long bones, fragments of ribs, and articular facets of ribs have been also recovered. Additionally, a fragment of mandible and an intervertebral disk of indeterminate reptiles whose size could be compatible with archosaurs are also described. These bones are exceptionally well-preserved because the fossilization processes have preserved the microstructure of the tissues. The sites also show vertebrate traces, with parallel scratch impressions interpreted as swim traces. The relative stratigraphic position and the palaeontological content of these sites suggest a Ladinian age (Middle Triassic). The interpretation of the sedimentary facies here described also suggests that the sites could correspond to detrital-carbonate mixed deposits of coastal intertidal to supratidal environments.This work is developed within Predoctoral Research Training Grant CT45/15-CT46/15 from the UCM, and is a contribution to Research Projects CGL2015-66604 and CGL2015-68363 from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (Economy and Competitiveness Ministry)